

单词 unscramble
unscrambleun‧scram‧ble /ʌnˈskræmbəl/ verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyunscramble
he, she, itunscrambles
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyunscrambled
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave unscrambled
he, she, ithas unscrambled
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad unscrambled
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill unscramble
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have unscrambled
Continuous Form
PresentIam unscrambling
he, she, itis unscrambling
you, we, theyare unscrambling
PastI, he, she, itwas unscrambling
you, we, theywere unscrambling
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been unscrambling
he, she, ithas been unscrambling
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been unscrambling
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be unscrambling
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been unscrambling
  • But how do we unscramble our feelings?
  • For your chance of a night to remember, just unscramble this word to reveal what might be on the menu.
  • Illegal descramblers are electronically altered so they unscramble every signal coming into the home.
  • It would be very simple to tell him everything and leave him to unscramble the truth contained in the confusion.
  • The broadcasting of a pay channel requires the encryption or scrambling of the signal on emission and the unscrambling on reception.
word sets
aerial, nounairtime, nounAM, nounantenna, nounatmospherics, nounaudio, adjectiveband, nounBBC, the, beacon, nounbeam, verbBeeb, the, bleep, verbboom, nounboom box, nounBritish Broadcasting Corporation, nounbroadband, nounbroadcast, nounbroadcast, verbcable television, CB, nounCCTV, nounCeefax, nounchannel, nounclosed circuit television, nouncommunications satellite, nouncontrast, noundial, nounDJ, nounexposure, nounflash, verbFM, nounfrequency, nounham, nounHz, interference, nounjam, verbkHz, kilohertz, nounlinkup, nounlive, adjectivelocal radio, nounlong wave, nounloudspeaker, nounLW, mast, nounmedium wave, nounmegahertz, nounMHz, modulate, verbmonitor, nounmono, nounmono, adjectiveNBC, nounnetwork, nounnetwork, verbon-air, adjectiveover, prepositionpresenter, nounprogramming, nounquadraphonic, adjectiveradio, nounradio, verbreceive, verbreceiver, nounreception, nounrepeat, verbrepeat, nounrerun, nounrerun, verbroger, interjectionsatellite, nounsatellite dish, nounsatellite television, nounsaturation, nounscrambler, nounseries, nounset, nounshipping forecast, nounship-to-shore, adjectiveshort wave, nounsignal, nounsignature tune, nounsimulcast, verbSOS, nounsound, nounsound bite, nounsound check, nounstatic, nountelecast, nounTeletext, nountelevise, verbtelevision, nountelevision licence, nountelly, nountime signal, nountrack, verbtransistor, nountransistor radio, nountransmission, nountransmit, verbtransmitter, nountune, verbtuner, nountweeter, nountwo-way, adjectiveUHF, noununscramble, verbveejay, nounvideo, nounvideo, adjectivevideo jockey, nounvolume, nounwaveband, nounwavelength, nounwhite noise, nounwireless, noun
1to change a television signal or a message that has been sent in code (=a deliberately confusing way) so that it can be seen or read2to make a confusing situation or confusing feelings easier to understand




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