

单词 dry cell
dry cellˈdry ˌcell noun [countable] word sets
A, AC, alternating current, nounamp, nounanode, nounarmature, nounbattery, nounblackout, nounblow, verbboost, nounbrownout, nounbulb, nouncathode, nouncell, nouncharge, nouncircuit, nouncircuit breaker, nouncontact, nouncurrent, noundiode, noundirect current, noundischarge, verbdischarge, noundisconnect, verbdry battery, noundry cell, noundynamo, nounelectric shock, nounelectrify, verbelectrocute, verbelectromagnetic, adjectivefilament, nounfluorescent, adjectivefuse, nounfuse, verbfuze, noungalvanic, adjectivegalvanism, noungenerator, nounground, nounground, verbhydroelectric, adjectiveimpedance, nounimpulse, nounincandescent, adjectiveinduction, nouninduction coil, nouninductive, adjectiveinsulating tape, nouninsulator, nounintegrated circuit, nounkilowatt, nounkW, kWh, LED, nounlight-emitting diode, nounlive wire, nounload, nounmaster switch, nounmicrowave, nounnegative, adjectivenuclear reactor, nounohm, nounoscilloscope, nounoutput, nounovercharge, verboverload, verbphotoelectric cell, nounpoint, nounpower, nounpower, adjectivepower cut, nounpower line, nounpower plant, nounpower point, nounpower station, nounpylon, nounrecharge, verbresistor, nounrewire, verbsocket, nounspark, nounspark, verbwatt, nounwattage, noun
the type of cell used in a dry battery




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