

单词 woodland
woodlandwood‧land /ˈwʊdlənd, -lænd/ ●●○ noun [uncountable] (also woodlands [plural]) Examples
  • Again late August or early September is the likely time for these beautiful woodland birds to appear.
  • But it does best in the dappled shade you get under shrubs or woodland trees.
  • By comparison, the woodland areas of industrial countries appear to be growing slightly in size.
  • Fact: It contains our largest relatively unbroken block of deciduous woodland.
  • If the garden is in the country near woodland than timber may be the best material to use.
  • In order to make use of the wood, the trust has revived some of the old woodland skills in an innovative way.
  • There are edges or discontinuities everywhere, and gardens are like vastly extended woodland edge.
  • There is a children's play area and 13 acres of riverside, meadow and woodland walks to enjoy.
a very large area of land with a lot of trees growing closely together: · In 1500, most of the country was forest.· the Black Forest in Germany
(also wood British English) an area of land covered with a lot of trees, that is smaller than a forest: · Behind the house were the woods that we used to play in.· Follow the path through a small wood.
an area of land that is covered with trees – used especially for describing the type of land in an area: · The site covers 74 acres of beautiful ancient woodland.
a thick forest with tall trees, in tropical parts of the world that have a lot of rain: · Tropical rainforests are home to over half of the planet’s plant and animal species.· the Indonesian rainforest
an area of tropical forest where trees and large plants grow very closely together: · the jungles of Borneo· The palace was hidden for centuries in Guatemala’s dense jungle.
a small group of trees, or an area of land planted with a particular type of fruit tree: · The temple was built in the centre of a small grove of trees.· the olive groves of southern Spain
a small area of trees or bushes growing closely together: · At the top of the field was a copse full of rabbits.
a large area of trees planted for their wood, fruit etc: · a rubber plantation
a small group of bushes, plants, or small trees growing closely together: · Tall bamboo thickets fringed the narrow river.
areas of trees
noun [countable] a small group of trees: · a small copse of fir trees
noun [uncountable] land covered with trees: · the maintenance of ancient woodland· woodland areas
noun [countable] (also woods) a large area with many trees: · We went for a walk in the woods.
noun [countable, uncountable] a very large area with a lot of trees growing closely together: · pine forests· They worked as tree planters in the forests of Washington State.· The forest fire was started by a discarded cigarette.
noun [countable, uncountable] a tropical forest with tall trees, in an area where it rains a lot: · the Amazon rainforest· 12 million acres of rainforest have been destroyed.
noun [countable, uncountable] a tropical forest with trees and large plants: · The wreckage of the plane was found in dense jungle.· a remote jungle area
backwater, nounbank, nounbank, verbbare, adjectivebarrier reef, nounbay, nounbayou, nounbeach, nounbeck, nounbelt, nounbillow, nounbiting, adjectivebitter, adjectiveblack ice, nounblast, nounblazing, adjectivebleach, verbblizzard, nounblow, verbblowy, adjectivebluff, nounbluster, verbblustery, adjectivebog, nounboiling, adjectiveboulder, nounbracing, adjectivebreaker, nounbreeze, nounbreezy, adjectivebrook, nounbrush, nounbrushwood, nounburn, nounbutte, nouncanyon, nouncascade, nouncataract, nouncave, nouncavern, nounchange, verbchasm, nounchoppy, adjectiveclap, nounclear, verbclement, adjectivecliff, nouncloud, nouncloudburst, nouncloudy, adjectivecoast, nouncoastal, adjectivecoastline, nouncone, nouncopse, nouncountry, nouncranny, nouncrater, nouncreation, nouncreep, verbcrisp, adjectivecrosswind, nouncumulus, nouncyclone, noundale, noundell, noundense, adjectivedew, noundewdrop, noundewfall, noundewy, adjectivedisgorge, verbdog days, noundownpour, noundownriver, adverbdownstream, adverbdownwind, adverbdrift, verbdrift, noundriftwood, noundrizzle, noundrop, verbdrop, noundrought, noundry, adjectivedry land, noundull, adjectivedune, nounduster, noundust storm, nouneast, adjectiveeddy, nounelectrical storm, nounequable, adjectiveeye, nounface, nounfail, verbfair, adjectivefall, nounfell, nounfen, nounfield, nounfierce, adjectivefiord, nounfirth, nounfjord, nounflood, verbflood, nounflood tide, nounflotsam, nounflow, nounflow, verbflower, nounflurry, nounfog, nounfogbound, adjectivefoggy, adjectivefoothill, nounfoothold, nounford, nounforeshore, nounforest, nounfoul, adjectivefreak, adjectivefreeze, nounfresh, adjectivefreshen, verbfreshwater, adjectivefrost, nounfury, noungale, noungale force, adjectivegap, noungentle, adjectivegeyser, nounglacial, adjectiveglen, noungnarled, adjectivegrassy, adjectivegreen, adjectivegreenery, nounground, nounground level, noungulley, noungully, noungust, noungust, verbgusty, adjectivehail, nounhailstone, nounhailstorm, nounhaze, nounheadwind, nounheath, nounheather, nounheat wave, nounhigh tide, nounhigh water, nounhill, nounhillock, nounhillside, nounhill station, nounhilly, adjectivehoarfrost, nounhot spring, nounhummock, nounhurricane, nounice, nouniceberg, nounice