

单词 two-way
two-wayˌtwo-ˈway adjective Examples
  • It was impossible to have a two-way conversation with Derek, because he never stopped talking.
  • Managers who want two-way communication with their staff must be prepared to listen to what they have to say.
  • Each carries a two-way radio, connected to the office.
  • Nevertheless, in this two-way causal relationship, poverty is primarily a cause of illness and only secondarily its effect.
  • None of the older mains-communications techniques can provide the necessary two-way signalling between consumer and supplier.
  • Of course communication is two-way, and the mood of the recipients is also important for effective communication.
  • Some schools used two-way television instruction.
Longman Language Activatorhappening during the time that something else happens
use this to say that each of two or more people do the same thing to the other person or people, or have the same feelings towards them: · The twins looked at one another and giggled.· You can tell that George and Hannah like each other, can't you?· By the end of the holiday we were all beginning to annoy each other.each ... the other: · When Kerry and Sam met again two years later, each was equally pleased to see the other.· The brothers started to quarrel, each accusing the other of being responsible for the mistake.
: exchange looks/glances/insults etc look at each other, insult each other etc: · Danny and his lawyer exchanged uneasy looks.· As Sally approached wearing her new dress, the others exchanged glances and tried not to laugh.· The two men were exchanging insults and accusing each other of mismanagement.
: mutual respect/hatred/support etc respecting, hating etc each other equally: · A good marriage should be based on mutual love and respect.· The meeting broke up in an atmosphere of mutual irritation.the feeling is mutual (=both people feel the same): · He was very much in love with Hilda and the feeling appeared to be mutual.
formal: reciprocal agreement/arrangement/visit etc an agreement etc in which one person or country does or gives the same thing to another, as they have officially agreed to do: · The French students come to our school in November, and we then make a reciprocal visit to theirs.· In countries which do not have reciprocal health agreements with your own, you will need to take out health insurance.on a reciprocal basis (=with the understanding that both people, countries etc will do the same): · Senior officials from both countries make regular visits on a reciprocal basis.
: two-way communication/exchange/contact etc when two people or groups have an equal chance to express their opinions and are listening to or helping each other: · It was impossible to have a two-way conversation with Derek, because he never stopped talking.· Managers who want two-way communication with their staff must be prepared to listen to what they have to say.
: trade insults/threats/blows etc to insult, threaten etc each other in an argument or fight, especially in public: · The prime minister and his chancellor exchanged insults on the front pages of the national newspapers last week.· The debating chamber is often simply used as a platform for trading verbal abuse.
aerial, nounairtime, nounAM, nounantenna, nounatmospherics, nounaudio, adjectiveband, nounBBC, the, beacon, nounbeam, verbBeeb, the, bleep, verbboom, nounboom box, nounBritish Broadcasting Corporation, nounbroadband, nounbroadcast, nounbroadcast, verbcable television, CB, nounCCTV, nounCeefax, nounchannel, nounclosed circuit television, nouncommunications satellite, nouncontrast, noundial, nounDJ, nounexposure, nounflash, verbFM, nounfrequency, nounham, nounHz, interference, nounjam, verbkHz, kilohertz, nounlinkup, nounlive, adjectivelocal radio, nounlong wave, nounloudspeaker, nounLW, mast, nounmedium wave, nounmegahertz, nounMHz, modulate, verbmonitor, nounmono, nounmono, adjectiveNBC, nounnetwork, nounnetwork, verbon-air, adjectiveover, prepositionpresenter, nounprogramming, nounquadraphonic, adjectiveradio, nounradio, verbreceive, verbreceiver, nounreception, nounrepeat, verbrepeat, nounrerun, nounrerun, verbroger, interjectionsatellite, nounsatellite dish, nounsatellite television, nounsaturation, nounscrambler, nounseries, nounset, nounshipping forecast, nounship-to-shore, adjectiveshort wave, nounsignal, nounsignature tune, nounsimulcast, verbSOS, nounsound, nounsound bite, nounsound check, nounstatic, nountelecast, nounTeletext, nountelevise, verbtelevision, nountelevision licence, nountelly, nountime signal, nountrack, verbtransistor, nountransistor radio, nountransmission, nountransmit, verbtransmitter, nountune, verbtuner, nountweeter, nountwo-way, adjectiveUHF, noununscramble, verbveejay, nounvideo, nounvideo, adjectivevideo jockey, nounvolume, nounwaveband, nounwavelength, nounwhite noise, nounwireless, noun
· When logged into his two-way communication system, you will be amazed at his love and understanding.· One part of the problem is that your company did not provide adequate two-way communication while redecorating.· I have enjoyed reading all your letters and look forward to continuing the two-way communication that has developed over the past year.· Your best approach is to make sure that you have a good deal of two-way communication with the employees.· The third security concept is the electronic two-way communication system.· The reciprocal relationship embodies two-way communication, with each open to be influenced by the other.· Faxing, and paging that accommodates messages up to 160 letters and numbers, messages to groups, and two-way communication.
· Sharing confidences Never profit from a confidence, but make profit in confidence Sharing confidences is essentially a two-way process.· But spying can be a two-way process.· Therefore, the achievement of metanoia may be said to be a two-way process.· There was hope that it would be a two-way process and that it would have benefits for the school.· Be honest with the candidate Bear in mind right from the start that the interview is a two-way process.· Communicating, then as now, was a two-way process.· They saw their relationship with the board as a two-way process, taking advice and ideas from a meeting as well as to it.
· We could equip them with two-way radios, but they would be confiscated at road checks.· Each carries a two-way radio, connected to the office.· The Air Ministry loaned a two-way radio, the Admiralty the navigational equipment.· He was also in contact with a two-way radio, Gagne said.· One can only conclude that the story about the two-way radios is entirely false.· An inspector in a manufacturing plant could wear a headset microphone with a two-way radio link.· Both paging systems and two-way radio can have significant benefits for the catering industry.· Rex and Ruth Rathbun were out in front of their house, Rex with a two-way radio.
· The superiors, however, saw these responsibilities as more of a two-way street than did the subordinates.· They require hundreds of millions of dollars worth of new equipment and fiber optic backbone to make them two-way streets.· But creative collaboration is a two-way street.· But the link between diagnosis and treatment is a two-way street.
· Thus in this case we get two-way trade in the same product.· They differ from older forms of association in that they are two-way trades of complementary strengths among competitors.· Per-capita income tops $ 12, 000 a year; two-way trade should hit nearly $ 200 billion in 1996.
1moving or allowing movement in both directions:  two-way traffic two-way trade2used to describe a relationship which needs effort from both the people or groups involved:  Corruption is a two-way process.3a two-way radio both sends and receives messages




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