

单词 figment
figmentfig‧ment /ˈfɪɡmənt/ noun Word Origin
1400-1500 Latin figmentum, from fingere; FIGURE1
  • He was a ghost I carried around inside me, a prehistoric figment, a thing that was no longer real.
  • No one ever turned up such a child, whose existence seems to have been yet another figment of fertile right-wing imaginations.
  • Suddenly, it seemed utterly unbelievable, a mere figment of her dreamlike state.
  • True, the commercially successful electric car is still a figment.
  • Whether the circle of churches exists, or whether it is a figment of a map-maker's imagination remains to be seen.
Longman Language Activatorto wrongly think that something is happening
to wrongly think that you can see or hear something when it is not really happening: imagine (that): · When I was a child I would lie awake imagining that there were monsters in the dark corners of my room.· Mary was always imagining that people were talking about her behind her back.I/you/he etc must be imagining things: · "I'm sure I saw Brian in the park today.'' "No, you must be imagining things. Brian hasn't lived here for nearly fifteen years.''
especially spoken say this when you or someone else has imagined something that cannot be real: I/you/he etc must be seeing things: · "Did that man just wave at me?'' "Of course not, you must be seeing things.''
if something is in the mind or in your mind , you are imagining it and it does not really exist: all in the mind: · I don't think Martin is really ill -- it's all in the mind.all in your mind: · No-one is trying to kill you. It's all in your mind.
if someone who is ill or has taken drugs hallucinates , they believe that they can see things that are not really there: · After two days without food and water, Voss began to hallucinate.
something that does not really exist and that you were just imagining: · Sceptics will tell you that there is no such thing as reincarnation and that living a previous life is a figment of the subject's imagination.
  • These two men actually lived; they weren't figments of some writer's imagination.
  • But don't take my word for it; this is not a figment of the journalistic imagination.
  • It had vanished as silently as if it had been only a figment of her imagination.
  • Nearly three years after work had begun, the dam was still a figment of the imagination.
  • Neither one was a figment of his imagination.
  • The carpet is a figment of the imagination: an oriental pattern of light and shadow projected on the floor.
  • The Ghost of Banquo is more than a figment of Macbeth's imagination: it stands in some way in relation to his conscience.
  • The gymslip Lolita is not entirely a figment of the male imagination.
  • The ugly rectory is a figment of my imagination, for there was never such a building on Wood Green.
  • All that is left to connect us to the past is the imagination.
  • My subject was landscape and imagination.
  • No, it was just my imagination running riot.
  • Puny appeared thoughtful, or was it his imagination?
  • The real limit to whatever ingenious notions and ideas we may develop is our own imagination.
  • Thoughts are things; imagination is experience.
  • Was it his imagination, or could he really feel the beginnings of a headache?
  • Yet it was not all imagination.
a figment of somebody’s imagination something that you imagine is real, but does not exist




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