

单词 utility
utilityu‧til‧i‧ty /juːˈtɪləti/ ●○○ AWL noun (plural utilities) Word Origin
1300-1400 Old French utilité, from Latin utilitas, from utilis ‘useful’, from uti; USE1
  • Demonstrations allow customers to get an immediate idea of a product's utility.
  • I have severe doubts about the utility of examinations on subjects which have been learned parrot-fashion.
  • However, other utilities may also bid for PowerGen.
  • It was paced by auto, chemical and utility stocks.
  • Monopolies in industries like railways and various utilities need breaking up.
  • Pareto is in no doubt that the two types of utility, for and of a community, do not necessarily coincide.
  • They were manufacturing, the finance, insurance and real estate group, transportation and public utilities and government.
Longman Language Activatorwhen a lot of people can see you or know about what is happening
things or systems that are provided by the government or other organizations for people to use, for example hospitals, public transport, or banks: · The 1980s saw a decline in manufacturing but a growth in services such as banking and retailing.public services: · Will the use of private contractors improve public services?financial/health/support etc services: · Regulation of banking and financial services was in need of an overhaul.· A national strike paralyzed postal services everywhere.essential services: · Over the last twenty years, industrial action has affected a whole range of essential services.the service sector (=the part of industry that provides services): · Many women get jobs in the service sector.
things that are provided in a place in order to make particular services or activities available: · The facilities at the hotel were excellent -- tennis courts, swimming pool, several bars and a good restaurant.sports/ leisure/childcare etc facilities: · The company does not yet have childcare facilities on the premises.facilities for: · Facilities for washing and drying clothes are hopelessly inadequate in many hostels for the homeless.
things such as shops, parks, or restaurants that make living or working in a place more pleasant: · I prefer this part of the city because there are plenty of good amenities.· The town has grown, and offers many more amenities -- a new shopping mall, play areas and a variety of restaurants.basic amenities: · The main problems in the refugee camp are overcrowding and a lack of basic amenities.
organizations that supply necessary things such as electricity, water, and gas: · Government ownership of utilities should mean that gas and electricity costs are kept to a minimum.public utilities (=ones owned by the government): · Public utilities almost always make huge profits.
: electricity/water/gas supply the system by which electricity, water, or gas is supplied to houses, factories etc: · The electricity supply is less reliable in mountainous areas of the country.cut off a supply (=stop the supply): · During the drought some households had their water supply cut off.
the quality of being useful
· Statistics have some usefulness in the study of public health issues.outlive its usefulness (=not be useful any more) · We are beginning to think that this factory has outlived its usefulness as our main supplier.
formal how useful and effective something is: · Demonstrations allow customers to get an immediate idea of a product's utility.· I have severe doubts about the utility of examinations on subjects which have been learned parrot-fashion.
