

单词 tree
treetree /triː/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable] Word Origin
Old English treow
  • It's a beautiful park, with a pond and large trees.
  • He was tall and thick as a tree.
  • Lightning or high winds can knock branches or whole trees on to power lines, cutting the electricity to an entire neighborhood.
  • The pressure on trees differs between regions.
  • Their motel was off from the main thoroughfare, protected by trees and woodsy seclusion.
THESAURUStypes of tree
adjective an evergreen tree does not lose its leaves in winter: · English ivy is evergreen and grows even during the winter.
adjective a deciduous tree loses its leaves in winter: · The oak is deciduous, but loses its leaves late in the year.
noun [countable] a tree such as a pine or fir that has leaves like needles and produces cones containing seeds: · The owners have planted conifers along the fence in order to reduce the traffic noise.· a dwarf conifer
noun [countable] a tree that produces fruit that can be eaten: · Fruit trees such as apples and pears can be pruned during the winter months.
noun [countable] a young tree: · It's best to buy young saplings rather than fully-grown trees.
areas of trees
noun [countable] a small group of trees: · a small copse of fir trees
noun [uncountable] land covered with trees: · the maintenance of ancient woodland· woodland areas
noun [countable] (also woods) a large area with many trees: · We went for a walk in the woods.
noun [countable, uncountable] a very large area with a lot of trees growing closely together: · pine forests· They worked as tree planters in the forests of Washington State.· The forest fire was started by a discarded cigarette.
noun [countable, uncountable] a tropical forest with tall trees, in an area where it rains a lot: · the Amazon rainforest· 12 million acres of rainforest have been destroyed.
noun [countable, uncountable] a tropical forest with trees and large plants: · The wreckage of the plane was found in dense jungle.· a remote jungle area
material from trees
noun [countable, uncountable] the usual word for the hard material that trees are made of: · They were chopping wood for the fire.· The doors are made of solid wood.· wood flooring
British English, lumber American English noun [uncountable] wood used for building and making things: · a timber company· softwood lumber
noun [countable, uncountable] strong heavy wood from trees such as oak: · hardwood floors· hardwoods such as teak
noun [countable, uncountable] wood from trees such as pine and fir that is cheap and easy to cut: · Most tables are made from softwood.
noun [uncountable] wood that has been cut or collected in order to be burned in a fire: · They collected branches that could be used for firewood.
acacia, nounacorn, nounalmond, nounaloe vera, nounanemone, nounangelica, nounaniseed, nounannual, nounanther, nounapricot, nounaquatic, adjectivearboreal, adjectivearboretum, nounartichoke, nounash, nounasparagus, nounaspen, nounaspidistra, nounaubergine, nounavocado, nounbalsa, nounbalsam, nounbamboo, nounbark, nounbarley, nounbasil, nounbay, nounbay leaf, nounbean, nounbeech, nounbeet, nounbegonia, nounbelladonna, nounbetel, nounbiennial, adjectivebilberry, nounbindweed, nounbiotechnology, nounbirch, nounblackberry, nounblackcurrant, nounblackthorn, nounbloom, nounbloom, verbblossom, nounblossom, verbbluebell, nounblueberry, nounbole, nounboll, nounbotanical, adjectivebotanist, nounbotany, nounbougainvillea, nounbough, nounbox, nounbracken, nounbranch, nounbreadfruit, nounbriar, nounbrier, nounbroad