And the gap which separated them from the bourgeois world was wide - and unbridgeable.
For an impecunious woman of twenty-nine, the gulf was unbridgeable.
Fundamental to Frege's whole approach is the assumption that there exists an unbridgeable logical gulf between concepts and objects.
He drew an unbridgeable line between this élite and rank-and-file workers.
It was an almost unbridgeable gulf.
Looking to the past, she seeks to illuminate the present, believing there to be no unbridgeable gap between the two.
The distance between them, he wrote, is not so much great as unbridgeable.
The story of Ruth illuminates for me the unbridgeable difference, rather than the similarity, between her situation and mine.
COLLOCATIONS FROM THE ENTRY►unbridgeable gulf/gap/chasm etc (between somebody/something and somebody/something)
the unbridgeable gulf between the rich and the poor
(=a gap that cannot be closed)· He felt that there was an unbridgeable gap between the negotiating positions of the two sides.
· Looking to the past, she seeks to illuminate the present, believing there to be no unbridgeable gap between the two.· It appears, at times that there is an unbridgeable gap between what contemporary business uses and what the school does.
· It was an almost unbridgeable gulf.
unbridgeable differences between two people, groups, or ideas are so big that no one will ever agree about them or be satisfied with themunbridgeable gulf/gap/chasm etc (between somebody/something and somebody/something) the unbridgeable gulf between the rich and the poor