

单词 meat
meatmeat /miːt/ ●●● S2 W3 noun Word Origin
Old English mete ‘food’
  • cold meats
  • Finally we got down to the real meat of the debate.
  • I stopped eating meat when I was 14.
  • spaghetti and meat sauce
  • Anyway, they couldn't light a fire and there was no meat.
  • His appetite for meat, pasta and pretty women is said to be undiminished.
  • Lean meat, fish, poultry, dry beans and peas: Five to six ounces cooked daily.
  • Season the buffalo meat with pepper, thyme, rosemary, salt, ground chili, and cumin.
  • The works range from the sublime, with textured prints in iridescent gold, to humorously eccentric meat and sky collages.
  • We can only afford to eat meat twice a week, the rest of the time it's beans and rice.
word sets
agrarian, adjectiveagribusiness, nounagro-, prefixagro-industry, nounanimal husbandry, nounanimal rights, nounartificial insemination, nounbale, nounbale, verbbarn, nounbarnyard, nounbattery, nounbiotechnology, nounbreadbasket, nounbreed, verbbreeding, nounbroiler, nounbroiler chicken, nounBSE, nounbuckaroo, nounbull, nounbutcher, verbbyre, nouncapon, nouncattleman, nouncattle market, nouncattle prod, nounchaff, nounchicken, nounchicken run, nouncollective farm, nouncoop, nounco-op, nouncorral, nouncorral, verbcowboy, nouncowgirl, nouncowhand, nouncowpoke, nouncreamery, nouncroft, nouncrofter, nouncrofting, nouncultivate, verbcultivation, noundairy, noundairy cattle, noundairy farm, noundairymaid, noundairyman, nounDDT, noundip, verbdip, noundirt farmer, noundrover, noundry-stone wall, noundude ranch, nounDutch barn, nounextensive agriculture, factory farming, nounfallow, adjectivefarm, nounfarm, verbfarmer, nounfarmhand, nounfarmhouse, nounfarming, nounfarmland, nounfarmstead, nounfarmyard, nounfeedstock, nounfield, nounfishery, nounfish farm, nounfish meal, nounflail, verbflail, nounfleece, nounfodder, nounfold, nounfoot and mouth disease, nounforage, nounfowl, nounfree-range, adjectivefungicide, noungamekeeper, noungeld, verbgenetically modified, adjectivegentleman farmer, nounGM, adjectivegoatherd, noungraft, noungraft, verbgranary, noungreenhouse, noungreen revolution, nounGreen Revolution, nounhacienda, nounharrow, nounhatchery, nounhayloft, nounhaymaking, nounhaystack, nounheifer, nounhen house, nounherbicide, nounherd, nounherd, verbherdsman, nounhigh-yield, adjectivehired hand, nounhomestead, nounhomestead, verbhopper, nounhorticulture, nounhusbandry, nounhutch, nouninsecticide, nounintensive agriculture, irrigate, verbJersey, nounkibbutz, nounlamb, verbland agent, nounlasso, nounlasso, verblift, verblitter, nounlivestock, nounlonghorn, nounmad cow disease, nounmanure, nounmeat, nounmerino, nounmilk, nounmilk churn, nounmilking machine, nounmilking parlour, nounmilkmaid, nounmixed farming, nounmower, nounmuck, nounmuckheap, nounnursery, nounoast house, nounorangery, nounorchard, nounorganic, adjectiveorganic farming, paddock, nounpaddy, nounpasturage, nounpasture, nounpasture, verbpastureland, nounpen, nounperpendicular, adjectivepest, nounpesticide, nounpiggery, nounpigpen, nounpigsty, nounpigswill, nounpitchfork, nounplantation, nounplanter, nounplough, nounplough, verbploughboy, nounploughman, nounploughshare, nounpoultry, nounproducer, nounpullet, nounPYO, raise, verbranch, nounrancher, nounranching, nounrange, nounranger, nounrear, verbrick, nounrubber, nounrun, nounrustle, verbscarecrow, nounscythe, nounsharecropper, nounshare-cropper, nounshear, verbshearer, nounsheep-dip, nounsheepdog, nounsheep-pen, nounshepherd, nounshepherdess, nounsickle, nounsilage, nounsilo, nounslaughter, verbslaughterhouse, nounsmallholding, nounsow, verbsow, nounsprayer, nounstable, nounstable, verbstable boy, nounstall, nounstation, nounsteer, nounstock, nounstockbreeder, nounstockman, nounstockyard, nounstubble, nounsty, nounswill, nounswine, nounswineherd, nountenant farmer, nounterrace, nounthresh, verbthreshing machine, nountractor, nountrough, nountruck farm, nountrue, adverbudder, nounvillein, nounvineyard, nounweedkiller, nounweevil, nounwheat, nounwheatgerm, nounwheatmeal, nounwinnow, verbwool, nounwrangler, nounyoke, nounyoke, verb
· I don't eat meat - I'm vegetarian.· People are eating less meat these days.
