

单词 rash
rash1 adjectiverash2 noun
rashrash1 /ræʃ/ adjective Word Origin
1300-1400 Probably from an unrecorded Old English ræsc
  • a rash decision
  • Don't make any rash promises that you may regret later.
  • It would be rash to put too much into stocks right now.
  • Stay where you are and don't do anything rash -- I'll be over in five minutes.
  • At times like this the only sensible thing to do is something rash.
  • But while the plans are grand, they are not necessarily rash.
  • Disputes were resolved by rash games of gambling and false threats rather than by combat.
  • Fortunately, there is nothing dogmatic or rash about Jospin.
  • The rash application of strong antiseptic solutions to prevent or ward off infection is another rare cause of urethritis.
Longman Language Activatornot thinking carefully enough before doing something
if you do something rash , you do not think carefully about the effect it will have, and you wish later you had not done it: · Stay where you are and don't do anything rash -- I'll be over in five minutes.· Don't make any rash promises that you may regret later.
too quick to do or say something, without taking time to think about it first: · I think I may have been a little hasty about firing him.· Go home and think about whether you really want to have the operation -- I don't want you to make any hasty decisions.
doing things as soon as you think of them, without considering the possible dangers or problems: · She's so impulsive -- she saw the house for the first time and said she'd buy it straight away.· Although she comes across as impulsive, Harper is actually very cautious and indecisive.
doing something without thinking carefully first, especially because you have an emotional character and easily get angry, excited etc: · If you weren't so impetuous you wouldn't have lost your job.· He says she's impetuous and emotional.
 Don’t go making any rash decisions about your future!
 It was rather rash of you to lend them your car.
 an allergic rash
British English (=piece of bacon)
(=sore skin caused by wet nappies)· He's got really bad nappy rash at the moment.
· Skin rashes are common among children.
· He was smiling but with such grimness that she began to regret her rash decision to come.· Before making any rash decisions about your fund you should consider the following points.
PHRASES FROM OTHER ENTRIESbreak out in spots/a rash/a sweat etc
  • Tell them you've come out in a rash, or something.
if you are rash, you do things too quickly, without thinking carefully about whether they are sensible or notfoolish:  Please Jessie, don’t do anything rash. Don’t go making any rash decisions about your future! It was rather rash of you to lend them your car.rashly adverb:  I rashly agreed to look after the children.rashness noun [uncountable]
rash1 adjectiverash2 noun
rashrash2 noun [countable] Word Origin
1700-1800 Early French rache ‘small pieces of loose skin’, from Latin radere; RAZE
  • Symptoms include high fever and a rash.
  • He was puzzled at first; his skin was generally clear, without rashes.
  • In comparison studies, babies wearing them seem to have rash less often and less severely.
  • In the past two months there has been a rash of newspaper advertisements for unlicensed patches available by mail order.
  • It's good for cysts, rashes, fevers, infections, parasites, skin problems and regrowth of fins.
  • It made little difference if a dreadful rash despoiled both little faces.
  • Lillian did not go for the powwow treatment; her rash subsided without help from either science or witchcraft.
  • One of his powders was good for heat rash.
  • The side effects of this drug include gastrointestinal uPset and skin rash.
THESAURUSa mark on your skin
a mark on your skin that spoils its appearance: · John grew a beard to hide the blemishes on his chin.
a small dark, sometimes raised, mark on your skin: · Some moles may become cancerous.· Helena found a mole on her arm which had definitely not been there before.
small light brown marks on your skin, especially on your face but also on your arms, shoulders etc: · She had a light sprinkling of freckles across her nose.
a permanent mark on your skin that you have had since you were born: · There was a small birthmark on her left cheek.
a purple or brown mark on your skin that you get because you have fallen or been hit: · Her legs were covered in cuts and bruises.
a permanent mark on your skin, caused by a cut or by something that burns you: · The injury left a small scar on his forehead.
(also spot British English) a small raised red mark or lump on your skin, which usually appears when a child is between 12 and 18 years old: · When I was a teenager I had terrible spots.· The boy had a few pimples under his chin.
a small hard raised mark on your skin caused by a virus: · His face was covered in hairy warts.
a small area of skin that is swollen and full of liquid because it has been rubbed or burned: · There was a blister on his arm where the boiling milk had splashed him.
an area of small red spots on your skin, caused by an illness or an allergy: · I can’t eat strawberries - they give me a rash.
