

单词 valid
validval‧id /ˈvælɪd/ ●●○ AWL adjective Word Origin
1500-1600 French valide, from Latin validus ‘strong, effective’, from valere; VALOR
  • a valid driver's license
  • Many of Rousseau's ideas are just as valid today as they were in the 18th century.
  • My passport is valid for 10 years.
  • The government still hasn't produced a valid argument in favour of its policies on immigration.
  • The tourist visa is valid for three months.
  • They had some valid concerns about the safety of the airplane.
  • This may not be a valid conclusion - we haven't tested it thoroughly yet.
  • Your ticket is valid for travel at any time of the day.
  • All of those criticisms are valid.
  • Both certificates are valid for three months and the ceremony must take place in the district where notice has been given.
  • But at this point, no valid comparison can be made between their clocks, for they are separated.
  • He says they can even zoom in on tax discs to see if they're valid.
  • Incorrect or invalid names are mentioned following the valid ones.
  • It is obvious that students should not believe that their own ideas by themselves are valid.
  • Oh, so you say the translation is not valid.
  • Please supply a valid name and password.
Longman Language Activatorwhen something is true
something that is true is based on real facts and was not invented or imagined: · Everything I have told you is true.· At first I couldn't believe it was really true.· The movie is based on a true story.· If the rumours are true, we may all have a new boss by the end of the month.it is true (that): · It's true that our schools have suffered in the past from a lack of funding, but we are changing that.
to be true: · There's no way I can do any more work than I do now, and that's the truth.· We think that what she says is the truth -- she probably didn't intend to steal the money.
use this to say that something that is true about one person or group is also true about another one: · We encourage the kids in the program to work together, and the same thing goes for the adults too.· There are some bad teachers in state schools, but the same thing goes for private schools as well.
use this to emphasize that something is definitely true: it is a fact that: · It is a fact that more children in this country die in road accidents than from any other cause.
if a situation is the case , that is the way the situation truly is: it is the case that: · It used to be the case that British industry was plagued by strikes, but this is no longer true.as is often/usually the case: · The doctor prescribed drugs for the child, as is often the case with this illness.· He thinks I'm complaining about nothing, but that's just not the case.
a truthful answer or statement contains no lies: · Our citizens have a right to expect truthful reports from their government.· Justice Department officials who reviewed his statement found it to be truthful.
descriptions, information, or numbers that are accurate are based on facts, do not contain mistakes, and tell you exactly what is happening: · Greene gives a remarkably accurate description of life in Saigon in the early '50s.· I think your assessment of the current economic situation is pretty accurate.
ideas that are valid are based on what is true and reasonable, and should be accepted or considered seriously: · This may not be a valid conclusion - we haven't tested it thoroughly yet.· Many of Rousseau's ideas are just as valid today as they were in the 18th century.· The government still hasn't produced a valid argument in favour of its policies on immigration.
something that can be used
something that is available can be used, for example because no one else is using it or it is not being used for anything else: · This program will take up a lot of your available disk space.every available: · Houses were being built on every available plot of land.whatever is available: · Use whatever seasonal vegetables are available.
use this about a chair, room, table etc that you can use because no-one else is using it: · The office next door is free if you need somewhere to work.· There's just one free table, over there in the corner.
something that is usable can be used, because it works well or because it has been made ready for use: · I know the bicycle's old, but it's still usable.· The refinery turns crude oil into usable products such as gas and tar.· The program has some nice features that make it more usable than most.
if a ticket, passport etc is valid , you can legally use it and it will be officially accepted.: · Do you have a valid driver's license?valid for: · Your ticket is valid for travel at any time of the day.valid for 10 years/two months/one week etc: · My passport is valid for 10 years.
a current official document has not yet reached the date after which it can no longer be used: · Acceptable forms of ID include a current passport or a birth certificate.
