

单词 quail
quail1 nounquail2 verb
quailquail1 /kweɪl/ noun [countable, uncountable] Word Origin
1300-1400 Old French quaille, from Medieval Latin quaccula
  • Because transplanted quail cells will behave normally in chick embryos, she realized she had an invaluable natural marker.
  • Combine remaining butter, mustard, honey, garlic, and lemon juice and slather over quail.
  • Does that mean that a man is a better machine for running than a quail, or a chipmunk or mouse?
  • For his creation Malicki grills whole quail on long grapevine cuttings.
  • If the quail have been reared with siblings, both sexes prefer to mate with first cousins.
  • Season quail lightly with salt and pepper.
  • Tuck wings behind back and lightly season quail inside and out with salt and black pepper.
word sets
auk, nounbald eagle, nounbeak, nounbill, nounbird, nounbirdie, nounbird of paradise, nounbird of passage, nounbird of prey, nounbirdsong, nounblackbird, nounbluebird, nounbluejay, nounbobwhite, nounbreast, nounbuzzard, nouncackle, verbchick, nounclaw, nouncob, nouncock, nouncockerel, nouncockscomb, nouncolouring, nouncondor, nouncoo, verbcoot, nouncormorant, nouncorncrake, nouncrane, nouncrest, nouncrested, adjectivecrop, nouncrow, nouncrow, verbcuckoo, nouncurlew, nouncygnet, noundickybird, noundipper, noundive, verbdodo, noundove, noundown, nounduck, nounduckling, nouneagle, nouneaglet, nounegret, nounemu, nounfeather, nounflamingo, nounfledgling, nounflight, nounfly, verbflycatcher, nounfowl, noungander, noungannet, noungizzard, noungobble, verbgobbler, noungolden eagle, noungoldfinch, noungoose, noungrebe, noungrouse, nounguillemot, nounguinea fowl, nounhackles, nounhatch, verbhawk, nounheron, nounhonk, nounhonk, verbhoot, nounhoot, verbhornbill, nounhouse martin, nounhumming bird, nounincubate, verbjackdaw, nounjay, nounkestrel, nounkingfisher, nounkite, nounkiwi, nounlark, nounlay, verblinnet, nounloon, nounlovebird, nounmacaw, nounmagpie, nounmallard, nounmarabou, nounmartin, nounmeadowlark, nounmigrant, nounmockingbird, nounmoorhen, nounmoult, verbmynah bird, nounnest, nounnest, verbnestling, nounnightingale, nounoriole, nounornithologist, nounornithology, nounosprey, nounostrich, nounowl, nounowlet, nounparakeet, nounparrot, nounpartridge, nounpeacock, nounpeafowl, nounpeahen, nounpeck, verbpeck, nounpeewit, nounpelican, nounpenguin, nounperch, nounperch, verbperegrine falcon, nounpetrel, nounpipit, nounplover, nounplumage, nounplume, verbpullet, nounquail, nounquill, nounraven, nounroadrunner, nounrobin, nounrook, nounroost, nounroost, verbrooster, nounruff, nounsandpiper, nounseabird, nounseagull, nounshag, nounsing, verbskylark, nounsnipe, nounsong, nounsongbird, nounsongster, nounsparrow, nounstarling, nounswallow, nounswan, nounswift, nounswoop, verbtalon, nounteal, nountern, nounthrush, nountit, nountoucan, nountrill, nounturkey, nounturtledove, nountwitter, verbvulture, nounwader, nounwagtail, nounwarble, verbwarbler, nounwater bird, nounwaterfowl, nounwebbed, adjectiveweb-footed, adjectivewhistle, verbwing, nounwinged, adjectivewingspan, nounwingtip, nounwishbone, nounwren, nounyellowhammer, noun
a small fat bird with a short tail that is hunted for food or sport, or the meat from this bird
quail1 nounquail2 verb
quailquail2 verb [intransitive] Word Origin
1400-1500 quail ‘to curdle’ (15-19 centuries), from Latin coagulare; COAGULATE
Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyquail
he, she, itquails
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyquailed
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave quailed
he, she, ithas quailed
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad quailed
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill quail
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have quailed
Continuous Form
PresentIam quailing
he, she, itis quailing
you, we, theyare quailing
PastI, he, she, itwas quailing
you, we, theywere quailing
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been quailing
he, she, ithas been quailing
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been quailing
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be quailing
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been quailing
  • Even now there were times when Valerie quailed, when she felt crushed.
  • For the first time I quailed...
  • I felt like Frankenstein, quailing before the monster I had created.
  • It would seem that even senior officers were quailing, but go they did.
  • Though he quailed inwardly, he managed not to flinch.
literary to be afraid and show it by shaking a little bit or moving back slightly SYN  shrinkquail at She quailed visibly at the sight of the prison walls.




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