

单词 fungal
fungalfun‧gal /ˈfʌŋɡəl/ adjective Examples
  • A: Perhaps your grapes are suffering from black rot, a fungal disease.
  • Histoplasmosis is caused by fungal spores that are usually inhaled.
  • Other forms of fungal decay of timber in buildings are relatively unimportant because they are not able to spread to sound wood.
  • Sections were examined by light microscopy for bacterial, protozoal, fungal, and viral enteric pathogens.
  • Some plants already possess genetic resistance to attacks by insect pests while others resist certain fungal diseases.
  • Spraying is necessary, particularly against fungal diseases, to have a decent harvest of nice-looking fruit every year.
  • The fungal disease affects wheat, durum wheat and triticale, a hybrid of wheat and rye.
  • These are, however, even inserted at positions identical to those of corresponding fungal and liverwort intervening sequences.
word sets
acacia, nounacorn, nounalmond, nounaloe vera, nounanemone, nounangelica, nounaniseed, nounannual, nounanther, nounapricot, nounaquatic, adjectivearboreal, adjectivearboretum, nounartichoke, nounash, nounasparagus, nounaspen, nounaspidistra, nounaubergine, nounavocado, nounbalsa, nounbalsam, nounbamboo, nounbark, nounbarley, nounbasil, nounbay, nounbay leaf, nounbean, nounbeech, nounbeet, nounbegonia, nounbelladonna, nounbetel, nounbiennial, adjectivebilberry, nounbindweed, nounbiotechnology, nounbirch, nounblackberry, nounblackcurrant, nounblackthorn, nounbloom, nounbloom, verbblossom, nounblossom, verbbluebell, nounblueberry, nounbole, nounboll, nounbotanical, adjectivebotanist, nounbotany, nounbougainvillea, nounbough, nounbox, nounbracken, nounbranch, nounbreadfruit, nounbriar, nounbrier, nounbroad bean, nounbroadleaved, adjectivebroccoli, nounbroom, nounBrussels sprout, nounbud, nounbud, verbbulb, nounbulrush, nounburr, nounbush, nounbusy Lizzie, nounbutter bean, nounbuttercup, nouncabbage, nouncacao, nouncactus, nouncalyx, nouncamellia, nouncanopy, nouncantaloup, nouncapsicum, nouncaraway, nouncarnation, nouncarrot, nouncashew, nouncassava, nouncatkin, nouncauliflower, nouncedar, nouncelery, nouncellulose, nounchard, nouncherry, nounchervil, nounchestnut, nounchickweed, nounchicory, nounChinese leaves, nounchives, nounchlorophyll, nounchokecherry, nounchrysanthemum, nouncilantro, nouncitron, nouncitronella, nouncitrus, nounclematis, nounclementine, nounclimber, nounclove, nounclover, nouncloverleaf, nouncoca, nouncocoa bean, nouncoconut, nouncoffee bean, nouncollard greens, nouncone, nounconifer, nounconker, nouncopper beech, nouncore, nouncoriander, nouncorn, nouncorncob, nouncornflower, nouncotton, nouncottonwood, nouncovert, nouncowslip, nouncrabgrass, nouncreep, verbcreeper, nouncress, nouncrocus, nouncrop, verbcross-fertilize, verbcultivate, verbcultivation, nouncumin, nouncutting, nouncyclamen, nouncypress, noundaffodil, noundahlia, noundaisy, noundamson, noundandelion, noundandelion clock, noundate, noundeadly nightshade, noundeciduous, adjectivedill, noundock, noundouble, adjectiveduckweed, nounDutch elm disease, nounelder, nounelderberry, nounelm, nounendive, nounetiolated, adjectiveeucalyptus, nounevergreen, adjectiveevergreen, nounfemale, adjectivefennel, nounfern, nounfertilize, verbfibre, nounfig leaf, nounfir, nounflax, nounflesh, nounfleshy, adjectiveflora, nounflower, verbfoliage, nounforget-me-not, nounfoxglove, nounfreesia, nounfrond, nounfruit, nounfruit, verbfuchsia, nounfungal, adjectivefungus, nounfurze, noungardenia, noungentian, noungeranium, noungerminate, verbginger, noungladiolus, noungooseberry, noungorse, noungourd, noungrape, noungrapefruit, noungrapevine, noungrass, noungrassy, adjectivegreen, adjectivegreen bean, noungreengage, noungreen onion, noungreen pepper, noungroundnut, nounguava, noungum, noungum tree, nounhardy, adjectiveharicot, nounhawthorn, nounhazel, nounhazelnut, nounheart, nounheath, nounheather, nounhedgerow, nounheliotrope, nounhemlock, nounhemp, nounherb, nounherbaceous, adjectivehibiscus, nounhickory, nounhip, nounholly, nounhollyhock, nounhoneysuckle, nounhorse chestnut, nounhorseradish, nounhuckleberry, nounhusk, nounhyacinth, nounhybrid, nouniris, nounivy, nounjasmine, nounJerusalem artichoke, nounjuniper, nounkale, nounkelp, nounkernel, nounkidney bean, nounkumquat, nounlaburnum, nounlarch, nounlaurel, nounlavender, nounleader, nounleaf, nounleaf mould, nounleek, nounlegume, nounlemon, nounlentil, nounlettuce, nounlichen, nounlilac, nounlily, nounlily of the valley, nounlima bean, nounlimb, nounlime, nounlinden, nounlinseed, nounlocoweed, nounlog, nounloganberry, nounlotus, nounlush, adjectivelychee, nounmagnolia, nounmahogany, nounmale, adjectivemallow, nounmandrake, nounmangrove, nounmaple, nounmarigold, nounmarrow, nounmay, nounmilkweed, nounmimosa, nounmint, nounmistletoe, nounmorning glory, nounmoss, nounmountain