access, verbaccess point, nounaccess time, nounaccounting system, accumulator, nounadd-on, nounADSL, nounaffective computing, nounAI, nounALGOL, nounalias, nounANSI, anti-spam, adjectiveanti-virus, adjectiveanti-virus software, nounAPL, nounapp, nounApple, Apple Macintosh, applet, nounapplication, nounapplication software, nounarcade game, nounarchitecture, nounarchive, nounarchive, verbarray, nounartificial intelligence, nounASCII, nounASIC, nounASP, nounassembly language, nounasynchronous, adjectiveAT&T, attachment, nounaudit trail, nounautomate, verbautomated, adjectiveautomation, nounavatar, nounB2B exchange, nounB2C, adjectiveB2E, adjectiveBabbage, Charles, backslash, nounbackspace, nounbackup, nounback-up copy, bandwidth, nounbar code, nounBASIC, nounbatch, nounbatch processing, nounbaud rate, nounBerners-Lee, Tim, bespoke, adjectivebeta test, nounBig Blue, bioinformatics, nounbiometric, adjectivebit, nounbitmap, nounBlackBerry, nounbloatware, nounblog, nounBluetooth, nounBMP, nounbond certificate, book entry, bookmark, nounbookmark, verbbook of final entry, nounbook of first entry, nounBoolean, adjectiveboot, verbbootable, adjectivebootstrapping, nounbot, nounbotnet, nounbps, brain dump, nounbroadband, nounbrown goods, nounbrowse, verbbrowser, nounbubble jet printer, nounbuddy list, nounbuffer, nounbuffer, verbbug, nounbulletin board, nounbundle, nounbundle, verbburn, verbbus, nounbusiness continuity services, nounbusiness continuity services, button, nounbyte, nounCabinet Office Briefing Rooms, cable modem, nouncache, nouncache, verbCAD, nounCAD/CAM, nounCAL, nounCalifornia, nounCALL, nounCAM, nounCambridge, Capita, caps lock, nouncapture, verbcapture, nouncard, nouncathode ray tube, nounCAT scan, nounCBT, nounCD-R, nounCD-ROM, nounCD-ROM drive, CDRW, nounCD-RW, nouncentral processing unit, nouncentral processor, nounCGI, nounCHAPS, character, nounchat room, nouncheat, nouncheckbox, nounchip, nounchip card, CIM, CIO, clerical assistant, click, verbclickable, adjectiveclient, nounclient machine, client-server, adjectiveclient/server architecture, clip art, nounclipboard, nouncloaking, nounclock cycle, nounclock speed, nounclone, nouncluster, nounCOBOL, nouncode, nouncoder, nouncom, Comdex, nouncommand, nouncomm port, comms, nouncompact disc, nounCompaq, compatibility, nouncompatible, adjectivecompatible, nouncompile, verbcompiler, nouncompress, verbcomputer, nouncomputer (industry) analyst, computer-aided, adjectivecomputer-aided design, nouncomputer-aided manufacture, computer-aided manufacturing, nouncomputer-assisted, adjectivecomputerate, adjectivecomputer-based training, computer-generated, adjectivecomputer-integrated manufacture, computerize, verbcomputer-literate, adjectivecomputer modelling, nouncomputer science, nouncomputer system, computer virus, nouncomputing, nounconcordance, nounconfiguration, nounconfigure, verbconnect, verbconnectivity, nounconsole, nouncontrol, nouncontrol key, nouncookie, nouncoordinate, nounCorel, corrupt, verbcounter, nouncourseware, nounCPU, nouncrack, verbcrack, nouncracker, nouncrash, verbcrash, nounCroft, Lara, cross-platform, adjectivecross-posting, nounCtrl, nouncursor, nouncut, verbcutover, nouncyber-, prefixcybercrime, nouncybernetics, nouncyberpunk, nouncybersickness, nouncyberspace, nouncyberterrorist, nouncyberwidow, noundata, noundata bank, noundatabase, noundatabase management, database management system, data capture, noundata centre, data dictionary, noundata encryption standard, noundata file, data interchange format