

单词 mature
mature1 adjectivemature2 verb
maturema‧ture1 /məˈtʃʊə $ -ˈtʃʊr/ ●●○ AWL adjective Entry menu
MENU FOR maturemature1 sensible2 fully grown3 wine/cheese etc4 older5 novel/painting etc6 on mature reflection/consideration7 financial8 mature market/industry
Word Origin
1300-1400 Latin maturus
  • Mature violets reach a height of about 12 inches.
  • A hen is a mature female chicken, more than ten months old.
  • After two years of college, the students have a much more mature attitude.
  • Eagles aren't sexually mature until age five.
  • Mel's developed into a mature, hard-working person.
  • Penny seemed more mature than most of the other students.
  • She's very mature for her age.
  • The house has a lovely garden surrounded by mature oak trees.
  • The magazine features wedding ideas for the mature bride.
  • A mature grapefruit tree can produce 250 grapefruit.
  • A reasonably mature population ought to be able to handle that.
  • He grows roses and part of the grounds consists of a copse of mature trees.
  • It has a large garden with fruit trees and a splendid mature walnut tree.
  • Nobody told you to flirt with me like a grown mature responsible adult man would do.
  • One mature backyard lemon tree can produce 300 lemons.
  • The mature shell size also varies from small species a few centimetres across to giants of a metre or more in diameter.
  • They want everyone to take to the streets, but people are more mature now.
Longman Language Activatorsomeone or something that has finished growing
a fully-grown person, animal, or plant has reached the size that it will stay at: · A fully grown elephant can weigh several tons.· Jim was six foot at the age of fourteen, even before he was fully grown.· The shrubs were transplanted fully grown from other parts of the country.
: adult animal/insect/female etc an animal that has developed fully and finished growing - use this especially in scientific contexts when you are comparing older and younger animals: · The disease can be very serious in adult animals.· It was thought that the skull was too small and light to belong to an adult male.· Soon the skin of the pupa splits open, and the fully-formed adult butterfly emerges.
a plant or animal that is mature has finished growing and developing: · The house has a lovely garden surrounded by mature oak trees.· A hen is a mature female chicken, more than ten months old.
someone who is sensible is unlikely to do anything stupid, because they judge situations well and make good decisions: · Laura's a pretty sensible girl. I don't think she'd talk to strangers.· He's one of the few sensible people on the council.be sensible spoken: · Be sensible - you can't go out without a coat in this weather.sensible about: · People are far more sensible about what and how much they drink these days.
someone who is reasonable makes sensible decisions that are fair to everyone: · She's usually very reasonable as a boss, but now and again her temper flares up.· Let's try and discuss this in a calm and reasonable way.be reasonable spoken: · Be reasonable, Paul - I'm only trying to help.
someone who is responsible can be trusted to do what they should do and to think about the results of their actions: · We aim to educate our children to become socially responsible citizens.· I'm a responsible adult. I can make my own choices.
a child or young person who is mature behaves in a sensible way, as you would expect an older person to behave: · She's very mature for her age.· After two years of college, the students have a much more mature attitude.
if someone is rational , their actions are based on a clear understanding of the facts of a situation, and are not influenced by their feelings or imagination: · Taking action to defend yourself is a completely rational reaction if you're being attacked.· Many of the patients have long histories of drug abuse, and they're not always rational.
having the ability to understand situations and to know what is or is not possible: · She's a practical manager who realizes that a happy workforce is also a productive one.· The people of this country need to be more realistic - you can't have lower taxes as well as higher spending on health and pensions.· She is a tough, pragmatic, intuitive leader.
direct and dealing with things in a practical way, without wasting time on things that do not matter: · Mathews is a no-nonsense veteran of the police department.· Jason, with his no-nonsense approach, has been an asset to the project.
someone who is down-to-earth is practical and honest, and does not think they are more important, more intelligent etc than other people: · She's sophisticated, but also practical and down-to-earth.· People are surprised by what an unpretentious, down-to-earth guy he really is.
especially spoken if someone talks sense , they express sensible ideas or opinions that you agree with: · Someone who could talk sense would get my vote, but most politicians don't.
