

单词 highlight
highlight1 verbhighlight2 noun
highlighthigh‧light1 /ˈhaɪlaɪt/ ●●○ W3 AWL verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyhighlight
he, she, ithighlights
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhighlighted
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave highlighted
he, she, ithas highlighted
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad highlighted
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill highlight
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have highlighted
Continuous Form
PresentIam highlighting
he, she, itis highlighting
you, we, theyare highlighting
PastI, he, she, itwas highlighting
you, we, theywere highlighting
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been highlighting
he, she, ithas been highlighting
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been highlighting
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be highlighting
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been highlighting
  • Highlight the desired file using the arrow keys.
  • The Association's first project was to publish a 35-cent brochure highlighting nine historic sites.
  • The report highlighted the need for prison reform.
  • The slump in the car industry was highlighted by Ford's offer of a $600 rebate on new cars.
  • This report highlights some of the problems faced by old people in winter.
  • To delete a block of text, highlight it and then press Del.
  • Your resumé should highlight your skills and achievements.
  • But if you place the cursor on a word, double-clicking the mouse highlights that word.
  • But these, and the ensuing convictions and fines, have done little but highlight the scale of the trade.
  • Many thanks for highlighting the problem.
  • Ministers are planning to fund an advertising campaign to highlight the risks of drug-driving.
  • Nothing else big was happening in the world and newspapers love to highlight problems that the television networks face.
  • Now she has hit a brick wall and has written to me to highlight the problem.
  • The block should be highlighted, as shown in Figure 10. 9.
to say strongly or show clearly that a fact, idea etc is especially important: · Our company emphasizes the need for good communication between staff.
to emphasize something when you are talking about a subject: · Most schools stress the importance of parental involvement in their child’s learning.· He stressed the need for parents to listen to their children.
to show that something is important, so that people will pay special attention to it: · This case highlights the need for tougher laws on gun ownership.· The report highlights the decline in the numbers of native plants and insects.
to help to show clearly that a fact is true, especially a fact that is already known: · These attacks underline the fact that the security situation here remains fragile.· The president’s speech repeatedly underscored the progress that has been made.
to show something clearly and make it easier to notice: · The recent economic crisis has accentuated the gap between the rich and the poor.
to emphasize something too much: · The relation between food and health is often overemphasized in my view.
to emphasize something and make it seem more important than it really is, especially to get advantages for yourself: · The story has been played up by the media.· The Labour party had a great time playing up the Conservatives’ problems.
Longman Language Activatorto make people pay attention to a subject or problem
· The group is willing to use terrorism in order to draw attention to their desire for independence.· Fox was one of the first US scientists to call attention to the rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
to show that something is important and make people notice it, especially so that they start to do something about it: · The report highlighted the need for prison reform.· The Association's first project was to publish a 35-cent brochure highlighting nine historic sites.
to make a large group of people, especially the public, pay attention to one particular problem or bad situation because it needs their help: · The publicity campaign helped to focus attention on the needs of elderly people in the community.focus somebody's attention on: · The media's efforts often focus public attention on government incompetence, forcing government to do the right thing.
to inform someone in a position of power or authority about a problem, bad situation etc so that they can do something to help or stop it: · It was one of the other students who brought your misbehaviour to my attention.· The reviews provide a way for companies to bring their trade concerns to the attention of the government.
to tell someone about a mistake they have made, something they have forgotten etc: · He pointed out the danger of a mountain trek at this time of year.point out that: · I pointed out that changing the date would mean rescheduling the press conference.point something/it out: · I didn't realise I'd made a mistake. Thank you for pointing it out.as somebody points out: · As Palermo pointed out, Peruvian university students tend to be highly political.
things you do with a computer
to put information into a computer by pressing the keys: · When you have entered your credit card information, go to the next screen.
to make a file, program etc that is exactly the same as another one: · Copy the files into a new folder.
to make a computer keep the work that you have done in its memory or on a disk: · Save your work and close down any applications that are open.
to remove a piece of information from a computer's memory: · Delete any files that end in ".tmp".
to use the mouse to choose words or pictures on a computer screen, usually making them change colour: · To create parallel columns, press Alt-F7 and select option 4.
to move up or down through a document on a computer: scroll up/down: · Scroll down to see when the website was last updated.
also do a search to look for information on a computer or on the Internet: search for: · I did a search for any articles by Varenqe on the web, and I found quite a few.search by: · To find a book on our site, you can search by author, title, or subject.search something for something: · You can search the document for particular words or phrases, in order to get directly to the information you need.
to make a document or computer program ready to use: · Open the file called Templates.
to do the things you have to do when you want to stop using a document or a computer program: · Close all applications before shutting down your computer.
to press a button on a mouse in order to choose something on the screen and make the computer perform a particular action: · Click on 'next' when you have finished filling out the form.
to remove a piece of information from one place in a computer program or document and put it in a different place instead: · It's easier if you just cut and paste the information from one page to another.
