

单词 loo
looloo /luː/ noun (plural loos) [countable] Examples
  • A door closed, taps ran, the loo flushed.
  • All rooms are comfortably furnished and have their own shower and loo.
  • He says that Dodo often uses a shoe as a loo.
  • In the Legion, there was no guarantee that a man had even used a flushing loo before.
  • It was like being in a loo that rose and fell.
  • So far, she'd just flushed the smack down the loo and shoved the syringes in the bin.
  • Sybil papered the loo with that article and others.
  • Then I took my bag into a loo and took everything off and changed into clean clothes.
British English a room with a toilet in it, in someone’s house or in a public place: · He locked himself in the toilet.· the public toilets
a room with a toilet in it, in someone’s house. In British English, bathroom is used especially when you want to be polite. In American English, it is the usual word to use: · He asked to use the bathroom.
American English a room in a public place that has one or more toilets in it: · She went into the store to use the restroom.
formal a room with a toilet in it. In American English lavatory is used mainly for toilets in a public building or on a plane. In British English it is used both about public toilets and toilets in people’s houses: · public lavatories· He didn’t have time to visit the lavatory.
British English informal, john American English informal a room with a toilet in it. Loo is very common in everyday spoken British English: · ‘Where’s Chris?’ ‘He’s in the loo.’· Can I use your loo?· Where’s the john?
British English informal a very informal word for a toilet, which is not considered polite: · The nearest bog was miles away.
British English, the ladies’ room American English a public toilet for women: · Where’s the ladies?· I need to go to the ladies’ room.
British English, the men’s room American English a public toilet for men: · I followed him into the gents.· I’ve got to go to the men’s room. Excuse me.
an outdoor toilet in a camp or military area: · The latrines were in a shocking state.
a type of toilet for men that is attached to a wall: · He was standing at the urinal.
a bowl that babies use as a toilet: · Does he need his potty?
a chair with a bowl in it, used as a toilet, especially in hospitals and homes for old people: · She has to use a commode.
a container which is used as a toilet, especially in hospitals by people who are too ill or weak to get out of bed: · I had to change the bedpans.
Longman Language Activatora toilet/rest room
British a room containing a toilet: · "Where's the toilet?" "Downstairs on the right."men's/women's/ladies' toilets: · There's a huge queue in the ladies' toilets.public toilets: · Pat refuses to use the public toilets in this country because they are always so dirty.
a toilet, especially in someone's house: · The bathroom is next to Jack's room.· "Can I use your bathroom?" "Sure, go ahead."
British informal /john American informal a toilet: · Where's the loo?· Tony's in the john. He'll be back in a minute.· It's a good pub, but the bogs are terrible!
American the toilets in a public place: · Do you have restrooms here?· There's no paper in the washroom.
British /the men's room American the men's toilets in a public place: · Can you tell me where the men's room is please?· "Where's Kevin?" "He went to the gents."
British /the ladies' room American the women's toilets in a public place: · Wait for me outside. I'm going to the ladies.· The ladies' room is just around the corner.
formal a toilet: · Even the lavatory was luxurious, with a marble interior and soft, white hand towels. public lavatory: · The public lavatories are situated on the other side of the beach.
especially British, written a toilet - used especially in written information about buildings: · All our holiday apartments have a double bedroom, small kitchen, bathroom, and WC.
to use the toilet
· Mummy! I want to go to the toilet.· Hang on a minute - I'm just going to the loo.· I thought you went to the bathroom before we left.
to go to the toilet - used humorously by women to avoid saying this directly: · You get the drinks in - I'll just go and powder my nose.