access, verbaccess point, nounaccess time, nounaccounting system, accumulator, nounadd-on, nounADSL, nounaffective computing, nounAI, nounALGOL, nounalias, nounANSI, anti-spam, adjectiveanti-virus, adjectiveanti-virus software, nounAPL, nounapp, nounApple, Apple Macintosh, applet, nounapplication, nounapplication software, nounarcade game, nounarchitecture, nounarchive, nounarchive, verbarray, nounartificial intelligence, nounASCII, nounASIC, nounASP, nounassembly language, nounasynchronous, adjectiveAT&T, attachment, nounaudit trail, nounautomate, verbautomated, adjectiveautomation, nounavatar, nounB2B exchange, nounB2C, adjectiveB2E, adjectiveBabbage, Charles, backslash, nounbackspace, nounbackup, nounback-up copy, bandwidth, nounbar code, nounBASIC, nounbatch, nounbatch processing, nounbaud rate, nounBerners-Lee, Tim, bespoke, adjectivebeta test, nounBig Blue, bioinformatics, nounbiometric, adjectivebit, nounbitmap, nounBlackBerry, nounbloatware, nounblog, nounBluetooth, nounBMP, nounbond certificate, book entry, bookmark, nounbookmark, verbbook of final entry, nounbook of first entry, nounBoolean, adjectiveboot, verbbootable, adjectivebootstrapping, nounbot, nounbotnet, nounbps, brain dump, nounbroadband, nounbrown goods, nounbrowse, verbbrowser, nounbubble jet printer, nounbuddy list, nounbuffer, nounbuffer, verbbug, nounbulletin board, nounbundle, nounbundle, verbburn, verbbus, nounbusiness continuity services, nounbusiness continuity services, button, nounbyte, nounCabinet Office Briefing Rooms, cable modem, nouncache, nouncache, verbCAD, nounCAD/CAM, nounCAL, nounCalifornia, nounCALL, nounCAM, nounCambridge, Capita, caps lock, nouncapture, verbcapture, nouncard, nouncathode ray tube, nounCAT scan, nounCBT, nounCD-R, nounCD-ROM, nounCD-ROM drive, CDRW, nounCD-RW, nouncentral processing unit, nouncentral processor, nounCGI, nounCHAPS, character, nounchat room, nouncheat, nouncheckbox, nounchip, nounchip card, CIM, CIO, clerical assistant, click, verbclickable, adjectiveclient, nounclient machine, client-server, adjectiveclient/server architecture, clip art, nounclipboard, nouncloaking, nounclock cycle, nounclock speed, nounclone, nouncluster, nounCOBOL, nouncode, nouncoder, nouncom, Comdex, nouncommand, nouncomm port, comms, nouncompact disc, nounCompaq, compatibility, nouncompatible, adjectivecompatible, nouncompile, verbcompiler, nouncompress, verbcomputer, nouncomputer (industry) analyst, computer-aided, adjectivecomputer-aided design, nouncomputer-aided manufacture, computer-aided manufacturing, nouncomputer-assisted, adjectivecomputerate, adjectivecomputer-based training, computer-generated, adjectivecomputer-integrated manufacture, computerize, verbcomputer-literate, adjectivecomputer modelling, nouncomputer science, nouncomputer system, computer virus, nouncomputing, nounconcordance, nounconfiguration, nounconfigure, verbconnect, verbconnectivity, nounconsole, nouncontrol, nouncontrol key, nouncookie, nouncoordinate, nounCorel, corrupt, verbcounter, nouncourseware, nounCPU, nouncrack, verbcrack, nouncracker, nouncrash, verbcrash, nounCroft, Lara, cross-platform, adjectivecross-posting, nounCtrl, nouncursor, nouncut, verbcutover, nouncyber-, prefixcybercrime, nouncybernetics, nouncyberpunk, nouncybersickness, nouncyberspace, nouncyberterrorist, nouncyberwidow, noundata, noundata bank, noundatabase, noundatabase management, database management system, data capture, noundata centre, data dictionary, noundata encryption standard, noundata file, data interchange format file, data mining, noundata processing, noundata protection, Data Protection Act, the, Dateline, daytrader, nounday trading, nounDBMS, debug, verbdecision support system, decode, verbdecompress, verbdecrypt, verbdefault, noundefragment, verbDel, noundelete, verbdeletion, noundeliverable, noundematerialize, verbdemo, verbdemonstration version, denial of service attack, noundeselect, verbdesktop, noundesktop computer, noundesktop publishing, noundestination site, dialogue box, noundial-up, adjectivedigerati, noundigicam, noundigital nervous system, digital rights management, digital wallet, nounDilbert, direct access, noundirectory, noundisaster recovery, noundisc, noundisinfect, verbdisk, noundisk drive, noundiskette, noundisk operating system, display, noundisplay, verbdistributed processing, Dixons, dock, noundock, verbdocking station, noundocument, noundocument sharing, noundongle, nounDOS, noundot-matrix printer, noundouble click, verbdouble-click, verbdouble