file, data mining, noundata processing, noundata protection, Data Protection Act, the, Dateline, daytrader, nounday trading, nounDBMS, debug, verbdecision support system, decode, verbdecompress, verbdecrypt, verbdefault, noundefragment, verbDel, noundelete, verbdeletion, noundeliverable, noundematerialize, verbdemo, verbdemonstration version, denial of service attack, noundeselect, verbdesktop, noundesktop computer, noundesktop publishing, noundestination site, dialogue box, noundial-up, adjectivedigerati, noundigicam, noundigital nervous system, digital rights management, digital wallet, nounDilbert, direct access, noundirectory, noundisaster recovery, noundisc, noundisinfect, verbdisk, noundisk drive, noundiskette, noundisk operating system, display, noundisplay, verbdistributed processing, Dixons, dock, noundock, verbdocking station, noundocument, noundocument sharing, noundongle, nounDOS, noundot-matrix printer, noundouble click, verbdouble-click, verbdouble density, adjectivedown, adverbdownload, verbdownload, noundownloadable, adjectivedowntime, noundown time, downwardly compatible, adjectiveDP, noundrag, verbdrive, noun-driven, suffixdriver, noundropdown, noundrop down, noundrop-down menu, nounDTP, noundumb terminal, dump, verbdump, nounDVD, nounDVD-ROM, nounEasdaq, noune-book, noune-business, nounECN, noune-commerce, nouneditor, nounedutainment, noune-fatigue, nounE-FIT, nounEFTPOS, nounelectronic, adjectiveelectronic bill of lading, electronic cottage, nounelectronic data interchange, nounelectronic funds transfer, nounelectronic invoice, electronic mail, nounelectronic media, electronic publishing, nounelectronics, nounelectrosmog, nounEllison, Larry, email, nounemail account, embed, verbencrypt, verbend-to-end, adjectiveenter, verbenterprise application integration, nounentry, nounEPROM, noune-publishing, nounequipment leasing, erase, verbErnie, error, nounerror message, nounescape key, Ethernet, noune-ticket, nounE-ticket, nounexecutable, nounexecute, verbexecution, nounexit, verbexpansion card, nounexpansion slot, nounexpert system, nounexport, verbextension, nounextranet, nouneye scan, nounF2F, adjectivefabricator, nounfactory preset, nounfatware, nounfeed, verbfeed, nounfield, nounfifth generation computer, file, nounfile manager, nounfilename, nounfile sharing, nounfile transfer, filing system, filter, nounfirewall, nounfirmware, nounfirst generation, nounfirst in, first out, nounfirst-person shooter, nounfive nines, nounfixed wireless, nounflash, verbflash, nounflash drive, nounflash memory, nounflatscreen, adjectiveflat screen, flip chip, nounfloor broker, floppy disk, nounfly-by-wire, nounfolder, nounfont, nounfooter, nounfootprint, nounforklift upgrade, nounformat, verbFortran, nounforum, noun404, adjectivefreeware, nounftp, nounfunction, nounfunctionality, nounfunction key, nounfungible, adjectivefuzzy logic, nounGame Boy, gameplay, noungamer, noungaming, noungarbage in, garbage out, Gates, Bill, gateway, nounghost, nounGIF, noungigabit, noungigabyte, nounGIGO, GIS, nounGlitter, Gary, global, adjectiveGLOBEX, nounGMS, nounGoogle, gopher, noungraphical, adjectivegraphical user interface, noungraphics, noungraphics card, noungraphic software, grid computing, noungroupware, nounGUI, nounhack, verbhack, nounhacker, nounhacktivist, nounhandshake, nounhard copy, nounhard disk, nounhard drive, nounhardware, nounhard-wired, adjectiveHawk, Tony, Hawking, Stephen, head, nounheader, nounhelp, nounhelp desk, nounhelp menu, help screen, nounHewlett