bean, nounbroadleaved, adjectivebroccoli, nounbroom, nounBrussels sprout, nounbud, nounbud, verbbulb, nounbulrush, nounburr, nounbush, nounbusy Lizzie, nounbutter bean, nounbuttercup, nouncabbage, nouncacao, nouncactus, nouncalyx, nouncamellia, nouncanopy, nouncantaloup, nouncapsicum, nouncaraway, nouncarnation, nouncarrot, nouncashew, nouncassava, nouncatkin, nouncauliflower, nouncedar, nouncelery, nouncellulose, nounchard, nouncherry, nounchervil, nounchestnut, nounchickweed, nounchicory, nounChinese leaves, nounchives, nounchlorophyll, nounchokecherry, nounchrysanthemum, nouncilantro, nouncitron, nouncitronella, nouncitrus, nounclematis, nounclementine, nounclimber, nounclove, nounclover, nouncloverleaf, nouncoca, nouncocoa bean, nouncoconut, nouncoffee bean, nouncollard greens, nouncone, nounconifer, nounconker, nouncopper beech, nouncore, nouncoriander, nouncorn, nouncorncob, nouncornflower, nouncotton, nouncottonwood, nouncovert, nouncowslip, nouncrabgrass, nouncreep, verbcreeper, nouncress, nouncrocus, nouncrop, verbcross-fertilize, verbcultivate, verbcultivation, nouncumin, nouncutting, nouncyclamen, nouncypress, noundaffodil, noundahlia, noundaisy, noundamson, noundandelion, noundandelion clock, noundate, noundeadly nightshade, noundeciduous, adjectivedill, noundock, noundouble, adjectiveduckweed, nounDutch elm disease, nounelder, nounelderberry, nounelm, nounendive, nounetiolated, adjectiveeucalyptus, nounevergreen, adjectiveevergreen, nounfemale, adjectivefennel, nounfern, nounfertilize, verbfibre, nounfig leaf, nounfir, nounflax, nounflesh, nounfleshy, adjectiveflora, nounflower, verbfoliage, nounforget-me-not, nounfoxglove, nounfreesia, nounfrond, nounfruit, nounfruit, verbfuchsia, nounfungal, adjectivefungus, nounfurze, noungardenia, noungentian, noungeranium, noungerminate, verbginger, noungladiolus, noungooseberry, noungorse, noungourd, noungrape, noungrapefruit, noungrapevine, noungrass, noungrassy, adjectivegreen, adjectivegreen bean, noungreengage, noungreen onion, noungreen pepper, noungroundnut, nounguava, noungum, noungum tree, nounhardy, adjectiveharicot, nounhawthorn, nounhazel, nounhazelnut, nounheart, nounheath, nounheather, nounhedgerow, nounheliotrope, nounhemlock, nounhemp, nounherb, nounherbaceous, adjectivehibiscus, nounhickory, nounhip, nounholly, nounhollyhock, nounhoneysuckle, nounhorse chestnut, nounhorseradish, nounhuckleberry, nounhusk, nounhyacinth, nounhybrid, nouniris, nounivy, nounjasmine, nounJerusalem artichoke, nounjuniper, nounkale, nounkelp, nounkernel, nounkidney bean, nounkumquat, nounlaburnum, nounlarch, nounlaurel, nounlavender, nounleader, nounleaf, nounleaf mould, nounleek, nounlegume, nounlemon, nounlentil, nounlettuce, nounlichen, nounlilac, nounlily, nounlily of the valley, nounlima bean, nounlimb, nounlime, nounlinden, nounlinseed, nounlocoweed, nounlog, nounloganberry, nounlotus, nounlush, adjectivelychee, nounmagnolia, nounmahogany, nounmale, adjectivemallow, nounmandrake, nounmangrove, nounmaple, nounmarigold, nounmarrow, nounmay, nounmilkweed, nounmimosa, nounmint, nounmistletoe, nounmorning glory, nounmoss, nounmountain ash, nounmulberry, nounmustard, nounmycology, nounmyrrh, nounmyrtle, nounnarcissus, nounnasturtium, nounnative, adjectivenative, nounnaturalist, nounnectarine, nounneedle, nounnettle, nounnodal, adjectivenode, nounnodule, nounnut, nounnutshell, nounoak, nounoffshoot, nounoilseed rape, nounoleander, nounolive, nounorchard, nounorchid, nounosier, nounovary, nounovergrown, adjectiveovergrowth, nounox-eye, nounpalm, nounpalm