

单词 humanity
humanityhu‧man‧i‧ty /hjuːˈmænəti/ ●○○ noun Examples
  • 30% of humanity live in conditions of terrible poverty.
  • The General was accused of committing crimes against humanity.
  • The medical course stresses each patient's humanity.
  • The Nobel committee said Gordimer's writing had benefited humanity.
  • As they begin to heal, will they regain their faith in humanity?
  • Hence the words man, mankind, humanity have come to be treated as interchangeable synonyms.
  • I won't do the smallest good thing for humanity.
  • The needs and waste of humanity have multiplied accordingly.
  • The neurosis of humanity arose out of the relation to the father, just as it does for the child.
  • They are meant to appeal to Tamburlaine's humanity and hopefully stop him from plundering the town.
  • Yet it seemed to me they had much to learn when it came to manners and plain humanity.
a person: · The monkeys show no fear of humans.· It was thought that the disease could not be passed to human beings.
all the people in the world, considered as one group: · War and aggression threaten the future of the whole human race.
people in general – used especially when you are talking about people’s rights, or their suffering etc: · The general was accused of committing crimes against humanity.· 30% of humanity live in conditions of terrible poverty.
people in general – used especially when talking about their history and development. Some people prefer not to use mankind because it sounds like it does not include women: · Travelling into space was a great advance for mankind.· The greatest threat to humankind is poverty.
people in general – used especially when you are talking about people compared to nature. Some people prefer not to use man because it sounds like it does not include women: · The grandeur of the mountains is a constant reminder of man’s insignificance.
people in general. Some people think that the word mankind seems to make women seem unimportant, and prefer to use humankind instead: · a scientific advance that has benefited mankind· He once said that the invention of television was the ‘greatest single disaster in the history of mankind’.
all the people in the world, considered as one group: · The entire human race could be wiped out by nuclear war.· The majority of the human race will soon be living in big cities.
people in general – used especially when you are talking about caring for people and respecting their rights and their desire for happiness: · The General was accused of committing crimes against humanity.· They hope to achieve a better future for all humanity.
people in general – use this when you are comparing humans with other living things. Some people prefer not to not use man because they think it makes women seem unimportant: · Jericho is the oldest continuously inhabited city known to man.· The chimpanzee is man’s closest relative.
Longman Language Activatorpeople in general
people in general: · People are getting very worried about rising crime.· I don't want people to feel sorry for me.most/some people: · Most people hate writing essays, but I quite like it.
all people - use this to make general statements about how people behave, what people like etc: · Don't you like ice-cream? I thought everyone liked it!· Everybody has the right to a good education.· Everyone knows that smoking is bad for you.
American spoken people: · Folks around here have been pretty angry about the governor's actions.most/some folks: · Some folks think the schools are better now than they were twenty years ago.
all the people in the world, considered as one group: · Pollution is threatening the future of the human race.the entire/whole human race: · The entire human race could be wiped out by nuclear war.a member of the human race: · Until then, no member of the human race had ever been able to make a map of the whole world.
people in general - used especially when talking about their history and development, or how something affects their continued existence: · The Americans exploded the first nuclear weapon in the history of mankind.· Travelling into space was a great advance for mankind.· In the interests of humankind we must stop destroying our planet.
people in general - use this when you are comparing humans with other living things. Some people do not use this word because it can seem offensive to women: · Jericho is the oldest continuously inhabited city known to man.· The grandeur of the mountains is a constant reminder of man's insignificance.· The Dutch reclamation of their land is a classic case of man's struggle against nature.
people in general - use this especially when you are talking about people's rights to be treated like all other humans and not suffer cruelty, hunger etc: · 30% of humanity live in conditions of terrible poverty.a crime against humanity: · The General was accused of committing crimes against humanity.
ordinary people who do not belong to the government, the police etc, and do not have any special rights: · The castle is open to the public during the summer.· The public ought to know how the money from taxes is being spent.a member of the public: · Some of these politicians never meet ordinary members of the public.the general public: · Tickets will become available to the general public in June.
people in general - use this to talk about people as an organized group with a system of laws and accepted behaviour: · Islamic society· The judge described Smith as 'a danger to society'.member of society: · We want our students to become useful and responsible members of society.
: young/old/rich/country/city etc folk people of a particular type or from a particular area, considered together as a group: · The young folk need to have a place where they can go in the evenings.· Stella's ambition is to get a job working with old folk.· His parents were hard-working country folk.
use this about conditions, problems, and changes that affect all the people in society: · Rising unemployment led to even more social problems.· social changes that brought women even greater freedom
 We want a clean healthy environment for all humanity.
 We must never forget our common humanity.
· His essential humanity had always shone through.
· And as that great movement of humanity had slowed, another had begun.· We are all links in the great chain of humanity.· Furthermore, he does not feel that he has performed a great service to humanity.
· And it would be a picture of his true warm humanity that would bring the money in for the project.
· In our desire to become the architects of our own evolution, we risk the very real possibility of losing our humanity.· Owing to such nice folk, warm and kindly, I have never lost my faith in humanity.
  • All are defined as crimes against humanity and carry a penalty of life imprisonment.
  • All four have been charged with crimes against humanity by the Hague International Tribunal.
  • He is charged with 20 war crimes, including genocide and crimes against humanity.
  • If the conference succeeds in labelling slave trafficking a crime against humanity, demands for compensation will surely follow.
  • Shouldn't they at least be discussed within the same context of international law and crimes against humanity?
  • That is a crime against humanity.
  • These are crimes against humanity, as has been said.
  • They also slavishly accepted the amnesty that Pinochet and his generals had granted themselves to avoid trial for their crimes against humanity.
the dregs of society/humanity
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounhumanhumanismhumanityinhumanityhumanitarianhumanitarianismhumankindhumanoidadjectivehumaninhumansuperhumansubhumanhumaneinhumanehumanitarianhumanoidadverbhumanlyinhumanlyhumanelyinhumanelyverbhumanize
1[uncountable] people in general:  We want a clean healthy environment for all humanity. crimes against humanityGRAMMARHumanity is not used with ‘the’ in this meaning. You say: · The future for humanity is uncertain. Don’t say: The future for the humanity is uncertain.Grammar guide ‒ NOUNS2[uncountable] kindness, respect, and sympathy towards others OPP  inhumanity:  a man of deep humanity3[uncountable] the state of being human rather than an animal or machinecommon/shared humanity We must never forget our common humanity.4(the) humanities [plural] subjects of study such as literature, history, or art, rather than science or mathematics SYN  (the) arts




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