

单词 tray
traytray /treɪ/ ●●○ S3 noun [countable] Word Origin
Old English trig, treg
  • The tray was heavy with food and drinks.
  • If bulbs look shrivelled when unpacked, immerse in trays of damp peat until plumped out.
  • She heard Stephen order Sally to take a tray upstairs to Mrs Winters and she said nothing.
  • The door opened and Jenkins entered carrying a tray.
  • There are many more, including wheelchairs, sticks, commodes, special non-slip trays, and bath seats.
  • Water Grill's dessert tray beckons!
  • We had tomato soup for dinner, followed by roast beef and sago pudding, served airline-style on a tray.
word sets
AC, accessory, nounadapter, nounaerosol, nounalarm, nounarm, nounash, nounattaché case, nounbag, nounbar, nounbarrel, nounbeep, verbbeeswax, nounbell, nounbelly, nounbelt, nounbench, nounbenzine, nounbinding, nounbiro, nounbolt, nounbooth, nounbox, nounbox, verbbrad, nounbriefcase, nounbristle, nounbrolly, nounbrush, nounbucket, nounbuckle, nounbuffer, nounbulb, nounBulldog clip, nounbulletin board, nounbullhorn, nounbung, nounbunting, nounbusiness card, nounbutt, nounbutton, nounbuzzer, nouncable, nouncalling card, nouncan, nouncandle, nouncane, nouncarbon, nouncarbon copy, nouncarbon paper, nouncard, nouncardboard, nouncardboard, adjectivecardboard cut-out, nouncard catalog, nouncarrier, nouncarrier bag, nouncarryall, nouncart, nouncarton, nouncartridge, nouncase, nouncaster, nouncatch, nounCellophane, nouncesspit, nounchain, nounchalice, nounchannel, nounchart, nounchute, nouncitronella, nounclamp, nouncleat, nounclip, nounclipboard, nouncomb, nouncombination lock, nouncompartment, nouncord, nouncrank, nouncrate, nouncrepe paper, nouncycle, noundetector, noundial, noundigital, adjectivedisposable, adjectivedrape, verbdrawing pin, noundryer, noundurable goods, nounDurex, nounearplug, nounelastic band, nouneraser, nouneyelet, nounfabric, nounfelt-tip pen, nounfemale, adjectivefence, nounfiberglass, nounfibreglass, nounfigurine, nounfilament, nounfile, verbFilofax, nounfire extinguisher, nounfirewood, nounfitness, nounflag, nounflagon, nounflagstaff, nounflashlight, nounflat, adjectivefloodlight, nounfoam, nounfoam, verbfog, verbfolder, nounfoolscap, nounforecourt, nounfountain, nounfountain pen, nounframe, nounfunnel, nounfuse, noungadget, noungadgetry, noungargle, verbgas, nounglue, noungoggles, noungold card, noungranny knot, noungravel, noungravelled, adjectivegravelly, adjectivegrease, noungreetings card, noungrommet, noungum, noungun, noungunnysack, noungut, nounhand-held, adjectivehandle, nounhandloom, nounharness, nounhasp, nounhealth, nounhessian, nounhinge, nounhip, nounhoarding, nounhoist, nounholder, nounhook, nounhoop, nounhooter, nounhose, nounhosepipe, nounhub, nounhygiene, nounhygienic, adjectiveillness, nounindented, adjectiveinflatable, adjectiveingrained, adjectiveink, nouninn, nouninnkeeper, nouninsoluble, adjectiveivory, nounjacket, nounjack-knife, nounjoss stick, nounjuggle, verbkey, nounkeypad, nounkey ring, nounKleenex, nounknife, nounknob, nounlabel, nounladder, nounlantern, nounlatch, nounlatchkey, nounlather, nounlather, verbLCD, nounlead, nounlectern, nounlegal pad, nounlens, nounletterbox, nounlever, nounlibrary, nounlid, nounlidded, adjectivelift, nounlight, nounlight bulb, nounlink, nounlinseed oil, nounlitter bin, nounlock, nounlodestone, nounlog, nounloop, verblost property, nounmagnet, nounmagnetic, adjectivemagnifying glass, nounmale, adjectivemantle, nounmanual, adjectivemarker, nounmarker pen, nounmarket day, nounmast, nounmastic, nounmatchstick, nounmaterial, nounmeter, nounmeths, nounmode, nounmortar, nounmortise lock, nounmould, nounmounting, nounmovement, nounnail, nounnameplate, nounnet, nounnib, nounnipple, nounnon-standard, adjectivenoose, nounnotebook, nounnotepad, nounnoticeboard, nounnozzle, nounnut, nounoil, verboilcan, nounoily, adjectiveorb, nounoutfit, nounoutlet, nounovernight, adverbpack, verbpackage, nounpad, nounpad, verbpadlock, nounpaintwork, nounpantyliner, nounpaper, nounpaperclip, nounpasserby, nounpaste, verbpasteboard, nounpatron, nounpatronage, nounpatronize, verbpattern, nounpaving, nounpearl, nounpen, nounpenknife, nounpicket