

单词 tramp
tramp1 nountramp2 verb
tramptramp1 /træmp/ noun [countable] Examples
  • An old tramp was sleeping under Waterloo Bridge, his coat wrapped tight to keep out the cold.
  • But what he wasn't capable of was killing that tramp.
  • I kept falling asleep at the wrong time like an old tramp.
  • Now, their own story-teller had shown that they were no mere bunch of tramps.
  • The old tramp has served his purpose, but beyond this point it would not be wise to go.
  • This tramp had money, real money and good furniture to show for her labours.
  • Zali sloped along like an old tramp.
Longman Language Activatorpeople who have no home to live in
· We distribute food and blankets to the homeless on the streets of London.· There aren't enough places in short-stay hostels, so the homeless are reduced to sleeping in cardboard boxes.
American someone who has no home or regular work: · Empty houses attract drug users and transients.· Farther along the street was a transient who was carrying his belongings in a plastic bag.
American informal a person, usually a man, who has no home or regular job and asks people for money on the streets: · A couple of bums were passing a bottle in a doorway.
informal a woman with no home or job who carries all her possessions around with her in a bag: · A bag lady with a shopping cart was picking through the garbage for aluminum cans.
someone, especially a man, who has no home or job , and who often asks people for money to live: · An old tramp was sleeping under Waterloo Bridge, his coat wrapped tight to keep out the cold.
especially written someone who has no home or regular work, and goes from place to place - used especially in legal or official contexts: · Our charity provides shelter, meals, and clothing for vagrants.· The number of vagrants is increasing because of the lack of affordable accommodation for rent in the capital.
abdicate, verbaffirmative action, nounage discrimination, nounageism, nounalienation, nounalmshouse, nounbackground, nounbeatnik, nounbeggar, nounbetterment, nounbirthrate, nounbohemian, adjectivebondage, nouncarer, nouncaretaker, nouncase work, nouncaste, nouncity planning, nouncommoner, nounconditioning, nounconsumer society, nounculture, noundisease, noundosser, noundoss house, noundown-and-out, noundownwardly mobile, adjectiveeuthanasia, nounformative, adjectivegenteel, adjectivegentlefolk, noungentleman, noungentlewoman, noungentry, noungeriatric, adjectivegerontology, noungrey, adjectivehermit, nounhierarchy, nounhippie, nounHonourable, adjectiveindependence, nounindustrialism, nouninequality, nouninfrastructure, nouninner city, nouninstitution, nouninstitutionalize, verbintegrate, verbliteracy, nounlower class, nounlow life, nounmatrix, nounmeritocracy, nounmobile, adjectivemores, nounmortality, nounNew Age traveller, nounorder, nounoutreach, nounpatriarchy, nounpecking order, nounpeer pressure, nounpetty bourgeois, adjectiveplebeian, nounpolitics, nounprogress, nounrank, nounreaction, nounrear, verbreceive, verbredneck, nounrevolution, nounsecularism, nounservice, nounsexual, adjectivesister, nounslave, nounslavery, nounsnowbird, nounsocial, adjectivesocial, nounsocialization, nounsocial science, nounsocial studies, nounsocial work, nounsocial worker, nounsociety, nounsocio-, prefixsocioeconomic, adjectivesoup kitchen, nounstratified, adjectivestratum, nounstreet people, nounsubgroup, nounsuburbanite, nounsuburbia, nounsupport group, nountownie, nountown meeting, nountown planning, nountownspeople, nountramp, noununattached, adjectiveuncle, noununconventional, adjectiveunderclass, nounupwardly mobile, adjectivewhite-collar, adjectiveworking class, noun
· I kept falling asleep at the wrong time like an old tramp.· The old tramp has served his purpose, but beyond this point it would not be wise to go.· In front of them, leaning against the stump of a tree, was an old, unshaven tramp.· Zali sloped along like an old tramp.· He remembered an old tramp he used to watch down by the tube station near where he lived.
· But even with this restricted view, he didn't really look like a tramp.· I think they look like tramps or else like footballers.
  • She glanced through the open gateway, her attention caught by the tramp of boots.
1someone who has no home or job and moves from place to place, often asking for food or money2a long or difficult walk:  a long tramp through the snow3especially American English old-fashioned a woman who has too many sexual partners – used to show disapproval4the tramp of feet/boots the sound of heavy walking:  the steady tramp of soldiers’ feet
tramp1 nountramp2 verb
tramptramp2 verb [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive] Word Origin
1300-1400 Middle Low German trampen ‘to stamp’
Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theytramp
he, she, ittramps
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theytramped
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave tramped
he, she, ithas tramped
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad tramped
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill tramp
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have tramped
Continuous Form
PresentIam tramping
he, she, itis tramping
you, we, theyare tramping
PastI, he, she, itwas tramping
you, we, theywere tramping
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been tramping
he, she, ithas been tramping
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been tramping
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be tramping
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been tramping
  • Dozens, hundreds, of silhouettes tramp down the road in silence.
  • Hubert wanted to tramp across as many mountains as possible, and he assumed that Barbara wanted to do the same.
  • In that time some twenty thousand people would tramp round the marked routes or roost in one of the twenty grandstands.
  • More folk tramp along the sandy track with their paraphernalia.
  • Their feet made loud sucking noises as they tramped over to the burn.
  • Throughout Orwell's Wigan Pier you have a strong sense of him tramping around on foot.
  • We tramped on in the darkness.
  • You can also tramp the Earthquake Trail, which tracks evidence of geologic activity.
· Throughout Orwell's Wigan Pier you have a strong sense of him tramping around on foot.
to walk somewhere slowly and with heavy steps:  He tramped the streets looking for work.tramp through/across/around etc The walk involved tramping through mud.




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