

单词 introductory
introductoryin‧tro‧duc‧to‧ry /ˌɪntrəˈdʌktəri◂/ ●○○ adjective [only before noun] Examples
  • an introductory course on "Understanding Computers"
  • an introductory course on American literature
  • an introductory psychology textbook
  • Singer wrote an introductory essay to the book of photographs.
  • The introductory subscription rate is $165 per year.
  • The text has been revised and a new introductory essay has been added for the second edition.
  • Williams cleared his throat, made a few introductory remarks welcoming everyone, then began his speech.
  • Wilson will give the introductory speech at the education conference.
  • As an introductory offer the first 1,000 brochures to be sent will include a 10% discount voucher.
  • I started telling him some thoughts I had about the introductory Art History course we all taught.
  • I went on an introductory course with ParAvion in Wiltshire to find out if I liked paragliding any better.
  • It was while being given an introductory tour of Grove House.
  • See the introductory section in the Unit and its explanation of the movement from meaning to form.
  • The part of the programme which had received highest priority was the introductory course in information retrieval for the engineering undergraduates.
  • They lead students through introductory experiences in telepathy and techniques of subspace communication and energy manipulation.
  • Type the introductory paragraph. 15.
Longman Language Activatordone or happening at the beginning
: initial feelings/costs/reaction etc feelings, costs etc that exist or are experienced at the beginning of an event or process: · Simon's initial feeling when he heard about the wedding was surprise.· After initial delays, construction on the new library is due to start in two weeks.· The initial cost of the computer system is more than made up for in terms of eventual profit.
close to the beginning of an event, story, period of time etc: · I'll be seeing him early next week.early in the game/story/century etc: · Rangers scored early in the game but fell behind within ten minutes.
happening at the beginning of a process or event, especially in order to prepare for the rest of it: · The architect's plans are still in the preliminary stages.· Preliminary market research has shown that most Americans prefer environmentally-friendly products.
: introductory remark/paragraph/chapter etc something someone says or writes at the beginning of a book, speech etc to explain what it is about: · Williams cleared his throat, made a few introductory remarks welcoming everyone, then began his speech.· The text has been revised and a new introductory essay has been added for the second edition.
said or written at the beginning of a speech, book, play etc: · In the opening chapter, Ramona sits at the breakfast table thinking about the first day of school.· The audience strongly objected to the opening remarks of the president's speech.· Hilary makes a brief appearance in the opening scene, but doesn't have a major part.
speech or writing that introduces something
· After a brief introduction by the Chairman, the meeting began.· Powell wrote in the introduction that all the armed forces must work together as a team.
spoken the introduction to a speech: · I'll start off with a brief intro.· In his intro he said he didn't know much about language teaching
a short statement that comes before the main part of a speech or piece of writing to tell you what it is about: · The lead-in to a news item should only take a few seconds.· The last sentence in a paragraph should form a lead-in to what is to be discussed in the next paragraph.
giving a short introduction to a subject before it is discussed or studied in more detail: · Wilson will give the introductory speech at the education conference.· an introductory course on American literature
a short piece of writing at the beginning of a book, before the main part, that tells what the book is about or the reason for writing it: · In his preface, the author sums up what he has learned from two years of observing political life.· According to the foreword, the cookbook aims to celebrate the rich variety of Chinese food.
an introduction to a piece of writing, for example a play or a long poem: · The play begins with a brief prologue.prologue to: · the prologue to Shakespeare's Henry V
absenteeism, nounacademic, adjectiveacademy, nounadult education, nounalma mater, nounassessment, nounassessor, nounassignment, nounaudiovisual, adjectiveAV, binder, nounbiology, nounblackboard, nounbursary, nounbusiness studies, nounCAL, nounCALL, nouncareer counselor, nouncareers officer, nouncase study, nounCDT, nouncert., certificate, nouncertificated, adjectivechalkboard, nouncharm school, nounchemistry set, nouncivics, nounclass, nounclassicist, nounclassmate, nouncloze test, nouncoach, nouncoeducation, nouncollege, nouncollegiate, adjectivecommon room, nouncomprehension, nouncomprehensive, adjectivecomputer-literate, adjectivecomputer science, nouncontinuing education, nouncorrespondence course, nouncoursebook, nouncoursework, nouncrash course, nouncredit, nouncrib, verbcross, nouncurriculum, nounD, noundiploma, noundirect method, nounDirector of Studies, noundissect, verbdistance learning, noundistinction, noundo, verbdropout, noundyslexia, nounedify, verbedifying, adjectiveeducate, verbeducational, adjectiveeducationalist, nouneducator, nounEFL, nounELT, nounESL, nounESOL, nounESP, nounessay, nounevening class, nounexam, nounexamination, nounexamine, verbexercise, nounexercise book, nounexternal, adjectiveextracurricular, adjectiveF, fail, nounfellowship, nounfield, nounfield day, nounfield trip, nounfieldwork, nounflashcard, nounflip chart, nounflunk, verbfree period, nounfresher, nounfreshman, nounfurther education, nounglobe, noungoverness, noungrade, verbgraded, adjectivegrade point average, noungrind, nounheuristic, adjectivehistory, nounimmersion, nounineducable, adjectiveinfirmary, nounintake, nounintelligence quotient, nouninterdisciplinary, adjectiveintroductory, adjectiveinvigilate, verbIQ, nounjanitor, nounlearning curve, nounlesson, nounletter, nounletter, verbliberal arts, nounlibrarian, nounlibrary, nounlife science, nounmainstream, adjectivemasterclass, nounmatron, nounmedia studies, nounmnemonic, nounmoderate, verbmoderator, nounmodular, adjectivemodule, nounmultiple choice, adjectivenight