

单词 friction
frictionfric‧tion /ˈfrɪkʃən/ ●○○ noun Word Origin
1500-1600 French, Latin frictio, from fricare ‘to rub’
  • Creative differences led to friction within the band.
  • Heat can be produced by chemical reactions or friction.
  • Pay is a continuing source of friction with the workers.
  • Teenage children begin to assert their independence and this can lead to a good deal of friction in the family.
  • There has been serious friction between the two army commanders.
  • After about 5 minutes, ask them to share their observations about friction with their classmates.
  • It would not be long before exhaustion and a lack of privacy erupted in painful friction.
  • Rapidly the temperature climbed to 5000 C as friction with the atmosphere turned the kinetic energy of the craft into heat.
  • The friction that others noticed in their exchange probably rested on unspoken criticism of each other's work.
  • The frictions between nations and inconsistencies in the Community have been exposed as never before.
  • Water along shore and bottom is slowed by friction, while friction-free water in the center moves faster.
Longman Language Activatorwhen people disagree
when people disagree with each other: · The party is seriously split by internal rivalries and disagreements.disagreement about/over: · Disagreement over who should produce the next album caused the band to split.disagreement between/among: · There is some disagreement among medical experts about the best treatment for back pain.
when people are unable to agree, especially about something important - use this as a way of avoiding more direct words like 'argument' and 'disagreement': difference of opinion about/over: · There were major differences of opinion over who should command the UN forces.difference of opinion between/among: · There is a difference of opinion between the chairman and the board as to the best way to handle the takeover.
a serious disagreement about a decision, plan, or action, that causes arguments for a long time in newspapers, on television etc: · Controversy surrounds the TV show, which many consider to be racist, sexist, and homophobic.controversy over: · There has been a huge controversy over where to put the city's new sports stadium and who should build it.
a situation in which two groups disagree, and no agreement is possible because each group refuses to change its mind even slightly: · Parents believe that pressure from city hall could force an end to the stalemate with the school board.deadlock/stalemate over: · the political deadlock over allowable levels of greenhouse emissionsbreak the deadlock/stalemate (=end the situation): · US negotiators met with representatives from both countries today in an attempt to break the deadlock.
continuous disagreement and angry feelings or unfriendliness between people: · Teenage children begin to assert their independence and this can lead to a good deal of friction in the family.friction between: · There has been serious friction between the two army commanders.
formal strong disagreement that makes people feel unfriendly towards each other: · Money is the single biggest cause of discord in marriage.discord over: · There has always been discord over NATO's role in world conflict.
a refusal to accept an official opinion or an opinion that most people accept: · During the Prime Minister's speech there were several murmurs of open dissent from the crowd.· Anti-war dissent was increasing by the time Nixon took office.
aether, nounamplitude, nounantimatter, nounantiparticle, nounastrophysics, nounatom, nounatomic, adjectiveattract, verbattraction, nounballistics, nounbeam, nounblack hole, nounbuoyancy, nouncalorie, nouncalorific, adjectivecapillary action, nouncathode ray tube, nouncentre of gravity, nouncentrifugal force, nouncentrifuge, nouncentripetal force, nounchain reaction, nouncondensation, nounconduct, verbconduction, nounconductive, adjectiveconductor, nounconvect, verbconvection, nouncore, nouncritical mass, noundemagnetize, verbdense, adjectivedensity, noundisplacement, noundynamic, adjectiveelectron, nounelementary particle, nounfallout, nounfissile, adjectivefission, nounfocus, verbfrequency, nounfriction, nounfusion, noungamma ray, noungravitation, noungravitational, adjectivegravity, nounhalf-life, nounhertz, nounhydraulic, adjectiveHz, imaging, nounimpetus, nouninertia, nouninvariable, adjectiveion, nounionize, verbkinetic, adjectivelaser, nounlift, nounliquefaction, nounliquefy, verblodestone, nounmagnet, nounmagnetic, adjectivemagnetic field, nounmagnetism, nounmagnetize, verbmass, nounmechanical, adjectivemedium, nounmeltdown, nounmomentum, nounmotive, adjectivemushroom cloud, nounnatural philosophy, nounneutron, nounNewtonian, adjectivenuclear, adjectivenuclear fission, nounnuclear fusion, nounnuclear physics, nounnuclear reactor, nounnucleus, nounoptical fibre, nounparticle accelerator, nounparticle physics, nounphonic, adjectivephosphorescence, nounphosphorescent, adjectivephoto-, prefixphoton, nounphotosensitive, adjectivephotosensitize, verbphysical, adjectivephysicist, nounphysics, nounpivot, nounpolar, adjectivepole, nounpotential energy, nounpower, nounpressure, nounpropulsion, nounproton, nounpull, nounquantum mechanics, nounquantum theory, nounquark, nounradiate, verbradiation, nounradio wave, nounray, nounreaction, nounreactor, nounreflect, verbreflector, nounrefract, verbrelativity, nounrepel, verbrepulsion, nounrepulsive, adjectiveresilience, nounresilient, adjectiveresistance, nounresonance, nounretention, nounsolid-state, adjectivesonic, adjectivesonic boom, nounsound wave, nounspace, nounspecific gravity, nounspectral, adjectivespectroscope, nounspectrum, nounstatics, nounsteady state theory, nounstrain, nounstress, nounsurface tension, nountension, nounthermodynamics, nounthrust, nountraction, nountrajectory, nountransmit, verbultrasonic, adjectiveultrasound, nounvacuum, nounvaporize, verbvapour, nounvector, nounwave, nounwavelength, nounwork, noun
 Having my mother living with us causes friction at home.
 His independent attitude was a constant source of friction with his boss.
· There is a strong ethnic community and this causes friction in the community because of the lack of jobs.· Nevertheless, several issues have caused friction in recent months.· Me being at work causes friction at home.· The new marketing evangelism at National Geographic has caused considerable friction within the organization, particularly at the magazine.· Unfortunately, this is an aspect of organisation which causes enormous friction.· Calluses are caused by friction from faulty foot mechanics, often from arches that are too high or too low.· External load torques, perhaps caused by friction, give rise to a small error in position when the motor is stationary.· The decision caused friction between Estrada and Islas, who knew from experience that education is a ticket out of minimum-wage work.
· This reduces the interleaf friction and thus softens the ride.· Many machines use ball bearings to reduce friction.· Waxing the skis helps them to slide better and some slopes have a lubrication system which further reduces friction.· Thirdly, output increases with the height of the blades since, lower down, wind speed is reduced by friction.
1[countable, uncountable] disagreement, angry feelings, or unfriendliness between people SYN  tensioncause/create friction Having my mother living with us causes friction at home.friction between the usual frictions between parents and their teenage childrenfriction with His independent attitude was a constant source of friction with his boss.2[uncountable] technical the natural force that prevents one surface from sliding easily over another surface:  Putting oil on both surfaces reduces friction.3[uncountable] when one surface rubs against another:  Check your rope frequently, as friction against the rock can wear it away.




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