British /have your head screwed on right American use this about someone who will always behave sensibly in a difficult or confusing situation: · Don't worry about Sheila. She's got her head screwed on.· Anyone who can raise three such normal kids in Hollywood must have their head screwed on right.
able to think clearly and likely to behave in a sensible way, especially when other people are not being sensible: · I don't think any sane person would take his threats seriously.· It was a relief to hear one sane voice among all the shouting and hysteria.keep somebody sane: · Exercise keeps me sane. If I didn't exercise, the stress would get to me.
aesthete, nounagitprop, nounart gallery, nounartist, nounartwork, nounavant-garde, adjectivebaroque, adjectivecapture, verbceramics, nouncharacter, nounclassical, adjectiveclassicism, nouncompere, nouncontemporary, adjectiveconvention, nouncreative, adjectivecritical, adjectivecrossover, nouncubism, nouncultural, adjectiveculturally, adverbculture, nouncurator, nouncycle, noundrama, nouneisteddfod, nounepic, nouneponymous, adjectiveerotic, adjectiveerotica, nouneroticism, nounexhibit, verbexhibit, nounexhibition, nounexpress, verbexpression, nounexpressionism, nounextract, nounfictionalize, verbfigurine, nounfin de siècle, adjectiveflashback, nounformalism, nounfuturism, nounglaze, verbglaze, nounGothic, adjectivehandcrafted, adjectivehandicraft, nounhandmade, adjectivehigh priest, nounhistorical, adjectiveinterpretation, nounItalianate, adjectivelowbrow, adjectivemagnum opus, nounmarquetry, nounmasterpiece, nounmasterwork, nounmature, adjectivemedium, nounMFA, nounmiddlebrow, adjectiveminimalism, nounmotif, nounmuse, nounnarrator, nounnaturalism, nounneoclassical, adjectivenotice, nounoeuvre, nounoffering, nounopening, adjectiveopus, nounpan, verbparody, nounpastiche, nounpattern, nounpiece, nounpop art, nounportfolio, nounpostmodernism, nounprequel, nounpreview, nounproduce, verbproduction, nounrealism, nounrealistic, adjectiverehash, verbreview, nounreview, verbromantic, nounromanticism, nounroyalty, nounrubbish, nounsalon, nounscenario, nounscene, nounsensuous, adjectivesentimental, adjectivesequel, nounsequence, nounset piece, nounsetting, nounShakespearean, adjectiveshowing, nounskit, nounstory, nounstudio, nounstylistic, adjectivesurrealism, nounswansong, nounsynopsis, nountitle, nountrilogy, nountwo-dimensional, adjectiveuncut, adjectiveunexpurgated, adjectivevillain, nounwork, nounwork of art, noun
 Laura is very mature for her age.
 We’re mature enough to disagree on this issue but still respect each other.
 The human brain isn’t fully mature until about age 25.
 Most girls are sexually mature by about 14 years of age.
 a respectable gentleman of mature years
especially British English (=a student who is over 25 years old)· He took a degree as a mature student at Birmingham University.
· She's about seven years old, fully mature, and might live to be thirty or thirty-five.· The fully mature 1994 costs about $ 10.· The fish pictured are not fully mature and have yet to achieve the intense red colouring of the caudal and dorsal finnage.
· We are now a much more mature economy.· They tend to be more mature, more responsible, and to come from more affluent homes.· These rather sweeping generalisations are now giving way to a more mature analysis of the contradictions of science and technology.· Considerable growth and time are needed before the new, more mature personality is formed and the old conflicts are integrated.· These should more than compensate for the natural decline in other more mature fields.· He has become a lot more mature on his shot selection.· He seemed less absurd, more mature, and I don't know why.· This, together with a more mature technique, produces some impressive poems.
· The end result of evolution through man's desire was to produce a sexually mature wolf pup.· They also said the sexually mature whale needed a mate.· She found more deaths among sexually mature females than among males, which gave a skew in the latter's favour.· A solitary males will patrol the cliffs in search of bands of sexually mature females.· At what age are Firemouths sexually mature?· Eventually, while still retaining their tadpole appearance, they become sexually mature and breed.· For it is clear that in the traditional view a sexually mature woman should be sexually active.
· It's a very mature situation to have to face.· For an eight-year-old, Nelson appeared in some ways to be very mature.· Nevertheless, this is a truly outstanding study in every respect, displaying a very mature style and analysis.· As I went in, I felt that I had become very mature.