tree, nounpampas grass, nounpansy, nounpapyrus, nounparasite, nounparasitic, adjectiveparsley, nounparsnip, nounpassionflower, nounpeach, nounpear, nounpeat, nounpecan, nounpeony, nounpeppermint, nounperennial, adjectiveperennial, nounperiwinkle, nounpersimmon, nounpetal, nounpetunia, nounphlox, nounphotosynthesis, nounpimento, nounpimpernel, nounpine, nounpineapple, nounpinewood, nounpink, nounpinto bean, nounpip, nounpippin, nounpistachio, nounpistil, nounpit, nounpitch pine, nounpith, nounplane, nounplane tree, nounplankton, nounplant, nounplant, verbplantain, nounplum, nounpod, nounpoinsettia, nounpoison ivy, nounpoison oak, nounpollen, nounpollen count, nounpollinate, verbpoplar, nounpoppy, nounpoppyseed, nounpotato, nounprickle, nounprickly, adjectiveprickly pear, nounprimrose, nounprimula, nounprivet, nounpropagate, verbpuffball, nounpulp, nounpussy willow, nounragweed, nounragwort, nounramble, verbrambler, nounrampant, adjectiverank, adjectiverape, nounraspberry, nounrattan, nounredcurrant, nounredwood, nounreed, nounreedy, adjectiveresin, nounrhizome, nounrhododendron, nounrhubarb, nounrice, nounrind, nounripe, adjectiveripen, verbroot, nounroot, verbrose, nounrosebud, nounrosemary, nounrubber plant, nounrunner, nounrunner bean, nounrush, nounsac, nounsagebrush, nounsandalwood, nounsap, nounsapling, nounsappy, adjectivesapwood, nounsassafras, nounsavory, nounscallion, nounscion, nounscrub, nounscrubby, adjectiveseaweed, nounsedge, nounseed, nounseed, verbseedling, nounsegment, nounsenna, nounsepal, nounsequoia, nounsesame, nounset, nounshallot, nounshamrock, nounshed, verbshoot, verbshoot, nounshrub, nounsilver birch, nounskin, nounsloe, nounsnapdragon, nounsnowdrop, nounsorghum, nounsorrel, nounsoya bean, nounspearmint, nounspinach, nounspiny, adjectivespore, nounsprig, nounspring onion, nounsprout, verbsprout, nounspruce, nounsquash, nounstalk, nounstamen, nounstem, nounstigma, nounstinging nettle, nounstock, nounstraw, nounstrawberry, nounstring bean, nounstump, nounsucculent, nounsucker, nounsugar, nounsugar beet, nounsugarcane, nounsunflower, nounswede, nounsweetcorn, nounsweet gum, nounsweet pea, nounsweet william, nounsycamore, nountamarind, nountangerine, nountaproot, nountea, nounteasel, nounteazel, nountendril, nounthistle, nounthistledown, nounthorn, nounthorny, adjectivethyme, nountimber, nountoadstool, nountop, nountrailing, adjectivetranspiration, nountranspire, verbtransplant, verbtree, nountreetop, nountrefoil, nountruffle, nountrunk, nountuber, nountulip, nountumbleweed, nounturnip, nountwig, noununderbrush, nounundergrowth, noununripe, adjectivevanilla, nounvariegated, adjectivevegetable, nounvegetation, nounvein, nounvetch, nounvine, nounviolet, nounvirginia creeper, nounwallflower, nounwalnut, nounwater chestnut, nounwatercress, nounwater lily, nounweed, nounwhorl, nounwild rice, nounwillow, nounwilt, verbwisteria, nounwither, verbwithered, adjectivewoody, adjectivewormwood, nounyam, nounyew, nounyucca, noun
 We planted a peach tree in the backyard. the trunk of an old oak tree (=the main central part, from which the branches grow)
(=a decorated tree that people have in their homes at Christmas)· Put the gifts under the Christmas tree.
 a large garden with fruit trees
 a small grove of beech trees
(=the leaves come off the tree)· Most trees shed their leaves in the autumn.
 an old tree stump
 the groups that are currently at the top of the tree (=the highest position in a profession) in the pop world
 He left his bicycle leaning against a tree trunk.
