

单词 feather
feather1 nounfeather2 verb
featherfeath‧er1 /ˈfeðə $ -ər/ ●●○ noun [countable] Word Origin
Old English fether
  • an eagle feather
  • A little feather here or some kind of detail livens the moment.
  • In the latter method, the feathers are removed after a hot-water bath.
  • The baby slept in the bottom drawer of the dresser: the kitten had a feather cushion.
  • Their voices were feathers, falling leaves, water seeping into its table.
  • This is a hook which has material and feathers tied on to it.
  • This makes the wings very soft to the touch and probably cuts down noise from feathers moving against one another during flight.
  • Those cells which can form pigment migrate beneath the skin and enter all the feather germs.
  • Today, the cheapest chicken feed consists of fishmeal, chicken feathers and chicken innards.
word sets
auk, nounbald eagle, nounbeak, nounbill, nounbird, nounbirdie, nounbird of paradise, nounbird of passage, nounbird of prey, nounbirdsong, nounblackbird, nounbluebird, nounbluejay, nounbobwhite, nounbreast, nounbuzzard, nouncackle, verbchick, nounclaw, nouncob, nouncock, nouncockerel, nouncockscomb, nouncolouring, nouncondor, nouncoo, verbcoot, nouncormorant, nouncorncrake, nouncrane, nouncrest, nouncrested, adjectivecrop, nouncrow, nouncrow, verbcuckoo, nouncurlew, nouncygnet, noundickybird, noundipper, noundive, verbdodo, noundove, noundown, nounduck, nounduckling, nouneagle, nouneaglet, nounegret, nounemu, nounfeather, nounflamingo, nounfledgling, nounflight, nounfly, verbflycatcher, nounfowl, noungander, noungannet, noungizzard, noungobble, verbgobbler, noungolden eagle, noungoldfinch, noungoose, noungrebe, noungrouse, nounguillemot, nounguinea fowl, nounhackles, nounhatch, verbhawk, nounheron, nounhonk, nounhonk, verbhoot, nounhoot, verbhornbill, nounhouse martin, nounhumming bird, nounincubate, verbjackdaw, nounjay, nounkestrel, nounkingfisher, nounkite, nounkiwi, nounlark, nounlay, verblinnet, nounloon, nounlovebird, nounmacaw, nounmagpie, nounmallard, nounmarabou, nounmartin, nounmeadowlark, nounmigrant, nounmockingbird, nounmoorhen, nounmoult, verbmynah bird, nounnest, nounnest, verbnestling, nounnightingale, nounoriole, nounornithologist, nounornithology, nounosprey, nounostrich, nounowl, nounowlet, nounparakeet, nounparrot, nounpartridge, nounpeacock, nounpeafowl, nounpeahen, nounpeck, verbpeck, nounpeewit, nounpelican, nounpenguin, nounperch, nounperch, verbperegrine falcon, nounpetrel, nounpipit, nounplover, nounplumage, nounplume, verbpullet, nounquail, nounquill, nounraven, nounroadrunner, nounrobin, nounrook, nounroost, nounroost, verbrooster, nounruff, nounsandpiper, nounseabird, nounseagull, nounshag, nounsing, verbskylark, nounsnipe, nounsong, nounsongbird, nounsongster, nounsparrow, nounstarling, nounswallow, nounswan, nounswift, nounswoop, verbtalon, nounteal, nountern, nounthrush, nountit, nountoucan, nountrill, nounturkey, nounturtledove, nountwitter, verbvulture, nounwader, nounwagtail, nounwarble, verbwarbler, nounwater bird, nounwaterfowl, nounwebbed, adjectiveweb-footed, adjectivewhistle, verbwing, nounwinged, adjectivewingspan, nounwingtip, nounwishbone, nounwren, nounyellowhammer, noun
(=a bed etc that is filled with feathers)
(=a bed with feathers in the mattress)
 She was as light as a feather (=very light) to carry.
(=offend someone)
· The bird’s wings and tail feathers were a beautiful purple color.
· You're as light as a feather.· The boat had rotted lighter than a feather, but it held.· She had been as light as a feather to carry and her small hands were as cold as ice.
· Without Rice to fall back on like a feather bed of dreams, the 49ers made the transition from specificity to diversity.
· Diana Ross sauntered down the catwalk this season wearing little more than a feather boa and a smile.· Better yet, Rodman in a feather boa, running anchor for the women.· Lucy laughing, smoking, Lucy with Jamie's feather boa round her shoulders, Lucy who had kissed her.· A black feather boa, perhaps bought for the Black Ascot, curved lavishly round to cancel any suggestion of nakedness.
· Some of the figures depicted are clearly chiefs, wearing what may be ostrich feathers.· You travel in style, with ostrich feathers.· Overdress of glass beads, ostrich feathers and yarn.· Her legs, in fishnet stockings, move gracefully, she fans herself with an ostrich feather.· A svelte-looking black velvet off-the-shoulder number, with ostrich feather trim, was priced at £59.99.