to mark words in a computer document in a different colour so that you can see them easily or to separate it from the rest of the document: · To delete a block of text, highlight it and then press Del.
to move something on a computer screen by pulling it along with the mouse: · You can delete the files by dragging them into your "trash" folder.
to secretly and often illegally find a way to reach the information on someone else's computer system so that you can use, change, or damage it: · A criminal gang hacked into a credit card company's most secure files.
to emphasize something
to say or show that you think something is especially important: · Mann stressed the need to educate people about the risks of AIDS.· She said smoking was not permitted anywhere in the school - emphasizing the word 'anywhere'.emphasize/stress (that): · The County Sheriff emphasized that there was no evidence to show that the driver had been drinking.I can't emphasize enough spoken (=this needs to be emphasized a lot): · I can't emphasize enough how grateful we are for your donations.
to emphasize something such as a problem or a fact, especially by providing new information about it: · This report highlights some of the problems faced by old people in winter.· The slump in the car industry was highlighted by Ford's offer of a $600 rebate on new cars.
if something that happens underlines or underscores a fact, especially one that is already known, it helps to emphasize that it is true: · Yesterday's shelling of a Red Cross hospital underlines the difficulties faced by rescue teams.· The recent rioting in South Africa has underlined the government's lack of control.· The dire state of child health in the country was underscored in a report by UNICEF.
to emphasize a fact or idea by giving additional, often surprising or shocking, information about it: · After the talk, the students were shown a video about heroin addiction to drive the point home.drive the point home/drive home the point that: · The reconstruction of the accident certainly drove home the point that drink-driving can kill.
also make great play of British to emphasize a fact or idea, by giving it more attention than anything else, especially if you are trying to make it seem more important than it really is: · At the interview, remember to play up your experience of teaching in Japan.· On TV last night the Democratic candidate was clearly playing up his caring image.make great play of (doing) something: · The Prime Minister made great play of environmental issues, considering how little the government has done.
to emphasize something, especially the differences between two things or situations: · In Britain, the choice between state and private schools accentuates the differences between rich and poor.· The director uses music to accentuate the rising dramatic tension.
to make something, especially the true facts of a situation, clearer and more noticeable: · Recent protests in the north of the country point up the dilemma the opposition forces are in.· Low literacy rates among the women in this area point up the need for much greater investment in girls' education.
access, verbaccess point, nounaccess time, nounaccounting system, accumulator, nounadd-on, nounADSL, nounaffective computing, nounAI, nounALGOL, nounalias, nounANSI, anti-spam, adjectiveanti-virus, adjectiveanti-virus software, nounAPL, nounapp, nounApple, Apple Macintosh, applet, nounapplication, nounapplication software, nounarcade game, nounarchitecture, nounarchive, nounarchive, verbarray, nounartificial intelligence, nounASCII, nounASIC, nounASP, nounassembly language, nounasynchronous, adjectiveAT&T, attachment, nounaudit trail, nounautomate, verbautomated, adjectiveautomation, nounavatar, nounB2B exchange, nounB2C, adjectiveB2E, adjectiveBabbage, Charles, backslash, nounbackspace, nounbackup, nounback-up copy, bandwidth, nounbar code, nounBASIC, nounbatch, nounbatch processing, nounbaud rate, nounBerners-Lee, Tim, bespoke, adjectivebeta test, nounBig Blue, bioinformatics, nounbiometric, adjectivebit, nounbitmap, nounBlackBerry, nounbloatware, nounblog, nounBluetooth, nounBMP, nounbond certificate, book entry, bookmark, nounbookmark, verbbook of final entry, nounbook of first entry, nounBoolean, adjectiveboot, verbbootable, adjectivebootstrapping, nounbot, nounbotnet, nounbps, brain dump, nounbroadband, nounbrown goods, nounbrowse, verbbrowser, nounbubble jet printer, nounbuddy list, nounbuffer, nounbuffer, verbbug, nounbulletin board, nounbundle, nounbundle, verbburn, verbbus, nounbusiness continuity services, nounbusiness continuity services, button, nounbyte, nounCabinet Office Briefing Rooms, cable modem, nouncache, nouncache, verbCAD, nounCAD/CAM, nounCAL, nounCalifornia, nounCALL, nounCAM, nounCambridge, Capita, caps lock, nouncapture, verbcapture, nouncard, nouncathode ray tube, nounCAT scan, nounCBT, nounCD-R, nounCD-ROM, nounCD-ROM