· Nomatterhow big the tree may grow, the same branching rule goes on being applied at the tips of all its twigs.· They had these big old trees, too.· It was still too hot so we all left the field for the shade of the big tree.· Instead, here the loggers had come in and simply cut the biggest trees, leaving the rest.· Children swinging on the big walnut tree. 4.· Will: He had two big tree friends that could see everywhere all around.· Great big trees, mountains - that sort of thing - I've got some postcards.· We talked of the big trees in California.
· He would make the Britches impenetrable, tackle the dead trees and plant saplings.· And with my eyes closed, I felt low sullen waters wash about a dead tree on a midnight pond.· Julie fell dead beneath a tree, its lower branches hacked off in the frenzied attack.· The official state brochure for the place had not one word about the dead trees, although I was surrounded by thern.· Unusual numbers of dead holly trees with senescent branches or main trunks; 2.· It had been going on since 1963 and was continued despite the fact that dead trees proved to be very effective cover.· I collect snow and start off for the nearest dead tree with the big knife and an axe.· Last February, a National Guard unit cut down the dead trees.
· For patron-saint days in the country the table was usually prepared out of doors, in the shade of a large tree.· There, during an eight-year period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, large trees began dying in rapid succession.· The cat was creeping stealthily through a patch of long grass towards the foot of the largest tree.· A large palo verde tree beckons as a shady retreat.· All this lowland country was covered in thick bush, and large trees bordered the river and streams.· Another work detail had been given the task of getting large trees to serve as the rafters for the roof.· A stream flows nearby, bubbling and gurgling, and you sit beneath a large, shady tree.· The seeds are everywhere, and every gust releases another great crowd from every large sugar maple tree.
· She stared at the winter world through every aspect of this old tree.· Directly ahead, a pair of stately old coconut trees burst into flame.· Mr Preston had recently cleared out his old trees and planted new young ones.· How old are the old trees of the Ancient Forest?· We stand like three old trees in winter, quivering in the gloom.· One summer night we sat outside under the gnarled 100-year-old trees and talked while his mom finished fixing dinner.· And old people, like gnarled old trees, attracted him.· Here was a natural progression of young trees, old trees, and decaying fallen trees.
· The chemistry lab carefully hidden under two olive trees.· Tom Kitain to its freshly dug grave by a grove of olive and cypress trees.· The Chianti region is full of hills clad with ancient groves of silver-leaved olive trees.· The river banks changed from jagged rock with little vegetation to luscious green slopes covered with olive trees.· The studios are set back from the road and are shaded by the olive trees from which they derive their name.· And they would never use anything other than olive oil from the nearest olive tree, and red wine vinegar.· There was a grove of olive trees opposite the shop, on the other side of the main road.· The biggest tragedy is in respect of the rooting out of thousands of olive trees, many of them ancient.
· The hedges are small trees that were planted very close together.· I increased my speed toward him, but only to hastily reach a small maple tree next to the road between us.· The slope was covered with white and yellow wild flowers, and near to the house was a cluster of small trees.· I was so happy when I was able to have two beautiful small trees.· He chose small trees because he wanted them cleared.· Riker flew to the lone hill covered with tall brown grass and a few small trees.· And then I lost him among the boulders and small trees that marked the course of the torrent.· As a result of this phenomenon, the woods walker is actually more aware of the smaller trees.
· There were tall trees here and there on either side, oak and sycamore and ash and occasionally a sweet chestnut.· With three air-force pilots along for the ride, James flew along a railroad track bordered by tall trees.· So these early groups used the newly-acquired strength of their stems to grow very tall and become trees.· Both sides of the stream were sandy and lined with big, tall palm trees.· Many of the country roads are lined on either side with tall trees, at times breathtakingly beautiful.· The valley was scrubby here: elephant grass, occasional tall trees, and dry rice paddies.· Protected by high pearl-grey walls, the Palace is set in spacious grounds with many tall trees.· In addition, date farmers are finding they can make good money by selling their tallest trees to landscapers.