airbed, nounair conditioning, nounair freshener, nounappliance, nounbachelor flat, nounback-to-back, nounbackyard, nounballcock, nounbar, nounbarn, nounbarrow, nounbaseboard, nounbasket, nounbay window, nounbeater, nounbedclothes, nounbedding, nounbed linen, nounbedspread, nounbidet, nounblade, nounbleach, nounboard, verbboarding, nounbobbin, nounbog, nounbog roll, nounbolt, nounbolt, verbboom box, nounboudoir, nounbow window, nounbric-a-brac, nounbutler, nouncarpet, nouncarpet, verbcarpeting, nouncasket, nouncement, nouncentral heating, nouncentrepiece, nounchamber, nounchamber pot, nounchange purse, nounchimney breast, nounchimney-piece, nounChristmas stocking, nounChristmas tree, nouncloth, nouncoal, nouncoal scuttle, nouncolour scheme, nouncomforter, nounconvection oven, nounconvector, nouncooker, nouncooler, nouncounterpane, nouncreosote, nouncubbyhole, nouncurtain, nouncurtain hook, nouncushion, noundaily, noundefrost, verbden, noundesk tidy, noundes res, noundetergent, noundimmer, noundomestic, adjectivedomestic, noundomesticated, adjectivedomesticity, noundomestic science, noundomestic service, noundoor, noundormer, noundraughty, adjectivedrive, noundriveway, noundrop cloth, nounduplex, noundust, nounduvet, noundwelling, noundwelling house, nounearthen, adjectiveeggshell, nounempties, nounfire alarm, nounfirelighter, nounflock, nounflooring, nounfluff, nounflush, verbflypaper, nounflyswatter, nounfold, verbfootman, noungarage sale, noungarbage, noungasman, noungas meter, noungate, noungatehouse, noungatepost, noungateway, noungauze, noungingham, nounglass, nounglaze, verbglazing, noungrating, noungroan, verbguardrail, noungutter, nounguttering, nounhall, nounhallway, nounhandkerchief, nounhandyman, nounhang, verbhanging, nounhardware, nounheat, nounheatproof, adjectiveheat-resistant, adjectiveheirloom, nounhelper, nounhot-water bottle, nounhouseboy, nounhousekeeper, nounhousemaid, nounhousewares, nounhumidifier, nounhurricane lamp, nounimmersion, nounimmersion heater, nouninlaid, adjectiveinlay, nouninsulation, nouninterior decorator, nounionizer, nounironwork, nounjumble, nounjumble sale, nounkeepsake, nounkeyhole, nounknocker, nounlag, verblagging, nounlanding, nounlaundry basket, nounlinen, nounloo, nounmaid, nounmaidservant, nounmailbox, nounmajordomo, nounmanor, nounmantelpiece, nounmasking tape, nounmirror, nounmosquito net, nounmote, nounmothball, nounmoulding, nounmouth, nounmove, nounmoving van, nounmullion, nounnewspaper, nounniche, nounnonflammable, adjectivenook, nounobjet d'art, nounodd-job man, nounoilcloth, nounoil-fired, adjectiveornament, nounouthouse, nounoverflow, nounpad, nounpail, nounpaint, nounpaint, verbpaintbrush, nounpainting, nounpalatial, adjectivepaling, nounpalisade, nounpanel, nounpanelled, adjectivepantile, nounpaper, nounpaper, verbpartition, nounparty wall, nounpasskey, nounpaste, nounpatina, nounpebbledash, nounpegboard, nounpencil, nounpencil sharpener, nounpendulum, nounpension, nounpercale, nounpicture rail, nounpiggy-bank, nounpillowcase, nounpin, nounpincushion, nounplace card, nounplace mat, nounplastic wrap, nounplug, nounplughole, nounplumbing, nounplunger, nounpoker, nounpomander, nounpotpourri, nounpress, nounprivy, nounproperty, nounpunkah, nounQ-tip, nounqueen-size, adjectivequilted, adjectiverail, nounrailing, nounrake, verbrambling, adjectiveramp, nounredecorate, verbrelay, verbremote, nounremote control, nounretainer, nounribbon development, nounroller blind, nounrug, nounrumpus room, nounsafety match, nounsanitation worker, nounsconce, nounScotch tape, nounscrapbook, nounscrap paper, nounscreen, nounscreen door, nounscrew, nounscrew top, nounscullery, nounscuttle, nounSellotape, nounsheet, nounshelving, nounshower, nounshutter, nounshuttered, adjectivesink, nounskirting board, nounsliding door, nounsoft furnishings, nounspiral staircase, nounspittoon, nounsponge bag, nounsteam iron, nounstitch, verbstitching, nounstopcock, nounstorage heater, nounstove, nounstripper, nounsump, nounswag, nounswing door, nountablecloth, nountable linen, nountable mat, nountableware, nountaper, nountapestry, nountarpaulin, nountelevision, nountelly, nounterrycloth, nounthinner, nounthrowaway, adjectivethumbtack, nountinsel, nountoilet, nountowel, nountowel rail, nountransistor radio, nountrash can, nountrash compactor, nountread, nountrunk, nountub, nountumble dryer, noununfurnished, adjectivevalance, nounvarnish, nounvase, nounVenetian blind, nounwalk-in, adjectivewall, noun-ware, suffixwastepaper basket, nounwater closet, nounway out, nounWC, nounweathercock, nounweather vane, nounwhite spirit, nounwick, nounwind chimes, nounwindow, nounwindow box, nounwindowpane, nounwindowsill, nounwipe, nounwoodpile, nounwoodshed, nounwrapper, nounwrapping, nounwrapping paper, nounyard, nounyard sale, noun
 I need to go to the loo (=use the toilet).
· No water sold at the bar, scratchy loo paper, and a dancefloor that doesn't yet kick till after midnight.· If your child says the loo paper often runs out, tell the teacher.· Daisy blew her nose on a piece of blue loo paper.· No, perhaps you'd better not mention loo paper in the same breath as Easter eggs.
· Anything to do with going to the loo makes children laugh.· So I had a slice of pie and then he put the kettle on for coffee and went to the loo.· Unfortunately, I dropped the paintbrush, which of course went down the loo.· They'd gone to the loo together by the time I joined Bunny.· I do not have five roubles, therefore I can not go to the loo.· It is hard to stay awake but I had to keep going to the loo!· And at an age when five times a night normally means how often you go to the loo, too.· I had to go to the loo.
British English informal a toilet:  I need to go to the loo (=use the toilet).




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