(=contain meat)· Does this stew have meat in it?
(=not cooked)· The dogs are fed on raw meat.
· How will I know when the meat is cooked?
(=not cooked enough)· Eating undercooked meat can make you very ill.
(=difficult to chew)· The meat was tough and chewy.
(=with little fat)· Try to eat more lean meat, fish and chicken.
(=with a lot of fat)· People are being urged to eat less fatty meat.
(=a dark-coloured meat such as beef)· For health reasons, you should eat less red meat.
(=a light-coloured meat such as chicken)· White meat is supposed to be healthier.
British English (=a large piece of meat, sometimes containing a bone)· He began to carve the joint of meat.
(=a joint of meat taken from a particular part of an animal)· Cheaper cuts of meat can be tough.
(=a thin piece of meat cut from a larger piece)· He helped himself to another slice of meat.
(=a person or animal that that eats meat)· I’m not a big meat eater, but I do like chicken.
· meat products like sausages, pies and burgers
 the weekly meat ration a coal ration of 4 kg a month
(=used in cooking)
· Whale meat was once part of the local people's diet.
· I took out some of the bread and cold meat roll I had brought as my supper.· Any thinly sliced salami works well, also cold roast meat with garlic and chilli sauce.· Use cold meat as the basis of a winter salad with apples, celery and walnuts.· Monday dinner was always cold meat, for the washing would have taken all morning.· Bernice wondered if there had been anything in the cold meat the woman had eaten.
· One word to the Wee Green P, old son, and you're dead meat.· Look after yourself, and particularly your voice and your memory, for without these you are dead meat.· Hardly surprising really considering it feels not dissimilar from a hunk of exceedingly dead meat!· They also facilitated the movement of perishable dead meat quite long distances.
· Unprotected by a shell, they are easy meat for insect larvae and flatworms.· If we think they are easy meat we will end up with egg on our faces.· If her own mind could play tricks like that, she'd be easy meat for any of those giant prawns.· Quakers were easy meat at home.· For the police, the freelancers are relatively easy meat.· With most of the control surfaces shot away, they were easy meat for a Messerschmitt.
· You can see so little as you blunder on that you are an easy target for any animal seeking fresh meat.· Thawed meat is as perishable as fresh meat.· She only purchased unpackaged products, which she bore home in her ancient shopping bag. Fresh meat, fruit and veg.· At the time, Sims also said it planned to dispose of its fresh red meat business.· The check-out clerks normally pack the already neatly wrapped fresh meat for you in a plastic bag.· Cost could be less than that of fresh meat cuts.· Unlike most other fabled beasts it preferred to scavenge carrion from the forest floor rather than kill for fresh meat.· They shot a buck and scared a bighorn lamb off a cliff, their first fresh meat in weeks.