· The sound had only been Isaac, but as Alan turned, he saw what was wrong with the trees.· However, those who advocate a federal takeover of workers' compensation are barking up the wrong tree.· In retrospect it now seems that both camps were barking up the wrong tree.· They have maybe barked up the wrong tree.· People who feel sorry for my old bridesmaid and travelling companion are barking up the wrong tree.· Could he once again be barking up the wrong tree?· There was definitely something wrong with those trees ahead.· Can't help thinking that they are on the right track and it's we who are barking up the wrong tree.
· The deer were to be removed, because they ate young trees and crops.· The young almond trees were crotch deep in river water.· They turned into a dirt track flanked by very young gum trees.· From there you do not hear the rustling of the few remaining dry beech leaves on young trees.· Hope and youthful energy rose up in her again, like leaves on a young tree in spring.· The snags offer safe nesting sites for birds, as thousands of young trees and plants sprout up on the surrounding riverbank.· Avoid accidents with the strimmer by protecting young trees with plastic tubes or weed by hand.· Everywhere the tops of the shoots of the young trees were browsed off.
· Presently he stopped and sat under the apple tree.· I know she likes the blossoms of the apple trees in the twilight, but they are long gone.· The hours spent beneath the apple tree assumed a distorted quality as though she were looking at them through an unfocused lens.· Ash and sugar maple trees were shooting up among the apple trees in the remorseless struggle for light.· And horseshoes and croquet and a grape arbor and apple trees?· The apple trees covered the whole orchard and were very close together, most of their branches touching each other.· That was how he got the idea about the apple trees for his story.
· From high noon to sundown we blazed and buzzed like hot island bees on sweet cherry trees.· Across the field the bloom of the cherry tree, under which they had sat that morning, hung sodden and spoiled.· There were 20 to 30 wild cherry trees, most about 20m tall.· It was very windy and one of the new sightscreens had blown over, destroying an ornamental cherry tree.· The garden was his domain; he had his rabbits to feed and the birds to admonish for ravaging his cherry trees.· Peach and cherry trees are out in blossom, and we've seen quite a few birds.· Death raced downstairs and out the front door to look in the baby carriage under the cherry tree.· The cherry tree was coming into blossom, encouraged by the unseasonably warm sunshine.
· The familiar figure of Selwyn Hopkins sat on the bench under the horse chestnut tree, gazing out over the estuary.· He got up in his night-shirt and looked incredulously out at the twigs of the stately chestnut tree in front of the castle.· Ahead now was a road junction shaded by two big chestnut trees.· She laughed as she watched the dove soar above the chestnut trees, which were already showing the first flecks of green.· She sat on the chair by the window and gazed out at the wide lawns edged by chestnut trees.· In minutes you can leave the sea for chestnut trees and olive groves.· He watched the turn in the road by the chestnut trees.· Rose and Dieter were watching from the shade of a chestnut tree, chatting in low voices and giggling.
· All that glitters may not be gold, but these decorations would add elegance and sparkle to any Christmas tree.· The house was lit like a Christmas tree and shaped like a gigantic igloo.· We've got our own Christmas tree to see to.· Who would want a tumbleweed for a Christmas tree in a home resting among evergreens?· We had a big Christmas tree once - ages ago, it was.· Prevent pine-needle fall-out from covering your floors when removing your Christmas tree.· They've switched the Christmas tree lights off, but apart from that, the station's pretty light.· O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree / How brightly shine thy candles.
· By the 1870s Darwinians were using diagrams showing hypothetical family trees to account for relationships among species.· Perhaps you can give me some help on the family tree.· But after the revolution, many family trees were destroyed or forgotten, especially in the cities.· The Arellanos have drug smuggling in their family tree.· There also are successful family trees that grow both vertically and horizontally.· Not only did the gods have family trees, they also had family squabbles.· Her family tree included a former prime minister and the governor of Tokyo.