· This is unlikely to deter parents wishing to start a family at a more mature age than usual.· Among those recruited, there were many more men and women of mature age than usual.· Others presumably went into employment thus joining the pool of potential young mature age entrants.
· Among our sample were six engineers who, with differing motives, had been mature entrants to the profession.· Meanwhile, the number of mature entrants to higher education has risen by 65 percent since 1979.· An additional factor in considering the question of definition is that by far the majority of non-traditional entrants are also mature entrants.· This difference was explained largely by the higher rate of withdrawal for non academic reasons for mature entrants.· Establish training courses for mature entrants.· The second area of contention was the treatment of mature entrants.
· The propane industry was a mature industry and Mega was primarily a single business company.
· Hookers have this thing for mature men.· It would have to be a mature man, a practiced Don Juan like Zbigniew Shapira.· He must face up to life like the mature man he was.· Tommaso made me look like a mature man, an important man.
· It is, rather, a mature market that is in decline.· And there are other more mature markets in which our business can be expanded further.· Price competition Price competition occurs in mature markets, much of it induced by clients.· Here on the Island we have a mature market.
· Measurements denote the average heights of mature plants.· The police were forced to grow mature plants from the seeds to prove they were a drug, she said.· The measurements in the following section denote the average heights of mature plants.
· His men would carry their standard-issue M16 rifles, although on mature reflection he decided that they should not be loaded.· On mature reflection, however, I begin to see his point.· One can not condemn some one without mature reflection on his conduct.
· I was a mature student of the time so I would be pleased to hear from those graduating prior to 1985.· Such clothing also gives the impression, particularly to less mature students, that the school supports the particular religion.· Some of them were mature students studying medicine, dentistry, law, engineering.· Colleges welcome mature students for two reasons.· The greatest inequality between the two countries is for mature students.· The latter includes both young and mature students with normal entry qualifications.· A prospectus for mature students which gives full details of entry requirements and other relevant information is available from the Registry.· These women, however, demonstrate that it is possible to begin to study scientific and technical fields as a mature student.
· He grows roses and part of the grounds consists of a copse of mature trees.· It is over for the mature trees atop Mount Mitchell.· There are other mature trees in the grounds and the garden adjoins the golf course.· There are now too few mature trees to provide seeds in forested areas.· The sides of the creek are covered with mature trees.· Others reported that in some stands, all mature trees were dead.· The plan showed a small wood, plenty of mature trees and even a stream running along the edge of the property.· The brush of heavy foliage from lush, mature trees is heady and inspirational.
· Suddenly I was the mature woman, faced with new kids in the workplace.· Her clothes were smooth, her make-up was smooth, she looked like a picture out of a magazine for mature women.· In contrast, the media enjoyed the opportunity to report cases of mature women being charged with indecent offences against under-age boys.· Certainly not the mature women who are caring courageously, and quite alone, for the elderly.· A supposedly confident, mature woman.· For it is clear that in the traditional view a sexually mature woman should be sexually active.· Steven, you may not realize it, but you are gaining many advantages by marrying a mature woman.
  • And there are other more mature markets in which our business can be expanded further.
  • Here on the Island we have a mature market.
  • It is, rather, a mature market that is in decline.
  • Price competition Price competition occurs in mature markets, much of it induced by clients.
  • The propane industry was a mature industry and Mega was primarily a single business company.
  • His men would carry their standard-issue M16 rifles, although on mature reflection he decided that they should not be loaded.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounmaturityimmaturityadjectivematureimmatureverbmatureadverbmaturelyimmaturely
1sensible someone, especially a child or young person, who is mature behaves in a sensible and reasonable way, as you would expect an adult to behave OPP  immature:  Laura is very mature for her age. We’re mature enough to disagree on this issue but still respect each other.2fully grown fully grown and developed OPP  immature:  Mature apple trees are typically 20 feet tall. The new leader wants his country to be seen as a mature democracy. The human brain isn’t fully mature until about age 25.physically/emotionally/sexually mature Most girls are sexually mature by about 14 years of age.3wine/cheese etc British English mature cheese, wine etc has a good strong taste which has developed during a long period of time OPP  mild:  mature cheddar4older a polite or humorous way of describing someone who is no longer young SYN  middle-aged:  wedding fashions for mature brides a respectable gentleman of mature years5novel/painting etc a mature piece of work by a writer or an artist is done late in their life and shows a high level of understanding or skill:  His mature work reveals a deep sense of enjoyment of nature.6on mature reflection/consideration formal after thinking carefully and sensibly about something for a long time:  On mature reflection we have decided to decline their offer.7financial a mature bond or policy is ready to be paid8mature market/industry technical a mature industry or market is one where growth is quite low and there are fewer competitors than beforematurely adverb:  If you want us to treat you as an adult, you have to act maturely.