fence, nounpillbox, nounpince-nez, nounpinhead, nounpipe, nounpix, nounpizza parlor, nounplug, nounpocket, nounpocketbook, nounpocket calculator, nounpocket knife, nounpointer, nounpoison, nounpole, nounportfolio, nounPost-it, nounpowder, nounpowdered, adjectivepropellant, nounpropelling pencil, nounpump-action, adjectivePX, nounquarter, verbrack, nounreceptionist, nounreel, nounrefill, nounreflector, nounrefrigerate, verbregimen, nounreservation, nounreserve, verbsachet, nounsack, nounscratchpad, nounscratch paper, nounscreen, nounsealant, nounsealer, nounsearchlight, nounseason ticket, nounseat, nounself-assembly, adjectiveseptic tank, nounservice, nounservice, verbsetting, nounshade, nounsharpener, nounshovel, nounshovel, verbshovelful, nounsilver paper, nounsiphon, nounslat, nounslice, verbslot machine, nounslug, nounsmoke, nounsoot, nounsort, nounspare part, nounspigot, nounsponge, nounspool, nounspout, nounspray, nounspray can, nounspray paint, nounspring, nounstaff, nounstake, nounstalk, nounstandard, nounstaple, nounstapler, nounstationery, nounsteam, nounsteam clean, verbsteel, nounsteel wool, nounstepladder, nounstick, verbstick, nounsticker, nounstilt, nounstopper, nounstorm lantern, nounstrap, nounstreamer, nounstring, nounstub, nounsucker, nounSuperglue, nounswipe, verbswitch, nounswivel, nountab, nountack, nountag, nountag, verbtank, nountap, nountape, nountassel, nountattle, verbtea break, nounthong, nounthread, nountime-saving, adjectivetinder, nountinderbox, nountissue, nountop, nountote bag, nountowel, verbtray, nountrolley, nountube, nountubing, nountwine, nountwo-way mirror, nounumbrella, nounvent, nounvial, nounwaiting room, nounwasher, nounwaste paper, nounwatch, nounwaterspout, nounwheeled, adjectivewhistle, verbwooden, adjectivewriting paper, noun
(=for holding documents you still have to deal with)
(=for holding documents you have dealt with)
(=a tray in which you plant seeds)
· You may prefer to ask an older person to do this for you. 8 Place the baking tray into the oven.· Place on a baking tray lined with folded newspaper on the lowest shelf of oven.· Divide dough in 2oz pieces and mould into rounds and place on a baking tray.· Scatter with a spoonful or two of sugar and slide the dish on to a baking tray.· Place on a baking tray and bake in an oven at 425°F, 220°C or Gas mark 7 for approximately 1 hour.· Stand tins on a baking tray lined with a double thickness of brown paper.· Right at the bottom is a handy storage compartment for all your baking trays, dishes and so on.· Place thumbnail-size pieces on a baking tray and cook in a hot oven until golden brown.
· Willie lifted it up to find Tom standing on the steps, with a large tray in his hands.· They carry large trays, which they fill with the mushrooms they pick.
· At least avoid the pending tray syndrome.· Abolishing your pending tray will transform your handling of paper.· But sometimes the pending tray becomes overloaded.
· He flagged a waiter down and grabbed two drinks from the silver tray.· Half way through the meal a butler appeared, carrying a folded slip of paper on a silver tray.· Lily brought in a silver tray with tea and sandwiches and one of Mary's marvellous sponge cakes.· Waiters offer a selection of waters to drink, served on a silver tray, but only the tap is free.· Dinner was brought to my room, served up on a silver tray.· A practical nurse brought old red wine, a silver tray of smoked salmon, crumbled hard-boiled egg, capers and lemon.· Some one brought mint tea in a silver pot, on a chased, silver tray.· Behind her walked Jeeves, straight as a broom, clad in white tie and tails and carrying a silver tray.
· There were chests of cypress and cedar, small tables bearing trays, silver cups, pewter tankards and flagons.· This time she didn't wait to see if anyone would come, but swiftly glanced to the small instrument tray.