drive, CDRW, nounCD-RW, nouncentral processing unit, nouncentral processor, nounCGI, nounCHAPS, character, nounchat room, nouncheat, nouncheckbox, nounchip, nounchip card, CIM, CIO, clerical assistant, click, verbclickable, adjectiveclient, nounclient machine, client-server, adjectiveclient/server architecture, clip art, nounclipboard, nouncloaking, nounclock cycle, nounclock speed, nounclone, nouncluster, nounCOBOL, nouncode, nouncoder, nouncom, Comdex, nouncommand, nouncomm port, comms, nouncompact disc, nounCompaq, compatibility, nouncompatible, adjectivecompatible, nouncompile, verbcompiler, nouncompress, verbcomputer, nouncomputer (industry) analyst, computer-aided, adjectivecomputer-aided design, nouncomputer-aided manufacture, computer-aided manufacturing, nouncomputer-assisted, adjectivecomputerate, adjectivecomputer-based training, computer-generated, adjectivecomputer-integrated manufacture, computerize, verbcomputer-literate, adjectivecomputer modelling, nouncomputer science, nouncomputer system, computer virus, nouncomputing, nounconcordance, nounconfiguration, nounconfigure, verbconnect, verbconnectivity, nounconsole, nouncontrol, nouncontrol key, nouncookie, nouncoordinate, nounCorel, corrupt, verbcounter, nouncourseware, nounCPU, nouncrack, verbcrack, nouncracker, nouncrash, verbcrash, nounCroft, Lara, cross-platform, adjectivecross-posting, nounCtrl, nouncursor, nouncut, verbcutover, nouncyber-, prefixcybercrime, nouncybernetics, nouncyberpunk, nouncybersickness, nouncyberspace, nouncyberterrorist, nouncyberwidow, noundata, noundata bank, noundatabase, noundatabase management, database management system, data capture, noundata centre, data dictionary, noundata encryption standard, noundata file, data interchange format file, data mining, noundata processing, noundata protection, Data Protection Act, the, Dateline, daytrader, nounday trading, nounDBMS, debug, verbdecision support system, decode, verbdecompress, verbdecrypt, verbdefault, noundefragment, verbDel, noundelete, verbdeletion, noundeliverable, noundematerialize, verbdemo, verbdemonstration version, denial of service attack, noundeselect, verbdesktop, noundesktop computer, noundesktop publishing, noundestination site, dialogue box, noundial-up, adjectivedigerati, noundigicam, noundigital nervous system, digital rights management, digital wallet, nounDilbert, direct access, noundirectory, noundisaster recovery, noundisc, noundisinfect, verbdisk, noundisk drive, noundiskette, noundisk operating system, display, noundisplay, verbdistributed processing, Dixons, dock, noundock, verbdocking station, noundocument, noundocument sharing, noundongle, nounDOS, noundot-matrix printer, noundouble click, verbdouble-click, verbdouble density, adjectivedown, adverbdownload, verbdownload, noundownloadable, adjectivedowntime, noundown time, downwardly compatible, adjectiveDP, noundrag, verbdrive, noun-driven, suffixdriver, noundropdown, noundrop down, noundrop-down menu, nounDTP, noundumb terminal, dump, verbdump, nounDVD, nounDVD-ROM, nounEasdaq, noune-book, noune-business, nounECN, noune-commerce, nouneditor, nounedutainment, noune-fatigue, nounE-FIT, nounEFTPOS, nounelectronic, adjectiveelectronic bill of lading, electronic cottage, nounelectronic data interchange, nounelectronic funds transfer, nounelectronic invoice, electronic mail, nounelectronic media, electronic publishing, nounelectronics, nounelectrosmog, nounEllison, Larry, email, nounemail account, embed, verbencrypt, verbend-to-end, adjectiveenter, verbenterprise application integration, nounentry, nounEPROM, noune-publishing, nounequipment leasing, erase, verbErnie, error, nounerror message, nounescape key, Ethernet, noune-ticket, nounE-ticket, nounexecutable, nounexecute, verbexecution, nounexit, verbexpansion card, nounexpansion slot, nounexpert system, nounexport, verbextension, nounextranet, nouneye scan, nounF2F, adjectivefabricator, nounfactory preset, nounfatware, nounfeed, verbfeed, nounfield, nounfifth generation computer, file, nounfile manager, nounfilename, nounfile sharing, nounfile transfer, filing system, filter, nounfirewall, nounfirmware, nounfirst generation, nounfirst in, first out, nounfirst-person shooter, nounfive nines, nounfixed wireless, nounflash, verbflash, nounflash drive, nounflash memory, nounflatscreen, adjectiveflat screen, flip chip, nounfloor broker, floppy disk, nounfly-by-wire, nounfolder, nounfont, nounfooter, nounfootprint, nounforklift upgrade, nounformat, verbFortran, nounforum, noun404, adjectivefreeware, nounftp, nounfunction, nounfunctionality, nounfunction key, nounfungible, adjectivefuzzy logic, nounGame Boy, gameplay, noungamer, noungaming, noungarbage in, garbage out, Gates, Bill, gateway, nounghost, nounGIF, noungigabit, noungigabyte, nounGIGO, GIS, nounGlitter, Gary, global, adjectiveGLOBEX, nounGMS, nounGoogle, gopher, noungraphical, adjectivegraphical user