Packard, hexadecimal, adjectivehigh-definition, adjectivehigh-level, adjectivehigh-level language, highlight, verbhome computer, home office, nounhome shopping, hookup, nounhook-up, nounhost computer, hot key, nounhot link, nounhot spot, nounHTML, nounhttp, hyperlink, nounhypertext, nounIBM, icon, nounICT, nounidentifier, nouniMac, nounimport, verbinbox, nounincremental backup, nounincubator space, industrial design, infect, verbinfected, adjectiveinformation exchange, information retrieval, nouninformation system, information technology, nouninfowar, nouninitialize, verbinkjet printer, nouninput, nouninput, verbinput/output, adjectiveinstall, verbinstaller, nounInstinet, Intel, intelligent terminal, interactive, adjectiveinteractive whiteboard, nouninterface, nouninterface, verbInternational Securities Exchange, nounInternet cafe, nounInternet Service Provider, interpreter, nounintranet, nouninvoke, verbIP address, nouniPod, nouniris scan, nounISDN, nounISP, nounIT, nouniterate, verbiTunes, iTV, nounJava, nounjob, nounjob bank, Jobs, Steve, joystick, nounJPEG, nounK, KB, keno, nounkey, nounkeyboard, nounkeyboard, verbkeyboarder, nounkeypad, nounkeystroke, nounkeyword, nounkilobyte, nounkit, nounkludge, nounknowledge base, Kraftwerk, LAN, nounlanguage, nounlaptop, nounlaser disk, nounlaser printer, nounlaunch, verbLCD, nounlight industry, nounlight pen, nounline printer, nounlink, verbLinux, nounLISP, nounlisting paper, listserv, nounload, verblocal area network, nounlog file, LOGO, nounloop, nounlow-level, adjectiveMac, nounmachine, nounmachine code, nounmachine language, machine-readable, adjectiveMacintosh, nounmacro, nounmagnetic disk, nounmagnetic media, nounmagnetic tape, nounmail, nounmail, verbmailbomb, nounmailbox, nounmailing list, nounmail merge, nounmainframe, nounmainframe computer, main memory, manual, adjectivemaximize, verbmegabyte, nounmemory, nounmemory address, memory bank, nounmemory card, nounmemory hog, nounMemory Stick, nounmenu, nounmessage, nounmetadata, nounmicro, nounmicrochip, nounmicrocomputer, nounmicroelectronics, nounmicroprocessor, nounMicrosoft, MIDI, nounmigrate, verbmigration, nounMillennium bug, minicomputer, nounminimize, verbmips, mission-critical, adjectiveMIT, mixer, nounmodel, nounmodel, verbmodelling, nounmodem, nounmodule, nounmonitor, nounMoore, Gordon, Moore's Law, nounmorphing, nounmotherboard, nounMotorola, mouse, nounmouse mat, nounmouse miles, nounmouse potato, nounMP3 player, nounMP4 player, nounMPEG, nounMSC, nounMS-DOS, multimedia, adjectivemulti-player gaming, nounmultiple applications, multiplexer, nounmultitasking, nounnagware, nounNasdaq, nounNASDAQ, Naseem, Prince, National Market System, nounNEC, nerd, nounnest, verbNetscape Navigator, network, nounnetwork, verbneural computer, nounneural network, nounneuroinformatics, nounnewbie, nounnew economy, nounNintendo, node, nounnoise, nounnotebook, nounnumber-cruncher, nounnumber crunching, nounobject, nounobject language, object-oriented, adjectiveOCR, nounOfex, nounoffice machinery, offline, adverboff-line, adjectiveonline, adjectiveonline catalogue, online updating, nounon-screen, adjectiveopen, verbOpen Group, the, open outcry, nounopen system, nounoperating system, nounoperation, nounoptical character recognition, nounoptical fibre, nounoption, nounorder, nounorganizing business, OSI, nounoutbox, nounoutput, nounoutput, verbover-the-counter dealing, over-the-counter market, over-the-counter share, over-the-counter stock, over-the-counter