cap, nouninclement, adjectiveincline, nounIndian summer, nouninland, adjectiveinland, adverbinlet, nouninshore, adverbisland, nounisle, nounislet, nounjetsam, nounjungle, nounknoll, nounlake, nounlakeside, adjectiveledge, nounlightning, nounlip, nounloch, nounlough, nounlow tide, nounlow water, nounmarshland, nounmeadow, nounmere, nounmild, adjectivemillpond, nounmire, nounmist, nounmisty, adjectivemoan, verbmoan, nounmonsoon, nounmoonless, adjectivemoor, nounmoorland, nounMother Nature, nounmound, nounmountain, nounmountainous, adjectivemountainside, nounmountaintop, nounmouth, nounmudflat, nounmull, nounmurmur, verbmurmur, nounnarrows, nounnestle, verbnew moon, nounnook, nounnorth, adjectivenortheast, adjectivenortheaster, nounnortheasterly, adjectivenortherly, adjectivenorthwest, adjectivenorthwester, nounnorthwesterly, adjectivenotch, nounoasis, nounonshore, adjectiveooze, nounoutcrop, nounovercast, adjectiveozone, nounpack ice, nounpalisade, nounpanorama, nounparch, verbparched, adjectivepass, nounpatchy, adjectivepeak, nounpeal, nounpeasouper, nounpebble, nounpelt, verbpenumbra, nounperishing, adjectivepinewood, nounpinnacle, nounpitiless, adjectivepond, nounpour, verbprecipice, nounprospect, nounpuddle, nounquicksand, nounradiate, verbraging, adjectiverain, nounrainbow, nounrain drop, nounrainfall, nounrainstorm, nounrainwater, nounrainy, adjectiverange, nounrapids, nounrarefied, adjectiveravine, nounraw, adjectiverecede, verbreedy, adjectivereef, nounreservoir, nounridge, nounrift, nounrime, nounrise, verbrise, nounrock, nounrocky, adjectiveroll, verbrolling, adjectiverough, adjectiverural, adjectivescenery, nounscud, verbsea breeze, nounsea mist, nounset, verbshore, nounsky, nounslope, nounsludge, nounsnow, nounsnowbound, adjectivesnow-capped, adjectivesnowdrift, nounsnowfall, nounsnowflake, nounsnowstorm, nounsnowy, adjectivesouth, adjectivesoutheast, adjectivesoutheaster, nounsoutheasterly, adjectivesoutherly, adjectivesouthwest, adjectivesouthwesterly, adjectivespinney, nounspring, nounstream, nounsullen, adjectivesultry, adjectivesummer, nounsummit, nounsun, nounsundown, nounsun-drenched, adjectivesunrise, nounsunset, nounsunshine, nounswamp, nounsweep, verbswollen, adjectivetempestuous, adjectivethaw, verbthaw, nounthicket, nounthin, adjectivethunder, verbthunderbolt, nounthunderstorm, nounthundery, adjectivetide, nountreeless, adjectivetree-lined, adjectivetrough, nounturf, nountussock, nountwilight, nounvale, nounvalley, nounverdant, adjectivevisibility, nounvoid, nounwashout, nounwater, nounwatercourse, nounwaterfall, nounwaterside, nounwaterspout, nounwax, verbwest, adjectivewest, adverbwestbound, adjectivewesterly, adjectivewesternmost, adjectivewestward, adverbwet, adjectivewhirlpool, nounwhirlwind, nounwhite horses, nounwhitewater, nounwild, adjectivewill o' the wisp, nounwind, nounwindstorm, nounwindswept, adjectivewindy, adjectivewood, nounwooded, adjectivewoodland, nounwoodsy, adjectivewoody, adjectivezephyr, noun
· Their helicopter could not land because of the dense jungle.
(=a place in a wood, etc where animals and plants live or grow)· The owl inhabits woodland habitats from Scotland to southern Spain.
· Some of the trees in this ancient woodland have been here for more than 300 years.· The loss of ancient woodland now means they're confined to the southern counties and Herefordshire and Worcestershire.· Of the remaining ancient woodland, over 80 percent consists of small copses of less than 50 acres.· Hazel catkins Witches' broom Bluebells are indicators of ancient woodland.· Since World War 11, over half of Britain's ancient woodland has been destroyed.
· During the night a storm descended upon them and they became lost in the dense woodland.· The track continues, re-entering dense mixed woodland, climbing still.· All types of country except dense woodland, but especially near water; often in towns and villages.· The muntjac and roe deer are browsers, living either singly or in very small groups throughout the year in dense woodland.
· There is little in the Outer Hebrides at the present time which can be described as natural woodland.· Vast areas of Rum have been fenced off for century-long experiment to re-create the natural woodland environment.
· By comparison, the woodland areas of industrial countries appear to be growing slightly in size.· Snipe Dales, not far from Spilsby, includes grass and woodland areas with well laid trails.· Castor Hanglands Reserve is a superb woodland area for birds.· Lancaut lies within one of the most important woodland areas of Britain.
· The route follows minor roads, woodland paths, paths across fields and cliff-tops as you cross Whitecliff Bay to reach Sandown.· We set off through the lovely village of Stonethwaite and up the steep woodland path towards Great Crag.· Proceed on woodland path along inside edge of woods ignoring all left turns.· More riverside and woodland paths lead to the town of Grassington, continuing on to Buckden.
· There is also a very pleasant woodland walk here.· Eaglesbush Valley - a tranquil woodland walk within the densely populated area of Melincrythan.· Its woodland walks are delightfully peaceful and plead for exploration not only in summer but throughout the year.
an area of land covered with treeswood, forest see thesaurus at forest




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