money that you earn in addition to your usual pay► overtime money that is paid to someone for additional hours that they have worked: · Last week Alex earned $300, including ten hours of overtime.· Teachers never get paid overtime.
► bonus money added to someone's pay, especially as a reward for good work: · Liz earned a £1000 bonus for being the best salesperson of the year.· The management offered a large bonus to those workers who stayed to the end of the contract.
► commission money earned by someone whose job is to sell things, based on the value of what they sell: · His basic salary is low, but he gets 20% commission on everything he on commission (=receive commission every time you sell something): · Most insurance agents are on commission, and some earn a lot of money.
► tip a small amount of money in addition to the ordinary payment, which you give to someone such as a waiter or taxi-driver: · The boy carried my suitcases up to my room and then stood waiting for a tip.· We finished our lunch and left a tip on the table for the waiter.
► fringe benefits the additional things such as holiday pay, free food, or free health insurance, which a worker receives in addition to their pay: · The salary isn't very high, but fringe benefits include free health insurance and a company car.
► perk something valuable or enjoyable that you get from your work apart from pay, especially something you get unofficially: · One of the perks of working for a fashion designer is that you get to wear lots of nice clothes.· It's not always fun being an air hostess, but the perks are good.· The professors regard foreign travel as a perk, and they go to all the international conferences.