

单词 grenade
grenadegre‧nade /ɡrəˈneɪd/ noun [countable] Word Origin
1500-1600 French ‘pomegranate, grenade’, from Late Latin granata, from Latin granum (GRAIN); because the bomb looks like the fruit
  • A bomb disposal team made the grenade safe.
  • I pulled the pin out of the grenade.
  • My idea of checking out a tunnel is throwing a hand grenade down it.
  • Only in horseshoes, hand grenades and presidential elections is close good enough.
  • Pick four men, send two to each side of the enemy position with a couple of Stens and some grenades.
  • Stephen reached down to his belt for the grenades.
  • Tense soldiers detonated concussion grenades in an effort to disperse the crowds.
  • They had detonated sticks of dynamite, and topped off the attack with a flurry of grenades.
a weapon that explodes: · The bomb exploded on a bus in Jerusalem during the city’s morning rush hour.· Fifty-five people were injured in a car bomb attack in Baghdad.· Morrow was convicted in 1998 of sending four letter bombs (=a small bomb hidden in a package and sent to someone in order to hurt or kill them) to government officials.· People were worried that terrorists would try to detonate a dirty bomb (=a bomb that contains nuclear materials)in the city centre.
bombs or substances that can cause explosions: · They used explosives to blow the door off the front of the building.· The car was packed with 1,000 lbs of high explosives (=powerful explosives).
a bomb – used especially in news reports: · Police found the device hidden in a suitcase.· A bomb threat was received and the building was evacuated, but no device was found.
a bomb that has been made using whatever materials are available, especially one used to blow up soldiers travelling through a place. IED is short for ‘improvised explosive device’: · Several soldiers were killed when an IED exploded as their convoy drove by.
a type of bomb that is hidden just below the ground or under water, and that explodes when it is touched: · The fields are still full of landmines.· The ship struck a mine and sank.
(also hand grenade) a small bomb that can be thrown by hand or fired from a special gun: · He pulled the pin and threw a grenade toward the enemy’s position.
air rifle, nounair-to-air, adjectiveammo, nounammunition, nounanti-aircraft, adjectiveanti-personnel, adjectiveanti-tank, adjectivearmament, nounarmoured car, nounarmourer, nounarmour-plated, adjectivearrow, nounarrowhead, nounarsenal, nounartillery, nounatomic bomb, nounautomatic, nounballistic missile, nounballistics, nounbandolier, nounbarbed, adjectivebarrage, nounbarrage balloon, nounbarrel, nounbattering ram, nounbattery, nounbayonet, nounbayonet, verbbazooka, nounBB gun, nounblank, nounblaze, verbblowpipe, nounbludgeon, nounblunderbuss, nounbolt, nounbomb, nounbomber, nounbombing, nounbomb scare, nounbooby trap, nounboom, nounbore, nounbow, nounbrass knuckles, nounbroadsword, nounbuckshot, nounbullet, nounbullet-proof, adjectivebutt, nouncaisson, nouncalibre, nouncanister, nouncannon, nouncannonball, nouncarbine, nouncartridge, nouncatapult, nounchain mail, nounchamber, nouncharge, verbchemical warfare, nounchemical weapon, nounclip, nouncluster bomb, nouncock, verbColt, conventional, adjectivecordite, nouncosh, nouncrossbow, nouncruise missile, nounCS gas, nouncudgel, nouncutlass, nouncut-throat razor, noundagger, noundart, noundecommission, verbdetonator, noundevice, noundirk, noundisarm, verbdischarge, verbdismount, verbdouble-barrelled, duel, nounduel, verbdum-dum, nounelevation, nounemplacement, nounequalizer, nounfirearm, nounfirebomb, nounflak, nounflame thrower, nounflick knife, nounforty-five, nounfusillade, nounfusion bomb, noungauge, noungerm warfare, noungrenade, nounguidance, nounguided missile, noungun, noungun carriage, noungunner, noungunnery, noungunpowder, noungun-running, noungunshot, nounhaft, nounhair