interface, noungraphics, noungraphics card, noungraphic software, grid computing, noungroupware, nounGUI, nounhack, verbhack, nounhacker, nounhacktivist, nounhandshake, nounhard copy, nounhard disk, nounhard drive, nounhardware, nounhard-wired, adjectiveHawk, Tony, Hawking, Stephen, head, nounheader, nounhelp, nounhelp desk, nounhelp menu, help screen, nounHewlett Packard, hexadecimal, adjectivehigh-definition, adjectivehigh-level, adjectivehigh-level language, highlight, verbhome computer, home office, nounhome shopping, hookup, nounhook-up, nounhost computer, hot key, nounhot link, nounhot spot, nounHTML, nounhttp, hyperlink, nounhypertext, nounIBM, icon, nounICT, nounidentifier, nouniMac, nounimport, verbinbox, nounincremental backup, nounincubator space, industrial design, infect, verbinfected, adjectiveinformation exchange, information retrieval, nouninformation system, information technology, nouninfowar, nouninitialize, verbinkjet printer, nouninput, nouninput, verbinput/output, adjectiveinstall, verbinstaller, nounInstinet, Intel, intelligent terminal, interactive, adjectiveinteractive whiteboard, nouninterface, nouninterface, verbInternational Securities Exchange, nounInternet cafe, nounInternet Service Provider, interpreter, nounintranet, nouninvoke, verbIP address, nouniPod, nouniris scan, nounISDN, nounISP, nounIT, nouniterate, verbiTunes, iTV, nounJava, nounjob, nounjob bank, Jobs, Steve, joystick, nounJPEG, nounK, KB, keno, nounkey, nounkeyboard, nounkeyboard, verbkeyboarder, nounkeypad, nounkeystroke, nounkeyword, nounkilobyte, nounkit, nounkludge, nounknowledge base, Kraftwerk, LAN, nounlanguage, nounlaptop, nounlaser disk, nounlaser printer, nounlaunch, verbLCD, nounlight industry, nounlight pen, nounline printer, nounlink, verbLinux, nounLISP, nounlisting paper, listserv, nounload, verblocal area network, nounlog file, LOGO, nounloop, nounlow-level, adjectiveMac, nounmachine, nounmachine code, nounmachine language, machine-readable, adjectiveMacintosh, nounmacro, nounmagnetic disk, nounmagnetic media, nounmagnetic tape, nounmail, nounmail, verbmailbomb, nounmailbox, nounmailing list, nounmail merge, nounmainframe, nounmainframe computer, main memory, manual, adjectivemaximize, verbmegabyte, nounmemory, nounmemory address, memory bank, nounmemory card, nounmemory hog, nounMemory Stick, nounmenu, nounmessage, nounmetadata, nounmicro, nounmicrochip, nounmicrocomputer, nounmicroelectronics, nounmicroprocessor, nounMicrosoft, MIDI, nounmigrate, verbmigration, nounMillennium bug, minicomputer, nounminimize, verbmips, mission-critical, adjectiveMIT, mixer, nounmodel, nounmodel, verbmodelling, nounmodem, nounmodule, nounmonitor, nounMoore, Gordon, Moore's Law, nounmorphing, nounmotherboard, nounMotorola, mouse, nounmouse mat, nounmouse miles, nounmouse potato, nounMP3 player, nounMP4 player, nounMPEG, nounMSC, nounMS-DOS, multimedia, adjectivemulti-player gaming, nounmultiple applications, multiplexer, nounmultitasking, nounnagware, nounNasdaq, nounNASDAQ, Naseem, Prince, National Market System, nounNEC, nerd, nounnest, verbNetscape Navigator, network, nounnetwork, verbneural computer, nounneural network, nounneuroinformatics, nounnewbie, nounnew economy, nounNintendo, node, nounnoise, nounnotebook, nounnumber-cruncher, nounnumber crunching, nounobject, nounobject language, object-oriented, adjectiveOCR, nounOfex, nounoffice machinery, offline, adverboff-line, adjectiveonline, adjectiveonline catalogue, online updating, nounon-screen, adjectiveopen, verbOpen Group, the, open outcry, nounopen system, nounoperating system, nounoperation, nounoptical character recognition, nounoptical fibre, nounoption, nounorder, nounorganizing business, OSI, nounoutbox, nounoutput, nounoutput, verbover-the-counter dealing, over-the-counter market, over-the-counter share, over-the-counter stock, over-the-counter trading, overwrite, verbP2P, adjectivepackage, nounpacket, nounpacket-switching, nounpage, nounpage break, nounpalette, nounpalm phone, nounpalmtop, nounpaperless, adjectiveparallel data query, parallel port, parallel processing, nounPASCAL, nounpass-along, adjectivepassword, nounpaste, verbpasting, nounpatch, nounpause, verbPC, nounPC Card, nounPDA, nounPDF, nounPDF file, pen drive, nounPentium, peripheral, adjectiveperipheral, nounpersonal communicator, nounpersonal computer, nounpersonal electronic device, nounpersonal organizer, nounpetaflop, nounphishing, nounping, verbpiracy, nounpirate, verbpixel, nounplasma screen, nounplatform, nounplatform game, nounPlayStation, plotter, nounplug and play, nounplug-and-play, adjectiveplug-in, nounpointer, nounpop-under, nounpop-up, nounport, nounport, verbportable, adjectivepost, verbpost-industrial, adjectivePostScript, nounPowerPoint, nounprint, verbprinter, nounprintout, nounprint-out, nounprint preview, nounprocess, verbprocessing, nounprocessor, nounprogram, nounprogram, verbprogram