

单词 invoice
invoice1 nouninvoice2 verb
invoicein‧voice1 /ˈɪnvɔɪs/ ●○○ noun [countable] Word Origin
1500-1600 Early French envois, plural of envoi ‘message’
  • They sent him an invoice at the end of the month.
  • We have received an invoice for $250.
  • You will find the invoice attached to the box.
  • Accommodation and meals as confirmed on your final invoice.
  • All fees are payable when the invoice is issued.
  • Each year the trading partners exchange millions of invoices, checks, purchase orders, financial reports, and other transactions.
  • One invoice had fitted all the requirements perfectly.
  • The supply would not be on a tax invoice, so the buyer would not be able to reclaim the tax paid.
  • To mean that an invoice issued on 15 June would have to be due no later than 15 July.
  • Whitacre would submit the invoices and divert the payments to businesses he established or controlled.
a piece of paper that tells you how much you must pay: · Many families are struggling to pay their bills.· a credit card bill· We got a huge phone bill.· I asked the waiter to bring me the bill.
American English a bill that tells you how much you must pay in a restaurant: · Can I have the check, please?
a document that lists the goods that a company has sent, or the services they have provided, and tells you how much you must pay. It is often sent from one company to another company: · Payment is due ten days after receipt of the invoice.
informal a bill that is added up at the end of a period of time, especially for food or drinks that you have had in a restaurant or hotel: · People staying in the hotel can order food or drinks to be put on their tab.
Longman Language Activatora piece of paper that shows how much you must pay
a piece of paper that tells you how much you must pay for services you have received or for work that has been done for you: · Can I have the bill, please?telephone/gas/electricity etc bill: · We've just had a huge telephone bill.pay a bill: · They left the hotel without paying the bill.a bill for £50/$100 etc: · The garage sent me a bill for £400.the bill comes to (=the amount on the bill adds up to): · The bill for the meal came to $75, including wine.
American a piece of paper that tells you how much you must pay in a restaurant: · A waiter came over and handed me the check.pay the check: · Let me pay the check.
informal a bill that is added up at the end of a period of time, showing how much you owe for drinks, food etc: · The bride's father paid the tab for the party.put something on the tab: · He ordered dinner and asked for it to be put on his tab.run up a tab: · In just two days, she'd run up a bar tab of $175.
a bill given to you by a company or organization, which tells you how much you owe them for goods, services or work that they have provided: · You will find the invoice attached to the box.· They sent him an invoice at the end of the month.invoice for £250/$300 etc: · We have received an invoice for $250.
after-sales service, agro-industry, nounarcade, nounB2B exchange, nounB2C, adjectivebakery, nounbar code, nounbargain, nounbarrier to trade, nounbarrow, nounbazaar, nounbid, nounbid, verbbidding, nounbid-rigging, nounboard of directors, nounBOL, bonded factory, bookshop, nounbookstall, nounbookstore, nounbook token, nounboom, nounboom, verbboot sale, nounboutique, nounboxed, adjectivebreakdown clause, B/S, business agent, business interruption insurance, business liability insurance, buyback, nounbuyer, nounbuying power, C&F, callback, nouncarrying charge, cash and carry, nouncash basis, nouncash desk, nouncash discount, nouncash generation, cash price, cash register, nouncasualty insurance, CFI, CFR, chain store, nounchamber of trade, nouncheckout, nounCIF, CIP, clearance sale, nounclosed-door policy, nounComdex, nouncommercial agent, common ownership, comparative advantage, competitive advantage, competitive strategy, completion date, concessionaire, nounconsign, verbconsignee, nounconsignment, nounconsignor, nounconsolidator, nounconsumer, nounconsumer confidence, nounconsumerism, nounconsumer society, nouncontinuous improvement, conversion rate, corn exchange, nouncorporate investment, cost, nouncost price, nouncreative brief, credit, nouncredit account, nouncredit control, credit note, nouncreditor turnover rate, nouncredit terms, credit voucher, nouncustom, nouncustomer, nouncustomer capital, cutover, nouncut-price, adjectivedealership, noundebit account, declaration insurance, deliverable, noundelivery date, delivery receipt, deputy chairman, dime store, noundirect investment, disability