

单词 whip-round
whip-roundˈwhip-round noun Thesaurus
Longman Language Activatorwhen several people give some of the total money needed
to give some of the money that is needed to pay for something: contribute to: · I'd like to thank all of you who contributed to the hospital appeal.contribute something to/towards something: · My parents said they would contribute something towards the cost of my driving lessons.
to give an amount of money that when added to money given by other people, can be used to pay for something useful: · If we all make a contribution, we'll be able to get him something really nice.make a contribution to/towards: · Several local businesses have made contributions towards our new school bus.
to collect money from each of the people in a group, especially in order to buy something for someone: · They had a collection at the bar and they raised over $80.have a collection for: · We're having a collection for Jane's birthday present.
informal if everyone in a group chips in an amount of money, they each give an amount so that they can pay for something together: · We all chipped in to pay for the food and wine.· When Mona retired, all her co-workers chipped in and bought her a lovely dinner service. chip in with: · Electronics firm Compol chipped in with over $20,000.
British /give toward something American to give part of the money needed to pay for something: pay/give something towards something: · I don't mind paying something towards Samantha's wedding present.· She feels it's partly her fault the TV's broken, so she's ready to pay $50 toward a new one.pay/give towards something: · Although students receive government grants, parents are still expected to pay towards living costs.
British informal if a group of people have a whip-round , everyone in the group immediately gives some money in order to buy something with the total amount that is collected: · It's Sally's birthday tomorrow. We'd better have a whip-round so we can get her a present.
  • It's Sally's birthday tomorrow. We'd better have a whip-round so we can get her a present.
have a whip-round British English informal if a group of people have a whip-round, they all give some money so that they can buy something together:  We had a whip-round to pay for a taxi to the railway station.




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