mature1 adjectivemature2 verb
maturemature2 ●○○ AWL verb Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theymature
he, she, itmatures
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theymatured
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave matured
he, she, ithas matured
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad matured
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill mature
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have matured
Continuous Form
PresentIam maturing
he, she, itis maturing
you, we, theyare maturing
PastI, he, she, itwas maturing
you, we, theywere maturing
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been maturing
he, she, ithas been maturing
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been maturing
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be maturing
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been maturing
  • A tree takes many years to mature.
  • Corn needs longer to mature than soybeans.
  • Girls tend to mature more quickly than boys, both physically and emotionally.
  • In the hot weather the fruit matured quickly.
  • John's really matured in the last two years.
  • The fly matures in only seven days.
  • These bonds mature in 12 years.
  • Any project involving rockets is always risky, but the technology is maturing all the time.
  • It starts with a potent aperitif called Mulsum which takes twenty four hours to mature.
  • Some early doubts as to the applicability of that privilege before a legislative committee never matured.
  • The 13-week bills mature April 4, 1996, and the 26-week bills mature July 5, 1996.
  • The haulm must be allowed to mature to increase the dry matter content.
  • This was mid-June, and in the nearby fields, next season s crops were maturing.
  • This will probably develop as he matures.
Longman Language Activatorto become an adult
· What do you want to be when you grow up?· We plan to go and live in Florida when the children have all grown up.
to become fully grown or developed: · Girls tend to mature more quickly than boys, both physically and emotionally.· The fly matures in only seven days.
to reach the age when you have the legal rights and responsibilities of an adult, usually 18 or 21 - used in legal contexts: · Emma will inherit a fortune when she comes of age.· They planned to marry as soon as she came of age.
when people, animals, or plants get bigger
to become bigger and more developed over a period of time: · Tom has really grown since I last saw him.· The fish are kept in tanks until they have grown enough to be released into the river.grow one metre/two centimetres/six inches etc: · Amy grew 6 inches last year.grow into: · Within a few years, these saplings will grow into tall trees.grow to ten inches/two metres/70 feet etc: · The Eastern White Pine often grows to 200 feet.grow to a height/length/width etc of: · Sunflowers can grow to a height of ten feet.
if a child, plant, or animal develops , it gradually changes into the form it will have as an adult: · The baby develops very quickly during the first few weeks of pregnancy.develop into: · In less that 12 weeks the chicks will develop into adult birds.
to grow and become taller, especially in a short period of time: · Eleanor's getting bigger, isn't she? I hardly recognised her.get bigger and bigger/taller and taller: · The grass got taller and taller over the summer.
to suddenly get a lot bigger - use this about children and plants that have grown quickly: · Jo's shot up since I last saw her.· In May the plants all start to shoot up.
if plants come up , they start growing above the soil, especially in the spring: · I sowed lots of poppies, but they haven't come up yet.· The weeds keep coming up year after year.
if something increases in size , it gets bigger, especially as a result of particular conditions: · As the plant grows, the roots also increase in size.· If the tumour is not removed, it will increase in size and may cause a blockage.
if a plant matures , it grows to its full size: · A tree takes many years to mature.· In the hot weather the fruit matured quickly.
