

单词 totalitarianism
totalitarianto‧tal‧i‧tar‧i‧an /təʊˌtæləˈteəriən $ toʊˌtæləˈter-/ adjective Word Origin
WORD ORIGINtotalitarian
1900-2000 total + -itarian (as in authoritarian)
  • a totalitarian government
  • A totalitarian state must maintain complete control of the press.
  • The country held its first elections after 40 years of totalitarian rule.
  • The minister called the secret police ``a product and a tool of the old totalitarian regime''.
  • All organizations are subordinated to the totalitarian state.
  • Not the least power of a totalitarian state is the power to bore the people out of their right minds.
  • Politicians get away with this sort of behaviour only in totalitarian states.
  • Religious fanaticism, like any totalitarian system, has its violent side.
  • The totalitarian political system demands complete obedience to its extensive rules regarding culture, economics, religion, and morality.
  • The ideological points are still there but it's hard to believe that totalitarian regimentation could be so tight.
  • The legislation can be seen as a by-product of these regimes attempts to create a mass, totalitarian basis of support.
THESAURUSan undemocratic government
[countable, uncountable] a political system or country that has a dictator (=a leader who has complete power and who has not been elected): · Argentina was a military dictatorship until 1983.· Hungary’s years of dictatorship
adjective [only before noun] used for describing countries in which ordinary people have no power and the government has complete control over everything: · totalitarian states such as Nazi Germany· a totalitarian dictatorship
[countable] a country where the government strictly controls people’s freedom, for example to travel or to talk about politics: · It’s like living in a police state.
Longman Language Activatora government that controls people's lives too much
a government in which one person or group has total power and uses it unfairly and cruelly: · In 1971, the country's 10 year military dictatorship came to an end.· Ethiopia's dictatorship was toppled by Eritrean and Ethiopian rebels.· How do we explain the rise in European dictatorship in the 1930s?
a country where the police and other people who work for the government have too much power and control people's lives too much: · The country is a police state and the media is controlled by the government.· "Do you want a free society or a police state?" Stark asked the crowd of about 2,000 people.· The Home Secretary denied that the introduction of identity cards would lead to a police state.
a government run by a small group of army officers who have not been elected but have taken power by force: · All the opponents of the junta have been murdered or imprisoned.military junta: · The country was ruled by a military junta from 1974 until 1982.
written a situation in which a government, especially an illegal one, rules unfairly and cruelly: · Any political system that refuses to allow people to protest becomes a tyranny.· the extraordinary struggle against tyranny in South Africa
a totalitarian country or system of government is one in which the government controls every part of people's lives and there is no freedom: · A totalitarian state must maintain complete control of the press.· The country held its first elections after 40 years of totalitarian rule.· The minister called the secret police `a product and a tool of the old totalitarian regime'.
an oppressive government treats people in a cruel way, using military force to prevent any opposition: · the oppressive rule of Ceaucescu in Romania· A poor, uneducated people does not have the willpower or knowledge to challenge an oppressive government.
absolutism, nounadministration, nounagency, nounagent, nounagent provocateur, nounalderman, nounally, nounassembly, nounautarchy, nounautocracy, nounautocrat, nounautonomous, adjectiveautonomy, nounban, nounbaron, nounbig government, nounbilateral, adjectivebody politic, nounbudget, nounbureau, nounbureaucracy, nouncabinet, nouncaliphate, nouncanton, nouncanvass, verbcapital, nouncapitalist, nounCapitol Hill, nounCBE, nouncede, verbcentral, adjectivecentral government, nouncentralism, nouncentralize, verbchancellery, nounchancery, nouncharter, nouncharter, verbchief, nounCIA, the, city hall, nouncity-state, nounclient state, nounCo., coalition, nouncold war, nouncolonial, adjectivecolonial, nouncolonialism, nouncolonize, verbcolony, nouncommissioner, nouncommune, nounconsort, nounconstitution, nounconstitutional, adjectiveconstitutionality, nounconvention, nouncoronation, nouncount, nouncounterintelligence, nouncountess, nouncounty, nouncounty council, noundecolonize, verbdemocracy, noundemocratic, adjectivedependency, noundespotism, noundétente, noundethrone, verbdevolution, noundictatorial, adjectivedictatorship, noundiplomacy, noundiplomatic