· He prescribed a diet, which included these tiny gourmet tins of prime lean meat in savoury jelly.· Perhaps it should be noted that many persons will think that three ounces of cooked lean meat make a stingy portion.· Eat lean meat and try fish, chicken or rabbit instead of red meat.· She uses a thick, crunchy cornmeal coating to protect the lean meat.· Supertrim is specially selected lean quality meat, ready trimmed, so little if any preparation is necessary.· Stillman was a strict carnivore, allowing his patients to eat only lean meat, poultry, eggs, and low-fat cheeses.· Eggs and lean red meat are quite acceptable in moderation.· Quality refers to the characteristics associated with tenderness, juiciness, and flavor of lean meat.
· After much discussion, the Cun traded a bag of raw meat in exchange for the travellers.· Wash your hands after using the bathroom, before beginning food preparation and after working with raw meat or poultry.· By its very nature, raw meat will contain some bacteria.· Juices left in bags that contained raw meat can contaminate the cooked leftovers.· Wash your hands and all cooking utensils and surfaces after preparing raw meat.· Thoroughly wash the containers and all surfaces 011 which raw meat or poultry have been placed. 4.· Keep it that way by preventing it coming into contact with raw meat, poultry and fish.· They pat me on the head and throw a few chunks of raw meat into my bowl.
· The survey said that for the first time, there was a shift in reasons given for cutting back on red meat.· When we landed, I saw a red mass of meat hanging off a tree branch.· At the time, Sims also said it planned to dispose of its fresh red meat business.· Lumps of steak pie; livid red meat, clammy puff pastry.· No one touched red meat anymore.· We should cut down on red meat, always choose lean cuts and eat more white meats, such as chicken and turkey.· Jerky is dried, not cooked, meat and can be easily made at home with any of the red meat game.
· Serve them chilled either as an aperitif or try them with white meat, poultry dishes and cheeses.· Dark meat has long been considered fatter and less tender than white meat, but more flavourful.· Your white meat Is nightmare food.· Authentic chicken is another good choice, tender pieces of white meat chicken basted with a mild yellow sauce reminiscent of curry.· The muscle fibres of white meat, by contrast, have a low content of myoglobin and mitochondria.· Except the last two, all are made with white meat.· Keep the creamy brown body meat separate from the flaked white claw meat.
· His voice churned like a meat grinder that had long been abused by its owner.
· They'd laid in for a siege with dozens of eggs, cans of luncheon meat, and tea.· With relatives of the luncheon meat hanging from the racks overhead, the taste seemed different.· These included worms, bread, cheese and meat baits, of which sausage meat and luncheon meat were the most popular.· He lived off squares of luncheon meat and swills of tea.
· O'Lone had memories of meat pies and new potatoes, followed by sponge pudding.· I can still see her, tucking those little meat pies inside her leather jacket.· Fresh hose a clean shirt, a cup of claret, a meat pie and a manchet loaf!· Then he ate meat pie and drank tea and could not recall a meal that tasted better.· Leave some of the pastry crust when having meat pies. 4.· Melton Mowbray - those delicious meat pies.· Avoid quiches, pasties and meat pies, but don't be shy of the ubiquitous baked potato.· She's sure to have got out the best china and baked a meat pie or something.
· Eat fewer fatty foods such as processed meats and meat products, pies, pastries, crisps and ice cream.· They do not taste like poultry but instead taste like the meat products for which they are named.· Heal Farm delivers all types of meat and meat products - from lamb burgers to ready-marinated chunks for casseroles.· But meat, meat products and poultry need special care.
· To make sure the meat is cooked through, you should use a meat thermometer.· Kantor suggested using a meat thermometer.· Use a meat thermometer if possible.· The best test of doneness, however, is the meat thermometer.· Insert a meat thermometer to check internal temperature: 135 for medium rare; 150 for medium.
· The three countries are preparing to resume the slaughter of whales for profit and restart the international trade in whale meat.· There are some, Ishmael tells us, who, like Stubb, find whale meat a great delicacy.· Both species are being exploited increasingly as a substitute to whale meat.· No, he Says, let some one else savor the whale meat.· The whales were being killed for sport because the islanders did not require whale meat for survival, she added.· Some, however, continue to end up as whale meat in restaurants.
