

单词 remit
remit1 verbremit2 noun
remitre‧mit1 /rɪˈmɪt/ verb (past tense and past participle remitted, present participle remitting) formal Word Origin
1300-1400 Latin remittere ‘to send back’
Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyremit
he, she, itremits
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyremitted
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave remitted
he, she, ithas remitted
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad remitted
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill remit
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have remitted
Continuous Form
PresentIam remitting
he, she, itis remitting
you, we, theyare remitting
PastI, he, she, itwas remitting
you, we, theywere remitting
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been remitting
he, she, ithas been remitting
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been remitting
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be remitting
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been remitting
  • He filed a tax return but failed to remit what he owed.
  • Although the move was defeated and the renationalisation policy endorsed, party members voted to remit the controversial proposal for further consideration.
  • Apparently the intention of the testator is to remit a debt, so this is in effect a bequest of liberatio.
  • I have considered whether this is a case which I should remit for hearing before the justices.
  • Landlessness was also seen as an element of poverty and encouraged large families so that children could earn and remit wages.
  • Poor households had their rates bill reduced or remitted altogether under the housing benefit scheme.
  • The airline collected the tax and remitted it to the federal government.
  • The memorandum was remitted to the officers of both bodies for detailed consideration and report at a subsequent meeting.
  • When the item is sold, the amount loaned against the item must be remitted to the lender.
word sets
above the line, adjectiveabsorption rate, acceptance sampling, accountant, nounaccount balance, accounting, nounaccounting rate of return, accrued cost, accrued income, accumulation unit, acid ratio, actual price, A/D, adjustable peg, nounADR, nounadvancer, nounAER, aftermarket, nounAGI, aging schedule, agio, nounAICPA, allottee, nounallowable, adjectivealternative investment, amortizable, adjectiveannual earnings, annual income, annual value, annuity, nounappraiser, nounappropriate, verbappropriation, nounappropriation account, arb, nounas at, prepositionas of, prepositionasset, nounasset backing, asset shuffling, nounasset stripping, nounasset-stripping, verbasset turnover, asset value per share, Association for Payment Clearing Services, nounassured value, at best, adverbat call, adverbaudit, verbauditor, nounauditor's report, auto-financing, adjectiveaverage stock, backdate, verbbackup withholding, nounbackwardation, nounbad debt recovery, bail-out, nounbalanced fund, balance sheet, nounBaltic Exchange, nounbankroll, nounbase rate, nounbasis point, bed-and-breakfasting, nounbellwether, nounbelow the line, adjectivebeneficial owner, best efforts, adjectivebeta coefficient, nounbid and asked, adjectivebill rate, Black Friday, nounBlack Thursday, nounBlack Tuesday, nounBlack Wednesday, nounblank transfer, bond, nounbond fund, bond premium, bookbuilding, nounbook debt, book entry, book-keeper, nounbook-keeping, nounbottom fisher, nounbought deal, bourse, nounbreakeven, nounbreak-up value, buildings and contents insurance, buoy, verbbuoyancy, nounbuoyant, adjectivebusiness angel, nounbusiness entity, business manager, buyback, nounbuy-in, nounbuying power, buying price, buy limit order, buy order, buyout, nouncabinet bid, callable, adjectivecallable fixture, nouncap and collar, nouncapital appreciation, capital asset pricing model, capital charge, capital dilution, nouncapital equipment, capital flow, nouncapital gain, capital invested, nouncapitalization of reserves, nouncapitalize, verbcapitalized, adjectivecapital movement, nouncapital outlay, capital rationing, nouncapital stock, capital sum, capital surplus, capital transfer, capital value, CAR, carried down, adjectivecarried forward, adjectivecarried over, adjectivecarryback, nouncarryforward, nouncarrying charge, carry-over, nouncash account, cash at bank, nouncash basis, nouncashbook, nouncash column, cash equivalent, cash flow, nouncashless, adjectivecash management, cash price, CBOT, c/d, certificate of deposit, nouncertificate of occupancy, nouncertified public accountant, nounCFO, chain of title, nounChapter 7, nounChartered Financial Consultant, nounchartist, nounchattels real, nounChicago Board Options Exchange, nounChicago Mercantile Exchange, nounChinese wall, nounchurning, nounCISCO, nounclawback, nounclean opinion, nounclearer, nounclearing agent, nounclosed-end, adjectiveclosely held, adjectiveCMA, CME, COGS, collection ratio, Comex, nouncomfort letter, commercial agent, common ownership, company doctor, company limited by guarantee, nouncompany limited by shares, nouncomparables, nouncomparable-store sales, compensate, verbcompensating error, completion date, compound, verbcompound annual rate of return, nouncompound interest, nouncomptroller, nounComptroller and Auditor General, nounComptroller