· Galvone hurried to place a crystal ash tray on a small table beside him.· Alice hurriedly put out the cigarette and got up to empty the ash tray.· The ash tray was getting crowded when I decided there was no percentage in doing any more worrying for a while.· He was constructing something from a foil ash tray when she approached.· He placed his unfinished cigar in the ash tray and rose from the table, leaving his brandy untouched.
· He shaved and showered, was dressed before the breakfast tray arrived at the prescribed nine o'clock.· The children wrote get-well notes, which were sent in on the breakfast tray, the lunch tray, the supper tray.· Early on the following Thursday morning, she grabbed the pale pink copy of the Financial Times from her breakfast tray.· He eased himself up on the pillow and examined the breakfast tray.· He was considering the toast on the breakfast tray Brother Edward had just brought into his room.· She was still struggling with the short introduction when her husband entered, bearing a breakfast tray.· Just a little critical - a slight sniff when she came to collect the breakfast tray and found I was still in bed.· Somewhere in my head she is pushing aside her breakfast tray.
· All four Karena hotels offer traditional rooms with private facilities, television, telephone, radio and a hospitality tray.· All bedrooms are of a high standard offering private facilities, satellite colour television, in-house movies and hospitality tray.· The bedrooms all have facilities, T.V. with in-house films, telephone, mini bar and hospitality tray.· The rooms are bright and comfortable with full central heating, T.V. and hospitality tray.
· The secret in such cases is to increase the rate of emptying and cleaning the litter tray.· A final factor has to do with the position of the litter tray.· Cats hate to defecate where they eat and some people place the litter tray too near the animal's food dish.· So if a litter tray is in too public a place, this too may drive them elsewhere.· When you first introduce the litter tray, place the puppy here if you suspect that it is likely to use it.· The cats shared their room with an overflowing litter tray.· You can use a large plastic cat litter tray as a dirt-box.· This means leaving faeces in a prominent place, rather than covering them up in the litter tray.
· Because polyanthus are more difficult to germinate, start them off in seed trays or pots in a greenhouse or cold frame.· Use a small split cane the width of the seed tray to make a series of depressions in the levelled compost.
· The new range of Access shower trays from Nordic neatly solves all these problems.· He swayed as he stepped clear of the shower tray.
· I hoped that my relief wasn't too visible when Jill chose that moment to enter with the tea tray.· But the sound of those guns makes regular meals impossible.... Tea trays pervade the corridors, going everywhere.· He acquired a new dignity when he brought in the five o'clock tea tray.· The lowest tier on the tea tray holds four glass containers of jams and custard and the promise of scones to come.· Mrs Wilson was particularly glad that the maid, Elsie, chose this moment to arrive with the tea tray.· The tea tray landed on the piano bench, and I set the empty Brown Betty pot teetering on the piano keys.· Madge, bring in the tea tray and try not to spill it.
· She scooped up coffee-pot, bread-basket, jam-pots, Camembert, on to the tin tray, and made for the door.· Pots and tin trays were clanging over the whirr of dishwashers; the tables smelled sweet and oily.· Punters throw coins, trying to score a hit in the tin trays.· Stone was carrying two steaming mugs on a round tin tray.· She had promptly dropped her tin tray and her shrill shrieks began to split the crisp winter air.· An electric kettle, plugged into the wall, steamed on a tin tray, surrounded by waiting cups.
· There was a tap at the door and a Chicano woman with her hair in a braid appeared with a tray.
· Drain well and place on a baking tray.· A useful tip is to make sure that no more than two brandy snaps are baked on each tray.
· Another girl followed her, bearing a tray of coffee.· There were chests of cypress and cedar, small tables bearing trays, silver cups, pewter tankards and flagons.· From nowhere another dark man appeared, bearing a tray, a jug of Campari and soda, a tall iced glass.· She was still struggling with the short introduction when her husband entered, bearing a breakfast tray.· At this point a servant appeared bearing a rough tray on which were set three horn beakers.· She was pleased when the door opened and a maid entered the room bearing a silver tray.· One balanced a beaker of steaming coffee on a nearby terminal before moving on bearing a full tray.· He bore a tray with a pint mug of steaming coffee and two thick slices of bread and honey.
· Certainly Dotty was less effusive in her thanks when Stella brought her up a tray of tea in the interval.· Along with the food, they bring in a tray of beer in bottles.· Then you can bring the tray in.· Charpois would be brought, trays of water glasses, sometimes tea.· Some exhibitors will bring a tray containing about forty berries which have to be classified by colour and weighed.· I would go to the serving tables and bring both trays to the table.· Rout out Annunziata, would you, Comfort, and get her to bring up a tray of breakfast.· Some of the Acutes bring trays to the Wheelers.
