

单词 hallowed
hallowedhal‧lowed /ˈhæləʊd $ -loʊd/ adjective Word Origin
1200-1300 hallow ‘to make holy’, from Old English halgian, from halig; HOLY
  • His first album was released on the hallowed Blue Note jazz label.
  • A mistake in our hallowed tome?
  • Baxter's hatred for authority did not end at the foot of Ibrox's hallowed stairway.
  • But why is it in the hallowed halls of a gallery of twentieth century design?
  • Even now, visitors crossing the hallowed threshold of the Treasury are met by an individual wearing a name badge.
  • Pop music comes to the hallowed chamber.
  • The bishops expected the hallowed Authorized Version to maintain its mastery because it was sanctified in everyone's affections and moral sentiments.
  • The table he sat before was as hallowed as any altar.
[usually before noun] connected with God and religion, and therefore treated in a special way – used especially in the following phrases: · the Holy Bible· the holy city of Mecca· a Hindu holy man· They believe they are fighting a holy war.· The priest puts some holy water on the child’s head.
connected with God and religion, and therefore treated in a special way – used especially in the following phrases: · This place is sacred to both Jews and Muslims.· In India, cows are considered sacred.· the Hindu sacred texts· sacred music· a sacred ritual
relating to or coming from God: · the divine right of kings· divine justice· divine providence· Human love should be a reflection of divine love, and so not be selfish or cruel.
relating to the soul, the spirit, and religion, and not with physical things or ordinary human activities: · Your spiritual life is far more important than any material things you could acquire.· the spiritual leader of the Tibetans
a hallowed place is considered to be very holy: · He was buried in hallowed ground.· The Golden Temple is Sikhism’s most hallowed shrine.
made holy by God – used especially about saints: · the blessed Virgin Mary
acolyte, nounafterlife, nounagnostic, nounangel, nounanimism, nounanoint, verbapostasy, nounapostate, nounarchangel, nounbelieve, verbbeliever, nounbell-ringer, nounbless, verbblessed, adjectiveblessing, nouncelebrant, nounChristian Science, nouncircumcise, verbcircumcision, nouncommunion, nounconfession, nounconvent, nounconversion, nounconvert, nouncoreligionist, nouncowl, nouncredo, nouncreed, nouncult, noundaemon, nounDecalogue, noundefrock, verbdeism, noundenomination, noundenominational, adjectivedevotee, noundevotion, noundevotional, adjectivedevout, adjectivedivine, adjectivedivinity, noundruid, nounfaith, nounfast day, nounfeast, nounfervour, nounfiesta, nounfollow, verbfrankincense, noungentile, noungod, noungoddess, noungrace, nounhabit, nounhair shirt, nounhallelujah, interjectionhallowed, adjectivehalo, nounheathen, adjectiveheathen, nounheaven, nounheavenly, adjectivehell, nounheresy, nounheretic, nounhermit, nounhermitage, nounheterodox, adjectivehigh priest, nounidol, nounidolatry, nounincarnation, nounincense, nouninfidel, nounintercession, nouninvocation, nouninvoke, verbirreligious, adjective-ism, suffixlayman, nounlaywoman, nounlibation, nounliturgical, adjectiveliturgy, nounmartyr, nounmartyr, verbmeditate, verbmeditation, nounmission, nounmonastery, nounmonastic, adjectivemonk, nounmonotheism, nounMoonie, nounMormon, nounMosaic, adjectivemystery play, nounmystic, nounmystical, adjectivemysticism, nounneophyte, nounnovice, nounnovitiate, nounnuminous, adjectivenun, nounnunnery, nounoblation, nounobservance, nounoffering, nounOlympian, adjectiveordain, verborder, nounorthodox, adjectiveotherworldly, adjectivepagan, adjectivepagan, nounpantheism, nounpantheon, nounParsee, nounpilgrim, nounpilgrimage, nounpious, adjectivepluralism, nounpolytheism, nounpractise, verbpray, verbprayer, nounprayer wheel, nounpreach, verbpreacher, nounpriest, nounpriestess, nounpriesthood, nounpriestly, adjectiveprophet, nounprophetess, nounpurify, verbRasta, nounRastafarian, nounRastaman, nounRE, nounrecant, verbreincarnation, nounreligious, adjectivereligiously, adverbreliquary, nounrepent, verbretreat, nounrevelation, nounrevivalism, nounrite, nounritual, nounsacred, adjectivesacrifice, nounsacrifice, verbsacrificial, adjectivesanctify, verbsanctity, nounsanctuary, nounsanctum, nounsatanism, nounscripture, nounsect, nounsectarian, adjectiveservice, nounshaman, nounShinto, nounshrine, nounsin, nounsin, verbsinful, adjectivesinner, nounsoul, nounspirit, nounspiritual, adjectivespiritualism, nounspirituality, nounSr, sun god, nounsuppliant, nounsupplicant, nounsupplication, nounSupreme Being, nounTao, nounTaoism, nountemple, nountenet, nounthanksgiving, nountheism, nountheo-, prefixtheocracy, nountheologian, nountheological college, nountheology, nountonsure, nountranscendental, adjectivetranscendental meditation, nountransmigration, noununbelief, noununbeliever, nounungodly, adjectiveunholy, adjectiveunorthodox, adjectivevisionary, nounvoodoo, nounvotary, nounworship, verbworship, noun
 The bones will be buried in hallowed ground.
 the hallowed halls of government
· Indeed, Darwin, an evolutionist to the end, was laid to rest in the hallowed ground of Westminster Abbey.· Stooping, shamed, he caressed the hallowed ground.
1holy or made holy by religious practicessacred:  The bones will be buried in hallowed ground.2important and respected by a lot of people:  the hallowed halls of government hallowed traditions




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