insurance, discount, noundiscounting, noundispenser, noundistribute, verbdistributive, adjectivedocket, noundocumentary credit, domestic investment, draft terms, draper, noundrive-in, noundrive-in store, -driven, suffixdrop-shipping, nounDutch auction, nounearnings, nounEFQM Excellence Model, electronic point of sale, embargo, verbemporium, nounescalator clause, escape clause, executive chairman, expiration date, export, nounexport, verbexport credit, exporter, nounexport insurance, extended credit, external competitiveness, EXW, factory shop, fair dealing, financial investment, first-tier supplier, flat, adjectiveflea market, nounfleet terms, florist, nounfor-profit, adjectivefree market, nounfree port, nounfreight, nounfreight, verbfront end, nounfutures market, noungift certificate, noungift token, noungift-wrap, verbgiveaway, nounglut, noungoodwill, noungrandfather clause, greengrocer, noungross margin, noungross national product, noungross profit, nounguaranteed price, halo effect, handle, verbhandling charge, nounhigh street, nounhome product, hookup, nounHP, nounindent, nounindirect sale, industrial estate, nouninstallment plan, nouninstalment, nounInternet Service Provider, inventory, nouninvestment goods, invoice, nouninvoice, verbjob order, kanban system, layaway, nounleasing, nounliability insurance, license, verbline, nounlist price, nounlong-term credit, loss leader, nounlot, nounlumberyard, nounmail order, nounmarkdown, nounmarket, nounmarket-driven, adjectivemarket economy, nounmarket forces, nounmarketing, nounmarket leader, nounmarket-led, adjectivemarket price, nounmarket research, nounmarket value, nounmark-up, nounmedium-term credit, mercantile, adjectivemerchandise, nounmerchandiser, nounmerchant, nounMNC, MNE, move, verbmultiple, nounmultiple store, nounoff, adverboffer, nounoff-the-shelf, adjectiveo.n.o., open, adjectiveopen, verbopening hours, nounorder, nounorder, verbOTC, out, adverboutbid, verboutpost, nounoutsell, verboverbid, verboverbook, verboversubscribed, adjectiveovertrade, verbown brand, adjectiveown label, adjectivepackage, verbpackage deal, nounpackager, nounpackaging, nounpacket, nounparade, nounpart exchange, nounpass-along, nounpass-through, nounpeddle, verbpedlar, nounperformance guarantee, perfumery, nounpetty cash, nounpitch, nounplaza, nounpoint of sale, nounprice, nounprice, verbprice fixing, nounprice-fixing, nounprice list, nounprice tag, nounprice war, nounprivate company, private investment, problem child, nounproducer, nounproduction control, profit, nounprofit margin, nounpro forma invoice, nounpro-forma invoice, property and liability insurance, proprietary, adjectivepunter, nounpurchase, verbpurchase, nounpurveyor, nounpyramid selling, nounquotation, nounrake-off, nounready-to-wear, adjectivereal estate, nounreceipt, nounrefund, verbregular, nounrelaunch, nounremnant, nounrent, verbrent, nounrental, nounreorder, verbresell, verbreserve, nounretail, nounretail, verbretail, adverbretailer, nounretailing, nounretail park, nounrevolving credit, sale, nounsales channel, sales slip, nounsecond-tier supplier, secured credit, self-service, adjectivesell-by date, nounseller, nounseller's market, nounselling, nounselling price, nounserve, verbservice, nounservice agreement, service bureau, nounsettlement date, sex shop, nounshelf life, nounship, verbshopfitting, nounshopping centre, nounshopping mall, nounshopping precinct, nounshop-soiled, adjectiveshopworn, adjectiveshort-term credit, showcase, nounshowroom, nounshrink-wrapped, adjectivesister company, soft sell, nounsolicit, verbsouk, nounspecial, nounSRP, stand, nounstand-alone, adjectivestaple, nounstartup, nounstationer, nounstock, nounstockist, nounstockroom, nounstocktaking, nounstoppage in transit, nounstore brand, nounstorefront, nounstreet price, strip mall, nounstructural analysis, supermarket, nounsuperstore, nounsurcharge, nounsurcharge, verbtake-up, nountakings, nountelesales, nountender, verbthrift shop, nounthroughput, nounticket, nounticket, verbtill, nountout, verbtrade discount, nountrade fair, nountrade-in, nountrademark, nountradename, nountrade name, nountrade price, nountrader, nountrade route, nountrade secret, nountradesman, nountrading estate, nountrading post, nountraffic, nountrafficker, nountrigger point, uneconomic, adjectiveunit price, noununsecured credit, upfront fee, wares, nounwarranty, nounwholesale, nounwholesale, adjectivewholesaler, nounwinding up, noun
· There was no tax invoice because the firm was not registered when it billed for the work.· The supply would not be on a tax invoice, so the buyer would not be able to reclaim the tax paid.
