

单词 equitable
equitableeq‧uit‧a‧ble /ˈekwətəbəl/ ●○○ adjective formal Examples
  • We need a more equitable tax system.
  • Administrators can require student groups to obey a variety of reasonable regulations governing the equitable and responsible use of school facilities.
  • Competition that is structured carefully, however, can produce more equitable results than service delivery by a public monopoly.
  • It must be said that as a matter of civil law the existence of an equitable proprietary interest is doubtful.
  • Nor, today, is the bundle of rights making up the share regarded as equitable only.
  • The equitable distribution of donated livers should be based on the most practical widespread benefit.
  • The award will be the amount that the tribunal considers just and equitable in all the circumstances.
  • The trustee has a legal interest in the property; the beneficiaries have an equitable interest.
  • Therefore, this is an equitable assignment which can not be impeached.
treating people equally or in the way that is right: · It’s not fair that she gets paid more than me.· Everyone has the right to a fair trial.
formal morally right and fair: · a just punishment· a just cause· a just society· Do you think it was a just war?
fair and sensible according to most people’s standards: · a reasonable request· Lateness, without a reasonable excuse, will not be tolerated.
giving fair and equal treatment to all sides of an argument or subject: · Balanced reporting of the news is essential.
giving fair and equal treatment to everyone, especially when it would be easy to favour one particular group: · The drama takes an even-handed look at the consequences of violent crime, both on attackers and their victims.· The film is even-handed and does not try to make you support either side.
formal giving equal treatment to everyone involved: · We need an equitable solution to this problem.· a more equitable distribution of wealth
· Mr. Scott Each annual allocation of funds to district budgets has been designed to redistribute resources in a progressively more equitable way.· Calls for a more equitable distribution are interpreted as opposition and silenced with the gun.· Weighted capitation is expected to be a more equitable system of distribution, taking account of the young and the elderly.· Perhaps you and your co-workers can appeal to your employer for something that is more equitable.· Our selection procedure still exists, but I want to see it changed to one which is more equitable.· Competition that is structured carefully, however, can produce more equitable results than service delivery by a public monopoly.· In each case two ingredients lead to more equitable educational experiences.
· Therefore, this is an equitable assignment which can not be impeached.· It left the old equitable assignment untouched, and it may be used still.
· Programs which compensate farmers with new land on an equitable basis, with credit and technical support, must also be considered.
· Msika has been promoted to vice-president, equitable distribution has not been achieved, and the nation is shuddering with the consequences.· Calls for a more equitable distribution are interpreted as opposition and silenced with the gun.· The equitable distribution of donated livers should be based on the most practical widespread benefit.
· The trustee has a legal interest in the property; the beneficiaries have an equitable interest.· Other methods can be used if it is desired to give him only an equitable interest in the land.· However, the change in the equitable interests must be evidenced.· The others exist only as equitable interests.· The victim has only an equitable interest, and the accused is not guilty of theft of the shares.· The beneficiaries will acquire an equitable interest and, therefore, an equitable lease. 2.· The court held that, even if there was a constructive trust, such did not create an equitable interest in the brewery.· Till 1926 we had not invented a way of mortgaging property without creating equitable interests.
· The Court of Chancery grew and developed equitable principles and maxims.· Before considering them, however, it is convenient to try and identify the equitable principles that the earlier cases had established.
treating all people in a fair and equal way OPP  inequitable:  an equitable distribution of food supplies see thesaurus at fairequitably adverb:  The work should be shared more equitably.




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