General, nounComptroller of the Currency, nouncompulsory purchase order, concert party, nounconsistency concept, nounconsolidated accounts, consolidator, nounConsols, nouncontango, nouncontinuous inventory, contra account, contra-asset account, contract note, controller, nouncontrol period, conversion premium, cooling-off period, nounco-operative society, corporate investment, cost, verbcost of goods sold, nouncounting-house, nouncoupon sheet, nounCPA, nounCPI, cramdown, nouncredit, nouncredit, verbcredit card payment, credit facility, creditor turnover rate, nouncredit quality, credit repair, credit standing, credit status, creeping control, CREST, nouncurrency pair, nouncurrency peg, nounDaily Official List, nounday book, nounday order, dead cat bounce, death futures, debt capital, debt ratio, decliner, noundeed of conveyance, noundeferred credits, noundeferred income, deferred share, degearing, noundeleverage, noundelinquent tax certificate, delivery date, demand note, dematerialize, verbdemonetize, verbdemutualize, verbdenominated, adjectivedeposit certificate, depository institution, deposit protection fund, noundepreciable life, depreciation account, deprival value, derivative lease, direct exchange, direct investment, direct labour, directors register, discount brokerage, discount loan, discretionary account, discretionary order, discretionary spending, diversifieds, noundivestment, nounDJIA, dollar-cost averaging, noundollars-and-cents, adjectivedomestic investment, double declining balance, double-witching, noundown payment, noundowntick, nounDPS, drawdown, noundrawing account, dual capacity, noundual listing, due, adjectivedue diligence, earn, verbEasdaq, nouneconomic, adjectiveeffective rate, emissions unit, encash, verbequity, nounequity investment, ERM, nounerror of commission, nounerror of omission, nounerror of posting, nounerror of principle, nounethical investment, Euribor, nounEuro.NM, nounEuropean interbank offered rate, exceptionals, nounexchange arbitrage, exchange of contracts, nounex gratia, adjectiveexpense ratio, expiration date, face amount, factor cost, factoring, nounfailure, nounfair value, fand, nounFederal funds, fee absolute, nounfigure, nounfinal accounts, final distribution, finance charge, Financial Accounting Standards Board, nounfinancial investment, financials, nounfinancial services, financial supermarket, financial year, nounfinancier, nounfirst in, first out, nounfirst-quarter, adjectivefixed assets, nounfixed costs, nounfixed-income investment, fixed investment, fixtures and fittings, nounfloater, nounflood insurance, flowback, nounflow of funds, nounfocus list, foreign investment, freehold possession, free movement, nounfriends, nounfront-running, nounfull-year, adjectivefully-subscribed, adjectivefunder, nounfungible, adjectivefutures, nounfuture value, FY, G & A, gainer, noungilts, nounGinnie Mae, nounGLOBEX, nounGNMA, noungolden share, golds, noungood-faith money, government investment, greenshoe, noungross, adjectivegross income, gross investment, group accounts, grubstake, nounguaranty, nounhealth warning, nounhigh end, nounhigh flyer, nounhigh-yield, adjectiveHip, nounholding, nounholding company, nounholdout, nounhomeowner's insurance, home repair, household insurance, idle balance, imprest, nouninactive account, incentive fee, income and expenditure account, income share, incubator space, index-linked, adjectiveindirect exchange, industrials, nouninherit, verbinheritance, nouninjection, nounIN.SECTS, nouninstitutional investment, interest cover, International Monetary Fund, nounInternational Securities Exchange, nouninvest, verbinvestment, nouninvestment income, investor, nouninvestor resistance, issuance, nounissue flop, nounissuer, nounkerb market, key money, large-cap, nounlast in, first out, nounlast sale, leaseback, nounleasehold possession, ledger, nounledger clerk, legal investment, lending rate, nounletter of comfort, nounleverage, verblifecycle cost, LIFO, like-for-like, adjectiveliquidity, nounliquid ratio test, loading, nounloan-to-value ratio, London Clearing House, nounM & A, management charge, mandatory general offer, margin account, market order, material fact, nounmature, adjectivematurity, nounmid-cap, nounMMC, mortgage protection insurance, multiple (share) application, municipals, nounNational Market System, nounNational Savings Stock Register, nounNBV, net, adjectivenet, verbnet 10/eom, adverbnet 30, adverbnet annual value, net asset backing, net asset value, net book value, net income, net interest, net investment, net present value, net realizable value, nominal accounts, nominal price, nominal value, non-payment, nounnon-recurring, adjectivenote issuance facility, NPV, NTA, number-cruncher, nounOEIC, offer for sale, nounoff-market, adjectiveon demand, adverbopen interest, nounopen-market, adjectiveopen outcry, nounoperating income, option, nounoption premium, option pricing model, options contract, order-driven, adjectiveorigination, nounoutflow, nounoutturn, nounoutward investment, overallotment, nounoverborrow, verboverbought, adjectiveovercapitalized, adjectiveovergeared, adjectiveoverissue, nounoverlend, verboverseas investment, overtrade, verbowner-operator, nounP&L, packager, nounpaperchase, nounpar value, pass-through, nounpawn, verbpayables, nounpay and file, nounpaying agent, payout