absinth, nounalcohol, nounale, nounalehouse, nounaperitif, nounbaby milk, nounbar, nounbarfly, nounbarhop, verbbarkeeper, nounbarley wine, nounbarmaid, nounbarman, nounbartender, nounbeef tea, nounbeer, nounbenedictine, nounbeverage, nounbibulous, adjectivebistro, nounbitter, nounblack, adjectivebootleg, verbbooze, nounboozer, nounbooze-up, nounboozing, nounboozy, adjectivebottle, verbbouquet, nounbourbon, nounbrandy, nounbreathe, verbbrew, verbbrew, nounbrewer, nounbrewery, nounbroach, verbBuck's Fizz, nounburgundy, nounbuttermilk, nouncamomile, nouncappuccino, nouncarbonated, adjectivecask, nouncellar, nounchalice, nounchampagne, nounchampers, nounchar, nounchartreuse, nounchaser, nounChelsea bun, nounchocolate, nouncider, nounclaret, nounclub soda, nouncoaster, nounCoca-Cola, cocktail, nouncocktail lounge, nouncocktail shaker, nouncocktail stick, nouncocktail waitress, nouncocoa, nouncoffee, nouncoffee bar, nouncoffee bean, nouncoffee machine, nouncoffeemaker, nouncoffee mill, nouncognac, nouncola, nounconsommé, nouncordial, nouncork, nouncork, verbcorkage, nouncorked, adjectivecorkscrew, nouncorn whiskey, nouncrème de menthe, nouncup, nouncuppa, nouncuraçao, noundaiquiri, noundecaf, noundecaffeinated, adjectivedecanter, noundessert wine, noundipsomaniac, noundissipated, adjectivedissipation, noundissolute, adjectivedistiller, noundistillery, noundram, noundraught, noundregs, noundried milk, noundrink, verbdrink, noundrinkable, adjectivedrinking fountain, noundrinking-up time, noundrinking water, noundrinks machine, noundrinks party, noundrop, noundry, adjectiveDutch courage, nounespresso, nounethyl alcohol, nounferment, verbfinger, nounfizz, nounflat, adjectivefloat, nounfortified wine, nounfroth, nounfroth, verbfrothy, adjectivefull-cream, adjectiveGandT, noungassy, adjectivegin, noungin and tonic, nounginger ale, nounginger beer, nounglass, noungreen tea, noungrenadine, noungrog, noungumbo, nounhalf, nounhalf-and-half, nounhangover, nounhappy hour, nounhead, nounhighball, nounhip flask, nounhock, nounhogshead, nounhome brew, nounhooch, nounhot chocolate, nounice bucket, nounice cube, nounice water, nouninfuse, verbinfusion, nounintoxicant, nounintoxicating, adjectiveIrish coffee, nounjar, nounjigger, nounjuice, nounkeg, nounkirsch, nounlace, verblager, nounlandlord, nounlemon, nounlemonade, nounlicensed, adjectivelicensing laws, nounlight, adjectivelight ale, nounlimeade, nounliqueur, nounliquor, nounlite, adjectivelocal, nounlounge bar, nounMadeira, nounmagnum, nounmalt, nounmalted, nounmalt liquor, nounmaraschino, nounmargarita, nounMartini, nounmash, nounmature, adjectivemature, verbmead, nounmeasure, nounmellow, verbmilk, nounmilk shake, nounmilky, adjectivemineral water, nounmint julep, nounmix, verbmixer, nounmocha, nounmoonshine, nounmulled wine, nounneat, adjectivenectar, nounnightcap, nounnip, nounnoggin, nounnon-alcoholic, adjectiveoff-licence, nounopen bar, nounorangeade, nounouzo, nounpale ale, nounparalytic, adjectivepasteurized, adjectivepercolate, verbperk, verbperry, nounpick-me-up, nounpiña colada, nounpink gin, nounpint, nounplonk, nounpop, nounport, nounporter, nounprohibitionist, nounproof, nounpunch, nounquaff, verbrake, nounrat-arsed, adjectivered, nounrefill, nounrefreshment, nounretsina, nounring-pull, nounroot beer, nounrosé, nounrotgut, nounrum, nounrye, nounsake, nounsaloon, nounsangria, nounsarsaparilla, nounschnapps, nounScotch, nounscrewdriver, nounscrumpy, nounsediment, nounsemi-skimmed milk, nounshake, nounshaker, nounshandy, nounshebeen, nounsherry, nounshort, nounshot, nounsiphon, nounsix-pack, nounskimmed milk, nounslimline, adjectivesloe gin, nounslug, nounslush, nounsnifter, nounsoda, nounsoda siphon, nounsoda water, nounsoft drink, nounsparkling, adjectivespeakeasy, nounspike, verbspirit, nounsplash, nounspritzer, nounsquash, nounstein, nounstewed, adjectivestill, adjectivestill, nounstout, nounstraight, adjectivestraw, nounsundowner, nounsup, verbswig, verbswill, verbswizzle stick, nountab, nountable wine, nountall, adjectivetankard, nountavern, nountea, nounteabag, nounteahouse, nountea leaves, nountearoom, nountea shop, nountea urn, nountemperance, nountequila, nountied house, nountippler, nountoddy, nountonic, nountop-up, nountot, nounTurkish coffee, nountwo-percent milk, nounUHT milk, noununcork, verbvermouth, nounvintage, adjectivevintage, nounvintner, nounvodka, nounwater, verbwatering hole, nounweak, adjectivewet bar, nounwhisky, nounwhite, adjectivewine cooler, nounwrecked, adjectiveyeast, noun
especially British English (=a student who is over 25 years old)· He took a degree as a mature student at Birmingham University.
