feeling extremely angry► furious · Don't tell Jan I read her letter -- she'll be furious.· I've never been so furious in all my life.· A furious clerk chased the children out of the store.furious with · Gina was furious with him for leaving the baby alone in the house.furious at/about · Walter came home furious at something his boss had said.
► livid so angry that it is difficult for you to think clearly or speak properly: · "Was she angry when you arrived so late?" "She was livid!"· I know I shouldn't have spoken to Suzanne like that, but I was absolutely livid.
► seething especially written extremely angry, but unable or unwilling to show it: · Bobby drove home seething after his terrible humiliation at the party.seething with anger/rage/indignation: · Seething with anger, Polly pushed back her chair and stood up from the table.
► incensed especially written extremely angry about something someone has done, and ready to react very strongly or violently: · Colonel Monroe became incensed when two of the junior officers did not treat him with respect.incensed by/at: · Perry was incensed by the committee's recommendations.
► be on the warpath informal to be very angry about something and to be planning to criticize and argue with the person you think has caused it: · After two accidents in the same week outside the school, the Parents' Association is on the warpath.