· Cairns itself is a spacious city with large areas of grass under low spreading forest trees and tall Alexander palms.· Maybe I should draw those of other forest trees and bushes to go with these.· There are oleander bushes and flame of the forest trees.· And does the demise of the dogwood have some sort of larger meaning for the forest trees with which it associates?· No forest trees could regrow naturally in these areas.· A maple seed is heavy in comparison to the seeds of some forest trees.· Drought resulted in decreased root growth and slower breakdown of soil litter, an important source of magnesium for forest trees.· They are compelled to do this because most of the forest trees protect themselves against molesters with a poisonous sap.
· Also left are useful fruit trees, which are thus under selective pressures.· I mention this to Yacouba and suggest his committee should consider planting acacia and fruit trees instead of eucalyptus.· The fruit tree man grabbed us and hauled us through a jungle of fruit trees.· Now, fruit trees are sprayed to cure their diseases, and salmon farmers use drugs by the sack.· The fruit tree man grabbed us and hauled us through a jungle of fruit trees.· Julie ambled happily down the long immaculate front lawn, bordered on each side by miniature fruit trees.· The fruit tree man is an old hippie.
· Leaving Okawi and Beruna, Miles turned away from the village and padded silently across the beach to the tree line.· It was so dark he could barely make out the tree line on the distant shore.· Orange trees line the avenues and palm trees flank its promenade.· I could see the muzzle flashes in the tree line fifty yards away, which blocked our take-off path.· I went back along with him to check the path was the tree line route to the falls.· After a thirty-second pause to let us load up, Shaker took off over the forward tree line.· Adam landed in the clearing between the tree line and the wall.· We broke through the tree line from the north.
· Golden eyes looked at him from among the leaves of the yellow maple tree where Peach sat cleverly camouflaged.· Ash and sugar maple trees were shooting up among the apple trees in the remorseless struggle for light.· The practical problem, Marvin told me, was that he is no longer able to improve his maple tree stands.· I increased my speed toward him, but only to hastily reach a small maple tree next to the road between us.· They grooved the bark of the maple trees, nearly ringing the trees to get the sap out.· But splashes of red are starting to show here and there on a few scattered red maple trees.· Porcupines live there now, the ones who gnaw scars on to the maple trees.· The maple tree beside me is 99 percent dead.
· And tied around the oak tree was the largest yellow ribbon I'd yet seen.· A willow oak tree grows at the edge of this patio.· The branching pattern of an oak tree or an apple tree looks complex, but it really isn't.· Several hundred acres of rustling, wind-blown grass swept over our feet and under scattered oak trees.· Earlier that morning I had awoken lying on the grass underneath an oak tree in Regent's Park.· Women and children were lined up in a half-circle facing an old, perfectly formed oak tree.· We lose a sense of an owl being an owl, a duck being duck, an oak being an oak tree.· There was the old familiar smell of the oak tree shade.
· See the magnificent church of St. Mary, surrounded by small white houses set amongst palm trees and stunted eucalyptus.· Ultimately, the cornfields of Lawrence won out over the palm trees of Westwood.· AWI2.tif I've copied the small group of palm trees, and pasted the image in further along the beach.· He found half a dozen fishermen seated under the palm trees at the foot of the Co-operative quay.· Bayfront Park, lined with gently swaying Palm trees, was a marked contrast to the gravity of the day.· The pool is enclosed by the bungalows, palm trees and bushes and is a real suntrap.· Curious palm trees dot the scene, and the background is immense and desolate, as in Martin's paintings.
· Through the cool and shady pine trees, there is a private beach with bar.· In the distance he saw a rabbit shivering under a pine tree.· To their right the moon, smoky and yellow in thin night cloud, stood over a clump of distant pine trees.· The scientists injected the fungus into young pine trees, which were then placed in pots.· In fact, both were deposited many millions of years before the first pine tree grew on earth.· He found a few others: a sphagnum moss peat bog can repel the invasion of pine trees for thousands of years.· The hill feels peaceful in spite of tourists: it's surrounded by fragrant pine trees and deafeningly noisy with cicadas.· The heat has melted the sap in the pine trees, and the dampness carries that bright smell.