ratio, PDR, pension fund, nounpension plan, nounPE ratio, performance guarantee, permission to build, nounpersonal investment, petrodollars, nounPink Sheets, nounplanning application, plat book, pledgee, nounplot plan, pooling of interests, nounpork bellies, nounportfolio, nounpoundage, nounppd., prelease, verbpremium bond, nounpresale, nounprice-sensitive, adjectiveprimary share, prime-1, nounprime tenant, principal, nounprivate company, private income, nounprivate investment, privately-owned, adjectiveprivate placing, proceeds, nounprofit-taking, nounpro-forma, adjectivepro-forma invoice, prompt date, prompt note, property, nounproperty investment, pro rata, adjectiveprorate, verbpublic investment, publicly-held, adjectivepurchase journal, nounpurchases account, purse, nounp.w., quote-driven, adjectiveramping, nounrandom walk, nounratable, adjectiverateable value, rate of return, nounrating agency, real, adjectivereal accounts, real estate investment, realization concept, nounrebound, verbreceiver, nounreceivership, nounrecoup, verbrecuperate, verbred ink, nounredlining, nounrefunding, nounRegional Stock Exchange, nounregistered stock, REIT, nounremarket, verbREMIC, nounremit, verbremittance, nounrent, verbrental, nounrent-free, adjectiverepatriate, verbrepurchase agreement, research manager, reserve requirement, reserves, nounresidual value, resource, verbresults, nounretainer, nounretirement plan, nounreturn, verbreturn, nounrevenue, nounreverse share split, risk analysis, nounrisk profile, ROA, root of title, royalty payment, ruin, verbsale and repurchase agreement, sales account, sales budget, sales charge, sales returns account, salvage value, nounsame-store sales, Sarbanes-Oxley Act, nounsaving, nounSavings and Loan Association, nounSEATS, nounsecondary shares, second-tier share, securities house, security rating, self-dealing, nounself-liquidating, adjectiveSETS, nounsettlement date, settling day, nounshare application, share exchange offer, share manipulation, share split, shark repellent, nounshelf registration, Ship, nounshort-covering, nounshort-term gain, sinking fund, nounsiphon, verbsliding peg, nounsmall-cap, nounSOX, nounspeculate, verbspeculation, nounspeculative, adjectivespeculative investment, squeeze, verbstk., stockbrokerage, nounstock count, nounstockholding, nounstock parking, nounstock valuation, stop order, straight line, adjectivestructural analysis, sublet, verbsubsidize, verbsubsidy, nounsubvention, nounsum of the digits, nounsundries account, super voting rights, sustainability index, swaption, nounsystematic risk, technical analysis, technical analyst, technical correction, technicals, nountenant at sufferance, nountenant at will, nountenant for years, nountenant in common, nounterm, nountippee, nountipper, nountip sheets, nountotal, verbtrading loss, trading profit, transfer, verbtransfer agent, transfer register, trigger point, triple-A, adjectivetriple-witching, nountrue and fair view, nountrust, nountrust company, trustee, nountrusteeship, nountrust fund, nounturnover ratio, undercapitalized, adjectiveundercharge, verbunderfunded, adjectiveunder-investment, noununderreport, verbundervalued, verbunderwriting power, unearned income, ungeared, adjectiveunitize, verbunit of account, noununsystematic risk, upfront fee, uptick, nounvault cash, vendor placing, Wall Street, war chest, nounweak, adjectiveworking capital, nounwrite-off, nounwritten-down value, yield spread, yield to call, nounyield to maturity, nounYTD, YTM, zaitech, nounZ-score, noun
1[intransitive, transitive] to send a payment:  Please remit payment by cheque.2[transitive] to free someone from a debt or punishmentunremittingremit something to somebody/something phrasal verb formal to send a proposal, plan, or problem back to someone for them to make a decision about:  The court remitted the matter to the agency for reconsideration.
remit1 verbremit2 noun
remitre‧mit2 /ˈriːmɪt $ rɪˈmɪt, ˈriːmɪt/ noun [singular, uncountable] Examples
  • But problems remain in connection with the scope of the tribunal's remit.
  • Each of them will have its own integrity, its own remit and its belief in its own purpose.
  • For there are large chunks of the remit of little or no interest to the advertisers.
  • However these considerations are not part of the remit of the panel.
  • Its remit, however, is limited to improving the economic viability of meat production on hill and upland farms.
  • The new remit has to be clear about the purpose and contribution of members, corporately and individually.
  • The preponderance of directly managed units in the new arrangements could affect the remit of authorities in another way.
  • Their remit is not to charge or discipline officers, but to uncover exactly what has gone on.
 Marketing is outside our remit.
· So while the County of London Plan was still in preparation, Abercrombie was at work on his wider remit.· Walker has a very wide remit.· Originally developed as a means to ensure compliance with regulations, environmental auditing now has a much wider remit for many companies.
British English formal the particular piece of work that someone has been officially asked to deal with:  the remit of a senior member of staffbe within/outside somebody’s remit Marketing is outside our remit.




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