· A vase full of peacock feathers smashed to the floor.· After all, peacock feathers still shine brightly when their owner is dead and stuffed.· But he strew the water with peacock feathers and the camels crossed over them like a bridge.
· It's far better to ruin a feather pillow than let yourself overflow in violent behaviour.
· From a dry stone wall inland, redstarts darted, like orange flames, tail feathers fanned and quivering.· They also made fans of the tail feathers of the scissor-tail flycatcher, which they wore at the shoulder like epaulets.· A barn owl's body feathers are mostly for warmth, while the wing and tail feathers are used for flight.· Then you start fanning your tail feathers and puffing your neck in and out.· Male has white tips to outer tail feathers and three white spots on outer wing quills.· Emperor penguin chicks have a grayish down coat with dark wing and tail feathers, but this odd bird is all white.· The rest of the tail feathers are more manoeuvrable.
· Her verbal spontaneity ruffled far too many feathers even if it attracted admiration from thousands of radicals and feminists.· Yet he was well aware that tampering with the traditional approach to Swan Lake would ruffle a few feathers.· It ruffled so many feathers, the Robins were reinstated.· These techniques smooth ruffled feathers, paper over cracks, subdue ominous rumblings.· Perhaps, Carew thought, some overbearing staff officer had once ruffled his feathers.
  • It will be quite a feather in his cap if Cambridge win today.
  • This'll be a feather in her cap, right enough, a princess named after her.
  • He figured I had a hustle of my own going and that made us birds of a feather.
  • These spoke openly of ropes being thrown over high beams and tar and feathers brought into play.
  • They would tar and feather him and ride him out of the town on a rail for this.
1feather (1)one of the light soft things that cover a bird’s body:  an ostrich featherfeather bed/pillow etc (=a bed etc that is filled with feathers)2a feather in your cap something you have done that you should be proud of light as a feather at light2(4), → birds of a feather at bird(5), → ruffle somebody’s feathers at ruffle1(2)
feather1 nounfeather2 verb
featherfeather2 verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyfeather
he, she, itfeathers
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyfeathered
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave feathered
he, she, ithas feathered
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad feathered
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill feather
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have feathered
Continuous Form
PresentIam feathering
he, she, itis feathering
you, we, theyare feathering
PastI, he, she, itwas feathering
you, we, theywere feathering
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been feathering
he, she, ithas been feathering
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been feathering
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be feathering
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been feathering
  • A small shiver of apprehension feathered her spine.
  • It was still a quarter of a mile beyond the line-up and it was already feathering.
  • So long as they were in favour, they were free to feather their nests, which Andrei did as industriously as anyone else.
  • The primary bevels were ground back and feathered away on the grindstone, taking care not to overheat and destroy the temper.
word sets
aerobics, nounangler, nounangling, nounaquaplane, verbaquaplane, nounarcher, nounarchery, nounascent, nounathletics, nounbackboard, nounbadminton, nounbag, nounbag, verbbait, nounbait, verbbalance beam, nounballooning, nounbantamweight, nounbarbell, nounbasket, nounbasketball, nounbaton, nounbeam, nounbeat, verbbeater, nounbig game, nounbird dog, nounbirdie, nounbite, nounblack belt, nounblade, nounblind, nounblood sport, nounbobsleigh, nounbody building, nounbowling, nounboxing, nounbull, nounbullfight, nounbullring, nouncaber, nouncalisthenics, nouncallisthenics, nouncartwheel, nouncast, verbcast, nouncaving, nouncentre, nouncheckered flag, nounchin-up, nouncircuit, nounclay pigeon shooting, nounclimb, verbclimb, nounclimber, nounclimbing, nounclose season, nouncock fight, nouncockpit, nounconquer, verbconversion, nouncorner, nouncrew, nouncroquet, nouncross, nouncross-country, nouncurling, noundecathlon, noundecoy, noundirt track, noundiscus, noundogfight, noundrag race, noundumbbell, noundunk, verbeight, numberexercise, nounexercise, verbexercise bike, nounface-off, nounfalconer, nounfalconry, nounfall, nounfeather, verbfeatherweight, nounfeint, verbfence, verbfencer, nounfencing, nounfield event, nounfield goal, nounfield hockey, nounfigure, nounfigure skating, nounflat racing, nounfloat, nounfloor, verbfly, nounflyfishing, nounfly