file, programmable, adjectiveprogrammer, nounprogramme trading, programming, nounprogramming language, PROLOG, nounPROM, nounprompt, verbprompt, nounprotocol, nounPsion, pull down, nounpull-down, adjectivepull-down menu, nounpunched card, nounquantum computer, nounQuarkXPress, queue, nounqwerty, adjectiveRAM, nounrandom access memory, nounread, verbread only memory, read-only memory, nounread-out, nounread-write, adjectivereal-time, adjectivereboot, verbrecall, verbre-chip, verbrecord, nounrecord, verbrefresh, verbreload, verbremaster, verbremote access, nounremote control, nounremote working, nounreseller, nounreset, verbrespawn, verbretinal scanner, nounretrieval, nounretrieve, verbretry, verbreturn, nounright-click, verbrip, verbroad warrior, nounrobot, nounrollover, nounROM, nounRoute 128, nounrouter, nounroutine, nounRSI, nounRTF, nounrun, verbsalami slicing, nounSamsung, save, verbscalability, nounscalable, adjectivescan, verbscanner, nounscramble, verbscreen, nounscreen-based, adjectivescreen dump, nounscreensaver, nounscreen saver, nounscreenshot, nounscroll, verbscroll bar, nounscroll key, SCSI, nounSEAQ, search, nounsearch, verbsearchable, adjectivesearch engine, nounSEATS, nounsecurity rating, SEGA, self-healing, adjectivesend, verbserial port, server, nounserver farm, nounservice bureau, nounservice pack, nounSET, nounset-up, nounSFA, nounSGML, nounshareware, nounshift, nounshift key, nounshoot-'em-up, nounshopping bot, sig file, nounsilicon, nounsilicon chip, nounSilicon Fen, nounSilicon Glen, Silicon Valley, sim, nounSIMM, nounsimulation, nounSinclair, Sir Clive, single sourcing, skin, nounslo-mo, adjectivesmall office/home office, nounsmart, adjectivesmart bomb, nounsneakernet, nounsoft copy, nounsoftware, nounsoftware engineering, SoHo, SOHO, nounSonic the Hedgehog, sort, nounsoundcard, nounsource code, nounspace bar, nounspam, nounspeech recognition, nounspeech recognition software, speech synthesizer, nounspellcheck, nounspellchecker, nounspell-checker, nounspider, nounspider food, nounspim, nounsplit screen, nounspreadsheet, nounspreadsheet software, spyware, nounstandalone, adjectivestand-alone, adjectivestandby time, nounStarr Report, the, nounstarter pack, nounstart-up, nounstorage, nounstorage unit, store, verbstore-and-forward, nounstrategic information system, stream, verbstreaming, nounStreet Fighter, string, nounstylus, nounsubdirectory, nounsubroutine, nounsuite, nounSun Microsystems, sunrise industry, nounsupercomputer, nounsuperserver, nounsupport, verbsupport, nounswitching, nounsynchronous, adjectivesyntax, nounsynthespian, nounsystem, nounsystem administrator, nounsystems analyst, nounsystems programmer, system tray, nountab, verbtab key, nountab stop, nountag, nountag, verbtape, nountape drive, taskbar, nountechie, nountechnical support, nountechno-, prefixtechnocracy, nountechno-geek, nountechnophobe, nountechy, telecentre, nountelecommuter, nountelematics, nounteleprinter, nounteleworker, nountemplate, nounterabyte, nounteraflop, nounterminal, nountestdeck, nountext-to-speech, adjectivethird-generation, adjectivethird-party software, thumbnail, nountickbox, nountick box, nountime out, nountime-sharing, nountitle bar, nountoggle, nountoner, nountoolbar, nountoolbox, nounTOPIC, nountop-level domain, nountop ranking, nounTorvalds, Linus, Toshiba, Tottenham Court Road, touchpad, nountouch screen, nountrackball, nountransaction processing, transputer, nounTrojan horse, nountroubleshooter, nounTTS, Turing, Alan, tutorial, nounundo, verbuninstall, verbunique visitor, nounUnix, noununlisted share, unlisted stock, unrecoverable error, unzip, verbup, adverbupdate, nounupgrade, verbupload, verbupload, nounuptime, nounusability, nounUSB, nounUSB drive, nounuser-friendly, adjectiveuser group, nounuser interface, nounuser name, nounUS Robotics, utility, nounVActor, nounvalid, adjectivevalue-added reseller, vapourware, nounVDT, nounVDU, nounVGA, nounvideocard, nounvideo game, nounvideo snacking, nounviral marketing, nounvirtual, adjectivevirtual corporation, virtually, adverbvirtual memory, nounvirtual office, nounvirtual organization, virtual reality, nounvirus, nounvoice print, nounvoice recognition, wallpaper, nounWAN, nounWAP, noun-ware, suffixwar game, nounWAV, nounwearable, nounWeb 2.0, nounweb browser, nounweb crawler, nounweb design, nounweb development, web-enabled, adjectiveweb hosting, nounweb log, nounweb log file, wide area network, wi-fi, nounWi-Fi, nounwild card, nounwindow, nounWindows, Wintel, wipe, verbWiponet, nounwireless internet, wireless networking, nounWord, Wordperfect, word processor, nounworkspace, nounworkstation, nounWorld Wide Web, the, worm, nounWozniak, Steve, write, verbwrite-protected, adjectiveWYSIWYG, nounXbox, XML, nounY2K, nounYahoo!, zap, verbzip file, nounzombie, noun
(=make a contrast very obvious)· The research will highlight the contrasts between different approaches to taxation.