trading, overwrite, verbP2P, adjectivepackage, nounpacket, nounpacket-switching, nounpage, nounpage break, nounpalette, nounpalm phone, nounpalmtop, nounpaperless, adjectiveparallel data query, parallel port, parallel processing, nounPASCAL, nounpass-along, adjectivepassword, nounpaste, verbpasting, nounpatch, nounpause, verbPC, nounPC Card, nounPDA, nounPDF, nounPDF file, pen drive, nounPentium, peripheral, adjectiveperipheral, nounpersonal communicator, nounpersonal computer, nounpersonal electronic device, nounpersonal organizer, nounpetaflop, nounphishing, nounping, verbpiracy, nounpirate, verbpixel, nounplasma screen, nounplatform, nounplatform game, nounPlayStation, plotter, nounplug and play, nounplug-and-play, adjectiveplug-in, nounpointer, nounpop-under, nounpop-up, nounport, nounport, verbportable, adjectivepost, verbpost-industrial, adjectivePostScript, nounPowerPoint, nounprint, verbprinter, nounprintout, nounprint-out, nounprint preview, nounprocess, verbprocessing, nounprocessor, nounprogram, nounprogram, verbprogram file, programmable, adjectiveprogrammer, nounprogramme trading, programming, nounprogramming language, PROLOG, nounPROM, nounprompt, verbprompt, nounprotocol, nounPsion, pull down, nounpull-down, adjectivepull-down menu, nounpunched card, nounquantum computer, nounQuarkXPress, queue, nounqwerty, adjectiveRAM, nounrandom access memory, nounread, verbread only memory, read-only memory, nounread-out, nounread-write, adjectivereal-time, adjectivereboot, verbrecall, verbre-chip, verbrecord, nounrecord, verbrefresh, verbreload, verbremaster, verbremote access, nounremote control, nounremote working, nounreseller, nounreset, verbrespawn, verbretinal scanner, nounretrieval, nounretrieve, verbretry, verbreturn, nounright-click, verbrip, verbroad warrior, nounrobot, nounrollover, nounROM, nounRoute 128, nounrouter, nounroutine, nounRSI, nounRTF, nounrun, verbsalami slicing, nounSamsung, save, verbscalability, nounscalable, adjectivescan, verbscanner, nounscramble, verbscreen, nounscreen-based, adjectivescreen dump, nounscreensaver, nounscreen saver, nounscreenshot, nounscroll, verbscroll bar, nounscroll key, SCSI, nounSEAQ, search, nounsearch, verbsearchable, adjectivesearch engine, nounSEATS, nounsecurity rating, SEGA, self-healing, adjectivesend, verbserial port, server, nounserver farm, nounservice bureau, nounservice pack, nounSET, nounset-up, nounSFA, nounSGML, nounshareware, nounshift, nounshift key, nounshoot-'em-up, nounshopping bot, sig file, nounsilicon, nounsilicon chip, nounSilicon Fen, nounSilicon Glen, Silicon Valley, sim, nounSIMM, nounsimulation, nounSinclair, Sir Clive, single sourcing, skin, nounslo-mo, adjectivesmall office/home office, nounsmart, adjectivesmart bomb, nounsneakernet, nounsoft copy, nounsoftware, nounsoftware engineering, SoHo, SOHO, nounSonic the Hedgehog, sort, nounsoundcard, nounsource code, nounspace bar, nounspam, nounspeech recognition, nounspeech recognition software, speech synthesizer, nounspellcheck, nounspellchecker, nounspell-checker, nounspider, nounspider food, nounspim, nounsplit screen, nounspreadsheet, nounspreadsheet software, spyware, nounstandalone, adjectivestand-alone, adjectivestandby time, nounStarr Report, the, nounstarter pack, nounstart-up, nounstorage, nounstorage unit, store, verbstore-and-forward, nounstrategic information system, stream, verbstreaming, nounStreet Fighter, string, nounstylus, nounsubdirectory, nounsubroutine, nounsuite, nounSun Microsystems, sunrise