

单词 liquefy
liquefyliq‧ue‧fy /ˈlɪkwəfaɪ/ verb (past tense and past participle liquefied, present participle liquefying, third person singular liquefies) [intransitive, transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyliquefy
he, she, itliquefies
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyliquefied
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave liquefied
he, she, ithas liquefied
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad liquefied
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill liquefy
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have liquefied
Continuous Form
PresentIam liquefying
he, she, itis liquefying
you, we, theyare liquefying
PastI, he, she, itwas liquefying
you, we, theywere liquefying
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been liquefying
he, she, ithas been liquefying
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been liquefying
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be liquefying
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been liquefying
  • Some gases liquefy at cold temperatures.
  • A gas liquefies when the attractive forces between the molecules are sufficient to bind them together in liquid form.
  • In the event of the sand liquefying below the basement, the soil should still be able to support the building.
  • Indeed, only one known substance is harder to liquefy than hydrogen: helium gas.
  • Liquefaction of Gases A gas becomes more difficult to liquefy the higher its temperature.
  • Meanwhile, in a blender, liquefy the cottage cheese and milk.
  • Pumps and refrigeration equipment, powered by the heat source, turn on and start liquefying the atmosphere.
  • To liquefy them for storage in propellant tanks, a considerable amount of electrical energy must be expended to run refrigeration equipment.
  • Within himself he would have a sensation of liquefying with giggles and of becoming extremely thin, like a puddle.
word sets
aether, nounamplitude, nounantimatter, nounantiparticle, nounastrophysics, nounatom, nounatomic, adjectiveattract, verbattraction, nounballistics, nounbeam, nounblack hole, nounbuoyancy, nouncalorie, nouncalorific, adjectivecapillary action, nouncathode ray tube, nouncentre of gravity, nouncentrifugal force, nouncentrifuge, nouncentripetal force, nounchain reaction, nouncondensation, nounconduct, verbconduction, nounconductive, adjectiveconductor, nounconvect, verbconvection, nouncore, nouncritical mass, noundemagnetize, verbdense, adjectivedensity, noundisplacement, noundynamic, adjectiveelectron, nounelementary particle, nounfallout, nounfissile, adjectivefission, nounfocus, verbfrequency, nounfriction, nounfusion, noungamma ray, noungravitation, noungravitational, adjectivegravity, nounhalf-life, nounhertz, nounhydraulic, adjectiveHz, imaging, nounimpetus, nouninertia, nouninvariable, adjectiveion, nounionize, verbkinetic, adjectivelaser, nounlift, nounliquefaction, nounliquefy, verblodestone, nounmagnet, nounmagnetic, adjectivemagnetic field, nounmagnetism, nounmagnetize, verbmass, nounmechanical, adjectivemedium, nounmeltdown, nounmomentum, nounmotive, adjectivemushroom cloud, nounnatural philosophy, nounneutron, nounNewtonian, adjectivenuclear, adjectivenuclear fission, nounnuclear fusion, nounnuclear physics, nounnuclear reactor, nounnucleus, nounoptical fibre, nounparticle accelerator, nounparticle physics, nounphonic, adjectivephosphorescence, nounphosphorescent, adjectivephoto-, prefixphoton, nounphotosensitive, adjectivephotosensitize, verbphysical, adjectivephysicist, nounphysics, nounpivot, nounpolar, adjectivepole, nounpotential energy, nounpower, nounpressure, nounpropulsion, nounproton, nounpull, nounquantum mechanics, nounquantum theory, nounquark, nounradiate, verbradiation, nounradio wave, nounray, nounreaction, nounreactor, nounreflect, verbreflector, nounrefract, verbrelativity, nounrepel, verbrepulsion, nounrepulsive, adjectiveresilience, nounresilient, adjectiveresistance, nounresonance, nounretention, nounsolid-state, adjectivesonic, adjectivesonic boom, nounsound wave, nounspace, nounspecific gravity, nounspectral, adjectivespectroscope, nounspectrum, nounstatics, nounsteady state theory, nounstrain, nounstress, nounsurface tension, nountension, nounthermodynamics, nounthrust, nountraction, nountrajectory, nountransmit, verbultrasonic, adjectiveultrasound, nounvacuum, nounvaporize, verbvapour, nounvector, nounwave, nounwavelength, nounwork, noun
· Above a certain temperature it is impossible to liquefy a gas.
formal to become liquid, or make something become liquid




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