school, nounnumerate, adjectiveopen house, nounoral, nounoverqualified, adjectivepapier mâché, nounpass, verbpass, nounpastoral, adjectivepedagogical, adjectivepedagogue, nounpedagogy, nounphonics, nounphrasebook, nounphysical education, nounpicture book, nounplacement, nounplaytime, nounpoli sci, nounpolitical science, nounpolitics, nounprincipal, nounprize day, nounproblem, nounproctor, nounprogrammed learning, nounprotégé, nounquad, nounqualification, nounqualify, verbquick, adjectiverector, nounre-educate, verbrefectory, nounreference, nounreference library, nounrequirement, nounresearch, nounresearch, verbresit, verbresource, nounresult, nounresume, nounretake, verbretake, nounreunion, nounreview, verbrevise, verbrevision, nounrole-play, nounrote, nounscholar, nounscholarship, nounscholastic, adjectiveschool, nounscience, nounscript, nounself-taught, adjectiveset, verbspeciality, nounspelling bee, nounstandard, adjectivestate school, nounstudent body, nounstudent government, nounstudent loan, nounstudent teaching, nounstudent union, nounstudy, verbstudy hall, nounsub, nounsummer holidays, nounsummer vacation, nounsuperintendent, nounteacher, nounteaching, nountechie, nounterm, nounterm paper, nounTESL, nounTESOL, nountext, nountextbook, nountick, nountick, verbtimetable, nountimetable, verbtranscript, nountrimester, nountruancy, nountuition, nountutor, nountutor, verbunderclassman, noununit, noununseen, nounvisual aid, nounvocational, adjectivewhiteboard, nounworkbook, nounworksheet, nounX, nounyearbook, noun
 the objectives described in the introductory chapter
 as the chairman said in his introductory remarks
 an introductory course in data processing
(=the first chapter)· There’s a short introductory chapter giving an outline of the subject matter.
(=for people who have never done a particular subject or activity before)
· To discover why, we must turn to the introductory chapters of Genesis.· There is also a chapter on special sample introduction techniques together with an introductory chapter providing an overview of analytical atomic spectrometry.· The introductory chapters of my books contain much advice which, if heeded, would help to minimise the dangers.· After the very general introductory chapter 1, the second chapter gives a number of simple safety advices.· For the sake of simplicity, this introductory chapter will concentrate upon one conflict theory: Marxism.· This is an excellent introductory chapter which outlines the use of quality assurance methods.· The introductory chapter covers a wide range of topics, but disappointingly does not give a very good overview of the techniques.· After an introductory chapter the properties of amino acids are described.
· The part of the programme which had received highest priority was the introductory course in information retrieval for the engineering undergraduates.· They volunteer to teach introductory courses.· An introductory course is provided for students who have not previously studied Biology at these levels.· All three of us in the introductory course are auditors, an inauspicious start.· For New Students new students' open days. introductory courses.· This Golden Gate introductory course is my bridge back to self-confidence.· I went on an introductory course with ParAvion in Wiltshire to find out if I liked paragliding any better.· As part of the first- and second-year laboratory courses, all students undertake short introductory courses on computational methods.
· In his introductory essay, Vincent Scully maintains that Kahn would be disappointed by contemporary architecture and the work of his followers.
· Michael was asked to give the introductory lecture at an engineering conference on the subject of his government review.
· As an introductory offer the first 1,000 brochures to be sent will include a 10% discount voucher.· Continental begins service to Lima on March 14 with an introductory offer of $ 558 for a round-trip ticket.· Those looking for a low introductory offer that covers both purchases and transfers could consider the Nationwide Building Society and Marbles.· Usually customers are encouraged to join by a special introductory offer of very cheap books or records.
· Type the introductory paragraph. 15.
· As the above introductory remarks suggest, the experience most people have of social surveys is through the interview.· Williams cleared his throat, made a few introductory remarks about the occasion.· What then are the implications of our experiment for the questions that we raised in our introductory remarks?
· See the introductory section in the Unit and its explanation of the movement from meaning to form.· J S McBrier An excellent introductory section, imaginatively using sound and images.· These aspects are discussed further in this introductory section.· Boats so essential to Viking power and influence are the subject of the introductory section.· Much is made in the introductory sections of the look-up tables which cross-reference information and provide the route maps to solving problems.
· The obvious example is agriculture, usually employed as an illustration in chapters on perfect competition in introductory texts.· For those readers with little or no background in geology there are a number of excellent introductory texts.
  • As an introductory offer the first 1,000 brochures to be sent will include a 10% discount voucher.
  • Continental begins service to Lima on March 14 with an introductory offer of $ 558 for a round-trip ticket.
  • Those looking for a low introductory offer that covers both purchases and transfers could consider the Nationwide Building Society and Marbles.
  • Usually customers are encouraged to join by a special introductory offer of very cheap books or records.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounintroductionintroadjectiveintroductoryverbintroduce
1said or written at the beginning of a book, speech etc in order to explain what it is aboutintroductory chapter/paragraph the objectives described in the introductory chapter as the chairman said in his introductory remarks2intended for people who have never done a particular activity before:  an introductory course in data processing3 introductory offer/price etc a special low price that is charged for a new product for a limited period of time:  Don’t miss our introductory offer!




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