industry, nounsupercomputer, nounsuperserver, nounsupport, verbsupport, nounswitching, nounsynchronous, adjectivesyntax, nounsynthespian, nounsystem, nounsystem administrator, nounsystems analyst, nounsystems programmer, system tray, nountab, verbtab key, nountab stop, nountag, nountag, verbtape, nountape drive, taskbar, nountechie, nountechnical support, nountechno-, prefixtechnocracy, nountechno-geek, nountechnophobe, nountechy, telecentre, nountelecommuter, nountelematics, nounteleprinter, nounteleworker, nountemplate, nounterabyte, nounteraflop, nounterminal, nountestdeck, nountext-to-speech, adjectivethird-generation, adjectivethird-party software, thumbnail, nountickbox, nountick box, nountime out, nountime-sharing, nountitle bar, nountoggle, nountoner, nountoolbar, nountoolbox, nounTOPIC, nountop-level domain, nountop ranking, nounTorvalds, Linus, Toshiba, Tottenham Court Road, touchpad, nountouch screen, nountrackball, nountransaction processing, transputer, nounTrojan horse, nountroubleshooter, nounTTS, Turing, Alan, tutorial, nounundo, verbuninstall, verbunique visitor, nounUnix, noununlisted share, unlisted stock, unrecoverable error, unzip, verbup, adverbupdate, nounupgrade, verbupload, verbupload, nounuptime, nounusability, nounUSB, nounUSB drive, nounuser-friendly, adjectiveuser group, nounuser interface, nounuser name, nounUS Robotics, utility, nounVActor, nounvalid, adjectivevalue-added reseller, vapourware, nounVDT, nounVDU, nounVGA, nounvideocard, nounvideo game, nounvideo snacking, nounviral marketing, nounvirtual, adjectivevirtual corporation, virtually, adverbvirtual memory, nounvirtual office, nounvirtual organization, virtual reality, nounvirus, nounvoice print, nounvoice recognition, wallpaper, nounWAN, nounWAP, noun-ware, suffixwar game, nounWAV, nounwearable, nounWeb 2.0, nounweb browser, nounweb crawler, nounweb design, nounweb development, web-enabled, adjectiveweb hosting, nounweb log, nounweb log file, wide area network, wi-fi, nounWi-Fi, nounwild card, nounwindow, nounWindows, Wintel, wipe, verbWiponet, nounwireless internet, wireless networking, nounWord, Wordperfect, word processor, nounworkspace, nounworkstation, nounWorld Wide Web, the, worm, nounWozniak, Steve, write, verbwrite-protected, adjectiveWYSIWYG, nounXbox, XML, nounY2K, nounYahoo!, zap, verbzip file, nounzombie, noun
· I think that's a valid point.
· I had a perfectly valid reason for being there.
· None of these arguments are valid.
· If the criticism is valid, you should make the appropriate changes.
· You must have a valid excuse for any absence.
· Each of these ways of looking at things is equally valid.
· It's a perfectly valid question.
(=based on correct numbers or good research)· The drug trials were scientifically valid.
· This seemed like a reasonable assumption.
(=a reasonable one, based on sensible information)· There is not enough data for a valid comparison to be made.
(=one that is true and that other people cannot criticize)· He didn’t have a legitimate excuse for being late.
(=one that is officially acceptable)· For travel abroad, you must have a valid passport.
· She raised a number of valid points.
(=a good and acceptable reason)· An employer can’t fire someone without a valid reason.
(=one that is legally or officially acceptable)· You cannot travel without a valid ticket.
· Kussmaul's observation is also valid for other types of work.· But there are also valid reasons for optimism.· Spaces are also valid but these are not significant.· The second assumption is also valid if we confine the analysis to a reasonable range of operations.
