

单词 Epsom salts
Epsom saltsEp‧som salts /ˌepsəm ˈsɔːlts $ -ˈsɒːlts/ noun [plural] Word Origin
WORD ORIGINEpsom salts
1700-1800 Epsom, town in southern England with a supply of water in which the substance was found
  • Crystals Fill two jam jars with water and stir five tablespoons of Epsom Salts into each jar.
  • For aches in limbs she would hand them Epsom salts.
  • Most, however, consisted of simple washing soda, Epsom salts, or other innocuous ingredients.
  • The first thing we discovered was that we could get high strength from almost anything from Epsom salts to sapphire.
  • Zebedee had been pumped with Epsom Salts laxative to make sure he performed somewhere.
word sets
anabolic steroid, nounanaesthetic, nounantacid, nounantibiotic, nounantidepressant, nounantidote, nounantihistamine, nounanti-inflammatory, adjectiveantitoxin, nounaspirin, nounbalm, nounbalsam, nounbandage, nounbandage, verbBand-Aid, nounbarbiturate, nounbatch, nounBCG, nounbelladonna, nounbeta-blocker, nounbismuth, nounbooster, nouncaffeine, nouncapsule, nouncastor oil, nounchemotherapy, nounclinical, adjectivecodeine, nouncondom, nouncortisone, nouncough mixture, noundepressant, noundisinfect, verbdisinfectant, noundispensary, noundispense, verbdispensing chemist, noundiuretic, noundosage, noundose, noundose, verbdraught, noundrip, noundrug, noundrug, verbdruggist, noundrugstore, nounear drops, nounemetic, nounemollient, adjectiveEpsom salts, nouneucalyptus, nounexpectorant, nounfluoridate, verbfluoride, nounfolic acid, noungripe water, nounhallucinogen, nounhemlock, nounherbal, adjectiveherbal medicine, nounhypnotic, nounimmunize, verbinfusion, nouninhalant, nouninhaler, nouninject, verbinjection, nouninoculate, verbintravenous, adjectiveiodine, nounlaxative, nounlotion, nounlozenge, nounmagnesia, nounmedicament, nounmedicated, adjectivemedication, nounmedicinal, adjectivemedicine, nounmelatonin, nounmethadone, nounmilk of magnesia, nounmorning-after pill, nounmorphia, nounmorphine, nounnarcotic, nounnarcotic, adjectiveneedle, nounniacin, nounnicotine patch, nounobstetrician, nounointment, nounopiate, nounopium, nounoral contraceptive, nounoverdose, nounover-the-counter, adjectivepack, nounpainkiller, nounparacetamol, nounpastille, nounpatch, nounpatent medicine, nounpenicillin, nounpharmaceutical, adjectivepharmaceuticals, nounpharmacist, nounpharmacology, nounpharmacopoeia, nounpharmacy, nounplacebo, nounprescribe, verbprescription, nounpurgative, nounquinine, nounRDA, nounreaction, nounremedy, nounrubbing alcohol, nounsalve, nounsedation, nounsedative, nounsenna, nounserum, nounside effect, nounsleeping pill, nounspecific, nounsteroid, nounstimulant, nounstrychnine, nounsuppository, nounsurgical spirit, nounsyringe, nountablet, nountake, verbThalidomide, nountherapist, nountincture, nountonic, nountranquillizer, nountruth drug, nounvaccinate, verbvaccine, nounValium, nounVaseline, nounwitch-hazel, noun
a white powder that can be mixed with water and used as a medicine




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