ash, nounmulberry, nounmustard, nounmycology, nounmyrrh, nounmyrtle, nounnarcissus, nounnasturtium, nounnative, adjectivenative, nounnaturalist, nounnectarine, nounneedle, nounnettle, nounnodal, adjectivenode, nounnodule, nounnut, nounnutshell, nounoak, nounoffshoot, nounoilseed rape, nounoleander, nounolive, nounorchard, nounorchid, nounosier, nounovary, nounovergrown, adjectiveovergrowth, nounox-eye, nounpalm, nounpalm tree, nounpampas grass, nounpansy, nounpapyrus, nounparasite, nounparasitic, adjectiveparsley, nounparsnip, nounpassionflower, nounpeach, nounpear, nounpeat, nounpecan, nounpeony, nounpeppermint, nounperennial, adjectiveperennial, nounperiwinkle, nounpersimmon, nounpetal, nounpetunia, nounphlox, nounphotosynthesis, nounpimento, nounpimpernel, nounpine, nounpineapple, nounpinewood, nounpink, nounpinto bean, nounpip, nounpippin, nounpistachio, nounpistil, nounpit, nounpitch pine, nounpith, nounplane, nounplane tree, nounplankton, nounplant, nounplant, verbplantain, nounplum, nounpod, nounpoinsettia, nounpoison ivy, nounpoison oak, nounpollen, nounpollen count, nounpollinate, verbpoplar, nounpoppy, nounpoppyseed, nounpotato, nounprickle, nounprickly, adjectiveprickly pear, nounprimrose, nounprimula, nounprivet, nounpropagate, verbpuffball, nounpulp, nounpussy willow, nounragweed, nounragwort, nounramble, verbrambler, nounrampant, adjectiverank, adjectiverape, nounraspberry, nounrattan, nounredcurrant, nounredwood, nounreed, nounreedy, adjectiveresin, nounrhizome, nounrhododendron, nounrhubarb, nounrice, nounrind, nounripe, adjectiveripen, verbroot, nounroot, verbrose, nounrosebud, nounrosemary, nounrubber plant, nounrunner, nounrunner bean, nounrush, nounsac, nounsagebrush, nounsandalwood, nounsap, nounsapling, nounsappy, adjectivesapwood, nounsassafras, nounsavory, nounscallion, nounscion, nounscrub, nounscrubby, adjectiveseaweed, nounsedge, nounseed, nounseed, verbseedling, nounsegment, nounsenna, nounsepal, nounsequoia, nounsesame, nounset, nounshallot, nounshamrock, nounshed, verbshoot, verbshoot, nounshrub, nounsilver birch, nounskin, nounsloe, nounsnapdragon, nounsnowdrop, nounsorghum, nounsorrel, nounsoya bean, nounspearmint, nounspinach, nounspiny, adjectivespore, nounsprig, nounspring onion, nounsprout, verbsprout, nounspruce, nounsquash, nounstalk, nounstamen, nounstem, nounstigma, nounstinging nettle, nounstock, nounstraw, nounstrawberry, nounstring bean, nounstump, nounsucculent, nounsucker, nounsugar, nounsugar beet, nounsugarcane, nounsunflower, nounswede, nounsweetcorn, nounsweet gum, nounsweet pea, nounsweet william, nounsycamore, nountamarind, nountangerine, nountaproot, nountea, nounteasel, nounteazel, nountendril, nounthistle, nounthistledown, nounthorn, nounthorny, adjectivethyme, nountimber, nountoadstool, nountop, nountrailing, adjectivetranspiration, nountranspire, verbtransplant, verbtree, nountreetop, nountrefoil, nountruffle, nountrunk, nountuber, nountulip, nountumbleweed, nounturnip, nountwig, noununderbrush, nounundergrowth, noununripe, adjectivevanilla, nounvariegated, adjectivevegetable, nounvegetation, nounvein, nounvetch, nounvine, nounviolet, nounvirginia creeper, nounwallflower, nounwalnut, nounwater chestnut, nounwatercress, nounwater lily, nounweed, nounwhorl, nounwild rice, nounwillow, nounwilt, verbwisteria, nounwither, verbwithered, adjectivewoody, adjectivewormwood, nounyam, nounyew, nounyucca, noun
(=caused by bacteria, a virus, or a fungus)· Antibiotics are not effective against viral infections.
· Disease caused by fungal attacks is kept at bay with the prompt removal of both infected and damaged material.· Rot in Timber Timber decay which is not owed to insect action is normally the result of fungal attack.· Therefore, in a sound, dry building there is no need to fear fungal attack.
· An initial theory is that the baobabs contracted a fungal disease after rains earlier this year ended almost a decade of drought.· Spraying is necessary, particularly against fungal diseases, to have a decent harvest of nice-looking fruit every year.· Similarly, fungal diseases show characteristic effects that reveal both presence and identity.· The fungal disease affects wheat, durum wheat and triticale, a hybrid of wheat and rye.· Some plants already possess genetic resistance to attacks by insect pests while others resist certain fungal diseases.· A: Perhaps your grapes are suffering from black rot, a fungal disease.
· This greyish film can be mistaken for fungal infection.· This is a fungal infection of the brain.· By mixing the varieties intimately within the field, the spread of a fungal infection can be drastically slowed.· Bacterial and fungal infections almost always occur at the site of an earlier wound.
connected with or caused by a fungus:  a fungal infection




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