· It was an enormous step for man to cease to be reliant on vegetation, and to add meat to his diet.· Interesting examples that support your point always help to add meat to the bone of your document.· Add onion and garlic to frying pan and cook until just soft. Add to meat and mix well.· She added meat juices, onions, spices.· Next, add the meat, soy sauce, green onions, and deep-fried bean curd.· Add onion and garlic and saute until tender. Add meat, and brown on all sides.
· There we hoped to buy fruit, meat, sugar, sand-ladders and inner tubes.· In February, questions surfaced about a $ 33. 7 million contract to buy a soy-based meat substitute called VitaPro.· She has stopped buying meat, and sometimes can not even afford bread.· A consumer must make several decisions when buying meat for the freezer.
· Set aside and then cook your meat and fish.· Tightly wrap or store in covered containers all cooked meat, poultry, and fish and shellfish and refrigerate them promptly.· We further demonstrate our human uniqueness by cooking the meat.· Any leftover cooked buffalo meat from roasts can be added just long enough to warm it thoroughly.· They cooked strips of its meat over a fierce wood fire, but the old man's appetite was small.· Perhaps it should be noted that many persons will think that three ounces of cooked lean meat make a stingy portion.· If you thaw by microwave, cook the meat immediately.· Jerky is dried, not cooked, meat and can be easily made at home with any of the red meat game.
· We should cut down on red meat, always choose lean cuts and eat more white meats, such as chicken and turkey.· Remove rabbit, separate meat from bones, discard bones, cut meat into bite-sized pieces and set aside.· Hold the knife horizontally and cut between meat and end rib to free the beef.· He watched Bedford cut his meat and eat it.· Pour into the pastry cases and bake for 6-9 minutes. 6. Cut meat into medallions.· I cut up meat for him.· Reducing fat from meat: 1. Cut visible fat off meat. 2.· Note: Ask the butcher or deli person to cut the smoked meat for you in one thick slice.
· Vultures the world over eat meat so rotten it makes one's stomach churn just thinking about it.· Of all these horsemen, not a tenth, not even a twentieth eat meat on the march.· Nor did any allergic reactions arise in those who ate the meat of animals who had been fed a gene-spliced soybean diet.· Stillman was a strict carnivore, allowing his patients to eat only lean meat, poultry, eggs, and low-fat cheeses.· Tony ate his meat and potatoes and drank two cups of strong, sweet tea.
· They provided meat, eggs, probably feathers and, when available in large enough quantities, manure.· The remaining wholesale cuts provide hamburger, stew meat, short ribs, flank steak, and brisket of beef.· The results of research have indicated that there are already too many fast food operators providing meat in burger form.· The saddle and tenderloin can also sometimes be found, and they provide very succulent meat.
· Add the beef and cook quickly on all sides until browned. Remove the meat from the pan. 3.· The next day, remove meat and drain on paper towels.· Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer 45 minutes. Remove meat from pot, draining liquid.· Add chicken and sausage to hot oil, turning frequently to ensure even browning. Remove meat to separate container.· With slotted spoon, remove meat from stew.· Remove the lamb shanks with tongs, and when cool enough to handle, remove and shred the meat.
· Even as a small boy, I admired the wonderfully simple system which enabled Mr. Thomas to sell a great deal of meat.· Visit several grocery stores which sell meat.· In 1878, the Citterio family started selling their cured meat to a grateful public in Milan.· Farmers are also worried about whether they would be able to sell milk and meat from vaccinated animals.· Women sell barbecued meat and peanuts beneath the shade of a sacred banyan tree.· Athelstan studied the notice posted above the prisoner's head and gathered that he was a butcher who had sold putrid meat.· Once on the continent, they can be sold for meat if nothing else.· In 1912 an official estimated that as many cattle were sold for meat as for transportation and agriculture combined.