· It was a beautiful cloudless morning and the canopies of the plane trees were lush and transparently golden with sunlight.· It faces out toward Dodge Hall, across gracious grounds of hedged walks and great plane trees.· She walked along to the little café, where at least the umbrellas and the plane trees gave some shade.· The harbour quay, shaded by plane trees and filled with tables, is the village social centre.· There, in the secret shade of the plane tree.· Sun shone, warm breezes blew, and the plane trees behind the Cages grew greener and more leafy with each hour.· Or the nannies and the nursemaids who lately pushed their prams up and down, and gossiped under the plane trees?
· The elder female sank down on a tree stump to rest, fanning herself with her hand.· Clearing two acres of tree stumps so a garden could be planted in the spring.· Alligator saw; a tree stump chipper; and even a bouncy castle!· They said they brought the tree stump to Riggs' office as a symbol of protest.· His left leg was almost severed when it was caught in the whirling blade of a tree stump cutter.· We were going to the thick grove of woods with the carved tree stumps in its center.
· He was lounging back against the tree trunk a few yards away, consulting his compass and studying the map intently.· Hiding in the swamp, Sammler lay under a tree trunk, in the mud, under scum.· Unfortunately, the Brownsea red squirrels are also nervous; generally they get behind a tree trunk when they hear people approach.· A mourning cloak butterfly flew up from a tree trunk in the sunshine where it was basking.· I thought the great central arch of two tree trunks looked like our Blessed Lord's arms holding up the whole Church.· In addition, the tree trunks are ringed with bright green growths at their bases.· Tail square, but may appear forked when pressed against tree trunk.· Gao Yang screamed, too, and banged his head against the tree trunk.
· But once we had to walk all day and climb great trees for just one honey comb.· Last evening I climbed my observation tree to survey the fall panorama one last time.· They make me grub for lily-roots and climb trees for honey.· Large-muscle coordination comes from riding bikes and climbing trees, not from watching junk food commercials where other kids play and run.· Marian insisted on climbing the tree herself and was up there some time.· I climbed a chestnut tree and got a good shot of them together.· Protestors had climbed lime trees in a desperate bid to stop them being destroyed.· That seemed reasonable to the princess, so she climbed a tree and set about spinning to pass the time.
· But every time I wanted a piece of wood, I had to cut down a tree.· It could cut a tree in half if it was two or three football fields away.· When we got to Donoghue's Cross the road was cut and trees knocked.· At 500 feet I crossed a swath cut through the trees that formed the northern perimeter of the camp.· Male speaker Neolithic man would have used an axe to cut the trees.· Paul cut the trees and Babe hauled them.· Take away all the stones. Cut down all the trees.· Instead, here the loggers had come in and simply cut the biggest trees, leaving the rest.
· Outside, another blossom fell from a tree, to join the others on the pavement.· Clearly, the life of the forest depends on its fallen trees.· The leaves fell from the trees.· Atop the charred ground, white ash marks the shadows of fallen trees that burned so hot they disintegrated.· What saddens the local population are the fallen trees.· He had been so charmed that he almost fell out of the tree like a drunken bird.· As a youngster, you used to train by punching raindrops as they fell off a tree branch.· All the old rotten stumps and decaying fallen trees are clothed in their green.
· And I sowed seeds and grew plants and trees so that that place would be still more beautiful.· It grew into a magnificent tree with a massive trunk and spacious canopy.· He said writing was like a growing tree.· Using natural ingredients, which tend to grow on trees round here, they are both water resistant.· Weedy thickets and tall grass grew under occasional trees.· The lake grows fish as prolifically as its bed once grew the trees of a dense jungle.· In many places, buds grow on trees.