half, nounflyweight, nounfoil, nounfoothold, nounforward, nounforward roll, nounfoxhunting, nounfun run, nounGaelic football, noungaff, noungame, noungliding, noungo-cart, noungo-kart, noungrand master, nounGrand Prix, noungrid, nounground bait, nounguard, noungym, noungymnast, noungymnastics, nounhandball, nounhang-gliding, nounheadlock, nounheadstand, nounhealth club, nounheavyweight, nounhockey, nounhold, nounhoming pigeon, nounhook, nounhook, verbhot dog, verbhound, nounhunt, verbhunt, nounhunter, nounhunting, nounhunting ground, nounhuntress, nounhunt saboteur, nounhuntsman, nounhurdle, nounhurdle, verbhurling, nounice hockey, nounice rink, nounice skate, nounice-skate, verbinside track, nounisometrics, nounjack, nounjavelin, nounjog, verbjog, nounjogger, nounjogging, nounjudo, nounjujitsu, nounkarate, nounkeeper, nounkickboxing, nounknockout, nounknock-up, nounkung fu, nounlacrosse, nounlanding net, nounlawn bowling, nounlawn tennis, nounlay-up, nounleague, nounlight heavyweight, nounlightweight, nounline-out, nounlock, nounlodge, nounlure, nounmarathon, nounmartial art, nounmat, nounmeet, nounmiddle-distance, adjectivemiddleweight, nounmiler, nounmountaineer, nounmountaineering, nounnet, verbninepins, nounnursery slope, nounobstacle course, nounobstacle race, nounone-two, nounopen season, nounorienteering, nounoutpoint, verbpaddle, nounparagliding, nounparallel bars, nounparasailing, nounparascending, nounpentathlon, nounpicador, nounpin, nounPing-Pong, nounpiste, nounpiton, nounpit stop, nounpole position, nounpolo, nounpommel horse, nounpotholing, nounpress-up, nounprizefight, nounpuck, nounpunch-drunk, adjectivepurse, nounpush-up, nounquarry, nounrace, nounrace car, nounracing car, nounracquetball, nounrally, nounrider, nounrink, nounrock climbing, nounrod, nounround, nounrounders, nounrowing, nounruck, nounrugby, nounRugby League, nounRugby Union, nounrugger, nounrun, verbrun, nounrunner, nounrunning, nounsailboard, nounsailing, nounscramble, nounscrum, nounscrumhalf, nounshadow boxing, nounshoot, verbshooting, nounshot put, nounshuttlecock, nounsit-up, nounskate, nounskate, verbskateboard, nounskating, nounskating rink, nounskeet shooting, nounski, nounski, verbski boot, nounskier, nounskiing, nounski jump, nounski lift, nounskin-diving, nounski pole, nounski run, nounskydiving, nounslalom, nounslow-pitch, nounsnare, nounsnare, verbsnooker, nounsnowboard, nounsoftball, nounspeed skating, nounspeedway, nounspeleology, nounspinner, nounsprint, nounsprinter, nounsquash, nounstar jump, nounsteeplechase, nounstep, nounstrike, nounstroke, nounsumo, nounsurf, verbsurfboard, nounsurfing, nountable tennis, nounT'ai Chi, nounT-ball, nountenpin, nountenpin bowling, nounthrow, verbtoehold, nountouchdown, nountouch football, nountouchline, nountrack, nountrack and field, nountrack event, nountrack meet, nountraining, nountrampoline, nountrap, nountrapeze, nountravel, verbtraverse, nountriathlon, nountriple jump, nountry, nountug-of-war, nountumble, verbtumbling, nounvelodrome, nounvolleyball, nounwater polo, nounwater skiing, nounweigh-in, nounweight, nounweightlifting, nounwelterweight, nounwind-surfing, nounwinter sports, nounwrestler, nounwrestling, nounyacht, nounyardarm, noun
(=a bed with feathers in the mattress)
 She was as light as a feather (=very light) to carry.
(=offend someone)
· The bird’s wings and tail feathers were a beautiful purple color.
· The Bolshoi is full of indolent time-servers, more interested in feathering their nests than in Swan Lake.· In actual fact what he was doing was feathering his own nest at the expense of the nests of the people.· So long as they were in favour, they were free to feather their nests, which Andrei did as industriously as anyone else.· Wetherby may have decided to feather his nest by blackmail.· But they were all like that, more or less, all interested in feathering their nests at his expense.· Two of the others, including the chairman, were using their positions to feather their own nests.
· They would tar and feather him and ride him out of the town on a rail for this.
  • But they were all like that, more or less, all interested in feathering their nests at his expense.
  • So long as they were in favour, they were free to feather their nests, which Andrei did as industriously as anyone else.
  • The Bolshoi is full of indolent time-servers, more interested in feathering their nests than in Swan Lake.
  • Wetherby may have decided to feather his nest by blackmail.
  • He figured I had a hustle of my own going and that made us birds of a feather.
  • These spoke openly of ropes being thrown over high beams and tar and feathers brought into play.
  • They would tar and feather him and ride him out of the town on a rail for this.
1feather your nest to get money by dishonest methods2to put feathers on an arrow tar and feather somebody at tar2(3)




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