Longman Language Activatora lot of unpleasant events in a short period of time
· An alarming spate of bombings has caused widespread panic.· The company has yet to respond to the recent spate of lawsuits filed against it.· The party lost power three years ago after a spate of political scandals.
a lot of unpleasant activity of one particular kind which spreads quickly during a short period of time and which seems to be difficult to stop or control: epidemic of: · The recent epidemic of car thefts has been blamed on bored teenagers.reach epidemic proportions (=become like an epidemic): · Alcohol abuse has reached epidemic proportions in this country.
a large number of unpleasant events or a particular kind that happen in a short period of time in many different places: · Emergency officials worry that the region may again be hit by a rash of wildfires this fall.· Experts are not sure what is causing the recent rash of mountain lion sightings.
a lot of unpleasant activity or actions suddenly becoming worse and increasing in a short period of time: wave of: · Security chiefs fear a new wave of terrorist bombings.· The country has been brought to a standstill by the latest wave of strikes.crime wave: · The mayor has promised tough action in response to the city's rising crime wave.
abscess, nounache, verbache, nounacne, nounagoraphobia, nounagoraphobic, nounague, noun-aholic, suffixAIDS, nounailment, nounairsick, adjectivealbino, nounalcoholic, nounalcoholism, nounallergic, adjectiveallergy, nounamnesia, nounamputee, nounanaemia, nounanaemic, adjectiveangina, nounanorexia, nounanorexic, adjectiveantacid, nounanthrax, nounantibody, nounantidepressant, nounantidote, nounantigen, nounantihistamine, nounanti-inflammatory, adjectiveantitoxin, nounapoplectic, adjectiveapoplexy, nounappendicitis, nounarteriosclerosis, nounarthritis, nounaseptic, adjectiveaspirin, nounasthma, nounastigmatism, nounasymptomatic, adjectiveathlete's foot, nounatrophy, verbauto-immune disease, nounAyurvedic medicine, nounbaby blues, nounbacillus, nounbackache, nounbark, verbbattle fatigue, nounBCG, nounbedridden, adjectivebedsore, nounbed-wetting, nounbellyache, nounbenign, adjectiveberiberi, nounbespectacled, adjectivebetter, adjectivebilious, adjectivebinge, verbbiopsy, nounbirthmark, nounbite, verbbite, nounblack and blue, adjectiveBlack Death, the, black eye, nounblackout, nounbleed, verbbleeding, nounblind, verbblister, nounblister, verbblood bank, nounblood donor, nounblood poisoning, nounbloodshot, adjectiveblood transfusion, nounbloody, adjectivebloody, verbblue baby, nounboil, nounbotulism, nounbrain damage, nounbreakdown, nounbronchitis, nounbruise, nounbruise, verbBSE, nounbubonic plague, nounbug, nounbulimia, nounbump, nounbunion, nounbuzz, verbcalloused, adjectivecallus, nouncancer, nouncandida, nouncanker, nouncarbuncle, nouncarcinogen, nouncarcinogenic, adjectivecarcinoma, nouncardiac, adjectivecardiovascular, adjectivecaries, nouncarpal tunnel syndrome, nouncarrier, nouncarry, verbcarsick, adjectivecast, nouncasualty, nouncataract, nouncatarrh, nouncatatonic, adjectivecatching, adjectivecauliflower ear, nouncerebral palsy, nouncertify, verbcervical smear, nounchapped, adjectivecharley horse, nounchemotherapy, nounchesty, adjectivechicken pox, nounchilblains, nounChinese medicine, nouncholera, nounchronic, adjectivecirrhosis, nounCJD, nouncleanse, verbcleft palate, nounclinic, nounclinical, adjectiveclub foot, nouncold, nouncold sore, nouncolic, nouncolitis, nouncollapse, verbcolour-blind, adjectivecoma, nouncommon cold, nouncommon denominator, nouncommunicate, verbcomplaint, nouncomplicate, verbcomplication, nouncompound fracture, nounconcuss, verbconcussion, nouncondition, nouncongenital, adjectivecongested, adjectiveconjunctivitis, nounconstipation, nounconsumption, nounconsumptive, nouncontagion, nouncontagious, adjectivecontinent, adjectivecontract, verbcontusion, nounconvalesce, verbconvulsion, nouncorn, nouncortisone, nouncot