· Along the way she has also matured into a beautiful young woman.
· He is a good swimmer - quite good enough, and quite mature enough in that way, to respect flood water.· Last year, it seemed he had matured enough to fulfil himself but a cruel succession of injuries denied him.· Elizabeth: I think some people are never mature enough.· Always choose material mature enough to condition well.
· A good rule-of-thumb to remember is that this distance should be at least the height of the tree when it is fully matured.· A yearling hen turkey is a fully matured female turkey, usually under fifteen months old.· An X-ray showed that's lungs hadn't fully matured and that he was suffering respiratory distress syndrome.· A yearling tom turkey is a fully matured male turkey with the same characteristics as the yearling hen turkey. 6.· I propose to add some living rock, but only when the filters are fully matured.
· We're more sort of settled down, matured more, I think.· Who are these supposedly more mature individuals and why are they lured to the law?· Are you different after a near-death experience, or only more mature?· You're more mature now, and I hope I've learned a few lessons from the mistakes I made.
· The teenage years cover a period in which young women and men mature physically, intellectually and emotionally.· Voice over Obviously he has a long way to mature physically, but he's surpassed our hopes.
· Barn owls leave the nest at two to three months and are sexually mature at one year.· Some species can be extremely difficult to spawn - but keeping large species groups together until they are sexually mature can help.
· The teachers treat me as an adult, but I've always been very mature for my age.· It seems that they matured in age, yet, they did not change with the times of today.· I was sixteen and quite mature for my age.· This has the advantage for the medical profession of certainty, but does not allow for children maturing at different ages.
· On a particular day the bill will mature.· The 13-week bills mature April 11, 1996, and the 26-week bills mature July 11, 1996.· On day 91 the Treasury bill is said to mature - the original purchaser is lending money to the government.
· In Brossa's opinion, the transaction processing monitor market has matured considerably over the last eight years.· Once the market expands and matures, many companies dismiss their agents and enter direct selling or open a subsidiary company.
· Both of us grew and matured immeasurably as a result of going through the process.
· Barn owls leave the nest at two to three months and are sexually mature at one year.· Cheshire is actually sold when it is one to two months old, but it can be matured for over a year.· The plant grows much faster in highland areas, however, maturing in two years rather than five.· The peppers are pulped, then left to mature for three years before being distilled with vinegar.· But male elephants only mature at around 30 years old and their many deaths have disrupted patterns of reproduction.
· The plant grows much faster in highland areas, however, maturing in two years rather than five.· They mature in 10 years, come in $ 1, 000 minimums and provide insurance against an unexpected inflation surge.· The peppers are pulped, then left to mature for three years before being distilled with vinegar.· But male elephants only mature at around 30 years old and their many deaths have disrupted patterns of reproduction.
· This will probably develop as he matures.· It seems, therefore, that recognition appears to develop as the chicks mature.
· It grows, matures and retains a capacity to surprise and enrich.· Both of us grew and matured immeasurably as a result of going through the process.· The majority of new managers did grow and mature.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounmaturityimmaturityadjectivematureimmatureverbmatureadverbmaturelyimmaturely
1[intransitive] to become fully grown or developed:  As the fish matures, its colours and patternings change.mature into She has matured into a fine writer.2[intransitive] to become sensible and start to behave sensibly and reasonably, like an adult:  He has matured a lot since he left home. He wants to prove just how much he has matured both as a player and as a man.3[intransitive] if a financial arrangement such as a bond or an insurance policy matures, it becomes ready to be paid4[intransitive, transitive] if cheese, wine etc matures, or if it is matured, it develops a good strong taste over a period of time:  Few beers brewed in Britain are matured in the bottle. The olives are pulped, then left to mature.




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