· Flat rate farmers will have to issue invoices for all supplies of goods and services where the flat rate addition is added.· This should always be double checked when you issue the first invoice to a new customer. 2.· A maintenance contract covering the calendar year 1991 was not issued under invoice until April 1991.
· If you decide to keep it, pay the special low-price invoice enclosed with it.· Organisations, such as schools, may place an official order and pay on receipt of invoice.
· They received your invoice late because it was sent late and it won't now be paid until next month. 11.· After a month, he called to make sure they had received his invoice.
· My understanding was that you were working for and that you would send your invoice to him.· They will confirm the booking by sending you an invoice and detailed joining instructions.
a list of goods that have been supplied or work that has been done, showing how much you owe for thembill see thesaurus at bill
invoice1 nouninvoice2 verb
invoiceinvoice2 verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyinvoice
he, she, itinvoices
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyinvoiced
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave invoiced
he, she, ithas invoiced
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad invoiced
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill invoice
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have invoiced
Continuous Form
PresentIam invoicing
he, she, itis invoicing
you, we, theyare invoicing
PastI, he, she, itwas invoicing
you, we, theywere invoicing
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been invoicing
he, she, ithas been invoicing
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been invoicing
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be invoicing
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been invoicing
  • The company invoiced us for the cost of using their conference hall.
  • You will be invoiced as soon as the work is completed.
  • Another method is to allocate the total costs over the two years on the basis of work invoiced.
  • It appears that Olympic didn't invoice customers for kit shipped.
  • No foreign warehouses were necessary and orders were invoiced in the appropriate foreign currency.
  • Now that the season is ended it would be appropriate for your Finance Department to invoice the Regional Council for this sum.
  • Schools actually place orders on the showroom visits and are invoiced directly for these.
Longman Language Activatorto tell someone in writing how much they should pay you
to send someone a document showing how much money they must pay you, for goods or services they have received: · Some lawyers bill clients up to $300 an hour.bill somebody for something: · One lobbyist billed the environmental group $20,000 for nine-months' work.
if a company or organization invoices you, they send you a bill showing how much you have to pay for goods and services they have provided: · You will be invoiced as soon as the work is completed.invoice somebody for something: · The company invoiced us for the cost of using their conference hall.
after-sales service, agro-industry, nounarcade, nounB2B exchange, nounB2C, adjectivebakery, nounbar code, nounbargain, nounbarrier to trade, nounbarrow, nounbazaar, nounbid, nounbid, verbbidding, nounbid-rigging, nounboard of directors, nounBOL, bonded factory, bookshop, nounbookstall, nounbookstore, nounbook token, nounboom, nounboom, verbboot sale, nounboutique, nounboxed, adjectivebreakdown clause, B/S, business agent, business interruption insurance, business liability insurance, buyback, nounbuyer, nounbuying power, C&F, callback, nouncarrying charge, cash and carry, nouncash basis, nouncash desk, nouncash discount, nouncash generation, cash price, cash register, nouncasualty insurance, CFI, CFR, chain store, nounchamber of trade, nouncheckout, nounCIF, CIP, clearance sale, nounclosed-door policy, nounComdex, nouncommercial agent, common ownership, comparative advantage, competitive advantage, competitive strategy, completion date, concessionaire, nounconsign, verbconsignee, nounconsignment, nounconsignor, nounconsolidator, nounconsumer, nounconsumer confidence, nounconsumerism, nounconsumer society, nouncontinuous improvement, conversion rate, corn exchange, nouncorporate investment, cost, nouncost price, nouncreative brief, credit, nouncredit account, nouncredit control, credit note, nouncreditor turnover rate, nouncredit terms, credit voucher, nouncustom, nouncustomer, nouncustomer capital, cutover, nouncut-price, adjectivedealership, noundebit account, declaration