

单词 energizing
energizeen‧er‧gize (also energise British English) /ˈenədʒaɪz $ -ər-/ verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyenergize
he, she, itenergizes
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyenergized
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave energized
he, she, ithas energized
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad energized
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill energize
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have energized
Continuous Form
PresentIam energizing
he, she, itis energizing
you, we, theyare energizing
PastI, he, she, itwas energizing
you, we, theywere energizing
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been energizing
he, she, ithas been energizing
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been energizing
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be energizing
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been energizing
  • The cars' electric motors are energized by solar cells.
  • Woods said the women's movement has not been so energized since the mid-1970s.
  • But now, with the national economy leaner and personal budgets tighter, an energized public is demanding more accountability.
  • But who is going to get energized with sentences like these?
  • Constructive conflict energizes relationships; they might wither and die if we were ever able to eliminate conflict.
  • Days with Loulse were the energized parts of his life.
  • Everyone who makes a successful move from employee to entrepreneur has those liberating moments they remember as transforming, energizing experiences.
  • Finally, politics generates conflict, which in turn energizes individuals in organizations.
  • Love may or may not produce happiness; whether or not it does in the end, its primary effect is to energize.
  • The accumulator vanes within the hood energize the conductors and insulators of the capacitor to power this incandescent discharge.
word sets
AC, accessory, nounadapter, nounadhesive, nounaerate, verbaerosol, nounair conditioning, nounair lock, nounairtight, adjectivealarm, nounandroid, nounantenna, nounarm, nounattachment, nounaxle, nounbaffle, nounball bearing, nounballcock, nounbarrel, nounbearing, nounbelt, nounbenzine, nounbinder, nounbinoculars, nounblock and tackle, nounblower, nounboarding, nounbolt, nounbrad, nounbrake fluid, nounbrush, nounbucket, nounbuffer, nounbulb, nounBulldog clip, nounbutton, nounbuzzer, nouncable, nouncalibre, nouncam, nouncan, nouncar, nouncarriage, nouncartridge, nouncasing, nouncaster, nouncatalytic converter, nouncentrifuge, nounchannel, nounchicken wire, nounchute, nouncladding, nounclamp, nouncleat, nouncog, nouncogwheel, nouncombination lock, nouncompartment, nouncompressor, nounconcave, adjectiveconcavity, nounconfiguration, nouncontrol, nouncord, nouncounter, nouncrank, nouncutout, nouncyborg, nouncycle, noundamper, noundetector, noundevelop, verbdevice, noundial, noundie, verbdigital, adjectivedispenser, noundissipation, noundistill, verbdrum, nounduct, noundurable goods, noundynamite, noundynamite, verbenergize, verbengage, verbexhaust, nounextractor, nounfacility, nounfail-safe, adjectivefaucet, nounfeed, nounfiberglass, nounfibreglass, nounfield test, nounfilament, nounfilter, nounfirst generation, nounfitting, nounflange, nounflare, nounflex, nounfloodlight, nounfluid, nounfluoridate, verbflush, verbflywheel, nounfoam, verbframe, nounframework, nounfunnel, noungabardine, noungasket, noungas turbine, noungear, noungel, verbgelatinous, adjectivegelignite, noungenetic fingerprinting, nounglaze, verbglue, noungoggles, noungrab, noungrease, noungrease, verbgrid, noungrind, verbgrindstone, noungrommet, noungum, noungun, nounhand-held, adjectivehandle, nounhandloom, nounhandmade, adjectivehandsfree, adjectivehardware, nounharness, nounhasp, nounheavy-duty, adjectiveheavy metal, nounhessian, nounhigh-definition, adjectivehigh-powered, adjectivehinge, nounhooter, nounhousing, nounhub, nounhumidifier, nounincinerate, verbincinerator, nounindustrial arts, nounIndustrial Revolution, the, nouninlay, nouninlet, nouninoperative, adjectiveinsecticide, nouninset, verbinstall, verbinstallation, nouninstrumentation, nouninsulate, verbintake, nouninternal combustion engine, nouninverse, adjectiveionizer, nouniron, nouniron, verbjack, nounjib, nounkey, nounkeyboard, verbkey card, nounkeypad, nounkeystroke, nounkingpin, nounlaser, nounLCD, nounlead, nounlens, nounlever, nounlie detector, nounlift, nounlight bulb, nounlinseed oil, nounlistening device, nounlocomotion, nounloop, verbLuddite, nounmachine, verbmachine-made, adjectivemagnet, nounmagnetic, adjectivemagnifying glass, nounmantle, nounmanual, adjectivemap, verbmarker, nounmastic, nounmaterial, nounmechanism, nounmedium, nounmembrane, nounmesh, verbmetal detector, nounmethanol, nounmeths, nounmethyl alcohol, nounmica, nounmicro-, prefixmicroscope, nounmicroscopic, adjectivemode, nounmortise lock, nounmounting, nounmovement, nounnail, nounnail, verbnet, nounnib, nounnipple, nounnitroglycerine, nounnozzle, nounnut, nounoil, verboilcan, nounoperable, adjectiveoperate, verboperation, nounoperational research, nounoperator, nounoutlet, nounoxidize, verboxygen mask, nounozone-friendly, adjectivepad, nounpadlock, nounpaper, nounpart, nounpaving, nounPhotostat, nounpinion, nounpipe, nounpipette, nounpocket calculator, nounpointer, nounpolygraph, nounportico, nounpropellant, nounpump-action, adjectiverack, nounreel, nounrefrigerate, verbrelease, verbrelease, nounremote control, nounreservoir, nounresolution, nounrespirator, nounrobot, nounrobotics, nounsafe, nounsealant, nounsealer, nounsearchlight, nounsensitize, verbsetting, nounshovel, nounshovel, verbsiphon, nounsiren, nounskeleton key, nounslat, nounslide, nounsling, nounsmoke alarm, nounsonic, adjectivesoot, nounspare part, nounspigot, nounspool, nounspout, nounspray, nounspray can, nounspring, nounsprocket, nounstaple, nounsteel wool, nounsucker, nounsuction, nounSuperglue, nounswivel, nountab, nountackle, nountank, nountape, nountaper, nountechnological, adjectivetechnologist, nountechnophobe, nountelescopic, adjectivetesting ground, nountest tube, nounthinner, nounthread, nountoken, nountreadle, nountrestle, nountrestle table, nountube, nountubing, nountubular, adjectivetwo-edged, adjectivetypewriter, noununscrew, verbuntreated, adjectivevacuum-packed, adjectivevent, nounvial, nounwasher, nounwater softener, nounwaterspout, nounwheeled, adjectivewing nut, nounwooden, adjectivework-surface, nounzapper, noun
Word family
WORD FAMILYadjectiveenergeticenergizingnounenergyverbenergizeadverbenergetically
1to make someone feel more determined and energetic:  The charity hopes the campaign will energise its volunteers.2technical to make a machine workGRAMMAR Energize is usually passive in this meaning.energizing adjective




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