

单词 topsoil
topsoiltop‧soil /ˈtɒpsɔɪl $ ˈtɑːp-/ noun [uncountable] Examples
  • Far over to side, dig some more topsoil, pile on top road, high, high.
  • How far from the roadbed would we have to go for our topsoil?
  • In any case, the continuation of the war was forcing the revolution to dig much deeper than the topsoil of reforms.
  • In some places the topsoil had been eroded and we had to zigzag up on loose scree.
  • In the bulldozed plots they were lowest of all, because the topsoil had been removed.
  • The rich and deep topsoil that lured the first settlers to Deerfield still nourishes the agricultural efforts of their descendants.
  • Where a lawn is involved, cut away the turf and loose topsoil.
  • Where glaciers have scraped it off or rain has eroded it, the topsoil is thin.
word sets
agglomerate, nounalabaster, nounanthracite, nounasbestos, nounatoll, nounbasalt, nounbasin, nounbauxite, nounbed, nounbedrock, nounberyl, nounbluff, nouncanyon, nouncape, nouncarboniferous, adjectivechalk, nounchalky, adjectivechasm, nounclay, nouncliff, nouncoal, nouncoastal, adjectivecoastline, nounconglomerate, nouncontinental drift, nouncontinental shelf, nouncore, nouncove, nouncrag, nouncrater, nouncreek, nounCretaceous, adjectivecrevasse, nouncrust, nouncrystal, nouncrystalline, adjectivecrystallize, verbdelta, noundeposit, noundeposition, noundune, noundust bowl, nounearthquake, nounelevation, nounemery, nounepicentre, nounepoch, nounera, nounerode, verberosion, nounerupt, verbescarpment, nounestuary, nounextinct, adjectivefault, nounfeeder, nounfeldspar, nounfiord, nounfjord, nounflint, nounflood plain, nounfluvial, adjectivefold, nounfool's gold, nounfossil, nounfossilize, verbfriable, adjectivegeology, noungeyser, nounglaciation, nounglacier, nounGondwanaland, granite, noungrassland, noungroundwater, noungulf, noungully, nounheadland, nounhinterland, nounhot spring, nounigneous, adjectiveimpervious, adjectiveinactive, adjectiveinlet, nounisthmus, nounjasper, nounjet, nounkaolin, nounknoll, nounlagoon, nounlake, nounlandlocked, adjectivelandslide, nounlandslip, nounlava, nounleach, verblevee, nounlime, nounlimestone, nounloam, nounlowlands, nounmagma, nounmarble, nounmarsh, nounmarshland, nounmatrix, nounmetamorphic, adjectivemica, nounmineral, nounmineralogy, nounmining, nounmoraine, nounmorass, nounmountain, nounmountainside, nounmountaintop, nounmudslide, nounnugget, nounoasis, nounoilfield, nounore, nounoutcrop, nounpalaeontology, nounPalaeozoic, adjectivePangaea, peninsula, nounpermafrost, nounpetroleum, nounpillar, nounpinnacle, nounplate, nounplate tectonics, nounporous, adjectivepothole, nounprairie, nounprecipice, nounpromontory, nounpumice, nounpyrites, nounquartz, nounravine, nounreservoir, nounridge, nounrift, nounrift valley, nounriver, nounrock, nounrock salt, nounsand, nounsand bar, nounsandstone, nounsapphire, nounscarp, nounschist, nounscree, nounseam, nounsediment, nounsedimentary, adjectivesedimentation, nounseismic, adjectiveseismograph, nounseismology, nounsettlement, nounshale, nounshelf, nounshingle, nounsilica, nounsilicate, nounsilt, nounslate, nounstalactite, nounstalagmite, nounstone, nounstrait, nounstrata, stratified, adjectivestratum, nounsubsoil, nounsubstratum, nounsummit, nounterrain, nounthermal, adjectivetopaz, nountopsoil, nountor, nountremor, nountributary, nountrilobite, nountsunami, nountundra, nounturquoise, nounvalley, nounvein, nounvolcanic, adjectivevolcano, nounwatercourse, nounwaterfall, nounwater table, noun
the upper level of soil in which most plants have their roots




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