death, nouncough, nounCPR, nouncrack-up, nouncramp, nounCreutzfeldt-Jakob disease, nouncrick, nouncrick, verbcripple, nouncripple, verbcross-eyed, adjectivecroup, nouncurable, adjectivecut, nouncyst, nouncystic fibrosis, nouncystitis, noundecompression sickness, noundeep vein thrombosis, noundeformity, noundegenerative, adjectivedehydrate, verbdelirious, adjectivedelirium, noundelusion, noundementia, noundengue fever, noundepression, noundermatitis, noundiabetes, noundiabetic, adjectivediabetic, noundiagnosis, noundialysis, noundiaper rash, noundiarrhoea, noundiphtheria, noundisability, noundisable, verbdisabled, adjectivedischarge, verbdisease, noundisgorge, verbdislocate, verbdisorder, noundissipated, adjectivedissipation, noundistemper, noundistend, verbdizzy, adjectivedoddering, adjectivedoddery, adjectivedonate, verbdonor, noundouble vision, noundoughy, adjectivedown, adverbDown's syndrome, noundrawn, adjectivedressing, noundrinker, noundrunk, adjectivedrunk, noundrunken, adjectivedull, adjectivedumb, adjectiveDVT, noundysentery, noundyslexia, noundyspepsia, noundyspeptic, adjectiveearache, nouneating disorder, nounEbola, nounectopic pregnancy, nouneczema, nounemaciated, adjectiveemasculate, verbembolism, nounemphysema, nounencephalitis, nounendoscope, nounenervate, verbenteritis, nounepidemic, nounepilepsy, nounepileptic, adjectiveepileptic, nounetiology, nounexcruciating, adjectiveexposure, nouneyeless, adjectiveeye strain, nounfail, verbfaint, nounfester, verbfever, nounfever blister, nounfevered, adjectivefeverish, adjectivefirst aid, nounfit, nounflat feet, nounflat-footed, adjectiveflu, nounfood poisoning, nounfoot and mouth disease, nounfracture, verbfracture, nounfrostbite, noungall, noungammy, adjectiveganglion, noungangrene, noungas, noungash, noungastric, adjectivegastritis, noungastroenteritis, nounGerman measles, nounget, verbgingivitis, nounglandular fever, nounglaucoma, noungnarled, adjectivegonorrhea, noungout, noungrand mal, noungraze, verbgraze, noungriping, adjectivegroggy, adjectivegrowing pains, noungrowth, noungush, verbgynaecology, nounhacking cough, nounhaemophilia, nounhaemophiliac, nounhaemorrhage, nounhaemorrhage, verbhaemorrhoids, nounhalitosis, nounhandicap, nounhandicapped, adjectivehangover, nounhard of hearing, adjectiveharelip, nounhay fever, nounheadache, nounhealth, nounheart attack, nounheartburn, nounheart disease, nounheart failure, nounheat exhaustion, nounheat rash, nounheatstroke, nounheave, verbhepatitis, nounhernia, nounherpes, nounHIV, nounhormone replacement therapy, nounhospital, nounhospitalize, verbhot flush, nounhousebound, adjectiveHRT, nounhump, nounhumpback, nounhunchback, nounhungover, adjectivehydrophobia, nounhypertension, nounhypothermia, nounhysterectomy, nounhysteria, nounhysterical, adjectiveillness, nounimmune, adjectiveimmune system, nounimmunity, nounimmunize, verbimmunology, nounimpacted, adjectiveimpediment, nounimpetigo, nounimpotent, adjectiveincision, nounincontinent, adjectiveincubate, verbincurable, adjectiveindigestion, nounindisposed, adjectiveindisposition, nouninfantile, adjectiveinfantile paralysis, nouninfect, verbinfected, adjectiveinfection, nouninfectious, adjectiveinfirmity, nouninflammation, nouninflammatory, adjectiveinfluenza, nouninfusion, nouningrowing, adjectiveinoculate, verbinoperable, adjectiveinsane, adjectiveinsanity, nouninsomnia, nouninsomniac, nouninstability, nounintensive care, nounintravenous, adjectiveinvalid, nouninvalidity, nouninvasive, adjectiveirregular, adjectiveirritable bowel syndrome, nounirritant, nounirritate, verbirritated, adjectiveirritation, noun-ism, suffixisolation, nounjaundice, nounjaundiced, adjectivejet lag, nounknock-kneed, adjectiveknotted, adjectivelaceration, nounlaryngitis, nounlegionnaire's disease, nounleper, nounleprosy, nounlesion, nounleukemia, nounlisp, nounlisteria, nounliverish, adjectivelockjaw, nounlong-sighted, adjectiveloose, adjectivelozenge, nounlumbago, nounlunacy, nounLyme