density, adjectivedown, adverbdownload, verbdownload, noundownloadable, adjectivedowntime, noundown time, downwardly compatible, adjectiveDP, noundrag, verbdrive, noun-driven, suffixdriver, noundropdown, noundrop down, noundrop-down menu, nounDTP, noundumb terminal, dump, verbdump, nounDVD, nounDVD-ROM, nounEasdaq, noune-book, noune-business, nounECN, noune-commerce, nouneditor, nounedutainment, noune-fatigue, nounE-FIT, nounEFTPOS, nounelectronic, adjectiveelectronic bill of lading, electronic cottage, nounelectronic data interchange, nounelectronic funds transfer, nounelectronic invoice, electronic mail, nounelectronic media, electronic publishing, nounelectronics, nounelectrosmog, nounEllison, Larry, email, nounemail account, embed, verbencrypt, verbend-to-end, adjectiveenter, verbenterprise application integration, nounentry, nounEPROM, noune-publishing, nounequipment leasing, erase, verbErnie, error, nounerror message, nounescape key, Ethernet, noune-ticket, nounE-ticket, nounexecutable, nounexecute, verbexecution, nounexit, verbexpansion card, nounexpansion slot, nounexpert system, nounexport, verbextension, nounextranet, nouneye scan, nounF2F, adjectivefabricator, nounfactory preset, nounfatware, nounfeed, verbfeed, nounfield, nounfifth generation computer, file, nounfile manager, nounfilename, nounfile sharing, nounfile transfer, filing system, filter, nounfirewall, nounfirmware, nounfirst generation, nounfirst in, first out, nounfirst-person shooter, nounfive nines, nounfixed wireless, nounflash, verbflash, nounflash drive, nounflash memory, nounflatscreen, adjectiveflat screen, flip chip, nounfloor broker, floppy disk, nounfly-by-wire, nounfolder, nounfont, nounfooter, nounfootprint, nounforklift upgrade, nounformat, verbFortran, nounforum, noun404, adjectivefreeware, nounftp, nounfunction, nounfunctionality, nounfunction key, nounfungible, adjectivefuzzy logic, nounGame Boy, gameplay, noungamer, noungaming, noungarbage in, garbage out, Gates, Bill, gateway, nounghost, nounGIF, noungigabit, noungigabyte, nounGIGO, GIS, nounGlitter, Gary, global, adjectiveGLOBEX, nounGMS, nounGoogle, gopher, noungraphical, adjectivegraphical user interface, noungraphics, noungraphics card, noungraphic software, grid computing, noungroupware, nounGUI, nounhack, verbhack, nounhacker, nounhacktivist, nounhandshake, nounhard copy, nounhard disk, nounhard drive, nounhardware, nounhard-wired, adjectiveHawk, Tony, Hawking, Stephen, head, nounheader, nounhelp, nounhelp desk, nounhelp menu, help screen, nounHewlett Packard, hexadecimal, adjectivehigh-definition, adjectivehigh-level, adjectivehigh-level language, highlight, verbhome computer, home office, nounhome shopping, hookup, nounhook-up, nounhost computer, hot key, nounhot link, nounhot spot, nounHTML, nounhttp, hyperlink, nounhypertext, nounIBM, icon, nounICT, nounidentifier, nouniMac, nounimport, verbinbox, nounincremental backup, nounincubator space, industrial design, infect, verbinfected, adjectiveinformation exchange, information retrieval, nouninformation system, information technology, nouninfowar, nouninitialize, verbinkjet printer, nouninput, nouninput, verbinput/output, adjectiveinstall, verbinstaller, nounInstinet, Intel, intelligent terminal, interactive, adjectiveinteractive whiteboard, nouninterface, nouninterface, verbInternational Securities Exchange, nounInternet cafe, nounInternet Service Provider, interpreter, nounintranet, nouninvoke, verbIP address, nouniPod, nouniris scan, nounISDN, nounISP, nounIT, nouniterate, verbiTunes, iTV, nounJava, nounjob, nounjob bank, Jobs, Steve, joystick, nounJPEG, nounK, KB, keno, nounkey, nounkeyboard, nounkeyboard, verbkeyboarder, nounkeypad, nounkeystroke, nounkeyword, nounkilobyte, nounkit, nounkludge, nounknowledge base, Kraftwerk, LAN, nounlanguage, nounlaptop, nounlaser disk, nounlaser printer, nounlaunch, verbLCD, nounlight industry, nounlight pen, nounline printer, nounlink, verbLinux, nounLISP, nounlisting