As in Prague, Warsaw and East Berlin in those days, people power has been manifest.
In the case of manifest content there is no real problem.
It is then that the full impact of Cobra power is manifest.
On the dang I thought of him as an imposing man in whose face a heightened intelligence and authority was manifest.
That is, it studies the relation between the significances of a text, and the linguistic characteristics in which they are manifest.
That vision was made manifest in the Ford Motor Company.
The doctrine of manifest destiny was distinct from the imperialist dynamic that flourished around the turn of the century.
The mountaintop offers different information-there some grand order seems both manifest and enormous, far larger than the purely human world.
COLLOCATIONS FROM THE ENTRY►be made/become manifest
(=be clearly shown) Their devotion to God is made manifest in ritual prayer.
plain and easy to seeSYN obvious, patent: a manifest error of judgmentbe made/become manifest (=be clearly shown) Their devotion to God is made manifest in ritual prayer.—manifestly adverb: a manifestly unfair system