1800-1900 vantage (1300-1400) from Old Frenchavantage; ➔ ADVANTAGE
From Burke's vantage point, there is a lot to be unhappy about.
We enjoyed the lights of Los Angeles from a vantage point high above the city.
Certainly Mr Mansbridge from his vantage point of above or below can enjoy our acclaim at his pictorial success.
From her piggyback vantage point she heard dry reeds whisper and water splash.
From my second-floor vantage point I could see my classmates as they tumbled out into the quad playing catch with my shoes.
From the vantage point of the mid-1990s, several factors in this analysis look very different.
From your current vantage point, you are well positioned to see how alcohol can get at these pain fibers.
She took refuge behind an angel's wings and, from this vantage point, spied upon her family.
1a good position from which you can see something: From my vantage point on the hill, I could see the whole procession.2a way of thinking about things that comes from your own particular situation or experiencesSYN point of view: The whole dispute looked silly from my vantage point.