

单词 helm
helmhelm /helm/ noun Word Origin
1 Old English helma2-3 Old English helm
  • He feels like the captain of a sleeping ship, alone at the helm, steering his oblivious crew through dangerous seas.
  • Lewis Milestone took over the helm, and he too found Brando impossible to direct.
  • Since assuming the helm at Samsung in 1987, Lee has relentlessly pursued growth through exports and foreign investments and partnerships.
  • Thrusting the helm hard over, he shot clear of the motor yacht's wind-shadow.
  • To his amazement he saw a foreign sailor at the helm.
word sets
adrift, adjectiveaft, adjectiveahoy, interjectionaircraft carrier, nounamidships, adverbanchor, nounanchor, verbanchorage, nounark, nounastern, adverbballast, nounbarge, nounbargee, nounbargepole, nounbarnacle, nounbarque, nounbarrage, nounbeach, verbbeam, nounbecalmed, adjectiveberth, nounberth, verbbilge, nounbill of lading, nounbillow, nounblade, nounboat, nounboat hook, nounboathouse, nounboating, nounboatman, nounbob, verbbollard, nounboom, nounbow, nounbridge, nounbrig, nounbulkhead, nounbunk, nounbuoy, nouncabin, nouncabin boy, nouncabin class, nouncabin cruiser, nouncable, nouncanal, nouncanal boat, nouncanoe, nouncanoe, verbcapstan, nouncaptain, nouncatamaran, nouncircumnavigate, verbclipper, nouncoast, verbcoaster, nouncoastguard, nouncockpit, nouncommodore, nouncompanionway, nounconning tower, nouncoracle, nouncordage, nouncox, nouncoxswain, nouncraft, nouncrew, verbcrossing, nouncrow's nest, nouncruise, verbcruise liner, nouncruiser, nouncruise ship, nouncutter, noundeck, noundecompression chamber, nounderrick, noundinghy, noundisembark, verbdisgorge, verbdisplacement, noundock, noundock, verbdocker, noundockside, noundockyard, noundory, noundownstream, adverbdraught, noundraw, verbdrawbridge, noundredge, verbdredger, noundrift, verbdrift, noundrifter, noundriftwood, noundrilling platform, noundrown, verbdry dock, noundugout, noundyke, nounembark, verbensign, nounferry, nounferry, verbferryboat, nounfigurehead, nounfirst mate, nounfirst officer, nounfleet, nounflotilla, nounfo'c'sle, nounforecastle, nounfounder, verbfrigate, nounfrogman, noungalleon, noungalley, noungangplank, noungangway, noungondola, noungondolier, noungrappling iron, nounground, verbgunnel, noungunwale, nounhalyard, nounharbour, nounhatch, nounhawser, nounhelm, nounhelmsman, nounhigh tide, nounhigh water, nounhigh water mark, nounhold, nounhoot, nounhoot, verbhouseboat, nounhovercraft, nounhulk, nounhull, nounhydrofoil, nounhydroplane, nounhydroplane, verbicebreaker, nouninboard, adjectiveinflatable, nouninflow, nounJet Ski, nounjetty, nounjib, nounjunk, nounkayak, nounkeel, nounketch, nounknot, nounkt, land, verblanding stage, nounlane, nounlaunch, verblaunch, nounleeward, adjectivelife belt, nounlifeboat, nounlife buoy, nounlife jacket, nounlifeline, nounlife preserver, nounlife raft, nounlife vest, nounlighter, nounlighthouse, nounlightship, nounliner, nounlist, verblock, nounlock keeper, nounlog book, nounlongshoreman, nounlow tide, nounlow water, nounlow water mark, nounlugger, nounmainmast, nounmainsail, nounmaritime, adjectivemast, nounmaster, nounmasthead, nounmerchantman, nounmerchant navy, nounmerchant seaman, nounminesweeper, nounmizzen, nounmoor, verbmooring, nounmother ship, nounmotorboat, nounnarrow boat, nounnautical, adjectivenavigable, adjectivenavigate, verbnavigation, nounoakum, nounoar, nounoarlock, nounoarsman, nounoarswoman, nounoceangoing, adjectiveoffshore, adjectiveoil slick, nounoil tanker, nounoutboard motor, nounoutrigger, nounoverboard, adverboyster bed, nounpacket boat, nounpaddle, nounpaddle, verbpaddle steamer, nounpassage, nounpelagic, adjectiveperiscope, nounpier, nounpilot, nounpilot, verbpitch, verbPlimsoll line, nounplot, verbply, verbpoop deck, nounport, nounporthole, nounport of call, nounpowerboat, nounprivateer, nounpromenade deck, nounpropeller, nounprow, nounpunt, nounpunt, verbpurser, nounquadrant, nounquarterdeck, nounquay, nounraft, nounrafting, nounreef, verbrefit, verbregatta, nounresurface, verbrig, verbrig, nounrigging, nounroll, verbroll, nounroll-on