

单词 inductee
inducteein‧duc‧tee /ˌɪndʌkˈtiː/ noun [countable] American English Examples
  • Our first inductees were McGuigan and Professor Minnette Massey, one of the first tenured women on the law school faculty.
word sets
adjutant, nounarmoured, adjectivebarracks, nounbasic training, nounbatman, nounbattalion, nounbearskin, nounbillet, nounbillet, verbbombardier, nounbooty, nounbrigade, nounbrigadier, nounbrigadier-general, nouncadet, nouncanteen, nouncantonment, nouncapture, verbcavalry, nouncavalryman, nouncenturion, nouncharger, nounchevron, nounCol., colonel, nouncommand, nouncommando, nouncommissary, nouncompany, nouncontingent, nouncorps, noundesert, verbdeserter, noundesertion, noundetachment, noundetail, noundisengage, verbdishonourable discharge, noundivision, noundivisional, adjectivedog tag, noundraft, verbdragoon, noundrill, noundrill, verbdugout, nounencampment, nounexpeditionary force, nounfield marshal, nounfiring squad, nounfive star general, nounflank, nounfoot locker, nounforay, nounfour-star general, nounfusilier, noungarrison, noungarrison, verbGen., general, noungeneralship, nounGI, noungrenadier, nounground forces, noungrunt, nounguardsman, noungunner, nounhussar, nouninduct, verbinductee, nouninfantry, nouninfantryman, nounirregular, nounlance corporal, nounlegion, nounlegionary, nounlegionnaire, nounLieut, loot, nounLt., man-at-arms, nounmatériel, nounMC, nounmedic, nounmercenary, nounmess hall, nounMIA, nounM.O., nounmobilize, verbmotorized, adjectivemounted, adjectivemusketeer, nounmuster, nounnon-commissioned officer, nounobstacle course, nounparade, verbparade ground, nounparatrooper, nounparatroops, nounpennon, nounpicket, nounpicket, verbpip, nounplatoon, nounpoint man, nounposition, nounprivate, nounprivate soldier, nounPte, redcoat, nounregiment, nounregular, nounreservist, nounreveille, nounroute march, nounsapper, nounsarge, nounsignalman, nounsoldier, nounsoldiering, nounsoldierly, adjectivesoldier of fortune, nounsoldiery, nounsortie, nounsortie, verbspecial forces, nounsquad, nounsquaddy, nounstaff sergeant, nounstandard-bearer, nounstormtrooper, nounsubaltern, nounTerritorial Army, the, trench, nountroop, nountrooper, noun
someone who is joining a special group, especially the army




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