

单词 wink
wink1 verbwink2 noun
winkwink1 /wɪŋk/ ●●○ verb Word Origin
Old English wincian
Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theywink
he, she, itwinks
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theywinked
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave winked
he, she, ithas winked
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad winked
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill wink
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have winked
Continuous Form
PresentIam winking
he, she, itis winking
you, we, theyare winking
PastI, he, she, itwas winking
you, we, theywere winking
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been winking
he, she, ithas been winking
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been winking
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be winking
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been winking
  • "The weather's so nice, I'm thinking of calling in sick tomorrow," she said, winking at me.
  • Ben grinned at his father and winked.
  • Christmas lights were winking in the tree.
  • Around one wrist a gold Rolex winked at her.
  • Bunsen burners, Petri dishes, retorts and test tube holders winked enticingly.
  • She winked, snapping her gum as her fingers darted over the adding-machine buttons.
  • The murderer has to wink at other children in the room.
  • The sky was filled with stars, all winking mysteriously.
  • Then Frank bursting at once into song, laughing and winking at me.
  • Two marker posts with winking lights had appeared on the horizon, and the bus was steering between them.
Longman Language Activatorto make a movement or sound to tell someone something
to make a movement, especially with your hand, in order to tell someone something: · I'll make a sign when I'm ready.· The President made a sign to indicate that he wanted to leave.make a sign (that): · From across the room Marla made a sign that she had seen me come in.
to make a movement or sound in order to give instructions or information: · A sailor began signalling with two flags.signal to: · Graham finished his drink and signalled to the waiter.signal that: · An official signalled that it was time for the race to begin.signal somebody to do something: · Slowly he inched around the corner, signalling for the others to follow.
to make a previously agreed sign that tells someone that they should start doing something: · When I give the signal, I want you all to start clapping.give (somebody) the signal to do something: · The dog waited patiently until his master gave him the signal to eat.
to move your hand or arm from one side to the other, for example in order to get someone's attention or to tell them something: · She continued to wave as the car drove out of sight.wave at: · Who's that waving at you?wave to: · The emperor waved to the crowd from the palace balcony.wave for somebody to do something: · Yolanda waved for us to come over.wave somebody through/on (=wave to show someone that they can go through or continue their journey): · The customs officer at the border waved us through.wave goodbye (=wave to someone who is leaving): · Her parents stood in the doorway and waved goodbye.
to quickly close and open one eye, in order to show that you are joking or that you share a secret with someone: · Ben grinned at his father and winked.wink at: · "The weather's so nice, I'm thinking of calling in sick tomorrow," she said, winking at me.
to make a slight downward movement with your head to say 'yes' or 'hello' or to say that something can begin: · Rob nodded his head in agreement.· "Has he really left you?" I asked. Josie nodded miserably.nod/nod your head at/to: · The two men nodded to each other, as if they'd met before.nod/nod your head for somebody to do something: · She nodded for Mike to lead the way.
to use a movement of your hand, especially to tell someone to go to a place or to emphasize your meaning when you are saying something: · The man was gesturing wildly, but we couldn't understand what he wanted.gesture to/at: · "Please sit down," said Winters, gesturing at the chair facing his own.gesture to: · Celia began listing their recent purchases and gestured proudly to the fountain.gesture for somebody to do something: · I turned to see a large policeman gesturing for us to move along.
to use a short movement of your arm or hand to tell someone what to do or where to go: motion to: · Neil finished his meal, and then motioned to the waitress.motion for somebody to do something: · Seeing Bert in the doorway, I motioned for him to come in.motion somebody to do something: · Kemp started to object, but I motioned him to be quiet.
to use a movement of your finger or head to tell someone to come towards you: · She beckoned and he came running immediately.· He was leaning over the wall, beckoning me.beckon to: · Jan beckoned to me, but I knew better than to sit next to her.beckon somebody in/over/to etc: · "Come and look at this," he said, beckoning me over to the window.
 Britta gave him a conspiratorial smile.
informal (=not sleep at all)· I didn’t sleep a wink last night.
PHRASES FROM OTHER ENTRIESa nod’s as good as a wink
  • All those gloating women looking down into his grave, whispering their sisterly secrets behind their sly smiles.
  • By his sly smile, I think this is the one he intended.
  • He was relieved when he saw Earnhardt's trademark sly smile.
  • Herbie's face had also lit in a sly smile as Mary had passed.
  • Magrat took her seat and, to Agnes's amazement, gave her a sly wink.
  • Mitchell was shocked to see the man signaling him with sly winks.
  • Wickham saw Marshall's sly smile and understood what he was thinking.
  • Just tip us the wink when I come in.
  • So d'you think you could tip her the wink an' tell her I've got back early?
1wink [intransitive, transitive] to close and open one eye quickly to communicate something or show that something is a secret or jokewink at He winked mischievously at Erica. He winked an eye at his companion.2[intransitive] to shine with a light that flashes on and off SYN  blink:  a Christmas tree with lights winking on and offwink at something phrasal verb to pretend not to notice something bad or illegal, in a way that suggests you approve of it
wink1 verbwink2 noun
winkwink2 ●●○ noun Examples
  • "Don't worry," he said with a wink. "I won't tell anyone about this."