· The doctors' case for the retention of pay beds was a strong one, although not as valid as was represented.· Each is as valid and probable a version of the twentieth century as the one recorded in our newspaper files.· Mr Christopher's February list is as valid as ever.· Do recognize that positive comments are as valid as negative ones.· The principles of homoeopathy, as laid down by Hahnemann, are as valid today as they were in his time.· The question of management and legal representation for aspiring new-comers is just as valid in publishing as it is in recording.· Gentle exercise such as walking is as valid when you are old as it is when you are young.· The passive person does not allow their needs to take precedence over or be as valid as, another's.
· Thus, in nearly all its occurrences, either use of the adjective criminal would be equally valid.· There are other, equally valid, ways into this symphony.· Whatever method you adopt, the following principles are equally valid and need to be taken into account. 1.· Your clocks are equally valid only if you each continue to occupy an inertial reference frame.· A second and equally valid argument is that the publishing world is an invaluable source of knowledge.· A reading that cancels out the contradictory and equally valid meanings the text yields does not do justice to its complexity.· It is equally valid to use, for example, 20°C, 30°C and 40°C or 20°C, 35°C and 50°C.· Each is equally valid and must be dealt with in its own terms.
· Causal inferences are constructions built upon foundations of assumptions, and can not be more valid than the assumptions.· This approach is no more valid today than it has been in the past.· How might more valid data be gathered 5.
· Vouchers are only valid for rallies taking place before 31st December 1991.· Self-written or pre-printed wills are only valid if signed by two witnesses at the same time.
· The time ranges associated with these compositions are rather approximate, but are in general still perfectly valid.· One is of course free to do so, and from certain perspectives, it is perfectly valid to do so.· Perhaps women choose this style because it fits with their own, perfectly valid interactional or social goals.· This is a perfectly valid deduction.· But consent by a person in Hobbes's state of nature can be perfectly valid.· That argument, by the way, I am not rejecting; it is a perfectly valid response.· But it still didn't stop me having a perfectly valid opinion on the parlous state of contemporary kits.
· Although it is not statistically valid, it is based on objective data.· There are so few accidents that comparing accident rates is not statistically valid.· Having a statistically valid set on which to train a network is important.
· Bricklayer Mark Tobin has already done so ... and his policy is still valid.· Are the reasons still valid, or am I maintaining a merely sentimental tie?· Though elusive, the goal of a new order is still valid.· Is the concept of class still valid if most people do not identify themselves with the classes specified by the analyst?· We must be aware of this and constantly compare the copy with the real thing to see if it is still valid.· Other people are contacting alternative insurance brokers in Aylesbury to try to find out if their policies are still valid.· They were told last night that their policies are still valid.
· A second and equally valid argument is that the publishing world is an invaluable source of knowledge.· No serious thinker can make a valid argument that to discriminate based on species is acceptable.· Inductive arguments are not logically valid arguments.· Similarly, one of the few obviously valid arguments in favour of capital punishment is that executed offenders never re-offend afterwards.· There are valid arguments about prison overcrowding and the size of Britain's jail population.
· The above documents should provide sufficient proof that a valid claim exists under the policy.· The difficulty comes in identifying what constitutes a valid claim.
· There is no valid comparison with drugs.· But at this point, no valid comparison can be made between their clocks, for they are separated.
· The first stage in each investigation was to list the information the committee required before it could reach a valid conclusion.· Because of the way data were collected, no valid conclusions could be drawn about the geographic distribution of incidents.· This may be a valid conclusion.
· Accepting criticism Accepting valid criticism is also part of this group of assertive actions.· But neither do we have to be defensive if they occasionally have a valid criticism.· Its tone is playful and frivolous but it makes some valid criticisms.· There are, however, a number of valid criticisms which can be made of the study.
· But that is not a valid excuse.· There was the valid excuse to delay the marriage because air force regulations stipulated only unmarried men may enter pilot training school.
· Please supply a valid name and password.
· It is your responsibility to be in possession of a valid passport and any visa which may be necessary.· If you do not already hold a valid passport, application forms may be obtained from the Post Office.· A valid passport is essential when you travel abroad.
