A frigid wind surged through the arches, producing a ghoulish whine.
At night, they sleep on hammocks in plastic-sheeting shelters or on the frigid, rain-soaked earth.
It took Robyn ages to peel away the sodden material from her frigid skin.
On Friday morning we awoke to frigid temperatures and a San Juan River running at about 500 cubic feet per second.
There was lots of kissing and hair-stroking going on, which always makes onlookers feel rather frigid and inadequate.
Wide-eyed children bounced on the knees of smiling nurses in rooms well heated against a frigid winter day.
Within several months of landing, the daily shock of frigid cold and oven heat will crack the brain chips into uselessness.
1a woman who is frigid does not like having sex2literary not friendly or kindSYN cold, icy, frosty: The guard looked at us with a frigid stare.3formal very coldSYN icy: the frigid air—frigidly adverb—frigidity /frɪˈdʒɪdəti/ noun [uncountable]