

单词 induct
inductin‧duct /ɪnˈdʌkt/ verb [transitive] formal Word Origin
1300-1400 Latin past participle of inducere; INDUCE
Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyinduct
he, she, itinducts
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyinducted
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave inducted
he, she, ithas inducted
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad inducted
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill induct
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have inducted
Continuous Form
PresentIam inducting
he, she, itis inducting
you, we, theyare inducting
PastI, he, she, itwas inducting
you, we, theywere inducting
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been inducting
he, she, ithas been inducting
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been inducting
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be inducting
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been inducting
  • On Sunday, the fraternity inducts the new pledges.
word sets
adjutant, nounarmoured, adjectivebarracks, nounbasic training, nounbatman, nounbattalion, nounbearskin, nounbillet, nounbillet, verbbombardier, nounbooty, nounbrigade, nounbrigadier, nounbrigadier-general, nouncadet, nouncanteen, nouncantonment, nouncapture, verbcavalry, nouncavalryman, nouncenturion, nouncharger, nounchevron, nounCol., colonel, nouncommand, nouncommando, nouncommissary, nouncompany, nouncontingent, nouncorps, noundesert, verbdeserter, noundesertion, noundetachment, noundetail, noundisengage, verbdishonourable discharge, noundivision, noundivisional, adjectivedog tag, noundraft, verbdragoon, noundrill, noundrill, verbdugout, nounencampment, nounexpeditionary force, nounfield marshal, nounfiring squad, nounfive star general, nounflank, nounfoot locker, nounforay, nounfour-star general, nounfusilier, noungarrison, noungarrison, verbGen., general, noungeneralship, nounGI, noungrenadier, nounground forces, noungrunt, nounguardsman, noungunner, nounhussar, nouninduct, verbinductee, nouninfantry, nouninfantryman, nounirregular, nounlance corporal, nounlegion, nounlegionary, nounlegionnaire, nounLieut, loot, nounLt., man-at-arms, nounmatériel, nounMC, nounmedic, nounmercenary, nounmess hall, nounMIA, nounM.O., nounmobilize, verbmotorized, adjectivemounted, adjectivemusketeer, nounmuster, nounnon-commissioned officer, nounobstacle course, nounparade, verbparade ground, nounparatrooper, nounparatroops, nounpennon, nounpicket, nounpicket, verbpip, nounplatoon, nounpoint man, nounposition, nounprivate, nounprivate soldier, nounPte, redcoat, nounregiment, nounregular, nounreservist, nounreveille, nounroute march, nounsapper, nounsarge, nounsignalman, nounsoldier, nounsoldiering, nounsoldierly, adjectivesoldier of fortune, nounsoldiery, nounsortie, nounsortie, verbspecial forces, nounsquad, nounsquaddy, nounstaff sergeant, nounstandard-bearer, nounstormtrooper, nounsubaltern, nounTerritorial Army, the, trench, nountroop, nountrooper, noun
1to officially give someone a job or position of authority, especially at a special ceremonybe inducted to/into something Eighteen new junior ministers were inducted into the government.2to officially introduce someone into an important place of honour at a special ceremonybe inducted into something Barry was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in 1987.3American English to officially introduce someone into a group or organization, especially the armyGRAMMAR Induct is usually passive.




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