

单词 Freudian
FreudianFreud‧i‧an /ˈfrɔɪdiən/ adjective Examples
  • I shall leave Freudian interpretations to the reader.
  • It is never very apparent what Freudian claims are based on, though they are widely accepted in our culture.
  • Most intelligent people who have not accepted Freudian indoctrination will ask him to tell that to the Marines.
  • Perhaps not letting you know the party was off was a Freudian slip.
  • Slips of the tongue, especially those of the Freudian variety, are no crime.
  • This is a familiar point to those who know anything of Freudian theory.
  • Thus Freudian theory is regarded as a personality theory.
word sets
agoraphobia, nounagoraphobic, noun-aholic, suffixanalyse, verbanalysis, nounanalyst, nounanorexia, nounantidepressant, nounautism, nounbattle fatigue, nounbehaviourism, nounbreakdown, nounbulimia, nouncatharsis, nouncertify, verbclaustrophobia, nouncognition, nouncognitive, adjectivecomplex, nouncompulsive, adjectivecounsel, verbcounselling, nouncrazed, adjectivecrazy, adjectivedefence mechanism, noundelusion, noundemented, adjectivedementia, noundenial, noundepressed, adjectivedepression, noundepressive, adjectivedepressive, nounderanged, adjectivediminished responsibility, noundipsomaniac, noundisordered, adjectivedisturbance, noundysfunctional, adjectiveeating disorder, nouneccentricity, nounego, nounelectric shock therapy, nounemotional, adjectiveexhibitionism, nounextra-sensory perception, nounfixation, nounFreudian, adjectiveFreudian slip, noungroup therapy, nounhallucinate, verbhydrophobia, nounhypnosis, nounhypnotic, adjectivehypnotise, verbhypnotist, nounhypnotize, verbid, nouninferiority complex, nouninsane, adjectiveinsanity, nounkleptomania, nounkleptomaniac, nounlibido, nounlinear, adjectivemaladjusted, adjectivemania, nounmanic, adjectivemanic depression, nounmanic depressive, nounmental, adjectivemental age, nounmental hospital, nounmentally handicapped, adjectivemidlife crisis, nounmisogynist, nounmixed up, adjectivenerve, nounnervous, adjectivenervous breakdown, nounnervous system, nounneural, adjectiveneuro-, prefixneurology, nounneurosis, nounneurotic, adjectiveobsessive, nounoedipal, adjectiveOedipus complex, nounpadded cell, nounparanoia, nounparanoid, adjectivepathological, adjectivepathology, nounpatterning, nounphallic, adjectivephobia, noun-phobia, suffixphrenology, nounpost-traumatic stress disorder, nounprecognition, nounpsyche, nounpsychiatric, adjectivepsychiatrist, nounpsychiatry, nounpsychic, adjectivepsycho, nounpsycho-, prefixpsychoanalysis, nounpsychoanalyst, nounpsychoanalyze, verbpsychobabble, nounpsychodrama, nounpsychokinesis, nounpsychological, adjectivepsychologist, nounpsychology, nounpsychopath, nounpsychosis, nounpsychosomatic, adjectivepsychotherapy, nounpsychotic, adjectivepyromaniac, nounrepression, nounresidential treatment facility, nounRorschach test, nounsadism, nounsadist, nounsafety valve, nounsanity, nounscar, nounscar, verbschizoid, adjectiveschizophrenia, nounschizophrenic, adjectiveschizophrenic, nounscrewed up, adjectivesocialize, verbsociopath, nounsplit personality, nounsubconscious, adjectivesubconscious, nounsuggestion, nounsuperego, nountherapy, nountorment, nountrance, nountrauma, nounvoyeur, nounwell-adjusted, adjective
· Imagination and artistic creation are also, according to a strict interpretation of Freudian theory, neurotic symptoms.· Instead they present a systematic account of just where Freudian theory fails.· Peter Novick dismisses the Freudian theory of repression of trauma leading to problems at a later date.· At that time Freudianizm still prevailed, and Freudian theory was holy writ.· Thus Freudian theory is regarded as a personality theory.· This means that no evidence could possibly count against Freudian theory in its classical form.· A Marxist or Freudian theory is so constructed that experience is sure to confirm it.· Attempts have certainly been made to test the intuitive mythologies of Freudian theory by other experimental approaches.
1relating to Sigmund Freud’s ideas about the way the mind works, and the way it can be studied2a Freudian remark or action is connected with the ideas about sex that people have in their minds but do not usually talk about




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