(=bring attention to it)· The minister used his speech to highlight the issue of global warming.
· The case also highlights the widespread practice of arbitrary detention that affects about 2 million people each year.· Its simplicity is precisely what makes it unsuited to being translated into law-as the Miss X case so blatantly highlighted.· The house was up for sale- the estate agents say the case has highlighted the need for a change in the law.· The latest case highlights the need for scrupulous hygiene on all farm visits.· The case has highlighted the risks of exploitation faced by foreign workers.· And believe that his case highlights the failing of the criminal justice system.· Police say the case highlights the need for elderly people to be on their guard when strangers come to their homes.· One case in my constituency highlights the type of thing that happens.
· This can be used to highlight changes from year to year or compare actual and required staffing levels. 4.· The story begins in the mid-1980s, when national reports highlighted the gap between changes in the workplace and in education.· The industry is expected to excuse itself by highlighting the last-minute change in voters' allegiances, reflected in the last polls.· The ongoing discussions highlighted the basic change that had taken place in the world.· This report would highlight important changes in the law likely to affect haulage operations in the short and medium term.
· Police can't prove what the men were doing but say this just highlights the danger.· A recent hearing of the Disciplinary Tribunal highlighted the dangers, albeit in a case involving two sole practitioners.
· This feedback would highlight differences in both quantities and labour rates.· Boston; and Austin, Texas-to highlight the similarities and differences between their approaches.· Mr. Gummer My hon. Friend has highlighted the fundamental difference.· A simple computational example will serve to highlight the differences.· The Democrats have used the minimum wage dispute to highlight differences with Republicans on helping the working poor.· The report also highlighted the difference in attitudes between men and women.· For a differential drill they are placed side by side and drilled across to highlight the difference between them. 7.2.2.
· Hearsay-II's problems with its syntactic/semantic component highlights the difficulties of accessing pre-defined processing units in speech.· He noted that several accidents appeared to highlight pilots' difficulties in coping with increasing flight-deck automation.· Jelinek and Schoonhoven highlight the difficulties facing managers in the type of strong culture typical of hi-tech companies.· This highlights the second major difficulty with the theories, the general assumption that there is a unitary dimension of arousal.· The criticism the Oregon experiment has received highlights the general difficulties of moving towards this kind of explicit rationing system.
· Moreover he highlighted the fact that cultures do not interact simply with one another but with the environment as well.
· Sacks etal highlighted the importance of prostatic disease as a preventable and treatable cause of renal failure.· The part the Flemish towns played in the crisis of 1127-8 not only highlighted their importance, it also guaranteed their liberties.· Colonel Spratt highlighted the importance of the qualification for people planning a career in marketing.· The back highlights the importance of using caution and suggests how to use the card.· Furthermore it seeks to highlight the central importance of localities and localism in Northern Ireland.· This again serves to highlight the importance of the cut-off point in determining estimates of illness prevalence.· Second, it highlighted the importance of active participation by elderly people themselves in all aspects of course planning.· Such an incident highlights the importance of clarity and definition of language, both between professionals and with clients.
· It highlighted all the issues of the unhealthiness of industrial towns, of poverty, bad housing and squalid environments.· She said her organization will highlight the issue during a pair of rallies at an official protest site outside the convention center.· Objections highlight the issues which are important to the buyer.· He has tended to highlight few issues beyond cutting taxes.· Abbey National's announcement this week that it will reduce its overdraft rate on January 1 highlights the issue.· The magazine has provided Benetton with an avenue to highlight issues, which their advertisements have touched on.· Both these studies highlight issues that needed urgent attention from policy and practice.· Many respondents said that the information fails to highlight critical issues and a majority rated such information as only poor or average.