disease, nounmad cow disease, nounmalady, nounmalaise, nounmalaria, nounmalformation, nounmalignancy, nounmalignant, adjectivemalnourished, adjectivemalnutrition, nounmange, nounmangy, adjectivemania, nounmanic, adjectivemanic depression, nounmastitis, nounME, nounmeasles, nounmedicinal, adjectivemegalomania, nounmegalomaniac, nounmelancholia, nounmelancholic, adjectivemelanoma, nounmend, verbmeningitis, nounmentally handicapped, adjectivemigraine, nounmild, adjectivemiscarriage, nounmole, nounmongol, nounmono, nounmononucleosis, nounmorbid, adjectivemorning sickness, nounmoron, nounmotion sickness, nounmotor neurone disease, nounMRI, nounMRSA, nounMS, nounmultiple sclerosis, nounmumps, nounmurmur, nounmusclebound, adjectivemuscular dystrophy, nounmute, adjectivemute, nounmyopia, nounmyopic, adjectivemyxomatosis, nounnarcolepsy, nounnausea, nounnauseate, verbnauseous, adjectivenearsighted, adjectivenervous breakdown, nounnettle rash, nounneuralgia, nounneurosis, nounneurotic, adjectivenosebleed, nounnotifiable, adjectiveNSU, nounobesity, nounoff-colour, adjectiveoperate, verboperation, nounophthalmic, adjectiveophthalmology, noun-osis, suffixosteoarthritis, nounosteopathy, nounosteoporosis, nounoutpatient, nounoverbite, nounpacemaker, nounpaediatrics, nounpale, adjectivepallid, adjectivepallor, nounpalpitate, verbpalpitations, nounpalsy, nounpandemic, nounparalyse, verbparalysed, adjectiveparalysis, nounparalytic, adjectiveparalytic, nounparanoia, nounparaplegia, nounparaplegic, nounparasitic, adjectiveParkinson's disease, nounparoxysm, nounpasty, adjectivepasty-faced, adjectivepathogen, nounpathological, adjectivepathology, nounpeaked, adjectivepeaky, adjectivepellagra, nounpeptic ulcer, nounperforated, adjectiveperiod pain, nounperitonitis, nounpernicious anaemia, nounpersecution complex, nounpestilence, nounpestilential, adjectivepetit mal, nounpharyngitis, nounphlebitis, nounphlegm, noun-phobic, suffixphysiotherapy, nounpigeon-toed, adjectivepins and needles, nounplacebo, nounplague, nounplaque, nounplaster cast, nounpleurisy, nounPMS, nounPMT, nounpneumonia, nounpockmark, nounpockmarked, adjectivepoisoning, nounpolio, nounpolyp, nounpoor, adjectivepost-traumatic stress disorder, nounpremenstrual tension, nounprescribe, verbprescription, nounpreventive medicine, nounprickle, verbprickly heat, nounprognosis, nounprolapse, nounprophylactic, adjectiveprophylactic, nounprophylaxis, nounpsoriasis, nounpsychopath, nounpsychosis, nounpsychosomatic, adjectivepsychotic, adjectivepuffy, adjectivepull, verbpurulent, adjectivepus, nounpustule, nounqueasy, adjectiverabid, adjectiverabies, nounradiation sickness, nounradiography, nounrash, nounraw, adjectivereact, verbreaction, nounreceive, verbrecuperate, verbrecuperative, adjectiveregurgitate, verbrelapse, verbremission, nounrepetitive strain injury, nounresistance, nounrespond, verbretch, verbRhesus factor, nounrheumatic, adjectiverheumatic fever, nounrheumatism, nounrheumatoid arthritis, nounrickets, nounringworm, nounRSI, nounrubella, nounrun-down, adjectiverunny, adjectiverupture, nounsaddle-sore, adjectivesalmonella, nounscab, nounscabby, adjectivescabies, nounscald, verbscald, nounscaly, adjectivescar, nounscar, verbscarlet fever, nounschizophrenia, nounsciatica, nounsclerosis, nounscrape, verbscrape, nounscratch, nounscurvy, nounseasick, adjectiveseizure, nounself-examination, nounsenile, adjectivesenile dementia, nounsenseless, adjectivesepsis, nounseptic, adjectivesepticaemia, nounserum, nounset, verbsexually transmitted disease, nounshell shock, nounshell-shocked, adjectiveshingles, nounshock, nounshort-sighted, adjectivesickle-cell anaemia, nounsickly, adjectivesickness, nounside effect, nounsightless, adjectivesimple fracture, nounsleeping sickness, nounslipped disc, nounsmallpox, nounsnakebite, nounsnow