  • "How are you girls?" Tom asked with a wink.
  • Mike shook his head in mock regret; catching my eye, he gave me his wink.
  • Mitchell was shocked to see the man signaling him with sly winks.
  • More than that - Jess saw the nod and wink exchanged.
  • She leant across the car and grasped Maura's hand, forcing herself to give her daughter a little wink.
  • The dimensions of time have shriveled to a wink.
  • Tip me the wink if I lapse, won't you?
  • Tipping a wink at the typing pool.
Longman Language Activatorto sleep badly or be unable to sleep
to wake up often during the night, and not feel rested or comfortable: · I'm sorry, I didn't sleep very well last night and it's put me in a bad mood.· They slept badly on the hard bamboo floor.
to be unable to go to sleep especially because of noise, worries, pain etc: · If you can't get to sleep, don't get up or have a meal or snack; relax and read quietly instead.· I just couldn't get to sleep, what with all the traffic and people in the street.
to sleep badly and only for short periods, especially because of noise, worries, pain etc: · The people next door are having a party, so we probably won't get much sleep tonight.· She cried all last night and I didn't get much sleep either.
to be someone who is easily woken when there is any movement or noise: · I'm a light sleeper - so I woke up as soon as I heard him come in.· I just hope your dad isn't a light sleeper.
informal to not sleep at all during the night, especially because you are worried, angry, upset etc: · I was so worried, I didn't sleep a wink last night.hardly/barely sleep a wink: · He had hardly slept a wink all night, beside himself with jealousy and anger.
to be in bed unable to sleep, especially because you are worried or excited about something: · I used to lie awake at night wondering what had happened to her.· I lay awake the whole night after I read the letter, thinking about what it could mean.· We'd lie awake, listening to our parents arguing in the room below.
to keep changing your position in bed because you are unable to sleep and do not feel comfortable: · She had slept badly, tossing and turning before falling into a fitful doze.· Do you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, or do you toss and turn for hours before dropping off?
a night when you cannot sleep at all: · After a sleepless night, she looked almost as pale and exhausted as Elinor.give somebody a sleepless night (=make someone worry so much that they cannot sleep): · He's given us a few sleepless nights over the years, but we love him.spend a sleepless night: · Tom had spent a sleepless night on the sofa.
a night during which you sleep badly, keep changing your position in bed, and wake up often: · Another restless night followed, but she determinedly settled down to work again the next morning.· I'd had quite a restless night, and breakfast didn't look appetizing.
the inability to sleep at night: · Working outdoors all day certainly did wonders for my insomnia.· a cure for insomniasuffer from insomnia: · He suffered from insomnia and was taking sleeping pills each night.chronic insomnia (=when this happens to you a lot over a long period of time): · My mother was alarmed by my fits of weeping and chronic insomnia.
an inability to sleep that continues for several nights or more: · His eyes were still red-rimmed from tears and sleeplessness.· Sleeplessness and loss of appetite are common signs of stress.
 He gave her a wink.
 ‘You look tired,’ he said with a knowing wink.
 Britta gave him a conspiratorial smile.
informal (=not sleep at all)· I didn’t sleep a wink last night.
· Magrat took her seat and, to Agnes's amazement, gave her a sly wink.· The waiter gives us a conspiratorial wink.· Desmond Fairchild gave him a sympathetic wink.· He gave her a wink and chased the children upstairs to their rooms.· John gave her a wink and a thumbs-up sign.· Mike shook his head in mock regret; catching my eye, he gave me his wink.· She gave me a little wink, because, of course, they were pointing their telescopic lenses mostly at me.· But then Ken gave me the wink.
· I could see he hadn't slept a wink all night.· He didn't sleep a wink during the journey.· I didn't sleep a wink.· I did not sleep a wink last night for worrying about you and if you are alright.· He wouldn't sleep a wink.
· So d'you think you could tip her the wink an' tell her I've got back early?· Just tip us the wink when I come in.· And they'd know if Keith was tipping the wink.· And I can't tip the wink to Stephen.
PHRASES FROM OTHER ENTRIESa nod’s as good as a wink
  • All those gloating women looking down into his grave, whispering their sisterly secrets behind their sly smiles.
  • By his sly smile, I think this is the one he intended.
  • He was relieved when he saw Earnhardt's trademark sly smile.
  • Herbie's face had also lit in a sly smile as Mary had passed.
  • Magrat took her seat and, to Agnes's amazement, gave her a sly wink.
  • Mitchell was shocked to see the man signaling him with sly winks.
  • Wickham saw Marshall's sly smile and understood what he was thinking.
  • Just tip us the wink when I come in.
  • So d'you think you could tip her the wink an' tell her I've got back early?
1[countable] a quick action of closing and opening one eye, usually as a signal to someone else:  He gave her a wink. ‘You look tired,’ he said with a knowing wink.2not get a wink of sleep/not sleep a wink not be able to sleep at all:  I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night. forty winks, → a nod’s as good as a wink at nod2(4), → tip somebody the wink at tip2(11)




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