roll-off, adjectivero-ro, nounrow, verbrowboat, nounrowing, nounrowing boat, nounrowlock, nounrubber dinghy, nounrudder, nounsail, verbsail, nounsailboat, nounsailing, nounsailing boat, nounsailing ship, nounsailor, nounsaloon, nounsampan, nounschooner, nounscull, nounscull, verbscupper, verbscupper, nounscuttle, verbseaborne, adjectivesea captain, nounsea dog, nounseafaring, adjectiveseagoing, adjectivesea lane, nounsea legs, nounsealer, nounseaman, nounseamanship, nounseaworthy, adjectivesheet, nounship, nounshipmate, nounshipping, nounshipping lane, nounship's chandler, nounshipwreck, nounshipwright, nounshipyard, nounside-wheeler, nounskiff, nounskull and crossbones, nounslaver, nounslipway, nounsloop, nounsluice, nounsmack, nounsonar, nounspar, nounspeedboat, nounsplice, verbSS, starboard, nounsteam, verbsteamboat, nounsteamer, nounsteamship, nounsteerage, nounsteersman, nounstern, nounstevedore, nounsteward, nounstewardess, nounstoker, nounsub, nounsubmarine, nounsubmarine, adjectivesubmersible, nounsundeck, nounsupertanker, nounswab, verbswell, nounswing bridge, nountack, nountack, verbtender, nounthird class, nountiller, nountonnage, nountopside, adverbtowpath, nountransport, nountransport ship, nountrawler, nountrim, verbtrimaran, nountroopship, nountub, nountug, nounupstream, adverbvessel, nounvoyage, nounvoyage, verbwake, nounwardroom, nounwarship, nounwaterborne, adjectivewaterlogged, adjectivewaterway, nounweir, nounwhaler, nounwheelhouse, nounwhirlpool, nounwindjammer, nounwindward, adjectivewreck, nounyachting, noun
· The coxswain and the quartermaster were killed at the wheel, and Nigel Tibbets took the helm.· Maher, 52, takes the helm at a time of consolidation and competition in the banking industry.· Lewis Milestone took over the helm, and he too found Brando impossible to direct.· Young said he had fulfilled a promise he made when taking the helm in 1969· Julia, 45, will now deputise for anchorman Trevor McDonald, taking the helm only on Sunday evenings and holidays.· I have decided that now is the time to retire as Captain and that some one else should take the helm.
  • In a decade and a half at the helm, O'Neil transformed the company's image.
  • After Smith's departure, his deputy Nick Logan began a glittering career at the helm.
  • He feels like the captain of a sleeping ship, alone at the helm, steering his oblivious crew through dangerous seas.
  • Mitchell at the helm, Sanders and his fancy footwork, Moore and his mind-blowing numbers.
  • Norton also criticized the control board for studying whether the city should put a city manager at the helm.
  • That means Mr Maxwell will remain at the helm of the club at least for the short term.
  • The 1992 Five Nations Championship will, therefore, be his fourth at the helm.
  • There is nobody at the helm of the corporate ship, because there is no helm.
  • There was no panic, no shouting, just well-directed, sensible work while I kept at the helm, maintaining course.
  • I have decided that now is the time to retire as Captain and that some one else should take the helm.
  • Instead he told her to take the helm.
  • Julia, 45, will now deputise for anchorman Trevor McDonald, taking the helm only on Sunday evenings and holidays.
  • Maher, 52, takes the helm at a time of consolidation and competition in the banking industry.
  • The coxswain and the quartermaster were killed at the wheel, and Nigel Tibbets took the helm.
  • Young said he had fulfilled a promise he made when taking the helm in 1969.
1[countable] the wheel or control which guides a ship or boat2at the helm a)in charge of something:  We have a new prime minister at the helm. b)guiding a ship or boat3take the helm a)to start being in charge of something such as a business or organization:  Wright took the helm at the food retailer in December 2001. b)to start guiding a ship or boat




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