insurance, deliverable, noundelivery date, delivery receipt, deputy chairman, dime store, noundirect investment, disability insurance, discount, noundiscounting, noundispenser, noundistribute, verbdistributive, adjectivedocket, noundocumentary credit, domestic investment, draft terms, draper, noundrive-in, noundrive-in store, -driven, suffixdrop-shipping, nounDutch auction, nounearnings, nounEFQM Excellence Model, electronic point of sale, embargo, verbemporium, nounescalator clause, escape clause, executive chairman, expiration date, export, nounexport, verbexport credit, exporter, nounexport insurance, extended credit, external competitiveness, EXW, factory shop, fair dealing, financial investment, first-tier supplier, flat, adjectiveflea market, nounfleet terms, florist, nounfor-profit, adjectivefree market, nounfree port, nounfreight, nounfreight, verbfront end, nounfutures market, noungift certificate, noungift token, noungift-wrap, verbgiveaway, nounglut, noungoodwill, noungrandfather clause, greengrocer, noungross margin, noungross national product, noungross profit, nounguaranteed price, halo effect, handle, verbhandling charge, nounhigh street, nounhome product, hookup, nounHP, nounindent, nounindirect sale, industrial estate, nouninstallment plan, nouninstalment, nounInternet Service Provider, inventory, nouninvestment goods, invoice, nouninvoice, verbjob order, kanban system, layaway, nounleasing, nounliability insurance, license, verbline, nounlist price, nounlong-term credit, loss leader, nounlot, nounlumberyard, nounmail order, nounmarkdown, nounmarket, nounmarket-driven, adjectivemarket economy, nounmarket forces, nounmarketing, nounmarket leader, nounmarket-led, adjectivemarket price, nounmarket research, nounmarket value, nounmark-up, nounmedium-term credit, mercantile, adjectivemerchandise, nounmerchandiser, nounmerchant, nounMNC, MNE, move, verbmultiple, nounmultiple store, nounoff, adverboffer, nounoff-the-shelf, adjectiveo.n.o., open, adjectiveopen, verbopening hours, nounorder, nounorder, verbOTC, out, adverboutbid, verboutpost, nounoutsell, verboverbid, verboverbook, verboversubscribed, adjectiveovertrade, verbown brand, adjectiveown label, adjectivepackage, verbpackage deal, nounpackager, nounpackaging, nounpacket, nounparade, nounpart exchange, nounpass-along, nounpass-through, nounpeddle, verbpedlar, nounperformance guarantee, perfumery, nounpetty cash, nounpitch, nounplaza, nounpoint of sale, nounprice, nounprice, verbprice fixing, nounprice-fixing, nounprice list, nounprice tag, nounprice war, nounprivate company, private investment, problem child, nounproducer, nounproduction control, profit, nounprofit margin, nounpro forma invoice, nounpro-forma invoice, property and liability insurance, proprietary, adjectivepunter, nounpurchase, verbpurchase, nounpurveyor, nounpyramid selling, nounquotation, nounrake-off, nounready-to-wear, adjectivereal estate, nounreceipt, nounrefund, verbregular, nounrelaunch, nounremnant, nounrent, verbrent, nounrental, nounreorder, verbresell, verbreserve, nounretail, nounretail, verbretail, adverbretailer, nounretailing, nounretail park, nounrevolving credit, sale, nounsales channel, sales slip, nounsecond-tier supplier, secured credit, self-service, adjectivesell-by date, nounseller, nounseller's market, nounselling, nounselling price, nounserve, verbservice, nounservice agreement, service bureau, nounsettlement date, sex shop, nounshelf life, nounship, verbshopfitting, nounshopping centre, nounshopping mall, nounshopping precinct, nounshop-soiled, adjectiveshopworn, adjectiveshort-term credit, showcase, nounshowroom, nounshrink-wrapped, adjectivesister company, soft sell, nounsolicit, verbsouk, nounspecial, nounSRP, stand, nounstand-alone, adjectivestaple, nounstartup, nounstationer, nounstock, nounstockist, nounstockroom, nounstocktaking, nounstoppage in transit, nounstore brand, nounstorefront, nounstreet price, strip mall, nounstructural analysis, supermarket, nounsuperstore, nounsurcharge, nounsurcharge, verbtake-up, nountakings, nountelesales, nountender, verbthrift shop, nounthroughput, nounticket, nounticket, verbtill, nountout, verbtrade discount, nountrade fair, nountrade-in, nountrademark, nountradename, nountrade name, nountrade price, nountrader, nountrade route, nountrade secret, nountradesman, nountrading estate, nountrading post, nountraffic, nountrafficker, nountrigger point, uneconomic, adjectiveunit price, noununsecured credit, upfront fee, wares, nounwarranty, nounwholesale, nounwholesale, adjectivewholesaler, nounwinding up, noun
to send someone an invoice




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