· At the sight of her entering the room again carrying a tray, he jumped up and took it from her.· Pulled so close to shore you could see the plush red cabin and the waiters carrying trays of drinks and food.· Li Yuan turned from the cabinet, carrying a tray of drinks.· Instead, park officials announced Friday, the pirates will run after women who carry trays of food.· I carried in tray after tray of Whiskas to the Gairloch store.· They carry large trays, which they fill with the mushrooms they pick.· I carried a tray across and set it down on the table in the window.· Behind her walked Jeeves, straight as a broom, clad in white tie and tails and carrying a silver tray.
· Emily was sitting on the edge of the bed in one of his shirts, holding a tray.· In one corner was a strange life-size wooden cut-out of a black boy holding a tray.· It turned out to be Pion, holding a tray of what had to be ... fruit, Masklin decided.
· Still whistling, Buzz laid the tray.· He laid a tray and took his supper into the study to watch the news.
· He picked up the tray of tea things and took them to the kitchen where he glanced at the clock.· My husband picks up our trays and throws them into the garbage before I can stop him.· They carry large trays, which they fill with the mushrooms they pick.
· Samples are placed on a glass tray supported on an X-Y bearing carriage.· She placed the tray on the floor and sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at her sleeping husband.· Her big-boned body felt clumsy and she placed the tray on the coffee table with a loud clatter.· You may prefer to ask an older person to do this for you. 8 Place the baking tray into the oven.· Cats hate to defecate where they eat and some people place the litter tray too near the animal's food dish.· All the circuits were placed in two trays of 24 modules.· Galvone hurried to place a crystal ash tray on a small table beside him.· You can grow seeds in the spaces between the plants. Place the tray on a table near the window.
· There was a brief exchange of hoots, and the clothed human put down the tray and went out again.· He returned after a few minutes and put the tray on a low table by his chair.· A huge hand reached down and put a little tray on the packed earth under the floor.· She took out her warmed mince pies and put them on a tray.· She put it on a tray with the cups and saucers, sugar, milk.· She put the tray on a low table and left them together.· Then use anything - mugs - egg-cups - put them on a tray to catch the drips.
· At that moment, Veronica returned, setting a tray on a small table which she moved in front of the fire.· By the time Edward returned with a tray of beer-cans the fire was blazing with famished enthusiasm.
· With a metal spatula or the wooden peel, slip the pizza off the stone on to a serving tray.· Waiters offer a selection of waters to drink, served on a silver tray, but only the tap is free.
· He set the tray down gently by the bedside, and picked up what was left of the mummy.· Thereupon a cackling, toothless old maidservant set aside the tray she was carrying and hobbled across to confront him.· The kettle boiled and he filled the teapot, set it on the tray and carried it through to the sitting-room.· She stooped, setting the tray down, and Claudine put a hand around her narrow waist, detaining her.· He would be setting her tray, looking for knives and forks, salt and pepper, plates to heat.· At that moment, Veronica returned, setting a tray on a small table which she moved in front of the fire.· Dinah's petite figure bustled into the room and set the tray down on a low table.
· By the side of a registration book stood a tray on which rested a bottle of Scotch and four small glasses.· Alternatively, you can stand the trays in shallow water until the compost surface appears moist.· She was standing with a tray of cool drinks.· As an additional precaution, you should stand the tray on newspaper.
· When Rosa had taken the tray Luce picked up the crutch and practised hobbling round the bedroom.· I will also relieve you, Robert, at eight-thirty, when you take Mr Glastonbury's tray upstairs to his bedroom.· He went to the refrigerator, took out a tray of ice cubes, built himself a vodka tonic.· Usually I go and take the tray.· She heard Stephen order Sally to take a tray upstairs to Mrs Winters and she said nothing.· Jehan took the tray of cakes out of her hands, and then he grinned ferociously at her so that she backed hastily away.· She took her tray to the pay desk, opened her bag and felt for her purse.
  • Abolishing your pending tray will transform your handling of paper.
  • At least avoid the pending tray syndrome.
  • But sometimes the pending tray becomes overloaded.
1tray (1)a flat piece of plastic, metal, or wood, with raised edges, used for carrying things such as plates, food etc:  The waiter brought drinks on a tray.2a flat open container with three sides used for holding papers, documents etc on a deskin tray (=for holding documents you still have to deal with)out tray (=for holding documents you have dealt with)3especially British English a flat open container with four sides used for holding certain things:  a cat litter trayseed tray (=a tray in which you plant seeds) baking tray, system tray




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