· A shudder ran through her as she suddenly remembered one very valid point.· On the other hand, they have a valid point.· Mr. Scott My hon. Friend makes a valid point.· In other words, they both have valid points, which is often the case in an open and honest debate.· No point in inviting a rooster to a hen party, especially if he has a valid point to make.· He makes some valid points that I should like to bring to the House's attention.
· Povert drudgery and loneliness are valid reasons for sadness; beyond and beneath, far outreaching them all, is unrequited love.· But there are also valid reasons for optimism.· But a complete justification of authority has to do more than to provide valid reasons for its acceptance.· A 1977 Supreme Court ruling permits police stopping a car for valid reasons to order drivers to exit.· Liberty is proposing regulations, including a rule requiring anyone installing cameras to supply the authorities with valid reasons for doing so.· The desire to persist in interrogation is a valid reason for keeping a suspect in custody for thirty-six hours and indeed beyond.· Maybe there was a valid reason to steer Udal away from the notebooks.· There are many valid reasons for this as the logistics of organising a journey around Britain are complicated.
· The ease and speed with which the required number of valid signatures were obtained was impressive.· He said the party is still trying to get enough valid signatures to win ballot access in Texas.· Organizers need the valid signatures of 480, 000 voters by April 19 to qualify for the November ballot.· A total of 15, 604 valid signatures will be needed to force an election.
· Kerekou won by an unsurprisingly huge margin: 86 percent of the valid votes cast compared with 16 percent for Amoussou.· He won 298 of 484 valid votes against 155 for his closest rival, the former prime minister Ryutaro Hashimoto.· In many states the number of blank and spoilt votes exceeded the number of valid votes cast.· In Ruari Quinn's constituency 38,270 valid votes were cast.· The Conservative vote dropped from 59.9 percent of the valid vote at the 1987 general election, to 40.9 percent.· The total turnout casting valid votes was 64.1 percent.
· It is recognized that there are many valid ways of growing older.· They only need to be sure that their arguments are valid ways of ascertaining truth.· I have suggested that many people believe that there is a valid way of life argument against closing any rural primary school.· On this basis, it is suggested that the test offers a valid way of screening for linguistic disorders.· There may, obviously, be other equally valid ways of approaching this.· This is also a valid way and can produce better results than the scientific way of working.
  • A 1977 Supreme Court ruling permits police stopping a car for valid reasons to order drivers to exit.
  • A second and equally valid argument is that the publishing world is an invaluable source of knowledge.
  • Accepting criticism Accepting valid criticism is also part of this group of assertive actions.
  • But a complete justification of authority has to do more than to provide valid reasons for its acceptance.
  • But neither do we have to be defensive if they occasionally have a valid criticism.
  • But there are also valid reasons for optimism.
  • No serious thinker can make a valid argument that to discriminate based on species is acceptable.
  • Povert drudgery and loneliness are valid reasons for sadness; beyond and beneath, far outreaching them all, is unrequited love.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounvalidityinvalidityadjectivevalidinvalidverbvalidateinvalidate
1a valid ticket, document, or agreement is legally or officially acceptable OPP  invalid:  a valid credit card Your return ticket is valid for three months.2valid reason/argument/criticism etc a reason, argument etc that is based on what is reasonable or sensible:  Police officers must have a valid reason for stopping motorists.3a valid password, ID etc is one that will be accepted by a computer system OPP  invalidvalidity /vəˈlɪdəti/ noun [uncountable]:  I would question the validity of that statement.COLLOCATIONS– Meaning 2nounspoint· I think that's a valid point.reason· I had a perfectly valid reason for being there.argument· None of these arguments are valid.criticism· If the criticism is valid, you should make the appropriate changes.excuse· You must have a valid excuse for any absence.adverbsequally valid· Each of these ways of looking at things is equally valid.perfectly valid· It's a perfectly valid question.statistically/scientifically valid (=based on correct numbers or good research)· The drug trials were scientifically valid.




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