

单词 lugger
luggerlug‧ger /ˈlʌɡə $ -ər/ noun [countable] Examples
  • Apart from the lugger and the recovery of the bomber, we have to wait for three other things.
  • Ingram looked doubtfully at the long table, rocking up and down like a lugger in a gale.
  • My friend with the Aegean lugger.
  • No boats could be seen, all the big luggers had gone to Dunkirk, I had been told.
  • You haven't yet met Angelina - Professor Wotherspoon's wife, I mean, not the lugger.
word sets
adrift, adjectiveaft, adjectiveahoy, interjectionaircraft carrier, nounamidships, adverbanchor, nounanchor, verbanchorage, nounark, nounastern, adverbballast, nounbarge, nounbargee, nounbargepole, nounbarnacle, nounbarque, nounbarrage, nounbeach, verbbeam, nounbecalmed, adjectiveberth, nounberth, verbbilge, nounbill of lading, nounbillow, nounblade, nounboat, nounboat hook, nounboathouse, nounboating, nounboatman, nounbob, verbbollard, nounboom, nounbow, nounbridge, nounbrig, nounbulkhead, nounbunk, nounbuoy, nouncabin, nouncabin boy, nouncabin class, nouncabin cruiser, nouncable, nouncanal, nouncanal boat, nouncanoe, nouncanoe, verbcapstan, nouncaptain, nouncatamaran, nouncircumnavigate, verbclipper, nouncoast, verbcoaster, nouncoastguard, nouncockpit, nouncommodore, nouncompanionway, nounconning tower, nouncoracle, nouncordage, nouncox, nouncoxswain, nouncraft, nouncrew, verbcrossing, nouncrow's nest, nouncruise, verbcruise liner, nouncruiser, nouncruise ship, nouncutter, noundeck, noundecompression chamber, nounderrick, noundinghy, noundisembark, verbdisgorge, verbdisplacement, noundock, noundock, verbdocker, noundockside, noundockyard, noundory, noundownstream, adverbdraught, noundraw, verbdrawbridge, noundredge, verbdredger, noundrift, verbdrift, noundrifter, noundriftwood, noundrilling platform, noundrown, verbdry dock, noundugout, noundyke, nounembark, verbensign, nounferry, nounferry, verbferryboat, nounfigurehead, nounfirst mate, nounfirst officer, nounfleet, nounflotilla, nounfo'c'sle, nounforecastle, nounfounder, verbfrigate, nounfrogman, noungalleon, noungalley, noungangplank, noungangway, noungondola, noungondolier, noungrappling iron, nounground, verbgunnel, noungunwale, nounhalyard, nounharbour, nounhatch, nounhawser, nounhelm, nounhelmsman, nounhigh tide, nounhigh water, nounhigh water mark, nounhold, nounhoot, nounhoot, verbhouseboat, nounhovercraft, nounhulk, nounhull, nounhydrofoil, nounhydroplane, nounhydroplane, verbicebreaker, nouninboard, adjectiveinflatable, nouninflow, nounJet Ski, nounjetty, nounjib, nounjunk, nounkayak, nounkeel, nounketch, nounknot, nounkt, land, verblanding stage, nounlane, nounlaunch, verblaunch, nounleeward, adjectivelife belt, nounlifeboat, nounlife buoy, nounlife jacket, nounlifeline, nounlife preserver, nounlife raft, nounlife vest, nounlighter, nounlighthouse, nounlightship, nounliner, nounlist, verblock, nounlock keeper, nounlog book, nounlongshoreman, nounlow tide, nounlow water, nounlow water mark, nounlugger, nounmainmast, nounmainsail, nounmaritime, adjectivemast, nounmaster, nounmasthead, nounmerchantman, nounmerchant navy, nounmerchant seaman, nounminesweeper, nounmizzen, nounmoor, verbmooring, nounmother ship, nounmotorboat, nounnarrow boat, nounnautical, adjectivenavigable, adjectivenavigate, verbnavigation, nounoakum, nounoar, nounoarlock, nounoarsman, nounoarswoman, nounoceangoing, adjectiveoffshore, adjectiveoil slick, nounoil tanker, nounoutboard motor, nounoutrigger, nounoverboard, adverboyster bed, nounpacket boat, nounpaddle, nounpaddle, verbpaddle steamer, nounpassage, nounpelagic, adjectiveperiscope, nounpier, nounpilot, nounpilot, verbpitch, verbPlimsoll line, nounplot, verbply, verbpoop deck, nounport, nounporthole, nounport of call, nounpowerboat, nounprivateer, nounpromenade deck, nounpropeller, nounprow, nounpunt, nounpunt, verbpurser, nounquadrant, nounquarterdeck, nounquay, nounraft, nounrafting, nounreef, verbrefit, verbregatta, nounresurface, verbrig, verbrig, nounrigging, nounroll, verbroll, nounroll-on roll-off, adjectivero-ro, nounrow, verbrowboat, nounrowing, nounrowing boat, nounrowlock, nounrubber dinghy, nounrudder, nounsail, verbsail, nounsailboat, nounsailing, nounsailing boat, nounsailing ship, nounsailor, nounsaloon, nounsampan, nounschooner, nounscull, nounscull, verbscupper, verbscupper, nounscuttle, verbseaborne, adjectivesea captain, nounsea dog, nounseafaring, adjectiveseagoing, adjectivesea lane, nounsea legs, nounsealer, nounseaman, nounseamanship, nounseaworthy, adjectivesheet, nounship, nounshipmate, nounshipping, nounshipping lane, nounship's chandler, nounshipwreck, nounshipwright, nounshipyard, nounside-wheeler, nounskiff, nounskull and crossbones, nounslaver, nounslipway, nounsloop, nounsluice, nounsmack, nounsonar, nounspar, nounspeedboat, nounsplice, verbSS, starboard, nounsteam, verbsteamboat, nounsteamer, nounsteamship, nounsteerage, nounsteersman, nounstern, nounstevedore, nounsteward, nounstewardess, nounstoker, nounsub, nounsubmarine, nounsubmarine, adjectivesubmersible, nounsundeck, nounsupertanker, nounswab, verbswell, nounswing bridge, nountack, nountack, verbtender, nounthird class, nountiller, nountonnage, nountopside, adverbtowpath, nountransport, nountransport ship, nountrawler, nountrim, verbtrimaran, nountroopship, nountub, nountug, nounupstream, adverbvessel, nounvoyage, nounvoyage, verbwake, nounwardroom, nounwarship, nounwaterborne, adjectivewaterlogged, adjectivewaterway, nounweir, nounwhaler, nounwheelhouse, nounwhirlpool, nounwindjammer, nounwindward, adjectivewreck, nounyachting, noun
a small boat with one or more sails




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