

单词 golden handshake
golden handshakeˌgolden ˈhandshake noun [countable] Examples
  • And the reward for dismissal is a golden handshake of several years' pay.
  • Good news about my golden handshake.
  • He should be able to spare £5,000 out of his golden handshake.
  • He will walk away with a reported golden handshake of £400,000.
  • I never negotiated a corporate prenuptial agreement and never received a golden handshake.
  • Redundancy payment, or a golden handshake in lieu of notice, up to the value of £30,000.
  • Usually, you will be more concerned with compensation for loss of office colloquially known as a golden handshake.
word sets
appraisee, nounappraiser, nounassertiveness training, assessment centre, automatic checkoff, nounB2E, adjectivebasic wage, broadbanding, nounbusiness agent, callback, nouncasual, adjectivechampion of change, nounchange agent, nounCIO, cognitive dissonance, nouncollaborative working, nouncommand and control, nouncompany doctor, company officer, company union, comparable worth, nouncompassionate leave, nouncompetence profiling, nouncompetency-based, adjectivecompetency profiling, compliance officer, confidentiality clause, contract of employment, nouncontract of service, nouncontractual, adjectivecontribution, nouncontributory, adjectiveCOO, core competence, corporate communication, custom and practice, dead time, demarcation dispute, direct labour, disabled quota, dispute procedure, earnings-related, adjectiveemployee referral program, employee relations, employment, nounevergreen contract, expense account, nounfidelity insurance, field staff, fieldwork, nounfirst in, first out, nounflexitime, nounflyback interview, freelance, adjectivegagging clause, gardening leave, gender-awareness, noungolden handshake, noungolden parachute, noungrade, noungrade, verbgratuity, noungreen card, noungross misconduct, Hawthorne effect, Hay system, hirer, nounhiring hall, nounhotelling, nounHRM, hygiene factor, incentive fee, individual retirement account, job description, nounjob order, job quota, job-sharing, nounlast in, first out, nounleave, nounLIFO, marzipan layer, maternity leave, nounMBWA, medical certificate, nounmileage, nounminimum wage, nounmotivator factor, motor pool, nounnight shift, nounnoncontributory, adjectiveout-of-pocket expenses, nounout of work, adjectiveoutplacement, nounpart-time, adjectivepaternity leave, nounpensionable, adjectivepeon, nounperformance appraisal, probation, nounprobationer, nounprofit sharing, nounPRP, psychic income, psychometric testing, QWL, remuneration package, retirement plan, nounreturner, nounrota, nounrotate, verbsabbatical, nounsalary matrix, nounscreening interview, semi-skilled, adjectiveservice agreement, sick note, nounsickout, nounsick pay, nounspan of control, nounsplit shift, nounstrategic business unit, superannuation scheme, nounsweated labour, nounswing shift, nountacit knowledge, time card, nountime clock, nountime sheet, nountour of duty, nountrade dispute, training needs analysis, underpaid, adjectiveupskill, verbWorking Time Directive, nounwork permit, nounworkplace bargaining, work sampling, work study, nounwrongful termination,
British English a large amount of money given to someone when they leave their job




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