

单词 fraudulent
fraudulentfraud‧u‧lent /ˈfrɔːdjələnt $ ˈfrɒːdʒə-/ adjective Examples
  • a fraudulent insurance claim
  • She entered the country using a fraudulent passport.
  • He was later accused of writing fraudulent loan and deposit records.
  • I hope that, if there was a fraudulent claim, the Minister will prosecute.
  • The international financial markets stand ready to discipline and expose fraudulent governments.
behaving in a way that is intended to deceive people, for example by lying, cheating, or stealing: · Are you accusing me of being dishonest?· The money was acquired through dishonest means.· People are no longer surprised to find that politicians are dishonest.
using your power in a dishonest way for your own advantage – used about people in official positions: · corrupt politicians· Law and order has broken down, and most government officials are corrupt.
good at secretly thinking of clever plans to trick people in order to get what you want: · You have a very devious mind!· They use all kinds of devious methods to find out your personal details.
British English, underhanded American English underhand methods involve secretly deceiving people in order to get what you want: · In a series of underhand moves, Browne managed to gain control of the company.
doing or saying things secretly, in a way that seems wrong because it is slightly dishonest or unfair: · It was pretty sneaky when the bank charged me interest on my account without telling me.
deliberately behaving in a way that hides what you are really thinking or doing, in a way that is slightly dishonest: · Lucy decided not to tell him where she was going. She was often a bit sly like that.· He’s a sly old fox.
using dishonest and unfair methods to get what you want, without caring if you harm other people: · Some unscrupulous companies try to persuade people to borrow huge sums of money.
formal deliberately deceiving people in an illegal way in order to gain money or power: · You will be prosecuted if you make a fraudulent claim on your insurance policy.
 a fraudulent insurance claim
 a fraudulent statement
· It had been discovered that fraudulent activities amongst these members was often associated with their other business dealings.
· These provide evidence to substantiate the loss and prevent possible fraudulent claims.· In some cases this has been done to make a fraudulent claim against the Department of Social Security.· Section head - the number of occasions that fraudulent claims are made, ie indicators of honesty or dishonesty.· I hope that, if there was a fraudulent claim, the Minister will prosecute.· If there is a fraudulent claim for benefits, who will be prosecuted?· We must demolish their fraudulent claims to be the party of freedom and opportunity.
· But how this complaint lines up with the alleged conspiracy and fraudulent conduct is not clear to me.
· Mr Kench rang Sentinel, which has a partnership with Barclaycard, among other issuers, to protect cards against fraudulent use.· Dominic said it was a fraudulent use of locale, a piece of charlatanism.
intended to deceive people in an illegal way, in order to gain money, power etc:  a fraudulent insurance claim a fraudulent statementfraudulent activity/behaviour/conduct see thesaurus at dishonestfraudulently adverb:  He was accused of fraudulently using a stolen credit card.fraudulence noun [uncountable]




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