inconsiderablein‧con‧sid‧er‧a‧ble /ˌɪnkənˈsɪdərəbəl◂/ adjective

- Driftwood, then, fetched a not inconsiderable price.
- In politics, this is no inconsiderable skill.
- Lennox Lewis and the rest of boxing await the answer with not inconsiderable interest.
- Muir was primarily a botanist, a lover of trees and mountains, and his technical knowledge of wildlife was inconsiderable.
- The rewards offered to those who did so were not inconsiderable.
- There is also the chance of picking up a not inconsiderable amount of loot.
- Which was, she congratulated herself, a not inconsiderable amount of information.
► not inconsiderable- Anyone in the region faces a not inconsiderable risk of getting the disease.
- He was a not inconsiderable artist, illustrating many of his own books.
- In this study there was the not inconsiderable problem of a white researcher seeking out black people.
- Lennox Lewis and the rest of boxing await the answer with not inconsiderable interest.
- The pursuer himself will also require to contemplate the not inconsiderable pressure of having to give evidence and face cross-examination.
- The rewards offered to those who did so were not inconsiderable.
- There is also the chance of picking up a not inconsiderable amount of loot.
- What little there was had gone to pay off Sir Nelson's own not inconsiderable service debts.
- Which was, she congratulated herself, a not inconsiderable amount of information.
adjectiveconsiderable ≠ inconsiderableconsiderate ≠ inconsiderateconsiderednounconsiderationreconsiderationverbconsiderreconsideradverbconsiderablyconsiderately ≠ inconsiderately