1200-1300Old Frenchtravaillier ‘to torture, work very hard’, from Vulgar Latintripaliare ‘to torture’, from tripalium ‘instrument of torture’, from Latintri- ‘three’ + palus ‘sharp stick’
In the middle of this elephantine travail, there came a knock on the door.
Kitchen travail was for reward; now you get gratification without labour.
Let us be clear about the causes of our present economic travail and where the blame lies.
Many have already departed by the way of this terrible illness, no doubt others will follow before our present travail is over.
No longer could she take any pleasure in the act; almost she had come to hate the interminable travail.
Why does this inspirational man demand so much travail from his damaged body?
(also travails [plural]) a difficult or unpleasant situation, or very tiring worktravail of the travails of last year’s water shortage