blindness, nounsore, adjectivesore, nounspastic, adjectivespecial needs, nounspecimen, nounspina bifida, nounsprain, verbsputum, nounsquint, verbsquint, nounstammer, nounstarvation, nounstarve, verbSTD, nounstomachache, nounstone, nounstrain, nounstrain, verbstrangulated, adjectivestrep throat, nounstroke, nounsty, nounsuccumb, verbsufferer, nounsunstroke, nounsuperbug, nounsurgical, adjectiveswelling, nounswollen, adjectivesymptom, nounsymptomatic, adjectivesyndrome, nounsyphilis, nounTB, nountear, verbtetanus, nountherapeutic, adjectivetherapy, nounthrombosis, nounthrush, nountic, nountight, adjectivetingle, verbtinnitus, nountipsy, adjectivetonsillitis, nountoothache, nountorment, nountourniquet, nountoxaemia, nountoxic shock syndrome, nountraction, nountransfusion, nountrauma, nountravel sickness, nountreatment, nountremor, nountuberculosis, nountumour, nountunnel vision, nountwinge, nountwitch, nountyphoid, nountyphus, nounulcer, nounulcerate, verbultrasound, noununderweight, adjectiveundressed, adjectiveunhealthy, adjectiveuntreated, adjectivevaccinate, verbvaccine, nounvaricose veins, nounVD, nounvenereal disease, nounverruca, nounvertigo, nounviral, adjectivevirology, nounvirulent, adjectivevomit, verbvomit, nounwart, nounweak, adjectiveweal, nounweep, verbwheeze, verbwheeze, nounwheezy, adjectivewhiplash, nounwhooping cough, nounwind, nounwithered, adjectivewound, nounwrench, verbwriter's cramp, nounyaws, nounyeast infection, nounyellow fever, noun
(=get a rash) My mother comes out in a rash if she eats seafood.
British English, diaper rash American English
 a heat rash (=a rash caused by heat)
 an allergic rash
British English (=piece of bacon)
(=sore skin caused by wet nappies)· He's got really bad nappy rash at the moment.
· Skin rashes are common among children.
· I saw one of the hardiest women I know burst into tears of self-loathing because her daughter had diaper rash.· The baby never has colic, thrush, diaper rash, infant acne, or cradle cap.· At least half of all infants get diaper rash at some time during their diaper careers.· The Olympians are swabbing their faces with Desitin, the white goop generally used to combat diaper rash.
· One of his powders was good for heat rash.· Several monitors have come down with heat rash and heat stroke this summer.
· Farm workers harvesting the celery soon developed a serious skin rash.· The side effects of this drug include gastrointestinal uPset and skin rash.· Signs of food intolerance to look out for include skin rashes and loose watery stools.· Ashby says even after all these years, he still suffers from constantly recurring respiratory problems and skin rashes.· Other features include fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and, less commonly, skin rashes.· Workers have attributed skin rashes, dizziness, muscle cramps and miscarriages to the chemicals and physical hardship they endure.· May cause hyperactivity, causes skin rash.· Side effects of allopurinol include drug fever, skin rash, hepatotoxicity, bone marrow suppression, vasculitis, and exfoliative dermatitis.
  • Emergency officials worry that the region may again be hit by a rash of wildfires this fall.
  • Experts are not sure what is causing the recent rash of mountain lion sightings.
PHRASES FROM OTHER ENTRIESbreak out in spots/a rash/a sweat etc
  • Tell them you've come out in a rash, or something.
1a lot of red spots on someone’s skin, caused by an illness:  She had a nasty rash on her arm.come/break out in a rash (=get a rash) My mother comes out in a rash if she eats seafood.nappy rash British English, diaper rash )American English Most babies get nappy rash at some stage. a heat rash (=a rash caused by heat)2rash of something informal a large number of unpleasant events, changes etc within a short time SYN  spate of something:  There’s been a rash of car thefts in the city centre.




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