· However, it highlights the clear lack of an agreed national coastal strategy by the Government.· The book highlights the lack of good signposts to help guide grieving individuals.· The report highlighted the lack of regulation of family mediators, many of whom are lawyers.· Properly applied better-off tests would have highlighted how the lack of competition in an internalised link imposes extra costs.· It's this last figure that best highlights the Safrane's lack of sprinting zest.· The report highlights the lack of help for these youngsters.
· All this highlighted the need for more land to be allocated by planning authorities for development.· This increased public concern has highlighted the need for greater information and understanding of these issues.· This also highlights the need to find an effective treatment, particularly as diagnosis is not relatively straight forward.· Children were asked to design an interpretative poster which highlighted the vulnerability and needs of Britain's threatened otter population.· Surveys of adopters consistently highlight the need for pre-placement support and preparation.· Commissioning authorities should outline their current commissioning priorities and highlight the research needs of their health strategies and primary care developments.· Yoga also highlights the need for investigating the preventive as well as the curative effects of complementary therapies.
· First introduced in 1989, Adopt-a-Pet aims to highlight the plight of abandoned animals and encourage more responsible pet ownership.· Elderly people isolated A new report has highlighted the isolated plight of elderly people in residential care who have a hearing loss.· There are better ways to highlight the plight of the homeless.
· The book highlights the problem university staff have in keeping up with recent developments.· Another study by researchers at Northern Kentucky University also highlighted the problem of expecting too much from unathletic children.· Now she has hit a brick wall and has written to me to highlight the problem.· Nothing else big was happening in the world and newspapers love to highlight problems that the television networks face.· We produce in-depth reports highlighting problems and offering solutions.· The teacher unions and professional associations have produced clear and accurate documents for their members which inevitably highlight these problems.· Escalating numbers of night visits highlight the problems of a pool system for paying doctors.· This highlights a crucial tactical problem for new groups or those whose demands are seen as in some way unconventional.
· The report highlights large variations in early retirement dates throughout the public sector.· The story begins in the mid-1980s, when national reports highlighted the gap between changes in the workplace and in education.· We produce in-depth reports highlighting problems and offering solutions.· There is no duty on the Prime Minister to publish any interim reports highlighting specific abuses.· The report also highlighted the difference in attitudes between men and women.· The report highlighted the under-utilisation of expensive equipment.· The report highlighted the lack of regulation of family mediators, many of whom are lawyers.
· To highlight the risk of such accidents, the association filmed several simulated train crashes in Chula Vista this month.· It also highlights the additional risks arising in off-exchange transactions and transactions on foreign markets.· Ministers are planning to fund an advertising campaign to highlight the risks of drug-driving.· Inevitably the sharp drop in property values and the collapse of some property groups has highlighted the risks.· The case has highlighted the risks of exploitation faced by foreign workers.· This practical 2-day course highlights the risks and provides you with the knowledge to contain them.
· The comparison of results in groups D and E highlights the important assessment role of occupational therapists as cited by other workers.· Judge Jackson highlighted government's mediating role when he explained why he ordered the company split in two.· The issue of disability culture was highlighted, with the role of disabled people viewed as being isolated away from wider society.· This highlights the key role played by the perfect capital market assumption.· The event will highlight the vital role played by the waterway in the region's industrial development.· Anonymity, like the uniforms of nurses, the police or soldiers, highlights the role, not the person performing it.· The present article starts by highlighting the pivotal role of police results in the criminal process.· It also highlights the role played by both the chemical and chemical engineering disciplines in the development of cleaner processes.
· Their study also highlights unmet needs similar to those mentioned in other reports.· Both these studies highlight issues that needed urgent attention from policy and practice.
· To pursue the link, simply click on the highlighted text or image.· The highlighted text will be added to the end of the stored document.· In Windows 3.0 you simply highlight the text with the mouse to mark it.· To print smaller segments of text, press Alt-F4 to highlight the text, then press Shift-F7.· Conjunctions are highlighted in both texts.· This displays the prompt Press Y to print just the highlighted text.· If you pressed 1, the highlighted text is no longer there.· First, highlight the text, then perform the action.
· The effect has been to highlight weaknesses in each of the traditional interpretations and to demythologize the revolutionary intelligentsia.· He told the Institute of Chartered Accountants that recent failures had highlighted weaknesses in accounts.· This highlights a serious weakness in his philosophy.· Here, however, Wallas highlighted a particular weakness within Fabianism.