paper, listserv, nounload, verblocal area network, nounlog file, LOGO, nounloop, nounlow-level, adjectiveMac, nounmachine, nounmachine code, nounmachine language, machine-readable, adjectiveMacintosh, nounmacro, nounmagnetic disk, nounmagnetic media, nounmagnetic tape, nounmail, nounmail, verbmailbomb, nounmailbox, nounmailing list, nounmail merge, nounmainframe, nounmainframe computer, main memory, manual, adjectivemaximize, verbmegabyte, nounmemory, nounmemory address, memory bank, nounmemory card, nounmemory hog, nounMemory Stick, nounmenu, nounmessage, nounmetadata, nounmicro, nounmicrochip, nounmicrocomputer, nounmicroelectronics, nounmicroprocessor, nounMicrosoft, MIDI, nounmigrate, verbmigration, nounMillennium bug, minicomputer, nounminimize, verbmips, mission-critical, adjectiveMIT, mixer, nounmodel, nounmodel, verbmodelling, nounmodem, nounmodule, nounmonitor, nounMoore, Gordon, Moore's Law, nounmorphing, nounmotherboard, nounMotorola, mouse, nounmouse mat, nounmouse miles, nounmouse potato, nounMP3 player, nounMP4 player, nounMPEG, nounMSC, nounMS-DOS, multimedia, adjectivemulti-player gaming, nounmultiple applications, multiplexer, nounmultitasking, nounnagware, nounNasdaq, nounNASDAQ, Naseem, Prince, National Market System, nounNEC, nerd, nounnest, verbNetscape Navigator, network, nounnetwork, verbneural computer, nounneural network, nounneuroinformatics, nounnewbie, nounnew economy, nounNintendo, node, nounnoise, nounnotebook, nounnumber-cruncher, nounnumber crunching, nounobject, nounobject language, object-oriented, adjectiveOCR, nounOfex, nounoffice machinery, offline, adverboff-line, adjectiveonline, adjectiveonline catalogue, online updating, nounon-screen, adjectiveopen, verbOpen Group, the, open outcry, nounopen system, nounoperating system, nounoperation, nounoptical character recognition, nounoptical fibre, nounoption, nounorder, nounorganizing business, OSI, nounoutbox, nounoutput, nounoutput, verbover-the-counter dealing, over-the-counter market, over-the-counter share, over-the-counter stock, over-the-counter trading, overwrite, verbP2P, adjectivepackage, nounpacket, nounpacket-switching, nounpage, nounpage break, nounpalette, nounpalm phone, nounpalmtop, nounpaperless, adjectiveparallel data query, parallel port, parallel processing, nounPASCAL, nounpass-along, adjectivepassword, nounpaste, verbpasting, nounpatch, nounpause, verbPC, nounPC Card, nounPDA, nounPDF, nounPDF file, pen drive, nounPentium, peripheral, adjectiveperipheral, nounpersonal communicator, nounpersonal computer, nounpersonal electronic device, nounpersonal organizer, nounpetaflop, nounphishing, nounping, verbpiracy, nounpirate, verbpixel, nounplasma screen, nounplatform, nounplatform game, nounPlayStation, plotter, nounplug and play, nounplug-and-play, adjectiveplug-in, nounpointer, nounpop-under, nounpop-up, nounport, nounport, verbportable, adjectivepost, verbpost-industrial, adjectivePostScript, nounPowerPoint, nounprint, verbprinter, nounprintout, nounprint-out, nounprint preview, nounprocess, verbprocessing, nounprocessor, nounprogram, nounprogram, verbprogram file, programmable, adjectiveprogrammer, nounprogramme trading, programming, nounprogramming language, PROLOG, nounPROM, nounprompt, verbprompt, nounprotocol, nounPsion, pull down, nounpull-down, adjectivepull-down menu, nounpunched card, nounquantum computer, nounQuarkXPress, queue, nounqwerty, adjectiveRAM, nounrandom access memory, nounread, verbread only memory, read-only memory, nounread-out, nounread-write, adjectivereal-time, adjectivereboot, verbrecall, verbre-chip, verbrecord, nounrecord, verbrefresh, verbreload, verbremaster, verbremote access, nounremote control, nounremote working, nounreseller, nounreset, verbrespawn, verbretinal scanner, nounretrieval, nounretrieve, verbretry, verbreturn, nounright-click, verbrip, verbroad warrior, nounrobot, nounrollover, nounROM, nounRoute 128, nounrouter, nounroutine, nounRSI, nounRTF, nounrun, verbsalami