immunity, noundirective, noundisinformation, noundispatch, noundispensation, noundissent, verbdistrict council, noundocumentation, nounDOD, dominion, nounDowning Street, noundynasty, nounearl, nounearldom, nounempire, nounEuro, adjectiveEurope, nounexecutive, nounexecutive privilege, nounfall, verbfall, nounfederalism, nounfeudal, adjectivefeudalism, nounfeudalistic, adjectivegazette, nounhead of state, nounhigh commission, nounimperial, adjectiveindependence, nounindependent, adjectiveinfrastructure, nouninstigate, verbinsurgent, nouninsurrection, nounintelligence, nouninternal, adjectivejunket, nounjunta, nounkingdom, nounkingship, nounkitchen cabinet, nounland office, nounland registry, nounlegation, nounlegislature, nounlicensed, adjectivelocal authority, nounlocal government, nounmaharajah, nounmaharani, nounmandate, nounmandated, adjectivemartial law, nounMBE, nounmeasure, nounmidterm, nounministry, nounminority government, nounmisrule, nounmonarchy, nounmonolith, nounmonolithic, adjectivemoratorium, nounmouthpiece, nounmove, verbmover, nounmunicipal, adjectivemunicipality, nounNASA, nounnational, adjectivenational debt, nounNational Health Service, the, nationalize, verbnational monument, nounnation state, nounNATO, nounneocolonialism, nounneutral, adjectiveneutral, nounneutralize, verbnon-aligned, adjectivenon-intervention, nounnon-proliferation, noun-ocracy, suffix-ocrat, suffixofficiate, verboligarchy, nounoperational, adjectiveoperative, nounoverthrow, verboverthrow, nounoverturn, verbpacify, verbpact, nounpalatinate, nounpardon, nounparish, nounpartition, nounpass, verbpeer, nounpeer, verbpeerage, nounpeeress, nounpermit, nounplenary, adjectiveplutocracy, nounpolice state, nounpolitburo, nounpolitical science, nounpolity, nounpork, nounpork barrel, nounportfolio, nounpossession, nounprecinct, nounprefecture, nounpremiership, nounpresidium, nounprotectorate, nounpublic, adjectivepublic service, nounquota, nounR, ratify, verbrealm, nounrecall, nounrecognition, nounrecognize, verbregency, nounregent, nounregime, nounregister, nounregulation, nounrelease, nounrepeal, verbrepresentative, nounrepressive, adjectiverepublic, nounrepublican, adjectiverescind, verbreunify, verbrevoke, verbrising, nounroyalist, nounruling, adjectivesanction, nounseat, nounsecret agent, nounsecurity service, nounself-governing, adjectiveself-rule, nounsheikh, nounshire, nounsocial democracy, nounsocialist, adjectivesocial service, nounsovereign, adjectivesovereignty, nounspin doctor, nounstaff, nounstate, nounstatehood, nounStatehouse, nounstate line, nounstate of emergency, nounstatewide, adjectivesubject, adjectivesubject, verbsultanate, nounsummit, nounsuperpower, nounsuppress, verbsupranational, adjectivesurgery, nounsuzerainty, nountechnocracy, nounterritory, nounthrone, nountopple, verbtotalitarian, adjectivetown planning, nountownship, nountransit visa, nountreaty, nountribalism, nountripartite, adjectivetrusteeship, nountsarism, nountyrant, nountzarism, noununconstitutional, adjectiveunification, noununify, verbunilateral, adjectiveunion, nounUnion Jack, nounvassal, nounVIP, nounviscount, nounviscountess, nounwelfare state, nounWhitehall, noun
(=in which people are totally controlled by a government that is not elected)· Totalitarian regimes ban books they disapprove of.
(=where there is no democracy)· Politicians get away with this sort of behaviour only in totalitarian states.
· It is for this reason that totalitarian governments, and even quasi-totalitarian governments, employ censorship.
· In this sense, most authoritarian or totalitarian regimes are nonconstitutional.· We have had the collapse of the totalitarian regimes.· In a totalitarian regime, the definition of res publica becomes total.· The classic study of the forces underlying totalitarian regimes.· A case study of political transition in one of the major totalitarian regimes.
· Like everybody from factory workers to opera stars, writers were supposed to serve the totalitarian state and its purposes.· All organizations are subordinated to the totalitarian state.· Not the least power of a totalitarian state is the power to bore the people out of their right minds.· In the totalitarian state however, agriculture does not have quite the same result.· In the end a totalitarian state says that everything which exists belongs to it.· Politicians get away with this sort of behaviour only in totalitarian states.· The hierarchy feared the move as the thin end of the wedge of secularism and the totalitarian state.
· Chapter 8 suggested that more than half the contemporary countries are authoritarian or totalitarian systems.· Religious fanaticism, like any totalitarian system, has its violent side.
based on a political system in which ordinary people have no power and are completely controlled by the governmenta totalitarian state/regime see thesaurus at governmenttotalitarianism noun [uncountable]




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