

单词 lexicon
lexiconlex‧i‧con /ˈleksɪkən $ -kɑːn, -kən/ noun Word Origin
1600-1700 Late Greek lexikon, from lexikos ‘of words’, from Greek lexis ‘word, speech’, from legein ‘to say’
  • the political lexicon
  • And what consequences do these principles have for children's acquisition of the lexicon?
  • Before the hobbyists even integrated the word into their lexicon, Raskin was a student of interface.
  • In our lexicon, boring is even worse than bad.
  • Making full use of the shape information may also mean coding the lexicon by shape for ease of search.
  • The lexicon is very large compared to many other systems.
  • The run-time application of syntactic information uses the transition matrices and the lexicon to rank the words in the lattice.
  • The use of a morphologically-based lexicon can lead to a large reduction in the storage requirements for the lexical information.
  • Using the internal lexicon An orthographic analysis is not the only way of recognising and pronouncing a string of letters.
word sets
acronym, nounadage, nounaffricate, nounagglutination, nounalphanumeric, adjectiveanglophone, nounantecedent, nounantonym, nounaphorism, nounarchaism, nounargot, nounaspirate, verbaspirate, nounaspiration, nounassonance, nounbaby talk, nounback, adjectiveback formation, nounbilabial, nounbody language, nouncant, nouncliché, nouncognate, adjectivecognate, nouncollocate, verbcollocation, nouncolloquial, adjectivecombining form, nouncompound, nounconcordance, nounconnotation, nounconsonant, nouncontext, nouncontraction, nouncorpus, noundative, noundeclarative, adjectivedecline, verbdecode, verbdescriptive, adjectivediction, noundiminutive, noundiminutive suffix, noundiphthong, nounelide, verbellipsis, nounelocution, nounemphasis, nounencode, verbenunciate, verb-ese, suffixetymology, nouneuphemism, nouneuphemistic, adjectiveexpression, nounfigurative, adjectivefirst language, nounformal, adjectivefricative, noungender, nounglide, nounglottal stop, nounhard, adjectivehieroglyphics, nounhigh-level, adjectivehomograph, nounhomonym, nounhomophone, nounhyperbole, nounideogram, nounidiolect, nounidiom, nounidiomatic, adjectiveinflection, nounintonation, nounIPA, nounironic, adjectivejargon, nounlabial, nounlanguage, nounlegalese, nounlexical, adjectivelexicography, nounlexicon, nounlexis, nounlingua franca, nounlinguist, nounlinguistic, adjectivelinguistics, nounlip-read, verbloanword, nounlocution, nounlong, adjectivemaxim, nounmetalanguage, nounmispronounce, verbmnemonic, nounmonosyllabic, adjectivemonosyllable, nounmorpheme, nounmorphology, nounnasal, adjectivenasal, nounneologism, nounneutral, adjectivenonce, adjectivenon-standard, adjectivenonverbal, adjectiveofficialese, nounonomatopoeia, nounopen vowel, nounorientalist, nounoxymoron, nounpalindrome, nounparagraph, nounparaphrase, verbparaphrase, nounphilology, nounphoneme, nounphonemics, nounphonetic, adjectivephonetics, nounphonic, adjectivephonology, nounphrasal, adjectivephraseology, nounpidgin, nounplosive, nounpolyglot, adjectivepolysemous, adjectivepolysyllabic, adjectiveportmanteau word, nounpragmatics, nounpreliterate, adjectivepre-verbal, adjectiveprimary stress, nounpronounce, verbpronounceable, adjectivepronunciation, nounproverb, nounpsychobabble, nounReceived Pronunciation, nounrecitation, nounregister, nounretroflex, adjectiveRP, nounschwa, nounsecondary stress, nounsecond language, nounsemantic, adjectivesemantics, nounsemiotics, nounsemi-vowel, nounshort, adjectivesibilant, adjectivesibilant, nounsic, adverbsilent, adjectivesimile, nounslang, nounsound, verbspeech, nounspeech therapy, nounspell, verbspelling, nounspoonerism, nounstandard, adjectivestem, nounstop, nounstress, nounstress, verbstressed, adjectivestress mark, nounstructuralism, nounstylistics, nounsuperlative, nounsyllabic, adjectivesyllable, nounsynonym, nounsynonymous, adjectivetechnical, adjectiveterminology, nounthesaurus, nountone, nountone language, nountoneless, adjectivetongue, nountranscribe, verbtranscription, nountrope, noununpronounceable, adjectiveunstressed, adjectiveunvoiced, adjectiveusage, nounuse, verbuse, nounvelar, adjectivevocabulary, nounvoiceless, adjectivevowel, noun
· The Chart model has a far larger lexicon, however, containing 4,000 lexical items.· Very large corpora and extensive processing are necessary to provide suitable information for a large lexicon using this method.· To reduce the likelihood of this a large lexicon must be stored.· Firstly it is not guaranteed that the required information will be in the larger lexicon.· The tables show that this information is not restrictive across a large lexicon, especially for the words of commonly occurring lengths.· In secondary storage there will be a large, static lexicon of anything between 10,000 to 100,000 words.· Performance with the larger lexicon showed some deterioration.
· The mental lexicon is also involved in the production of written or spoken language.· We have seen that a mental lexicon must contain semantic, phonological and orthographic information about words.· Considering the first issue, most psycholinguists support the existence of a mental lexicon that contains knowledge about words.
· The search techniques can be improved, for example by using a lexicon which is indexed by length.· It uses a 997 word lexicon, and a bi-gram grammar extracted from 900 test sentence templates.
1the lexicon technical all the words and phrases used in a language or that a particular person knows2[countable] an alphabetical list of words with their meanings, especially on a particular subject or in a particular language:  a lexicon of geographical terms




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