· I mention this to Yacouba and suggest his committee should consider planting acacia and fruit trees instead of eucalyptus.· And why do they plant a tree that is useless for everything except cooking fires?· Another serious problem for environmentalists is the type of tree and forest planted.· There are, however, genuine stories of idealists recreating a forest environment by planting trees in the thousands.· When planting new trees in your garden, make sure that you know what the mature heights are likely to be.· The area was cleaned up by student volunteers and local scouts planted trees in parts of the Sanctuary.· The reforestation programme, targeting to plant 7.5 million trees over a seven year period, is on its way.· Los Angeles announced it would plant five million trees, and 113 other cities followed suit with their own ReLeaf programs.
PHRASES FROM OTHER ENTRIESthe apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
  • You're barking up the wrong tree if you think Sam can help you.
  • Can't help thinking that they are on the right track and it's we who are barking up the wrong tree.
  • Could he once again be barking up the wrong tree?
  • However, those who advocate a federal takeover of workers' compensation are barking up the wrong tree.
  • In retrospect it now seems that both camps were barking up the wrong tree.
  • People who feel sorry for my old bridesmaid and travelling companion are barking up the wrong tree.
  • They have maybe barked up the wrong tree.
it/money doesn’t grow on treesbe up a gum tree
  • Books and posters, shirts and sweatshirts and pounds of petrified wood spilled from the storage areas.
  • It may be more similar to the way that petrified wood is created.
  • It moved aside the earth and found the petrified wood that was the heart in the forest.
  • Their L-shaped living rooms were graced by open fireplaces, with the latest shapes in petrified wood adorning the mantelpieces.
not see the wood for the treesnot see the wood for the trees
1tree (1)a very tall plant that has branches and leaves, and lives for many years:  As a kid, I loved to climb trees.a cherry/peach/apple etc tree We planted a peach tree in the backyard. the trunk of an old oak tree (=the main central part, from which the branches grow)2a drawing that connects things with lines to show how they are related to each other family tree top of the tree at top1(3), → it doesn’t grow on trees at grow(7), → be up a gum tree at gum tree(2)THESAURUStypes of treeevergreen adjective an evergreen tree does not lose its leaves in winter: · English ivy is evergreen and grows even during the winter.deciduous adjective a deciduous tree loses its leaves in winter: · The oak is deciduous, but loses its leaves late in the year.conifer noun [countable] a tree such as a pine or fir that has leaves like needles and produces cones containing seeds: · The owners have planted conifers along the fence in order to reduce the traffic noise.· a dwarf coniferfruit tree noun [countable] a tree that produces fruit that can be eaten: · Fruit trees such as apples and pears can be pruned during the winter months.sapling noun [countable] a young tree: · It's best to buy young saplings rather than fully-grown trees.areas of treescopse noun [countable] a small group of trees: · a small copse of fir treeswoodland noun [uncountable] land covered with trees: · the maintenance of ancient woodland· woodland areaswood noun [countable] (also woods) a large area with many trees: · We went for a walk in the woods.forest noun [countable, uncountable] a very large area with a lot of trees growing closely together: · pine forests· They worked as tree planters in the forests of Washington State.· The forest fire was started by a discarded cigarette.rainforest noun [countable, uncountable] a tropical forest with tall trees, in an area where it rains a lot: · the Amazon rainforest· 12 million acres of rainforest have been destroyed.jungle noun [countable, uncountable] a tropical forest with trees and large plants: · The wreckage of the plane was found in dense jungle.· a remote jungle areamaterial from treeswood noun [countable, uncountable] the usual word for the hard material that trees are made of: · They were chopping wood for the fire.· The doors are made of solid wood.· wood flooringtimber British English, lumber American English noun [uncountable] wood used for building and making things: · a timber company· softwood lumberhardwood noun [countable, uncountable] strong heavy wood from trees such as oak: · hardwood floors· hardwoods such as teaksoftwood noun [countable, uncountable] wood from trees such as pine and fir that is cheap and easy to cut: · Most tables are made from softwood.firewood noun [uncountable] wood that has been cut or collected in order to be burned in a fire: · They collected branches that could be used for firewood.




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