

单词 lightning bug
lightning bugˈlightning bug noun [countable] word sets
abdomen, nounant, nounantenna, nounanthill, nounaphid, nounbedbug, nounbee, nounbeetle, nounblack widow, nounbloodsucker, nounblow-fly, nounbluebottle, nounboll weevil, nounbookworm, nounbug, nounbumblebee, nounbutterfly, nouncaterpillar, nouncell, nouncentipede, nounchrysalis, nouncicada, nouncobweb, nouncockchafer, nouncockroach, nouncocoon, nouncomb, nouncrane fly, nouncreepy-crawly, nouncricket, noundaddy longlegs, noundragonfly, noundrone, nounearwig, nounentomology, nounfeeler, nounfirefly, nounflea, nounfly, verbfly, nounfruit fly, noungadfly, nounglow-worm, noungnat, noungossamer, noungrasshopper, noungreenfly, noungrub, nounhoneybee, nounhoneycomb, nounhornet, nounhorsefly, nounhousefly, nouninsect, nouninsectivore, nounkatydid, nounladybird, nounlarva, nounlice, nounlightning bug, nounlocust, nounlouse, nounmaggot, nounmantis, nounmayfly, nounmidge, nounmillipede, nounmite, nounmosquito, nounmoth, nounnectar, nounnest, nounnit, nounnymph, nounpest, nounpod, nounpraying mantis, nounproboscis, nounpupa, nounqueen, nounroach, nounsand fly, nounscarab, nounsilkworm, nounsilverfish, nounspider, nounspin, verbstick insect, nounsting, verbsting, nounstinger, nounsucker, nounswarm, nounswarm, verbtarantula, nountermite, nounthorax, nountick, nountortoiseshell, nountrilobite, nountsetse fly, nountzetze fly, nounvein, nounverminous, adjectivewasp, nounwater bug, nounweb, nounweevil, nounwing, nounwinged, adjectivewoodlouse, nounwoodworm, noun
American English an insect with a tail that shines in the dark SYN  firefly




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