· One carried a message warning the restaurant to stop serving meat.· Note that this is less than one half of an average serving of meat. 7.· This restaurant serves no drink, this one serves no meat, this one serves no heterosexuals.
  • But the meat and potatoes of the newscast is the gathering, preparing, and presentation of the news.
  • These figures are heroes to conservatives for their espousal of policies that are meat and drink to the right, especially abortion.
somebody doesn’t have much meat on him/her
  • Matt, you need some more meat on your bones!
one man’s meat is another man’s poison
  • If her own mind could play tricks like that, she'd be easy meat for any of those giant prawns.
  • If we think they are easy meat we will end up with egg on our faces.
  • Quakers were easy meat at home.
  • Unprotected by a shell, they are easy meat for insect larvae and flatworms.
  • With most of the control surfaces shot away, they were easy meat for a Messerschmitt.
  • A world devoid of tomato soup, tomato sauce, tomato ketchup and tomato paste is hard to visualize.
  • Add beer, tomatoes, and tomato paste and bring to a boil.
  • In a bowl, combine the red pepper, yoghurt, ketchup, tomato paste and Worcester sauce.
  • Lacking fresh tomatoes and meat we tried to compensate by piling tomato paste into all our stews and soups and sauces.
  • So, for a start, be miserly about tomato paste in meat sauces for pasta.
  • Stir browned onions, molasses, mustard, tomato paste, cloves and cinnamon into beans.
  • Stir in rice, tomatoes with their liquid, tomato paste, water, cumin and chiles.
  • Stir in tomato paste and tarragon.
  • Ahead of him a morose-looking man in a cardigan was sorting through slabs of meat in plastic containers.
  • One of the occupied tables contained a man and woman and child, tucking in to great slabs of meat.
  • She simply looks satisfied, as if she had just bitten into the most delicious slab of chocolate she ever tasted.
1meat (1) [countable, uncountable] the flesh of animals and birds eaten as food:  I gave up eating meat a few months ago. raw meat a meat pie a selection of cold meatsred meat (=a dark-coloured meat, for example beef)white meat (=meat that is pale in colour, for example chicken)2[uncountable] something interesting or important in a talk, book, film etc:  There’s no meat to their arguments. We then got down to the real meat of the debate (=the main and most interesting part of it).3somebody doesn’t have much meat on him/her British English, need some (more) meat on your bones American English informal used to say that someone looks very thin4one man’s meat is another man’s poison used to say that something that one person likes may not be liked by someone else5be easy meat British English informal if someone is easy meat, they are easy to defeat, deceive, or hurtmeat for San Marino should be easy meat for England in next week’s match.6the meat and potatoes American English informal the most important or basic parts of a discussion, decision, piece of work etc:  Let’s get down to the meat and potatoes. How much are you going to pay me for this?7be meat and drink to somebody British English to be something that someone enjoys doing or finds very easy to do because they have done it many times before:  The first five questions in the quiz were about football, which was meat and drink to Brian.COLLOCATIONSverbseat meat· I don't eat meat - I'm vegetarian.· People are eating less meat these days.have meat in it (=contain meat)· Does this stew have meat in it?adjectivesraw (=not cooked)· The dogs are fed on raw meat.cooked· How will I know when the meat is cooked?undercooked (=not cooked enough)· Eating undercooked meat can make you very ill.tough (=difficult to chew)· The meat was tough and chewy.lean (=with little fat)· Try to eat more lean meat, fish and chicken.fatty (=with a lot of fat)· People are being urged to eat less fatty meat.red meat (=a dark-coloured meat such as beef)· For health reasons, you should eat less red meat.white meat (=a light-coloured meat such as chicken)· White meat is supposed to be healthier.phrasesa joint of meat British English (=a large piece of meat, sometimes containing a bone)· He began to carve the joint of meat.a cut of meat (=a joint of meat taken from a particular part of an animal)· Cheaper cuts of meat can be tough.a slice of meat (=a thin piece of meat cut from a larger piece)· He helped himself to another slice of meat.




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