trigger, nounhalberd, nounhammer, nounhand grenade, nounhandgun, nounH-bomb, nounheat-seeking, adjectiveheavy, adjectivehilt, nounholster, nounhoming device, nounhowitzer, nounhydrogen bomb, nounICBM, nounincendiary, adjectiveKalashnikov, nounknuckle-duster, nounlance, nounlandmine, nounlive, adjectivelongbow, nounlong-range, adjectivemace, nounmachete, nounmachine gun, nounmagazine, nounmagnum, nounmarksman, nounmarksmanship, nounmegaton, nounmisfire, verbmissile, nounmortar, nounmunitions, nounmushroom cloud, nounmusket, nounmustard gas, nounmuzzle, nounnapalm, nounnerve gas, nounnightstick, nounnitroglycerine, nounnon-proliferation, nounnosecone, nounnuclear, adjectivenuke, verbnuke, nounordnance, nounparry, verbpayload, nounpepper, verbpike, nounpistol, nounplastic explosive, noun.22, nounpoison gas, nounpommel, nounpound, verbprime, verbprimer, nounprojectile, nounpropellant, nounquarterstaff, nounramrod, nounrange, nounrapid-fire, adjectiverapier, nounrearm, verbrecoil, verbrepeater, nounreport, nounrevolver, nounrifle, nounrocket, nounround, nounrubber bullet, nounsabre, nounsafety catch, nounsawn-off shotgun, nounscabbard, nounscimitar, nounsemi-automatic, adjectiveshaft, nounsheathe, verbshell, nounshell, verbshield, nounshooter, nounshot, nounshotgun, nounshrapnel, nounsidearm, nounsight, nounsilencer, nounsilo, nounsix-shooter, nounslash, nounsling, nounslingshot, nounslug, nounsmart bomb, nounsmoke bomb, nounsmokescreen, nounsnipe, verbsniper, nounspear, nounspear, verbSten gun, nounstockpile, nounstockpile, verbstun gun, nounsubmachine gun, nounsurface-to-air missile, nounsurface-to-surface missile, nounswordsmanship, nountank, nountear gas, nounthermonuclear, adjectivetime bomb, nountommy gun, nountorpedo, nountorpedo, verbtracer, nountrident, nountrigger, nountruncheon, noununload, verbvolley, nounvolley, verbwarhead, nounwater cannon, nounweapon, nounweaponry, noun
· We were taught about hand grenades and explosives, and how to set ambushes and lay mines in the most effective pattern.· Alcohol is more like a pharmacological hand grenade.· Away from the street self-taught craftsmen copy working anti-aircraft guns, hand grenades and rocket launchers.· Within the first 10 minutes, we had 6 guys wounded from different booby traps, mainly hand grenades.· Janko Janjic, 43, detonated a hand grenade that killed him and injured the soldiers.· A: I meant just-I meant only that the only means I could evacuate the people would be a hand grenade.· Two days earlier, Myeni had escaped unhurt after a hand grenade was thrown into his house in Soweto.· In addition, like their fathers and grandfathers, most men carried hand grenades.
· Selemenev is trained to handle a 60-pound automatic grenade launcher.· They had the minigun, the grenade launchers, and the rockets, and they would usually fire all three.· As we loaded up for one mission, a grunt got on board carrying an M-79 grenade launcher.
· The gunmen fired shots or threw grenades.
· As he fumbled with his belt he shouted out to the others to throw their grenades.· My idea of checking out a tunnel is throwing a hand grenade down it.· Across the street, some one threw a grenade, injuring 18 people.· One day some street cowboys threw an uncharged hand grenade at him for a joke.· Several people said a local teacher, a People's Alliance supporter named Gopalan Suviraj, threw the grenade.· They had all reacted to the door opening, as if he'd thrown a grenade into the room and they were frozen.· The man's arm went up and he threw the grenade through the open door.· Early one morning, just before the end, they threw grenades at the front of our house.
a small bomb that can be thrown by hand or fired from a gun:  a hand grenade




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