· These unanswered questions serve to highlight the practicalities which prescriptions of this kind ignore.· A simple computational example will serve to highlight the differences.· They serve also to highlight certain features of the political culture.· This again serves to highlight the importance of the cut-off point in determining estimates of illness prevalence.· It's more annoying than serious, really, but serves to highlight problems commonly associated with less expensive instruments.· This will also serve to highlight aspects of the choice of methodological framework.· These three examples, juxtaposed, serve to highlight the nature of educational change.· One brief example from the Southwest will serve to highlight the precision and implications of the method.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounhighlighthighlightingverbhighlight
1to make a problem or subject easy to notice so that people pay attention to it:  Your résumé should highlight your skills and achievements. see thesaurus at emphasize2to mark written words with a special coloured pen, or in a different colour on a computer:  Use the cursor to highlight the name of the document you want to print.3to make some parts of your hair a lighter colour than the resthighlighting noun [uncountable]
highlight1 verbhighlight2 noun
highlighthighlight2 ●●○ noun Examples
  • Highlights of the ball game will be shown later.
  • A highlight of most Alaska cruises is a day spent among the glaciers.
  • Before the game, fans were shown highlights of the season on a large video screen.
  • The weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip.
  • We were looking forward to seeing the pyramids, which promised to be the highlight of our trip.
  • When I was young, Christmas was the highlight of the year.
  • A highlight of this performance was the contribution of the Marquis brand to the improvement in Waterford Crystal's operational profitability.
  • Although it may seem expensive cost of getting to Florida, it will be a highlight of your trip.
  • August may be the best time for hitting the highlights.
  • But to provide highlights without at least some explanation is equally so, since they are presumably meant to serve as introductions.
  • Compare the highlights of the recent Test series in New Zealand.
  • Her long blonde hair seemed to come alive in the sunlight which gave it golden highlights.
  • The highlight of our trip was a stay at the Inn On Tomales Bay.
  • The ruins of Castle Acre's Cluniac priory area one of the highlights of this section.
Longman Language Activatorthe best part of something
also the best bit British informal the best part of something such as an occasion, event etc: · The best part of the movie is the ending.· What was the best part of your vacation?
the best and most exciting part of something such as a journey, a film, or a period of time: · When I was young, Christmas was the highlight of the year.· We were looking forward to seeing the pyramids, which promised to be the highlight of our trip.
the best part of something, or the best moment of something: · The two days we spent in Granada were the high point of our trip.· Winning the 1994 World Championship was probably the high point of his career.
the best and most impressive part of something that someone has made, especially a meal: · And now for my pièce de résistance -- wild mushrooms cooked in red wine.
the most exciting part of something
the most exciting or important part of a story or event, usually near the end: climax of: · A parade through the streets marks the climax of the festival.reach a climax: · The opera reaches its climax with Violetta's death in the third act.
the most exciting, enjoyable, or important moment of an event or activity, especially one that continues for a long time: high point/spot of: · For Amelia, a high point of the trip was riding with her father on a Ferris wheel.· The 1972 election was the high spot of her political career.
the part of an event or activity such as a holiday or a game that is the most exciting or enjoyable, and that you remember most clearly: highlight of: · Highlights of the ball game will be shown later.· A highlight of most Alaska cruises is a day spent among the glaciers.
abstract, nounacrylic, adjectiveacrylics, nounaltarpiece, nounaquatint, nounbrush, nounbrushwork, nouncanvas, nouncartridge paper, nouncollage, nouncubism, noundiptych, noundrawing, nouneasel, nounetching, nounexecute, verbexecution, nounfauvism, nounfigure, nounfix, verbfixative, nounframe, verbfreehand, adjectivefresco, nounfull face, adjectivegallery, nounglaze, noungouache, nounhalf-length, adjectivehatching, nounhighlight, nounhue, nounicon, nounillustration, nounillustrator, nounimpressionism, nounimpressionist, nounlettering, nounlife, nounline drawing, nounlithograph, nounlithography, nounminiature, nounminiaturist, nounmural, nounoil paint, nounoil painting, nounold master, nounpaintbox, nounpaintbrush, nounpainter, nounpainterly, adjectivepainting, nounpalette, nounpalette knife, nounpanel, nounpastel, nounpastel, adjectivepencil, nounperspective, nounpictogram, nounpigment, nounpointillism, nounportrait, nounportraiture, nounposter paint, nounprimitive, nounretouch, verbrice paper, nounseascape, nounself-portrait, nounshade, nounshade, verbshading, nounshow, verbsit, verbsitting, nounsketch, nounsketch, verbstencil, nounstencil, verbstill life, nounstipple, verbsubject, nounsurrealism, nounsurrealistic, adjectivetempera, nountrace, verbtriptych, nounview, nounwall painting, nounwatercolour, noun
(=make a contrast very obvious)· The research will highlight the contrasts between different approaches to taxation.
(=bring attention to it)· The minister used his speech to highlight the issue of global warming.
· Full-length games are edited down to show the highlights in a way which sometimes irritates the purist.· They showed highlights from the 1964 Celtics world championship game they won.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounhighlighthighlightingverbhighlight
1[countable] the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of something such as a holiday, performance, or sports competitionhighlight of That weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip.highlight from At 11.30 we’ll be showing highlights from the third round of the FA Cup.2highlights [plural] areas of hair that have been made a lighter colour than the rest3[countable] technical a light bright area on a painting or photograph




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