slicing, nounSamsung, save, verbscalability, nounscalable, adjectivescan, verbscanner, nounscramble, verbscreen, nounscreen-based, adjectivescreen dump, nounscreensaver, nounscreen saver, nounscreenshot, nounscroll, verbscroll bar, nounscroll key, SCSI, nounSEAQ, search, nounsearch, verbsearchable, adjectivesearch engine, nounSEATS, nounsecurity rating, SEGA, self-healing, adjectivesend, verbserial port, server, nounserver farm, nounservice bureau, nounservice pack, nounSET, nounset-up, nounSFA, nounSGML, nounshareware, nounshift, nounshift key, nounshoot-'em-up, nounshopping bot, sig file, nounsilicon, nounsilicon chip, nounSilicon Fen, nounSilicon Glen, Silicon Valley, sim, nounSIMM, nounsimulation, nounSinclair, Sir Clive, single sourcing, skin, nounslo-mo, adjectivesmall office/home office, nounsmart, adjectivesmart bomb, nounsneakernet, nounsoft copy, nounsoftware, nounsoftware engineering, SoHo, SOHO, nounSonic the Hedgehog, sort, nounsoundcard, nounsource code, nounspace bar, nounspam, nounspeech recognition, nounspeech recognition software, speech synthesizer, nounspellcheck, nounspellchecker, nounspell-checker, nounspider, nounspider food, nounspim, nounsplit screen, nounspreadsheet, nounspreadsheet software, spyware, nounstandalone, adjectivestand-alone, adjectivestandby time, nounStarr Report, the, nounstarter pack, nounstart-up, nounstorage, nounstorage unit, store, verbstore-and-forward, nounstrategic information system, stream, verbstreaming, nounStreet Fighter, string, nounstylus, nounsubdirectory, nounsubroutine, nounsuite, nounSun Microsystems, sunrise industry, nounsupercomputer, nounsuperserver, nounsupport, verbsupport, nounswitching, nounsynchronous, adjectivesyntax, nounsynthespian, nounsystem, nounsystem administrator, nounsystems analyst, nounsystems programmer, system tray, nountab, verbtab key, nountab stop, nountag, nountag, verbtape, nountape drive, taskbar, nountechie, nountechnical support, nountechno-, prefixtechnocracy, nountechno-geek, nountechnophobe, nountechy, telecentre, nountelecommuter, nountelematics, nounteleprinter, nounteleworker, nountemplate, nounterabyte, nounteraflop, nounterminal, nountestdeck, nountext-to-speech, adjectivethird-generation, adjectivethird-party software, thumbnail, nountickbox, nountick box, nountime out, nountime-sharing, nountitle bar, nountoggle, nountoner, nountoolbar, nountoolbox, nounTOPIC, nountop-level domain, nountop ranking, nounTorvalds, Linus, Toshiba, Tottenham Court Road, touchpad, nountouch screen, nountrackball, nountransaction processing, transputer, nounTrojan horse, nountroubleshooter, nounTTS, Turing, Alan, tutorial, nounundo, verbuninstall, verbunique visitor, nounUnix, noununlisted share, unlisted stock, unrecoverable error, unzip, verbup, adverbupdate, nounupgrade, verbupload, verbupload, nounuptime, nounusability, nounUSB, nounUSB drive, nounuser-friendly, adjectiveuser group, nounuser interface, nounuser name, nounUS Robotics, utility, nounVActor, nounvalid, adjectivevalue-added reseller, vapourware, nounVDT, nounVDU, nounVGA, nounvideocard, nounvideo game, nounvideo snacking, nounviral marketing, nounvirtual, adjectivevirtual corporation, virtually, adverbvirtual memory, nounvirtual office, nounvirtual organization, virtual reality, nounvirus, nounvoice print, nounvoice recognition, wallpaper, nounWAN, nounWAP, noun-ware, suffixwar game, nounWAV, nounwearable, nounWeb 2.0, nounweb browser, nounweb crawler, nounweb design, nounweb development, web-enabled, adjectiveweb hosting, nounweb log, nounweb log file, wide area network, wi-fi, nounWi-Fi, nounwild card, nounwindow, nounWindows, Wintel, wipe, verbWiponet, nounwireless internet, wireless networking, nounWord, Wordperfect, word processor, nounworkspace, nounworkstation, nounWorld Wide Web, the, worm, nounWozniak, Steve, write, verbwrite-protected, adjectiveWYSIWYG, nounXbox, XML, nounY2K, nounYahoo!, zap, verbzip file, nounzombie, noun
· The kitchen was like a big utility room with a huge sink, a stone floor, and a large wooden table.
· The empirical investigations of Modigliani and Miller 2 were conducted on examples of oil and electric utility companies.· The campaign for a deregulated electric utility industry, like a balloon, is filled with a lot of hot air.· In 1895, the city built the first and only municipally-owned electric utility in Orange County.· A high-technology firm, for example, faces a great deal more business risk than does an electric utility.· Transportation, communications, and electric and other utilities are illustrations of industries which are regulated in varying degrees.· Investments in electric utility stocks were down to 16. 2 percent in December from 21. 2 percent the year earlier.· Currently, electric utilities only have limited access to power plants outside their service areas.
· The wage is set by the union executive to maximize the expected utility of the median voter.· But, at least, the agent never makes an inferior choice, never choosing x when y has greater expected utility.
· All Bernice could see was a large utility belt with a screamer pistol in a holster and a row of charge packs.· Three large utility companies -- AT&.
· At the same time, large corporations are now generating their own power and completely bypassing the formerly dominant local utility.
· Given diminishing marginal utility of income, more income in one period can not compensate for lower income in another period.· Alfred Marshall called this marginal utility.· Many of its workers and functions were of marginal utility and at the cost of a better price to cocoa farmers.· He compares the price to the marginal utility.· Figure 15-3 shows that at the equilibrium point E the marginal utility of the last film equals its marginal cost.· Above Q *; the marginal utility of films is less than the marginal utility of meals sacrificed.
· It will deliver the promises made in the citizens charter to extend the powers of the four regulators of the privatised utilities.· To regain majority control of other privatised utilities when funds allow.· Legislation will be introduced to reinforce the regulation of privatised utilities.
· The reporting system covers only a proportion of the chemicals emitted and also exempts many types of plants, including public utilities.· After its experience with the disease, the public utility company issued an AIDS-specific policy statement and set of guidelines.· Then again, various public utility undertakings offer important positions to solicitors.· They were manufacturing, the finance, insurance and real estate group, transportation and public utilities and government.· The cost of diverting mains services and public utilities can be very expensive and in certain situations virtually impossible.· Of course, Tucson Water is a public utility, and therefore is required to keep its records open to the public.· Does it apply to a public utility which may or may not appear to be similar to a local government?· They thought of them as public utilities.
· Does this enable the court to take into account the comparative social utility of the product and apply a cost-benefit analysis?· Very few students talked about their subject in terms of its social utility.
· Life on the ship involves no rent checks or utility bills.· I always mailed my rent check on time, along with my phone and utilities bills.· That effort raises funds to help low-income households pay their utility bills.· The program includes brochures, direct mail, television and radio ads, utility bill inserts and the live-operator call center.
· Reports prepared by utility companies, often for electricity or pipeline schemes, are mostly satisfactory, however.· Bob Jones, a supervisor for a utility company, has had a Mac for 12 years.· Maybe spending by government and utilities companies would be a worthwhile investment.· After its experience with the disease, the public utility company issued an AIDS-specific policy statement and set of guidelines.· These include not only central and local government but also major utility companies and transport suppliers.· Three large utility companies -- AT&.· The empirical investigations of Modigliani and Miller 2 were conducted on examples of oil and electric utility companies.
· The risk of California's electricity utilities going bankrupt has added to the market's jitters.· In 1982 electricity utilities cancelled 18 nuclear power stations, some of them well advanced in construction.· From the start, the operation of commercial nuclear power stations was the responsibility of the electricity utilities.
· The situation is simplified if the utility function is homothetic, and that assumption is made in what follows.· Tastes for variety are assumed to be of the S-D-S form, and the upper tier utility function is Cobb-Douglas.· Icons-pictorial images used on screen to indicate utility functions, files, folders or applications software.· Let the upper tier utility function be Cobb-Douglas.· Their utility functions may remain unchanged, but the income constraints which now confront them have altered.· What happens when upper tier preferences can not be represented by a Cobb-Douglas utility function?· Exercise 10-1 Suppose that everyone has a utility function, where T i denotes taxes paid.
· The campaign for a deregulated electric utility industry, like a balloon, is filled with a lot of hot air.
· They put the device on 200 pennants suspended from utility poles, and paint it directly on crosswalks in the downtown area.· Crews will install wires on utility poles in some older neighborhoods.· The system uses microphones that are mounted atop utility poles and buildings to record gunshots and immediately relay a signal to police.
· Limited cooking and food storage facilities are, however, available in the utility rooms on each floor.· The kitchen was like a big utility room with a huge sink, a stone floor, and a large wooden table.· A separate utility room nearby houses all the noisy domestic appliances.· I went through to the utility room, cool and dark after the noise and chaos of the kitchen.· Are the kitchen and utility room large enough to take your washing machine, dryer, freezer, refrigerator, etc?· He glanced over, shading his eyes, and seemed to see me, looking through the window from the utility room.· On the ground floor one bay would serve as an entrance and utility room, with a stair to the first floor.· He almost ran down the hall, through the kitchen and into the little utility room that had once been a scullery.
· Toyota introduced its third generation 4-Runner mid-priced sport utility.· Ford is offering a $ 2, 000 rebate on its Bronco sport utility vehicle.· Customers also may have a harder time finding full-size pick-up trucks and certain sport utility vehicles.· Type: Front-engine, four-wheel drive, nine-passenger, full-size sport utility.· Type Front-engine, four-wheel-drive, five-passenger, luxury sport utility.· Many aging enthusiasts began to abandon sports cars for sport utilities.· It was a sport utility that was also a personal vehicle and it got good mileage.· So they set out at the beginning of 1997 in four sport utility vehicles.
· Ford is offering a $ 2, 000 rebate on its Bronco sport utility vehicle.· Sport utility vehicles have supplanted minivans in recent years as the top-selling family vehicle, according to trade experts.· Customers also may have a harder time finding full-size pick-up trucks and certain sport utility vehicles.· Mr Roberts also confirmed that Ford is launching a full-size sport-utility vehicle this fall called the Expedition.· Buyers of the Ford Bronco utility vehicle will be entitled to a $ 2, 000 rebate.· So they set out at the beginning of 1997 in four sport utility vehicles.· They see even more dollar signs ahead: There are now about 30 models of sport utility vehicles.· Plus the most significant restyling since the Cherokee debuted as a compact sport utility vehicle in 1984.
· The Clinton administration also favors giving loans to water utilities to upgrade their facilities.· Donahue, 36, is a water utilities supervisor for the city.
· Or how many folks' rent includes utilities.· Bureaucrats have been included among the utility maximizing groups within the political arena.
· This, presumably one could say, maximizes their utility.· The wage is set by the union executive to maximize the expected utility of the median voter.· Consumers maximize utility subject to possible quantity constraints.
· Particularly interesting are the organisations providing utility services: gas, electricity, water and transportation.· The companies' will explore ways to provide one-stop shopping for utilities that want to automate many of their business functions.
· California's Public Utilities Commission issued a temporary restraining order requiring the two utilities to keep serving more than 2 million customers.
· E shareholders, or selling them to utility employees.
· You can use the DESQview utility, Manifest, to examine this area to see if it's usable.
1[countable usually plural] a service such as gas or electricity provided for people to use:  Does your rent include utilities?2[countable] a piece of computer software that has a particular use:  It’s a simple shareware utility that allows you to print signs and banners.3[uncountable] formal the quality of being useful, or the degree to which something is useful




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